ED Noor: In this interesting contribution from John
Kaminski he goes to bat for Brother Nathaniel Kapner and Joe Cortina, two
people whom I highly respect for their controversial and truthful work. I may
not agree with everything John writes, but I post his work because we are all
entitled to our various opinions about almost everything but for one ~ the
understanding of just who and what we are up against. There, unity is the only
"We don’t even have to be on the same page about everything, we all just have to stay focused on the Jew. Eventually the Jew will run out of people to turn to and places to hide." ~ Marshall R. Ellington
July 30, 2013
in our fear, we make judgments that are incorrect.
Sometimes, in our frustration, we lash out at the very people who are trying to help us, misperceiving their style, or the language they use, for their substance.
sometimes, when we realize the odds we're up against, we plummet into a
confusing state of cognitive dissonance, not knowing who to trust because the
information we have gathered is inconsistent, and just doesn't seem to add up.
Such a
situation has arisen in the recent revelation that Brother Nathanael Kapner,
one of the foremost critics on the Worldwide Web of everything Jewish, has a
curious history of posing as an orthodox monk and being kicked out of several
monasteries for his decidedly unorthodox behaviour.
discovered and published, these allegations raised the explosive ire of Joe
Cortina, a principled military veteran almost as well known as Kapner over the
years for his forthright opposition to the worldwide horror known as Jewish behaviour.
The links
casting Kapner as a fraud with mental problems were cobbled together by Lindsey
Tackett, a lesser known player on the same team as Kapner, Cortina and myself.
Tackett is perhaps best known for his audio recording of the complete Protocols
of Zion, which, at more than three hours long, very few have listened to.
A 2002
Boston Globe story cast Kapner as a cantankerous homeless man who became a
thorn in the side of a local synagogue.
Blogger John
Sanidopoulos described the Internet personality now known as Brother Nathanael
as having been kicked out of monasteries for disruptive behaviour, and having
been formally disowned by the head of the Orthodox church in America.
And an
Internet outfit called the Ripoff Report maintains that a person who once knew
Kapner said he was bipolar and had lost contact with his family.
However (and
this is a big however), when you look at Kapner's website it contains a
veritable cornucopia of stories that is one of the best repositories of
anti-Jewish material and insight on the entire web.
This is not
the output of a crazy man; it is the incredibly perceptive compilation of a man
who knows the insane practices of the Jews from the inside, and wretches at
their anti-human behaviour, from the killing of children and harvesting of their
organs to the sexual abuse of their own children and the forbidding of
informing law enforcement about the ritualized crimes they are committing.
This realization
leads to the precipice of cognitive dissonance. Is Brother Nathanael being
defamed to neutralize and de-legitimize his legitimate criticism of Judaic
insanity? Or is he the one who's insane, and all the Jews are really a bunch of
good guys being defamed by a malcontent?
Hundreds of
videos and stories, from "How Lieberman Stole Our Freedoms" to
"America is Run by Jews", attest to the authenticity of Kapner's
perceptions. That his outlandish priestly garb and often manic mannerisms, in
the minds of some, tend to undermine the validity of his message takes nothing
away from the insightful realism of his reports. What he says the Jews are
doing to the world is spot on.
Cortina. A former Green Beret who has witnessed the unexplainable (in human terms)
behaviour of Israelis in their continuing genocide of every Arab they can get
their bloody hands on, Cortina repels some (including sometimes me) with his
primitive Bible thumping, but at the end of the day, there is no person on this
Earth with a more fervent desire to see that these Jewish murderers get what
they deserve.
So when Joe
gets upset, I pay attention. Even as I can reject his brittle religiosity and
his belief in credulous fairy tales, there has never been any doubt in my mind
that we are on the same side when it comes to seeking justice for the oppressed
or punishing those who have enslaved us, if we can ever get out from under
their manipulative thumb.
Which leads us to the ever-present problem of trying to form a coherent alliance against the Jewish murder scheme being prevented from uniting by all these people who insist their own particular religious idiosyncrasies are more important to protect and promote than recognizing that the whole world needs to put aside all those minor points of theological folderol and unite against the major threat to the continuance of all natural life on this planet, which is Jewish perfidy.
This is not
happening. And if it doesn't happen, we're all doomed (we being all the non
Jews of the world), because it is the stated intention of the Jews to kill
everyone whom they cannot use as slaves.
are advised by their "infallible" leader that the Jews are their
"elder brothers" while the Jews in specious secrecy snicker that the
Son of God is hanging upside for eternity in a pit of excrement.
Muslims act
nice until they become the majority, and when they do, no white woman is safe,
and neither is any white civilization.
A majority of Muslims does not realize that their beloved Muslim Brotherhood is actually run by Jews in London.
Some brands
of Protestants genuflect to their homosexual ministers and preach the Jewish
concept of diversity while their towns disintegrate into a landfill of crack
dealers, rampant cops and empty factories. Other evangelical Protestants,
misled by the Jewish version of Christianity known as the Scofield bible,
attend massive rallies trumpeting the twisted idea that the nation of Israel is
more important than the divine personality on which their religion is
supposedly based.
Both Christians and Muslims fight each other's brothers to death over which version of their holy history is correct. In my opinion, that's just the way the Jews set the whole thing up wanted it, to keep brothers fighting each other so no one will notice who's stealing all the money.
So Brother
Nathanael garners all this attention for the wrong reason. So he had a hard
time most of his life, pointing out the flaws in hypocritical religions that
their organizers had no interest is correcting, before he finally found his
niche revealing the inside story of the most evil religion of all.
The writers
we should all being going after are the ones who pretend to be responsible and
respectable, but don't ever mention the real driving force behind all the
crimes that are later blamed on the governments that have been totally
infiltrated by the greatest evil force the world has ever known, the Jews.
writer Dick Eastman pointed out a great example of it the other day when he
dissected Jewish writer Steven Lendman's story about how China and Russia are
preparing for war with the United States.
Lendman waxed poetic about how the U.S. is behind all this worldwide turmoil,
Eastman pointed out that it is
International Finance that triggers all these bloody manoeuvres, and
International Finance means the Jews, something Lendman never, ever mentions.
And that is
the case with the vast majority of political commentators, in both mainstream
media and on the web, who act as if Barack Obama actually thinks for himself
and is not following the directives of those Jewish moneymen who put him in
power, which more people nowadays realize was really for the purpose of
engineering the destruction of the United States and the profit of Jewish
It is also
the case with popular Internet news sites such as Alex Jones, Information
Clearing House, Citizens for Legitimate Government, Intel Hub, AlterNet,
Democracy Now!, Before It's News, Activist Post and many others who dazzle
their readers with intricate investigations of U.S. government criminality
without ever once tracing the blame to where it rightly belongs, to the Jewish
puppet masters who are running our reality, and us with it, right into the
The reason
for this deception is clear, just as it is with mainstream media ~ because all
of these sites are owned and/or run by Jews, which is why they never mention
the true architects of the programs, crimes and atrocities that are all aimed
at the destruction of the United States, and the world as we know it.
None of them
ever mention the Jewish puppet masters operating the fake Americans who
everybody believes are running these sadistic schemes.
Which is
something no one could ever accuse Brother Nathanael or Joe Cortina of doing.
My own
policy is that I never believe any fact emanating from either a Jewish writer
or a Jewish news source. Three thousand years of Jewish history convinced me
that this was the wisest course.
I first
realized this way the only way to go in about 2004, when I had convinced myself
that every aspect of the 9/11 tragedy ~ the planning, the execution and the cover-up
~ was entirely controlled by Jews, and then covered up by Jewish-controlled
media and Jewish-owned politicians.
The endless
succession of needless wars that has followed were wholly the work of Jewish
interests, and the reporting on them was wholly twisted by Jewish media.
So when I
encounter someone now who insists there are Jews in the world who are fighting
for the light against the darkness, I tell them, I have never met a Jew who is
utterly forthright about the Jewish fraud we have been deceived into believing
is the history of World War II, or the reason for the Kol Nidre oath allowing
Jews to lie about everything, or the reason why the Talmud orders death for any
non Jew who dares to read it.
But I'm old
enough and reasonable enough to know that people can overcome their own
brainwashing, and even overcome their own bad histories, see the light, and act
productively, if not compassionately. So I applaud Brother Nathanael for
overcoming his chaotic disruptiveness and creating for himself a useful legacy
of truthfulness.
I've always
wondered, even though I know better now, why there was never a movement among
Jews to reveal the horrid practices of Judaism and try to rejoin the human
Still, in my
more hopeful moments, and in my futile search for a good Jew, if I had to
choose a Jew to trust about the inner workings of the demonic disciplines of
Judaism, Brother Nathanael Kapner would be a good choice, because the things he
has written about Jews are true.
I'd like to see more investigations of the writers who deliberately don't write
about Jews, rather than about the ones who do.
Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying
to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief
system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from
readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North
Port FL 34287 USA.
furthermore at the end of the day, or the end of the age...
THE TRUTH is still going to be the TRUTH
and the so-called "JEWISH" narrative will still be a lie . . .
there were no so-called "JEWS" in the Old Testament.
that is basically what the solidified joopoo braindeadgoy must find as the page to get on to confront the "JEWISH" narrative...thanks, John.
excluding those of course who look forward to living in "JEWTOPIA" !
"For the so-called liberal Jews did not reject the Zionists as non-Jews, but only as Jews with an impractical, perhaps even dangerous, way of publicly avowing their Jewishness.
ReplyDeleteIntrinsically they remained unalterably of one piece.
In a short time this apparent struggle between Zionistic and liberal Jews disgusted me; for it was false through and through, founded on lies and scarcely in keeping with the moral elevation and purity always claimed by this people." AH
The bigger picture, whoever it is only has a small part of the puzzle why, who, what, when, where. Very few on this planet including me have the whole picture. When you say Jews or Zionists you really mean a very very small group of individuals who control the rest of the sub group. The vast majority of the sub group are clueless to what is really going on.