the door will have already slammed shut."
~ David Icke.
Each Wall Street-created depression or recession is another PREPLANNED step in the bankers' agenda. Don't call it a conspiracy any more, it is an agenda being followed through with painstaking thoroughness. It is also nothing more than a huge land grab.
When they created the Federal Reserve ~ the beginning of the end in 1913 ~ the bankers wrote it so that they would NEVER be liable for the debts they created. These debts would ride solely on the shoulders of the people/peons/slaves/serfs/us. But on the way out, they want to own everything they can steal from us including, if the Carbon Tax and environmental movement has its way, the air that we breathe.
This is one reason Wall Street will always get the bail outs they ask for or demand and why, when on January 13, 2010, Obama made his speech about them paying back every penny with interest, I was rather skeptical. Now, years later and with much more insight, I feel it is only timely to re-post this piece. I am not going to change a word, just add a few more images for fun.
IMF takeovers have happened to many countries since I wrote this ~ almost all were countries with dark skinned folks so no one here paid much attention. One good example a few years ago was in South America. Enron bought up all the water supplies, every bit of it, throught the IMF. Within a year or two, yes everyone still had access to water. But if you wanted clean potable water you paid for it. Those who could not, got dirty water that needed to be boiled. Ah, privatization!
But Iceland is an isolated heartbreakingly beautiful country inhabited by fair skinned, fair haired people. The IMF would not do that would it? Money knows no nationality or race however. Wrong is wrong regardless of skin tone, but until now that basic premise is most likely why their actions did not blip on American radar screens for that reason.
But Iceland? One of the loveliest, pristine countries in the world? I imagine more people might wake up and make note because then it is easier for them to visualize it being done to THEM, the melanin-challenged members of humanity. Of course it will not be given prize billing in the main media either because this is another major step in the goal towards international communism so desired by the Zionist cause. Oooops, the NWO, you are not supposed to know that it is communism yet.
North America ~ Canada and the US ~ have our backs against the wall. The US is in horrid shape and Harper is doing his damnedest to put Canada into the red as well. Remember Bush was given a relatively healthy financial country when he stole the first presidency?
One of his entrusted tasks was to bring the US to its financial knees, something that Obama, trained and placed into power, therefore fully owned by the Chicago Jewish banking cartel and their thug cohorts on Wall Street, is working on ~ bringing the US to a complete kowtow before the banks.
Stephen Harper, bless his Star of David-studded little soul (if he has one) is hellbent on doing the same to Canada. This puts US seriously in the cross-hairs of the UNITED NATIONS INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND!

But hey, folks, it's just business,right? Business attached to a vile agenda. In America, look to those sweet Wall Street bankers who work for the Rothschilds and a few other banking cartels, primarily Zion.

They set economic policies for those poor nations and effectively frustrate and deny the governments of those nations from making serious attempts to settle their own economic policies ~ and therefore force these countries to accept the political prescriptions prescribed by the IMF. In the end you have the poor world being governed by the rich world, almost exactly as if we were still living in colonial times. Only now, the poor people are but chattel.
Think about this list and see where it ends. Imperialism carried out by the bankers of the wealthy nations, primarily Britain. They have their host supply the manpower for their goals whether it be land, wars, conquests. The banks are all headed by one or two families but primarily the Rothschild cabal. What is the goal of Zionism so heavily pushed by these people?Bingo! World Communism!
For centuries these groups, in one form or another, have planned to take the world over through money. A former chief economist of the World Bank, Joe Stiglitz, was fired in 2000. He pointed out to top executives that every country the IMF/World Bank got involved in ended up with a crashed economy, a destroyed government, and sometimes in flames with riots. Jim Wolfensen, the president of the World Bank at the time, would not comment on his dismissal.
Before Stiglitz was fired, he took a large stack of secret documents out of the World Bank. These secret documents from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund reveal that the IMF required nations:
1. To sign secret agreements of 111 items;
2. To agree to the selling off their key assets - water, electric, gas, etc;
3. To agree to take economic steps which are really devastating to the nations involved;
4. To pay off the politicians billions of dollars to Swiss bank accounts for signing this transfer of a country fixed assets. Of course the rights of the people are meaningless to these bankers.
If the leaders do not agree to these steps they are cut-off from all international borrowing. A nation that cannot borrow money in the international marketplace can survive; the point America is at now. She cannot borrow from anyone since China sliced her credit card a few weeks ago.
If the leader is obstinate and truly a man of the people, refusing to give in, they overthrow the government and plant lies about the former government and/or even rewrite history. The true history of the CIA overflows with such tragic histories. However in the case of America, the apathy of the people is allowing them to steal everything with nary a peep from anyone. Oh, peeps are made, there are always visionaries, but the people just don’t hear or see. They have been psychologically conditioned to blindness in certain avenues.
Stiglitz provided inside documents from Argentina show the secret Argentine plan. This was signed by Jim Wolfensen, the president of the World Bank at the time. Argentina had six presidents in five weeks because their economy was completely destroyed. This happened because they started out in the end of the 80's with orders from the IMF and World Bank to sell-off all assets, public assets, like their water system. Then they taxed the people. They created big government and big government handed it off to the private IMF/World Bank. They paid off the politicians billions in Swiss bank accounts.
This is why, time and again, we see decisions made which appear to favor not the interests of the poor world ~ which supposedly these two institutions are trying to help ~ but the interests of Wall Street brokers, foreign multinationals, big business is based in the rich world. The rich world has done very well out of World Bank and IMF decisions, while the poor and less developed world have done very badly. With what we know today, these horrific situations are completely avoidable, but avarice and lust for power devours all.
Stiglitz also brought information regarding the water system of Buenos Aires which was sold off for a song to a little company called Enron. A pipeline was sold off, that runs between Argentina and Chile, also sold off to a company called Enron. Then the globalists blew out Enron after transferring the assets to another dummy corporation. Insidious!
They come in to the foundering country, often due to their interfering, pay off politicians to transfer the water systems, the railways, the telephone companies, the nationalized oil companies, gas stations ~ the politicians then hand it over to the IMF for nothing or next to nothing. The Globalists pay them off individually, billions in Swiss bank accounts. The plan results in the total enslavement of the entire population in whose name the debt was create. Enron was a dummy corporation for money laundering, drug money, etc.
The IMF/World Bank systematically tears nations apart, whether in Ecuador, Haiti, Iraq, Sweden, Brazil, or the United States itself. They sell this insidious concept to the people as “privatization” as we have been seeing in Canada ever since the signing of NAFTA. This is outright theft from the people whose national assets are then handed over to the IMF/World Bank. They hand it over, generally to cronies, like Citibank who grabbed half the Argentine banks. British Petroleum grabbed pipelines in Ecuador. Enron grabbed water systems all over the place.
Currently there is a rush to privatize water services around the world. The World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) are pushing for the privatization of water services by European and U.S.-based companies. They are pushing privatization through stipulations in trade agreements and loan conditions to developing countries.
These privatization programs started in the early 1990’s and have since emerged in India, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Nigeria, Mexico, Malaysia, Australia, and the Philippines, to name a few. In Chile, the World Bank imposed a loan condition to guarantee a 33 percent profit margin to the French company Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux while the company insisted on a margin of 35 percent.
This privatization of services is only the first step toward the privatization of all aspects of water. Through this new globalization and privatization of water resources, there is an effort to replace collective ownership of water sources with corporate control. This effort is being met with increasing opposition. Supporters of privatization say that it has a great track record of success, increasing the efficiency, quality, reliability and affordability of services to the population.
The problem is that they destroy these systems through exploitation and mismanagement. You can't even get drinking water in Buenos Aires. It is not just a question of the theft. You can't turn on the tap. This is far more than someone getting rich at the public expense; this is control of life itself!
They control the most basic of human needs. If they could charge for air and sunshine, they would do that as well. And the IMF was just handed the Great Lakes. They have the sole control over the water supply for much of the North American populace now. The IMF and the World Bank is 51% owned by the United States Treasury.
Every country the IMF/World Bank meddles in ends up with a devastated economy and literally in flames. They even plan in the riots, infiltrating organizations and using agent provateurs to incite otherwise peaceful protests,giving the IMF justification to impose further reduction on citizens’ freedoms.
They know that when they squeeze a country and destroy its economy, the outraged citizens with their hungry children will protest and eventually there will be riots. They freely and publically admit that these are IMF riots.
When the people riot all the capital runs away from the country and that gives the opportunity for the IMF to then add more conditions. These are devious men with a large plan for the control of this entire planet and the people thereon. There are a great many heavy investors pulling out of America and many wealthy are investing in land far, far away from America. Do you really think Halliburton to Dubai is the only one to fly out of America recently?
Where are the assets? See, everybody says there are no assets left since Enron was a dummy corporation ~ this from the experts who have proven that they transferred all those assets to other corporations and banks. Californians paid their own electric bills according to the investigations, which were pumped up unnecessarily by 9 to 12-billion dollars.
The men who designed the system in California for deregulation then went to work for Enron right after. Lord Wakeham, who was on the audit committee of Enron, is the head of NM Rothschild. There are no pies that this piece of work doesn't have his aristocratic fingers in. He's on something like fifty Boards. He was supposed to be head of the audit committee watching how Enron kept the books but was, in fact, being well compensated by high consulting fees on the side.
Wakeham was in Thatcher's government and he authorized Enron to come into Britain and take over power plants in Britain. Enron owned a water system in the middle of England. This is what Lord Wakeham approved and then they gave him a job on the board. He was also gifted with a very nicely padded absolutely huge consulting contract.
Lord Wakeham is supposed to be in charge of the audit committee to see how they handle their accounts, but he is also the head of the board to regulate the media. Lord Wakeham is trying to pass laws in England where you can't own your own water. He can't be touched because he regulates the media. Argentine, now America?
This is Economic warfare.
The thing is, it is so sleepy slow and insidious in some places, the people are completely unable to see the pattern until the door of slavery slams shut behind them. Other places, it seems to happen overnight. They have been taking apart entire economies this way, plunging nation after nation into chaos. Africa did not get to the condition it is now in without their help. It's to force all industry into a country that the globalists fully control, and they control China. Which leads us to Wal-Mart.
In Asia, the IMF demanded the removal of all capital controls and financial controls, which exposed Asia to this incredible speculative flow of what’s called hot money ~ short-term funds ~ allowing the Wall Street brokers to launch ferocious speculative attacks on the currencies of the Asian countries and brought those countries to their knees.
There have not been any substantial bailouts at all for such essentials in the collapsing countries as health and education, the welfare of the poor who lose their job as a result of the crisis, the government institutions which can’t function anymore. Bailouts are aimed exclusively at securing the investments of these foreign speculators. More profoundly than that, many of the crises ~ and the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98 and the Argentine crisis are very good examples. Both were caused as a result of, principally, IMF policy that was aimed exclusively at pleasing the financial community in the United States.
Now we move on to the second step of the process. Argentina is a perfect example of step two of the IMF. A fifth of the population of Argentina was unemployed, and IMF said cut the unemployment benefits drastically, take away pension funds, and cut the education budgets. Basic common sense dictates that if you cut the economy in the middle of a recession that you, the IMF have created, you can absolutely demolish the nation.
Of course it makes no sense! If you are sincere about bringing about change, the governments should not start cutting the budget in a recession, they should be spending money to stimulate the economy. Taxes should be cut not raised. But they tell these countries you've got to cut, and cut, and cut. According to the inside documents, this is done so the country can make payments to foreign banks who are collecting 21% to 70% interest.
You really don’t want to know how much the interest on American loans is! Really, you don’t. This is loan-sharking! It got so bad that they required Argentina to get rid of the laws against loan-sharking because any bank would be a loan-shark under Argentine law. Say what you wish about Islam, but the fact that usury is against all that is holy, in the Muslim world there is no money lending.
The country is now ready for the last points of subjugation to their new masters. They open up the borders for trade, that's the new opium wars. The economy has been destroyed so that the people can produce nothing, let alone purchase. So then they open the borders to sell their own goods. They force nations to pay horrendous amounts for things like drugs ~ legal drugs.
That's how you end up with an illegal drug trade. What's there left to survive on except sell us smack and crack. Of course these drugs are supplied by government agencies to make sure things run smoothly, not to mention deal with other parts of their agenda not touched upon at this time. And so, drive the whole world down, blow out their economies and then buy the rest of it up for pennies on the dollar.
In Part 4, they take apart the government by the coup d’état and install their own corporate government. The CIA even has a college in which they train officers and men from the Latin countries in these matters from politics to torture.
In Venezuela where they had an elected president of the government, the IMF announced that they would support a transition government if the president were removed. They did not say that they would become involved in politics ~ they would just “support” a transition government. What this really meant was they would pay for the coup d’état, if the military overthrew the current president, because the he had the temerity and the courage to say “no” to the IMF. He told those guys to go packing.
We see this pattern repeated time and again, and you have to ask after a while: "Who is driving this?" The only possible answer that comes to mind is that these very exclusive financial interests in the West are driving this. And they are systematically destroying economies all over the world.
Now here is how things stand today. With the American dollar on the international front. It is difficult to know where to begin but the news is not good. It affects ALL of us on the planet but especially the White nations, the States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand and of course the UK.
First on our list is China. They have announced that they are refusing to accept American Corporations purchasing into their stock market any longer as they did in the past. China also said that they are no longer going to be purchasing our securities as they have in the past, including bonds and T-bills. China's decisions and subsequent announcements at the beginning of the week have sent a panic across the World's markets.
OPEC met recently and they have also stated they will be diversifying into other currencies instead of just the American dollar. They will now begin accepting other currencies and limit the trade of oil via the American dollar.
As of March 21, 2007, Iran has outlawed the American dollar and will put anyone in jail that uses it in their country after that date. They have the ominous notoriety of being the first nation in the world to do such a thing. The real issue in Iran is NOT nuclear, but rather the decision to not use the American dollar for trade and the sale of oil. On the heels of Iran's decision, North Korea has followed suit and also outlawed the use of the American dollar in their country. Finally, Malaysia the next day did the same thing. This is huge, people.
Central banks around the world are increasingly diversifying their reserves, including cutting holdings of American dollars, according to a survey sponsored by Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC, the U.K.'s second-largest bank. Italy, Russia, Sweden and Switzerland have made "major adjustments" in foreign-exchange holdings favoring the Euro and the British pound, according to the poll conducted by Central Banking Publications Ltd. between September and December. "Central banks are open to saying they've been diversifying to improve returns and reduce exposure to any single currency," said Sean Callow, senior currency strategist at Westpac Banking Corp. in Singapore.
There's no doubt that when they say 'diversification' they mean selling dollars.Last week, through personal sources, a friend of mine called their bank president in Vancouver, BC and he agreed with everything I have been saying about the dollar. What amazed me the most was her comment that he told her his bank is currently making preparations for the crash of the American dollar!

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