I wonder why they did not use this photo.
THREE children for the price of none.
Triple the value.
This information concerning the continued rape of a traumatized Palestinian child comes via my friend at NorthernTruthSeeker who came across it at Incogman's site. I just had to post it immediately. When I use the word "rape", I am not speaking of sexual rape; first there was her violation by the Israeli military when they took her family. But then her terrified face was used by unscrupulous greedy Zionists to raise money.
Going into other websites and blog sites, I periodically find some great material of interest that needs to be put up on my own site. It is done to spread important information around and to make sure that others also spread the information to the masses.
I came across this article from Philip Marlowe's site: www.incogman.wordpress.com, and it is absolutely disgusting as to the LOW level of morality the Zionists are stooping to now. I want to present the entire article here, and my comments will follow:

On-line image in the background is from Israel’s Haaretz website, screen captured by yours truly. The photo of the little girl in the small ad above “Special offers” is actually a little Palestinian girl photographed in Gaza on January 4, 2009. Jews are truly some nervy scum!
Look at this! Some slick Jew “charity” ad to feed “desperate hungry Israeli children” is shown here using the image of a little Palestinian girl, crying over the death of someone in her family by the Israeli Jew bombing of Gaza last year. I doubt much of the money will wind-up in Israel in the first place; more likely it will stay in the pockets of a bunch of sick New Yorker Jews (see below for another big-time Jew scam).
Sick Jews will stop at nothing, I mean nothing to suck shekels out of the gullible (including their own). What is certain is that this poor little girl and her Palestinian friends won’t see a dime. In fact, the Israelis have been blockading the Gaza from all sides right as we speak. Here’s the Brooklyn, NY Jew ad the link takes you to:
Image used at the Meir Panim website. If you scroll down, you’ll see it’s really some sneaky Jews based in Brooklyn NY, who even had their scam ops classified as tax-free! Jews can send the money and get it deducted from their income taxes. America gets it from both ends (almost half of our foreign aid goes to Israel)!

Stolen shot of little Palestinian girl. One of her family was just killed by Jew bombs in the Gaza. Can you believe the unmitigated nerve of these Jew bastards in using this photo? They call it “chutzpah.” I just call it plain SICK.
Here’s one place the Jews could have stolen it: Gaza (4): A picture is worth… Go there for more information on the little girl and what else the Jews have been doing to these people.
Hat’s off to Rainbow Warrior for alerting us to this!
NTS Notes: How low can these evil criminals go? It seems that there is no depth of immorality that they can possibly reach. I am still amazed that people cannot see the truth about these criminals after they pull off this kind of stunt!
More to come
I must express my disgust at whoever is responsible for putting together your Autumn flyer headed by the line "SHOCKING REPORT EXPOSES TERRIBLE REALITY FOR ISRAEL'S POOR."
I will give you, who reads this note, the benefit of the doubt. You might really believe this is a starving little Jewish child. Not so. That traumatized child in the blue jacket is screaming because her family was just killed in front of her by the Israeli Military.
This photo appeared on many sites during the Gazan Holocaust; they did a series of shots so there are a few of her at that time. I know it appeared on mine at some point. To see her pain now being used to raise money for Israel is just plain morally wrong.
Poverty is poverty to a child, horrid to all, but this child is living in a squalor brought on by the Israel Army. Meanwhile Israel allows nothing into her country to improve her life. It seems just a wee bit bad taste to use her image in this fashion, I am sure you can only agree.
This information is out there and you can bet the blogosphere is enlightening others of the nature of the Israelis.
It would balance the scales somewhat if any monies raised by this child was donated to a Palestinian cause.
WEB SITE ~ http://www.meirpanim.org/index_e.php
Darn it, Noor... You again took my article, and made it... Better!!! I feel so jealous!! LOL
ReplyDeleteIt seems that there is no depth to how low these people with no morals can go....
BTW.... This was picked up by Mike Rivero at www.whatreallyhappened.com...
The exposure there will do both of us some good....
The Israeli mindset that all non-Jews are animals or sub-humans is real. That Jews can lie, steal, kill, etc. non-Jews without repercussion is a firmly held belief of Jews. The Israelis and Jews have done so much lying, stealing, killing, etc. and gotten away with it, that it is like a running joke to them. This psychpathic humiliation of the Gazans with the cruel use of this photo was deliberate and it is just kind of like a joke with the Jews. It is sport to them. The use of this photo, shows the Jews and Israel to be just plain evil. Moderate, modern, liberal Jews are just the familiars of the evil doing monster Jews. I haven't heard much protest from "humanitarian" Jews over this type of evil behaviour. So when a Jew states a Jew is superior to all other forms of life, you better believe they believe it. At any time for any reason, for the end justifies the means, they can treat and use non-Jews as so much garbage. It is truly a culture of psychos.
ReplyDeleteI would appreciate it if you would not partake in such anti-Semitic, generalizations of Jews. I'm of Jewish decent, and although I do not agree with what Israel is doing all the time, your statements go beyond derogatory and enter into a realm of law-suits and jail time. 'It is truly a culture of psychos.' 'It seems that there is no depth to how low these people with no morals can go....' 'Jews are truly some nervy scum!' these comments are taken from the personal opinions of the commentators, and the last one from your article. The issue expressed in your article is fair and valid, but your portrayal of ALL Israel Jews as murderous scum who want all of the world is extremely disturbing. I personally think that yes, the Palestinians are the ones hurting in this conflict, but there are little girls in Israel as well that are crying for lost parents, siblings and family. Also, not everyone in Israel is Jewish, just like not everyone in England is Anglican. Your article disturbed me, but your portrayal of the world-wide Jewish community brought tears to my eyes and a knife to my stomach. I understand that hundreds of Palestinians are killed daily by bombs and men with guns, and that Israel was placed directly on their lands, and that the location was decided by some obscure POSSIBLY true Bible references, but not all Jew are bad, just like the majority of priest are not sexual predators. I understand if my point of view is not accepted, as it is kinda fence sitting, saying neither is totally at fault. In all honesty, the WORLD placed Israel on the map and it is at fault, the world tore families from both sides apart and destroyed homes and lives. It is the world that needs to ask for forgivness
ReplyDeleteGood morning Elizabeth. I just read your note and am answering your before anything else I do today.
ReplyDeleteI understand your feeling to a certain extent. My country is, according to Avignor Lieberman, " on of Israel's dearest friend and supporter." I found that somewhat upsetting considering what and who that man is.
However, if you look through my blog, you will find that I do NOT paint all Israelis or Jews with the same brush. I use work from several in here and have nothing but the greatest respect for so many from those who will not fight, Jeff Halper, those who march with the people of Bil[in weekly, those who dare speak their truth to the majority of bolshevik brain washed public.
I admire and listen daily to Amy Goodman, follow the exploits of Medea Benjamin, Gilead Atzmon, Dr.Finklestein, etc etc etc. It is the ideology and I know everyone is different. This has been my belief for over 45 years now.
The words that upset you came from the first person who put up that post. I know he is far more to the left and unforgiving than I but I feel it is not my place to re edit the work of another and my main interest was the photographs. If you read my letter to the charitable organization, you will note I use the word ZIONIST throughout. I fully understand the difference.
A few years ago I knew not the difference. But the writings of Jack Bernstein and Benjamin Freedman taught me a lot. I think you might learn a bit from reading them yourself. Jack Bernstein was an American Jew who moved to Israel and was a lovely man. Mossad assassinated him for what he wrote.
I go to Israeli newspapers and read the comments before the article in many cases and am SHOCKED at the things the ordinary Israeli has to say. As with hate sites here, the venom appalls me. Very rarely does one see the voice of reason and I have yet to see one of my reasonable responses posted.
I also know that Israel does its damndest to keep their own peace people out of the media. They are an embarrassment to a war mongering group.
Go back a few posts and read the piece regarding the words of the Malaysian Prime Minister, I posted it 3 days ago. Near the end, you will find what I truly believe is the position of Jews Christians and Muslims in this world. You might find it interesting. And you might learn something different new and of interest at the same time.
But if you are as you say you are, my dear, what do you DO to help the cause of peace. Feeling a knife in the pit of your stomach is a good start for anger that needs to be directed towards peace. As I say, If you aren't angry you have not been paying attention. Take that anger and get out and do something. Join a peace group, support those who stand up.
A letter to me will not make the difference we need in this world. The average Jew needs to speak out and make him or herself heard. You need to be heard to make a difference. And honey, believe me, I do care.
Elizabeth, I forgot to ask you, did you trace the source of your tears and that knife? Was it sorrow for what is being done to others by the military Zionists and compassion for that small child and others like her, and believe me there are hundreds of thousands of such children.
ReplyDeleteWas it, "Oh, everyone hates the Jews, why cannot they understand that some of us including ME are not like those ugly others?"
Was it a deeper guilt because you have done nothing yet your conscience urges to to be more active on behalf of such victims but do nothing but sit home and feel victimized, which is, alas all too common with many over here?
Get to the source of your pain honey. Then take action.
Comments like NTS's would make most with an open mind ask 'Why would one speak in such a manner?' The laundry list is historically endless.
ReplyDeleteVeiled and not so veiled threats against someone who expresses a truth and an opinion about that truth is the act of Joseph Goebbels' ZioNazi like censor propagandists.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, Goebbels along with all the Nazis, was ultimately funded by Kuhn-Loeb, the Jew Bankster-Gangsters aligned with, and controlled by, Jew Illuminati Baron von Rothschild.
White Phosphorus on Palestinian babies is the act of nervy scum. The only ones who should be facing prison time are the Jews who invaded Palestine and pillaged the land and murdered the rightful inhabitants there.
And put the Bankster-Gangsters in prison too.
Free Palestine and cast out the criminal invaders!!!!