Atlantis by French Fox
Since I was a child, I have always been firm in my belief that Atlantis will rise during my lifetime. My childhood conviction was strengthened with the words of Edgar Cayce the Sleeping Prophet. Is the following story yet another false lead? Just read and explore the links and you tell me.
Not much is really known about Atlantis. Most of our historians are guessing. As far as Atlantis goes, there were two of them ~ old Atlantis and young Atlantis. They are far, far apart, both physically and in time. The one that is being searched for now is much younger than you might think.. Atlantis was destroyed in two parts, several thousand years apart, by dangers very similar to those facing humanity today, so each could be in different parts of the Atlantic Ocean.
I believe what Plato spoke of was the New,Atlantis, just beyond the Mediterranean, the Straits of Gibraltar. The civilization of the Newer Atlantis had a great deal of similarity to the Egyptian civilization at the same time. Who knows where either could have shifted to during the final cataclysmic hours?
I do not think of Atlantis as a “lost paradise” at all. It was most likely a rather violent culture built around slavery and materialism, much like our world today. Peace and paradise were more likely the way of the Lemurians in the Pacific area. But of course, this is just speculation on my behalf, speculation and some semi-educated and inspirational guesswork. Far from being scientifically sound I grant you that.
“There occurred violent earthquakes and floods, and in a single day and night of rain all your warlike men in a body sunk inot the Earth and the island of Atlantis was sunk beneath the sea.” This is ann account of the destruction of Atlantis by Plato in his Dialogues written between 370 and 350 BC. He said that the civilization was built by god-like beings, destroyed by earthquakes triggered by the misuse of technology.
AHEM. HAARP anyone?
However, eventually, Atlantis will be found and I thank every person who still believes, especially those who seek it with such passion!
Wynne Parry
July 10, 2011
This image of the ancient buried landscape discovered deep beneath the sediment of the North Atlantic Ocean was made using sound waves bounced off different rock layers. An ancient meandering riverbed is visible.
CREDIT: R A Hartley et al.
Buried deep beneath the sediment of the North Atlantic Ocean lies an ancient, lost landscape with furrows cut by rivers and peaks that once belonged to mountains. Geologists recently discovered this roughly 56-million-year-old landscape using data gathered for oil companies.
"It looks for all the world like a map of a bit of a country onshore," said Nicky White, the senior researcher. "It is like an ancient fossil landscape preserved 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) beneath the seabed."
So far, the data have revealed a landscape about 3,861 square miles (10,000 square km) west of the Orkney-Shetland Islands that stretched above sea level by almost as much as 0.6 miles (1 km). White and colleagues suspect it is part of a larger region that merged with what is now Scotland and may have extended toward Norway in a hot, prehuman world.
The discovery emerged from data collected by a seismic contracting company using an advanced echo-sounding technique. High pressured air is released from metal cylinders, producing sound waves that travel to the ocean floor and beneath it, through layers of sediment. Every time these sound waves encounter a change in the material through which they are traveling, say, from mudstone to sandstone, an echo bounces back.
Microphones trailing behind the ship on cables record these echoes, and the information they contain can be used to construct three-dimensional images of the sedimentary rock below, explained White, a geologist at the University of Cambridge in Britain.
The team, led by Ross Hartley, a graduate student at the University of Cambridge, found a wrinkly layer 1.2 miles (2 km) beneath the seafloor ~ evidence of the buried landscape, reminiscent of the mythical lost Atlantis.
The researchers traced eight major rivers, and core samples, taken from the rock beneath the ocean floor, revealed pollen and coal, evidence of land-dwelling life. But above and below these deposits, they found evidence of a marine environment, including tiny fossils, indicating the land rose above the sea and then subsided ~ "like a terrestrial sandwich with marine bread," White said.
The burning scientific question, according to White, is what made this landscape rise up, then subside within 2.5 million years? "From a geological perspective, that is a very short period of time," he said.
He and colleagues have a theory pointing to an upwelling of material through the Earth's mantle beneath the North Atlantic Ocean called the Icelandic Plume. (The plume is centered under Iceland.)
The plume works like a pipe carrying hot magma from deep within the Earth to right below the surface, where it spreads out like a giant mushroom, according to White. Sometimes the material is unusually hot, and it spreads out in a giant hot ripple.

This theory is supported by other new research showing that the chemical composition of rocks in the V-shaped ridges on the ocean floor around Iceland contains a record of hot magma surges like this one. Although this study, led by Heather Poore, also one of White's students, looked back only about 30 million years, White said he is hopeful ongoing research will pinpoint an older ridge that recorded this particular hot ripple.
Because similar processes have occurred elsewhere on the planet, there are likely many other lost landscapes like this one. Since this study was completed, the researchers have found two more recent, but less spectacular, submerged landscapes above the first one, White said.
Both studies appear today (July 10) in the journal Nature Geoscience.
very interesting
ReplyDeleteScottish author William Comyns Beaumont placed Atlantis in the British Isles and Scandanavia. I am unable to find a source but have read that the CIA have copyright of his works and that B'nai Brith rounded up his books in the USA because he identified that Jerusalem was originally in Scotland.