This began as a repost of Dr. Makow's article but somehow I got carried away and added to the content so that his ideas are there expanded upon and given my own twist. It is a collaboration more than anything else, although Dr. Makow is not aware of it yet.
My $.02 of Snippits and Snappits are in the Green.
Henry's work is in the turquoise and blue.
Henry's work is in the turquoise and blue.

By Henry Makow, Ph.D.
A gun collector who introduced several weapons into sexual play with two other men contended the weapons were intended to fulfill a sexual fantasy. Instead, a lethal combination of drugs, extreme sex and Russian roulette put him on trial for manslaughter.
The gun went off with pop and a flash. There was a moment of silence before organic farmer Bruce Lavalee-Davidson, 50, said, "I think I killed him."
"Him" was Fred Wilson, 50, his head blown apart.
Bruce Lavalee-Davidson was addressing James Pombriant, 65, who was mounting Fred Wilson from behind. They were engaged in a gay sex orgy over a 12-hour period in the sex-dungeon basement of Wilson's colonial home in Portland, Maine.
Brokeback Mountain this isn't. It's the real face of homosexual love and marriage, not the sugarcoated public face we are spoon-fed by liberals in the media.
No pure air and mountains and beautiful scenery with emotions between two handsome cowhands this story. This is more the norm.
Lavallee-Davidson was playing Russian Roulette with a loaded gun to heighten Wilson's sexual excitement. Because most gays have shot their sexual circuitry due to overuse, they resort to extreme methods to get aroused. They had been using sex toys, smoking pot, consuming the party drug GBL, and huffing aerosol inhalants.
Assistant Attorney General Lisa Marchese said the focus should be on the handling of the gun ~ not the sexual acts that were going on in the victim's basement. The victim, Fred Wilson, 50, of South Portland, died of a single gunshot wound to the head on April 18, 2009.
(How can one avoid mentioning WHY that gun was there?)
"You just don't hold a gun to someone's head and pull the trigger without making sure it's not loaded. And at the moment he pulled the trigger, he didn't know," she said.
Defense lawyer Tom Hallett told jurors the men had been using guns as part of their sexual play and that the victim was a thrill seeker who may have slipped a bullet into the .44-caliber Rossi revolver unbeknownst to Lavallee-Davidson, who'd previously allegedly checked three times during the evening to make sure the gun was unloaded. Both the defense and prosecutors said there was no intention to kill. But prosecutors said defendant Bruce Lavallee-Davidson was responsible for ensuring his gun wasn't loaded when it was being handled. He was convicted of Manslaughter on Wednesday and faces faces a minimum of four and maximum of 30 years in jail.
Lavallee-Davidson, 50, contended the killing was a tragic accident.
His lawyers said their client checked not just once ~ but three times ~ over the course of the night to make sure the revolver wasn't loaded. They contend the victim loaded a bullet into the revolver's chamber while Lavallee-Davidson slipped out of the room to use the bathroom.
When Lavallee-Davidson returned, Wilson asked him to put the gun to his head and pull the trigger to intensify his pleasure, the defense contended. On the first try, there was a click when Lavallee-Davidson pulled the trigger. Wilson asked him to do it again, and there was a flash, the defense said.
After the shooting, Pombriant and Lavallee-Davidson left Wilson's body behind for hours before Pombriant called police. Police recovered the handgun used in the killing and a .12-gauge Mossberg shotgun that Lavallee-Davidson had taken to Wilson's home for the sex games.LaVallee-Davidson is a outspoken advocate for same-sex rights and claimed he was in a committed relationship when he testified in favor of keeping Maine's now-overturned gay marriage law at a public hearing. The hearing four days after the discovery of Wilson's body and a couple of weeks before he was indicted.
This is the vision of marriagethat will replace traditional marriage,if liberals and gay activists have their way.Children will play with sex toysin basement dungeons.
Satanism is denial and defiance of God, i.e. what is healthy and good. Their watchword is "do as thou wilt" i.e. homosexual "rights," sexual liberation, fetishes-r-us, etc.

Western "civilization" is based on Jewish Cabalism i.e. Freemasonry. Man can be God and define reality. He can determine good is evil and evil is good, ugly is beautiful, lies are true, etc. This doctrine serves the Illuminati, who own most of the world and want to re-engineer humanity to serve them. Here is but one example of Jewish superiority over God.
Baba Mezia 59b. A rabbi debates God and defeats Him. God admits the rabbi won the debate.Government, media, education, church are all covertly controlled by the Illuminati and want to control you. Western society is morally bankrupt. It has been colonized by a satanic cult. Very successful people ~ Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Angelina Jolie, Nelson Mandela, Oprah ~ belong to this colonial class who serve the (Rothschild) Illuminati bankers in London.
Satanists have done a good job of making "God" a dirty word.
God is Reality. Truth, Goodness,Love, Justice, Beauty and Harmony.They hate God because they want to be god.They want to redefine reality.
God is synonymous with health. True religion is about being healthy by obeying God. Being healthy, in mind and spirit. So you don't end up in a basement dungeon with your brains on the carpet.
Our society has a serious cancer which it refused to acknowledge. We are like a family where the father or mother molests the children at night but no one dares acknowledge it. It has been subverted by satanists (impostors) who hold key positions in every field. Many of these people have been duped and don't realize whom they serve.
A society concerned with its own survival would promote traditional marriage and family as the obviously the best vehicle for raising children. A man and a woman must consecrate their love and sexuality to this task.
Sexual liberation was designed
to undermine marriage and family.
"Do as thou wilt."
Seek sexual titillation.
Never mind that children
have to be born and raised properly;
this requires the commitment
of a man and a woman.
to undermine marriage and family.
"Do as thou wilt."
Seek sexual titillation.
Never mind that children
have to be born and raised properly;
this requires the commitment
of a man and a woman.
Homosexual marriage is similarly designed to make heterosexuals act like gays, and engage in promiscuous sex.
At the extreme end of homosexuality and BDSM you have Master/slave relationships. This is serious stuff and has a very high level of participation in the gay world. Go here to read what is involved psychologically and you will see how this twists the soul. Yes, it is not "homophobic" to say this. Twists is just the right expression. Actually some of it sounds like it is from the Talmud.
"... these special animals, who are slaves and no longer human... To become a slave animal, replacing the human animal, a man must be BORN a second time,. This time, however, there is only one "parent", the SlaveMaster." ~ Slaves Are Born"Sex is the ultimate weapon in people-taming and people control," Erica Carle writes.
"When sex can be established as a constant in the mind.. As the dominant idea... the mind can be incapacitated. The emotions destroyed, personal identity, individuality, family life, maternal and paternal feelings, all eroded. All else can be forgotten or regarded as unimportant, when the mind is captured by the dominant idea of sex."Could this be why there is such an interest in animal sex that in Norway there are actual clubs where one can enjoy pleasure with the horse/pig/dog/sheep of his choice? Known as Barnyard Brothels, many Americans travel there for the "pleasure".
Love with dolphins?
When it comes to BDSM and fetish play, Europe has had many more years experience with such decadent activities and now, jaded, many have moved on to kinkier activities. Also, America was originally peopled by Christians so that "deviant sex" was delayed in infiltrating Western Society, though not from lack of trying by some.

"I have my name tattooed on my chest."
Sex is the lowest common denominator, reducing people to animals. People are nothing but bodies to be exploited. According to the Church of Satan, "man is just another animal" whose intellect makes him "the most vicious of all."
The Church of Satan brags that it championed and led the sexual liberation movement in the 1960's and later. In 1969 Anton LaVey introduced "a new Satanic age." His San Francisco mansion had functioned as a bordello.
"Now the site of debauches ...became the epicenter of an explosive new outlook...In a time when millions were suddenly seeking sexual enlightenment, the Church of Satan attracted many by its sheer audacity."The truth is LaVey's father gave the house as a gift jointly to LaVey and his second wife, Diane Hegarty LaVey, in 1971. The house was claimed by LaVey to have formerly been the brothel of the infamous madam Mammy Pleasant, and to contain numerous secret passages and chambers. Zeena LaVey refutes every aspect of this rumor, and says that any secret passages or hidden rooms in the house were added by LaVey after he was given the house by his father. ~ ANTON SZANDOR LAVEY.

LaVey had great influence with the beautiful people of Hollywood and was greatly responsible for the infiltration of the Devil Horns handsign into modern culture.
Since we are being unconsciously inducted into their cult, we should look to the Church of Satan for a glimpse of the future of sex. Could we end up in a sex dungeon orgy with a gun to our head?

Does anyone really want to know such filth? However I will say, these interests (cruelty, bodily waste, extremely high emotions) of his are all the very same things that feed the demons of Lucifer, those lower creatures who draw nourishment from extreme pain and deviation. His fetish for innocent panties soiled is an excellent example of the Satanist (and Zionist) pleasure in defilement.
A web site of a gay friend of Leyba's. Just so you can see a tad how these folks think.
Sex robots have been in the news lately. Guess what? The Church of Satan has been raving about the possibilities for a long time:
"The cathartic possibilities are limitless," enthuses Satanist Jim Mitchell. "Many taboo and possibly illegal areas of sexuality [can] be explored with one of these androids without fear of being exposed. Suppose a man has a mate who is otherwise perfect for him but absolutely won't engage in SM or golden showers or anal sex. Maybe he wants to experience the porn-stud splendor of delivering a facial "money shot" or has dark fantasies of of a necrophiliac nature. The RealDoll offers a legal and harmless means of indulging in personal fetishes that might be unattainable with breathing partners."
These robot dolls further dehumanize the real female in the mind of the user, blurring the lines between reality, imagination, and deviancy.
We live in a world colonized by a satanic cult, the Illuminati, which owns the mass media and places its puppets in leadership positions in education, culture, business and government. We are subject to a steady barrage of mind control designed to deceive, debilitate and enslave us.
The weapons they use are right in our homes. This is how they get to our children from a very young age without us even knowing it. Please watch this short part of THE ARRIVALS pt 3. ~ Children's Mind Control to see where it begins in the mind of most children today. You might never watch a Disney Programme again.
Real liberation lies to understanding that our society is morally bankrupt and that we can ignore its lies and monkey gestures. We can lead our lives independently if we place our trust in God, who speaks to us through our spirit and conscience.
Despite the attempts of the Illuminati to deny the moral order, and reduce man to the condition of rooting animals, we will uphold the spiritual ideals that define us as human.
Interestingly, I went to the site Change.Org which has, among many socially responsible sectors, their gay activist section wondering what they would say about such a high profile case. Nada. Nothing. Today was a piece begging Disney to not endorse some anti gay policy, but nowhere a mention of this story. I imagine that this will not be pursued heavily in the media because homosexuality is the new "politically correct" movement to be embraced.
I know I have taken Dr. Makow's original article and taken it all over the globe, but what I have done is merely expand upon his theme in ways unfamiliar to many people. I suggest reading the link below so that you can see how deeply this darkness creeps into our lives and more importantly, those of our young sons.
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