The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks. ~ Lord Acton discussing banker Rothschild
Your parents unknowingly delivered you into bondage
This happened the moment your parents were deceived into registering you with the government for a Birth Certificate. This process signed you over to the government as property of the state. At this point in time the state created a legal entity 'PERSON' (strawman) on your behalf with your name in capital letters ( i.e. John Doe > JOHN DOE ) and this evil shadow of yourself becomes the force majeure that binds the laws of the land to you and your servitude and bondage to the state.
We say bondage because your birth certificate is a receipt for an actual loan/bond that is borrowed from the Central Bankers in the name of your 'PERSON' for the amount of ~$1,000,000 to pay for your government liabilities.
This money is invested in the market with interest and is managed by a fiduciary agent who is responsible for transferring these funds to your government representatives on your behalf every year to pay for your government obligations.
Your future sweat and labor (income tax) is used as the collateral for the money borrowed. Notice language is very important here. You are a human being, but every law written deals with the 'PERSON' which is the deceitful entity they have created to enslave you in their system of bondage.
Your application for a Social Insurance/Security Number is your acceptance of the terms of this agreement when you come of age.
This acceptance validates the whole Ponzi scheme and cements your servitude / slavery in the federal corporation. You lose your inalienable right to true freedom given to you from the creator and become a slave of the corporation.
The SIN/SSN # is used to force your compliance as you are deceived into believing that you cannot transact commerce in society without this number. Does this sound like a free society to you?
We haven't even begun to talk about the issues and you have already learned that you are a slave to the New World Order from birth. If this fact alone is not setting off alarm bells in your head and awakening your consciousness then please continue on reading.
At this point you may be trying to rationalize this whole situation for the greater good. By all means after reading this information perform a cost benefit analysis. From our perspective slavery != freedom.
Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government. ~ Thomas Jefferson
Your government is a corporation
A corporation is a top down ( or pyramidal ) control structure. By placing 'PERSONS' at the bottom of the pyramid we the people in effect become a legal entity that is controlled by the corporation.
The corporation is not a physical entity so it cannot operate on things in the physical world. The corporation exists only in the fictional world and so can only operate on fictional entities.
We believe that we elect human beings that will act on our behalf, the problem is that once they become officio politicians or directors of the corporation they no longer are responsible to the real people but instead are given control over the 'PERSONS' simply by the nature, structure and operation of the corporation.

We have all been taught that we have freedom because we live in a democracy. The real truth is that we have submitted to being controlled by the rules and regulations of a corporation and that our inalienable rights to live as human beings in freedom have been supplanted.
The corporations that are your local, state and federal governments are what give the elites control over your destiny and subvert democracy. As employees, agents and shareholders of the corporation you are given the ability to vote for the representatives of the corporation in terms of politicians.
We have been deceived into believing
that freedom is this servitude.
Whether or not you believe in God or a Creator, it can be said that the human being has inalienable rights that cannot be transgressed or taken away. Without the government corporation we have ultimate freedom.
Natural law is what is used to ensure the safety of civilization as was throughout the ages until recent times. Our democracy today is simply a new clever spin on fascism. The ability to enslave the whole population into a corporate system of servitude in which the 'PERSONS' actually agree to be slaves yet they know it not.
We have allowed the elite to govern over us through the creation of corporations instead of the will of the people. Don't fool yourself, the corporation holds the ultimate power not the people.
Just take a simple look at the foreign policy positions of the United States with respect to the War in Iraq and you will quickly understand that the people are helpless. Heck even the congress is held hostage by the veto of the president. Is this government by the people for the people?
Are we to expect that we vote in our leaders and then put on a blindfold for the next four years until we play the game again? What if the president and his cabal decides to create a police state in those four years and take away the most basic legal rights such as due process and habeas corpus?
The people are playing a shell game in this democracy where the candidates are already chosen ahead of time and your vote means absolutely nothing.
History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid. ~ Dwight Eisenhower
The Reason you can't understand the laws
Language is everything. You can't understand the laws because they were written that way to confuse and deceive you so that you are ignorant to your rights and by logical conclusion forced to waive them involuntarily.
The laws are designed and enforced by the corporation's agents (The Law Societies) and are written to be so confusing to the average human as to require an interpreter or lawyer. It is the same way all knowledge throughout the ages is manipulated to the benefit of a few.
The elites use this method to control the masses through the flow of information and ultimately the interpretation of the data (popular opinion) which by design subjugates the masses underneath and stymies critical thinking and alternate viewpoints.
If people could actually read and understand the laws they would have true power and freedom and wouldn't need to be represented by lawyers of the state whose whole purpose is to create and profit from conflict.
If we the people could read and understand the laws and lived in a truly free society we would know that there is absolutely no obligation to sign your newborn child over to the state as property to be bonded in slavery. Instead this knowledge is hidden from us with a play on words and through deceit ( application, submit, register ) and the lawyers and legal system are the main culprits in this deception.
History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling the money and its issuance. ~ James Madison
The government / corp has delivered you to the wolves
Your government has decided to enslave you to the New World Order in order to keep the charade going. For all intensive purposes most nations of the world are bankrupt and as such rely on money borrowed with interest ( usury ) from the New World Order bankers in order to keep society running.
No longer do we have a system of financial prudence, but instead our government uses this fraudulent banking system / the printing press as an unlimited source of money to keep the system running. The only way they have accomplished this is through Taxation.
Without our personal sweat, blood and labor there are no assets to use as collateral to make this arrangement legitimate. Our governments have decided to sell us and our future generations into bondage so that they can live in excess and so that we are ignorant to the cracks that keep appearing in society.
We have been deceived and we should be good and mad about it. It is time we stop passing "the buck" and this debt and enslavement onto our children and stand up and demand our freedom from this bondage.
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. ~ Thomas Jefferson
The Matrix
We can draw parallels between our current society with that of the movie the Matrix. In the Matrix, the human beings are in pod-like containers and are being used as batteries to power the machines who have taken over the world.
The humans in the Matrix are asleep and unaware and live in a virtual world created for them. The parallels are too real for us right here and now. We live in this virtual world designed for us believing that we have true freedom and democracy, meanwhile we are economic slaves to the New World Order elites who use our labor and taxes for their own benefit.
They are like parasites who have silently infiltrated the world governments and societies through the economic system and are proceeding to destroy each and every nation from within. It is time to wake up!
Redeeming your Strawman / Relinquishing your servitude [ Draft ]
In order to achieve sovereignty and true freedom you must first decide that you will no longer play the game. As natural persons we have inalienable rights and freedoms and we can only be enslaved through our consent (direct or implied).
Democracy and a free society require the consent of the governed and you ultimately have the power to decide if you believe in this system of government or if you would rather be the administrator of your own affairs.
As a natural person you can revoke your consent to be governed and take full administrative control over your natural person and your legal person (Strawman ) which has been fraudulently created in your name.
You simply have to fill out simple notice of understanding and intent and have it notarized by a public notary and sent to the proper levels of government.
Make the decision today to regain control of your life and guarantee your freedom and sovereignty just as your forefathers before you have done against the tyrannical empires of the past.
I've read about this before, something regarding the UCC Code...
ReplyDeletePeople on Daily Paul have written about this topic, and it always get heated...some say it's true and you can rid yourself of the strawman, others say that if you try doing this that you can be thrown in jail.
It's all very confusing, coupled with the fact that there are websites out there that will supposedly help you do this, and they only charge, like, $1500 or something.
It does make you wonder tho. Maxwell Jordan talks about this in this video -