Such a no-no. A healthy, happy, heterosexual couple with a family of four children!
Ultra-rich elitists lecture middle class on having fewer children, reducing living standards while living in opulence and procreating with gusto.
I believe one reason that the middle class is being so pressured is because they are not as genetically damaged as the lower classes seem to be. This extra edge is not desirable when one is trying to breed a substandard species that would never question and obey without hesitation. This pressure is certainly not so hard put upon the very poor who are frequently born into the welfare state. They will demand obedience not intelligence beyond what is necessary to fulfill a given task.
Now for a wee touch of humour. Take a look at the following photograph of David Beckham. Note that he is easy on the eye, obviously very bright, and comes from a pretty damn good gene pool. Then, check out the following elitists and inbreds and tell me who you think is a better asset to humanity. I know my lady readers won't have one doubt for a split second!
July 19, 2011
Paul Joseph
Following the birth of the David and Victoria Beckham’s fourth child last week, the modern vanguard of the elitist, arcane and racist eugenics movement, now re-packaged as “overpopulation,” reacted by lambasting the Beckhams as a “bad example” for families, labeling them “environmentally irresponsible” for having too many kids. However, the leaders of this movement are almost exclusively comprised of ultra-rich elitists who themselves have numerous children and are rampaging hypocrites.
“The Beckhams, and others like London mayor Boris Johnson, are very bad role models with their large families. There’s no point in people trying to reduce their carbon emissions and then increasing them 100% by having another child,” said Simon Ross, chief executive of the Optimum Population Trust.
Noor: The Beckhams, despite their very human frailties set a very bad example for the general populace because, come the various blows of life, and they do live under a paparazzi microscope, these two people love each other deeply and are very family oriented. If one is hurt, the other drops everything to rush to the other’s side. They have managed a very public life with dignity and, despite the headlines, manage to retain privacy.
Equally damning is the fact that, despite her great success, Victoria is usually seen walking slightly behind her husband as they divvy up the children. I am sure the media would much rather portray Beckham as a house mother than what appears to be head of the family.
This supportive man and woman thing they shine to the world goes against the general Communist plan of destroying the family through poor Hollywood examples. So of course the media and the Elites who own it will stab wherever they can as they do to anyone who even remotely has positive influence in the world, even if it is only fashion or kicking balls around a field.
The scope of this article is not to debate the validity of the overpopulation argument, which in other reports we have vehemently debunked as unscientific quackery (the population of the planet is set to rapidly decline after 2050 and is already doing so in many countries), it is to expose the rampant hypocrisy of those telling us to lower our living standards, reduce CO2 emissions and have less kids while they themselves live in luxury, fly around in private jets, and procreate with little concern for “overpopulation”.
Just take a brief look at the lifestyle choices of some of the leading proponents of global warming and overpopulation movement, who while telling others to reduce their living standards and have less children, are themselves living in opulence with their giant families.
As the leading luminary of the global warming movement, you would expect Al Gore to live up to the standards he lectures everyone else about. Gore recently called on women to access “fertility management” (abortion) in order to stabilize global population.
Al Gore is a card paying Communist shill. Like his father, he has been kept afloat and backed by the late Armand Hammer, a radical communist/Zionist and Gore jumps when he is told to. Oh and he will click his heels 3 times in the air too!
Check this out for fun:
However, just like the Beckhams, Gore has four children of his own, who presumably enjoy the luxury of his $8.8 million seaside mansion in Montecito, California (absent any worries about rising sea levels).
Gore is set to become the first “carbon billionaire,” but he offsets his 12-times the average power consumption by purchasing carbon credits ….bought largely from his own company, Generation Investment Management.

But Soros himself seems to have little personal interest in following a lifestyle consistent with his public persona ~ he has five children from two different marriages.
Illustrating this hypocrisy, Soros has given over a billion dollars to his family’s Open Society Institute, which issues grants to promote abortion.
Another Zionist Christian mass murderer, Mr. Soros, with this push toward the holocaust of abortions that go on around the world. This murdering profession has been pushed by Communist Jews since forever. Almost all the leaders in the movement from the beginning, as with the feminism and homosexual agendas, are Communist Jews.

However, Buffett was present at the 2009 “billionaire club” meeting in Manhattan, suggesting that his zeal for population control has far from waned.
Why does no one ever mention that Oprah Winfrey was also a member of this billionaire club? The dear eugenicist born and bred Bill Gates was also there and it was around that time that Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffet received kudos around the world for donating billions to take care of the poor in third world countries. How do we spell “genocide”, boys and girls?
Of course, Buffett’s desire to reduce overpopulation doesn’t apply to his own personal life; he has three children and travels the globe in a $6.7 million dollar private jet.
In 1992 at a UN Ambassador’s Dinner, Rockefeller gave a speech in which he decried the rapid rise of world population and its impact on “our planetary ecosystems”.
Another attendee of the “overpopulation” club in 2009, Rockefeller has six children and owns four mansion estates. He has poured millions of his fortune into global warming and overpopulation fearmongering.
Rockefeller doesn’t seem too fussed about his own half a dozen offspring’s impact on the “planetary ecosystem”.
For more in depth on the carbon scam:

The exchange is set to be worth $150 billion dollars by next year, continuing the Rothschilds’ historical legacy of manipulation, financial scams and rip-offs that have established them as the foremost banking dynasty on the planet.
Turner’s call for western nations to enforce a tyrannical policy that in China is administered by undercover police and “family planning” authorities who kidnap, force drug and then forcibly abort babies of pregnant women, has nothing whatsoever to do with his concern for the environment.
Turner himself has five children and owns no less than 2 million acres of land. He is the largest private landowner on the planet, falling short of only the royal families of Europe. Turner has publicly advocated shocking population reduction programs that would cull the human population by a staggering 95%, a figure only achievable by outright genocide, mass abortion and infanticide.

Charles will never become King. He married Diana to breed William and did not realize, I believe, that the programme meant his son would inherit the crown immediately from Elizabeth II. Charles is a tad too inbred, dull and stodgy for such a position. The very current touring of the new “royal even though we have done nothing” couple and all the media excitement generated to push “the new face of royalty” was certainly a push in that direction. They already speak of Kate and the future queen which is not possible any more than Camilla becoming so.

The fact that the leaders of a movement that is trying to guilt trip the middle class into shying away from having children, suppressing their quality of life and obsessing about CO2 emissions, are ultra-rich elitists who come from huge sprawling family dynasties and spew carbon dioxide from every orifice as they gallivant around the globe living a life of opulence, should tell us something about the credibility of the message.
The overpopulation myth is a tool of control freaks, a discredited and arcane reinvention of the eugenics dogma, designed to oppress, micro-manage and enslave the population by imperiling them to stunt their freedom, prosperity and happiness, while its proponents are stinking hypocrites who would do the planet a huge favor by following their own advice and disappearing off the face of the earth for good.
I love that last line, Noor.