
Posted by khothla February 18, 2009
Translated from the German at
http://globalfire.tv/nj/08de/juden/mogilewitsch.htm by J M Damon
http://globalfire.tv/nj/08de/juden/mogilewitsch.htm by J M Damon
As a surprise to the west, the international Jewish criminal and mass murderer Semion Mogilevich was arrested in Russia! He is one of a number of major criminals who have been brought to justice there now that the power of the Zionist Lobby seems to deteriorate.
Michail Chodorkovski, the gargantuan thief of Russian oil and gas, already some time ago, has lost his ill-gotten gains and is presently serving five more years of a ten-year prison sentence in a Siberian prison camp for his crimes against the Russian people. In addition, he is facing new trials on additional charges that could culminate in life imprisonment.
Until quite recently,
it was unthinkable that
the all-powerful Jews
could be brought to justice in Russia
or anywhere else,
regardless of what crimes
they committed.
President Wladimir Putin
has become the hero of the New Age.
it was unthinkable that
the all-powerful Jews
could be brought to justice in Russia
or anywhere else,
regardless of what crimes
they committed.
President Wladimir Putin
has become the hero of the New Age.
Putin is the first national leader since Adolf Hitler who has dared to call the bluff of the global Jewish kleptocracy. In Russia, he has swept the political and economic centers of power clean of Lobby magnates. In fact, it is safe to say that the Israel Lobby no longer exists in Russia.
On 13 February 2008, the ARD ( Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ~ "Consortium of public-law broadcasting institutions of the Federal Republic of Germany") broadcast a documentary entitled "Putin’s Russia"
that provides good insight
into how Putin neutralized
the Jewish-Zionist Lobby in Russia,
which of course caused him to be
demonized in the West,
still controlled by the Lobby.
into how Putin neutralized
the Jewish-Zionist Lobby in Russia,
which of course caused him to be
demonized in the West,
still controlled by the Lobby.
According to Rabbi Marcus Eli Ravage’s candid assertion, Hebrew genes are inherently destructive. Perhaps this is the best explanation for the fact that ultimately the Lobby always fails. History shows that in the final analysis, it never quite achieves final victory over the Goyim, even though the Goyim are hopelessly inferior to Hebrews in cunning.
The "destructive Hebrew gene" (Ravage),
feeding on its own boundless greed,
turns against itself thank God.
Otherwise there would be no hope at all.
feeding on its own boundless greed,
turns against itself thank God.
Otherwise there would be no hope at all.
With its Globalist compulsions, the Lobby has destroyed its own power base in the USA, which now lies gutted and prostrate.
Not just the United States, but also the entire Zionist controlled financial system of the West has collapsed thanks to usury and indirect ("derived") expropriation of Western wealth.
Western currencies and Western banks are clearly "kaputt". The present crisis must culminate the Lobby flunkies frenziedly printing money in order to remain liquid, which in turn must culminate in hyperinflation.
Because of the financial devastation caused by Globalist outsourcing of production combined with speculation in stocks, "subprimes" and other derivatives that served to conceal the diversion of national wealth into the Lobby’s pockets, the immense US military machine can no longer be financed.
In addition to this,
imminent defeats in Afghanistan and Iraq
are likely to lead to an implosion of NATO.
imminent defeats in Afghanistan and Iraq
are likely to lead to an implosion of NATO.
During the 2007 so-called Security Conference in Munich, the US Secretary of Defense warned of this very scenario: "The very survival of NATO is at risk." (Associated Press, 10 Feb 2007)
Now that it is rid of the Lobby and Jewish Mafia, Putin’s Russia is free to move into the vacuum and establish a newer "New World Order."
Russia’s pleasure in the collapse of NATO as well as USrael’s financial collapse is spurring the new nationalist leader of Russia to proceed still faster with his policy of financial and economic liberation from Zionism.
We in the West need to hear more of this! One question. What of the media owning moguls? The Jews in government? These are two men and their organizations. Surely someone stepped up to fill the gap? Might these two just be the tip of the iceberg? Considering the Jews have owned Russia since the Bolshevik Revolution, surely they would be very difficult to remove. Often death of both host and parasite occur if the Parasite is removed since it has become so intrinsically intertwined with the basic needs of the host.
The Man From St. Petersburg has grown quickly in the role of "Statesman of the Century." This is the background from which we should view the recent arrest of Super Criminal Semion Mogilevich. This arrogant Israeli with a Russian passport thought that he could return to Russia and continue to be protected by Jewish power and his erstwhile vassals.
Michail Chodorkovski had made the same fatal mistake before him. "According to Russian media reports, Mogilevich, a Ukrainian business tycoon and Mafia godfather, was arrested in a Moscow shopping center." (Die Welt, 26 Jan 2008, p. 11.)
A normal citizen ignorant of the present reality of our world would interject "Well, why not arrest him, if he is a known criminal?" If only things were that simple! Semion Mogilevich, mass murderer and global swindler, has officially been on the "wanted" list for decades, but he enjoyed the protection of the most powerful government ministries in the world.
This was especially true where the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND: Federal German Intelligence Agency) was concerned. "The BND dies not hesitate to collaborate with an alleged underworld godfather... BND does not deny that it is collaborating with Semion Mogilevich... All data concerning Mogilevich’s crimes have been deleted from the Schengener Computer." (ZDF, Kennzeichen D, German TV, 29 Apr 1998)
Germany is so owned by Zionism, why would THIS be a surprise? "Angela Merkel, a former East German, is Germany's version of Zionist puppets George W. Bush and Tony Blair... eager to sponsor Israeli interests over those of humanity ... lickspittle attitude ... petty and uninsightful politician, she has risen to become Chancellor of Germany... defied the will of the German People and promoted America's illegal Zionist aggression against Iraq." ~ Jewish Racism
Not only the Western governments under tutelage of the Lobby were protecting this global criminal, but even the most powerful military alliance of the world ~ NATO.
"According to the ZDF (Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen = Second German Television Broadcasters) magazine 'Kennzeichnen D' (1 Sep 1999), Semion Mogilevich, the presumed godfather of the largest Russian crime syndicate, who has been named who in connection with billions swindled by the Yeltsin Clan, enjoys protection at the highest levels in all Europe.
‘Kennzeichen D’ has documents showing that the ATA (Atlantic Treaty Association), the most powerful political lobbying organization in NATO with headquarters in Paris, interceded on his behalf in the Spring 1998. Under pressure of middlemen of the Russian Mafia in Belgium, France lifted its denial of permission for Semyon Mogilevich to enter the country." (http://www.newsaktuell.de)
Any remaining questions as to what power stood behind Mogilevich were answered during a murder trial in Switzerland, where his lieutenant Michailov had been arrested in conjunction with money laundering and numerous murders.
One of the largest international organized drug traffic operations is run by Sergei Mikhailov and Yuri Robolaevich. Their organization extends from Moscow to Colombia. They have around 5,000 members and specialize in drugs, weapons smuggling, and extortion. ~ Judicial Inc
After Switzerland had been subjected to the fury of the international Lobby ~ and the leading Swiss banks shaken down to the tune of around 130 billion dollars in tribute ~ Michailov walked out of court a free man.
Living in freedom Mikhailov still leads his criminal empire that stretches from Asia to Canada back to Moscow and Western Europe. There is no place on this world which is safe from his Organization. He continues to make billions of dollars and expands his power as we speak. Sergei Mikhailov is one of the most dangerous Russian gangsters of the moment and what's even worse: He's living in freedom. ~ The Russian Mafia
The pretext for the tribute demand had been the so-called "Nazi gold" that was allegedly deposited in secret Jewish accounts. The shakedown was punishment for Switzerland’s having dared to indict Michailov in the first place. Obviously the Swiss court, in order to avoid having to pay further billions in tribute wanted to have nothing further to do with Michailov and all his murders, although it was proven that he had personally ordered them.
The newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung on page 10 of its issue for 14 December 1998 reported the Michailov "Freispruch" as follows:
"The prosecutors were unable to build a strong case against him ... A Russian police officer from Moscow gave evidence against Michailov and the crime syndicate Solnzevskaya, then fled to Switzerland following threats.The Swiss investigatory agencies, like those in the Federal Republic of Germany, had then obediently turned over their thick files on the Jewish Mafia to the Yeltsin Administration in Moscow.
A former FBI agent supported his statements. A Russian businessman who had fled to the USA also gave evidence concerning large amounts protection money paid to Solnzevskaya.
At least one key witness was afraid to state his identity, while several other prosecution witnesses did not appear. Even an intercepted telephone conversation from Michailov’s villa in Waadt Canton, in which he identified himself as the Number One Man in Solnzewskaya was not convincing for the members of the jury."
Both Otto Schily, (the then German Interior Minister) and his Swiss colleague did not want to go so far as personally turning over documents to the Mafia bosses, but they obediently handed them over to official agencies that were controlled by the Lobby.
In this way the "super democrats" in turn made certain that the evidence went straight to the upper levels of the Jewish Mafia without detours or delay because in the meantime they had sent the files to Moscow hoping that in future they would not be required to take a position.
"They wanted to remain a safe distance from the power struggle in the Russian capitol." Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), 28 August 1999, p.3)The crime boss Mogilevich is only one of numerous powerful members of the Israel Lobby that have been put out of business in Russia.
In the course of the "Orange Revolution" in Ukraine, which was financed and conducted by the Israel Lobby, Mogilevich employed the Czech Jewess and former American Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, (née Körbl) to secure the Ukrainian revenue derived from energy transport.
He had himself appointed the middleman for Russian oil deliveries to the Ukraine. Under Putin, however, Russia refused to tolerate the payola. Putin had Mogilevich arrested and he also cut off gas deliveries to Ukraine as a warning then.
Russia no longer tolerated dealings with major Jewish criminals who were lining their pockets and those of the Lobby with Ukrainian money.
In Germany the "payola" situation was similar to that in the Ukraine. From the beginning, the German vassals of the Lobby insisted on paying a great deal more than market price for Russian oil.
Why? It can only be that on behalf of the Israeli Lobby, the BRD has been stuffing a Jewish middleman with billions of extra euros. This is why, in its dealings with the Kremlin, the BRD insisted that the huge Russian oil deliveries must go through a company called "Sunimex." Sunimex Handels GmbH is a Hamburg firm headed by someone named Sergei Kishilov.
Sunimex employs just five persons but handles around a quarter of all German oil imports from Russia. Its most recent annual accounting (a legal requirement) dates not from the year 2007, but from 2002. At that time the total amounted to 3.1 billion euros. The number of employees was the same as today: five.
Sunimex can accurately be called an Israeli post-office box company.
Needless to say, Sergei Kishilov carries an Israeli as well as Russian passport. Following the expulsion of Jewish oligarchs and oil barons from Russia, Merkel and Germany are helping Israel keep its foot in the door.
The then president Vladimir Putin warned Mrs. Merkel some time ago that Lukoil reserves the right to discontinue deliveries if the BRD continues to demand that oil deliveries to Germany continue through the lobby-boss As Lukoil Chairman Vagit Alekperov expressed it last year: "Russia doesn’t like middlemen." (Die Welt, 21 Feb 2008, p.11)
Nevertheless Mrs. Merkel has insisted that oil imports from Russia continue to be routed through Kishilov’s firm. This is, after all, a "very worthwhile cause" she says. As a warning, Russia completely stopped deliveries from Lukoil for quite a while then.
Since the beginning of February 2008 mineral oil deliveries to Germany through the Druschba Pipeline via White Russia and Poland have been discontinued" (Die Welt, 21 Feb 2008, p. 11.)
The question of why the BRD insists on paying billions extra for Russian oil to subsidize an intermediary seems to baffle even the most "knowledgeable" Germans. "It remains unclear why Sunimex enjoys such a position of power ... On Wednesday, German refinery managers as well as the Deutsche Mineralölwirtschaftsverband (German Mineral Oil Association) and the Außenhandelsverband für Mineralöl und Energie could give no reason why Sunimex should enjoy a monopoly of oil from the Druschba Pipeline." (handelsblatt.com, 20 Feb 2008)
Is it exaggerated or inaccurate to call Sunimex an oil monopoly? Kishilov would have a monopoly if he owned the oil and could make the decision whether to sell it or not. However, the oil belongs to the Russian national producer Lukoil, and Russia is insisting that the BRD bypass the middleman Kishilov.
Obviously Israel does not have a monopoly of the oil itself. However, it does enjoy a monopoly of Germany’s oil policy. It has become very difficult for the BRD to enforce the will of the Lobby on Russia as well as Germany. As we have seen, the Jewish Mafia no longer has the clout it had on Yeltsin, and the Lobby no longer enjoys a monopoly of the finances and natural resources of that huge country.
Jews have been removed from
their strategic positions
in Russia's economy
as well as politics and administration.
their strategic positions
in Russia's economy
as well as politics and administration.
An authentic Russian administration now governs Russia.
The Lobby has suffered the painful realization that it no longer controls a vassal government that could pose a military threat to Russia, therefore it cannot continue extorting money from Russia.
The Lobby vassals in the West perceive the new relationship of forces as well. One of the most prominent Russian Jews at present is Garri Kasparov, the former world chess champion, who has taken over the job of general representative of the Lobby.
Kasparov traveled 1998 to the "Berlinale" Film Festival in order to present a pseudo documentary film entitled "Letter to Anna." This propagandist film, produced and financed by the Lobby, insinuated that President Putin was responsible for the murder of the insignificant journalist Anna Politkowskaja. However the film was not accepted among the official offerings of the "Berlinale". Furthermore Kasparov, who was supposed to introduce the production, was not allowed to speak at the gala event in Berlin.
This was because the Germans did not want to offend the then President Putin by arranging a common appearance with Kasparov. As Die Welt reported on 12 Feb 2008: "Especially not with Kasparov ... BMW does not want to offend Putin. Before the performance it held a press conference whose most prominent guest was supposed to be Garri Kasparov, former world chess champion and at present the leader of ‘The Other Russia,’ the only opposition against Putin.
He also plays a major role in the film. Although he was in Berlin, he was not to be found on the podium. Instead of Hans-Reiner Schröder, Berlin plant manager of BMW and one of the sponsors of "Cinema for Peace," was quite prominent. A few inquiries established that BMW was not willing to appear in public with Kasparov... The Munich auto firm has important interests in Russia, where it is building an assembly plant in Kaliningrad.
The ‘either us or Kasparov’ ultimatum did not hinder Schröder from sitting at the same table with Politician Kasparov at the ‘Cinema for Peace’ dinner in Berlin’s China Club... Kasparov did not understand why the press conference had taken place without him ... BMW declined to comment."
Who could have imagined not too long ago that a member of the BRD elite would decline to appear in public with a Jewish celebrity? It has not been many years since the entire German Chancellery, and not just CEOs of corporations, would have jumped at the chance to sit next to an Israeli celebrity at press conference after press conference and hurl insults at Putin.
In the case of Kasparov we did not hear an uncomplimentary word. Even Frau Merkel sat there quiet as a mouse. In future she will probably make an attempt to compensate for her faltering policy by kissing representatives of the "nation of ethnic cleansing" still more ardently than in the past.
The vassals of Zionism do indeed realize
that the age of the Lobby
as a world power has passed.
The world changes and
we have to change with it.
that the age of the Lobby
as a world power has passed.
The world changes and
we have to change with it.
Treason doth never prosper,
what's the reason?
For if it prosper,
none dare call it treason!
~ Sir John Harrington 1561- 1612.
Just to bring balance to this article making Putin seem to be such a hero, right after posting this piece, I found this photo of Putin taken at the Jewish Community Center, Moscow. And by golly, isn't that one of the Chabad Lubavitch beside him?
what's the reason?
For if it prosper,
none dare call it treason!
~ Sir John Harrington 1561- 1612.

Noor.... Putin is an enigma indeed...
ReplyDeleteIs he really one of the good guys or has he been made up to look as one by the Zionists?
That last picture of him standing besides one of those slithering Lubavitch criminals does raise concerns....