Former Governor considering obtaining Mexican citizenship, vows never to fly again in America if lawsuit struck down
Paul Joseph Watson
July 18, 2011
July 18, 2011

Ventura launched the lawsuit back in January after having been subjected to invasive grope-downs by TSA agents on numerous occasions which included them touching his genitals. The former Governor has a metal plate in his hip which routinely sets off metal detectors.
Ventura’s lawsuit, first filed on January 24, includes violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the 4th Amendment, arguing that he and others with disabilities have been discriminated against and unduly singled out by TSA despite presenting no threat and warranting no reason for lawful search. Further, Ventura has argued that his ability to travel freely has been infringed, hampering his ability to work.
Radio host Alex Jones personally met with Ventura this past weekend at his 60th birthday party in Los Angeles.
Although his lawyer told him that he thinks there is a good case, Ventura believes that his lawsuit will be struck down because the federal government doesn’t want to give Ventura the opportunity to dig in to what the TSA is really doing.
Despite the massive inconvenience in addition to the threat such a decision poses to his television career, Ventura told Jones that he would never fly again if the ruling went against him. For Ventura, standing up for his principles is the most important thing.
Ventura is planning a major press conference if the ruling goes against him on the Friday after the judgment and promised that it would be an event no one would want to miss, an “incredible” spectacle “like nothing I’ve ever done,” said Ventura.
The former Governor even intimated that he is considering obtaining Mexican citizenship and permanently vacating the United States altogether. The ruling on Ventura’s case is expected to be delivered on Friday.
Before launching the lawsuit, Ventura privately told Alex Jones “That’s why I want to leave the United States,” adding, “This is why I go down to Mexico ~ this is wrong.” Ventura indicated that he was most concerned about the destruction of the 4th Amendment and passing of the America he once knew.
TSA misconduct hit the headlines again at the end of last week, with a D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that concluded the TSA violated federal law by rolling out radiation firing body scanners in airports without soliciting public comment. However, the court said that the scanners were “constitutional” and refused to halt their use.
Regarding Ventura’s popular television TruTV series Conspiracy Theory, a third season is in the works, but Ventura’s role will be that of a war room information general, in accordance with his refusal to fly until the TSA changes its policy on grope downs.
The other researchers on the program will bring information to Ventura, including new team members Tyrell Ventura, Jesse’s son, as well as Sean Stone, son of legendary film director Oliver Stone.
Ventura is set to appear on the Alex Jones Show in the near future to flesh out all these details and more.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.
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