"Israel thug state"
The one thing I wish to draw your attention to, dear Readers, is the fact that this is a solid article the connection between the Mafia and the Jewish Mafia is not mentioned at all. This is about Jewish thugs so let us remember, thugs by our standards, so long as they gave a good proportion of their ill-gotten gains to Israel, were considered to be honourable Jews. However the two Mafias are one and the same almost. The big thing is that, to hide the membership of the Jewish Mafia, the Italian takes the media heat. After all, back in the day, the worst mobsters of the lot were the Jewish ones.They still are!
A thug enters your home, decides to stay, makes you his servants and locks you up in the worst conditions.
When the neighbours complain about what's going on in your home, the thug tells everyone that you are terrorists who want to destroy him and his family.
When the thug is told that he must treat you as equals in the house he has taken from you, he refuses, complaining that would leave him indefensible.

Krav Maga Instructor Nima Sirazi comments cogently on the double-talk used by burglars like Netanyahu to con the public:
"The oppressed becomes the oppressor, the culprit becomes the victim, occupation is security, illegal colonization is cultural liberation, aggressive expansion is righteous reclamation, genocide is self-defence, apartheid is justice, resistance is terrorism, and ethnic cleansing is peace."
Netanyahu is not alone of course. An even worse thug is the ex-nightclub bouncer Avigdor Lieberman, Israel's foreign minister.
This larger-than-life burglar stole one of the settlement properties for himself, kicked out the Palestinian home owners, moved in, took over and insisted that the occupation was necessary as a defensible border for Israel.
Writing in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, Gideon Levy reveals how Ilan Baruch, a veteran Israeli diplomat, acknowledged his inability to represent or explain Israeli policies. Last week he handed in his resignation letter.
Says Levy: "Our diplomatic corps today is comprised primarily of spineless propagandists void of values or a conscience."
Levy points realistically to how Israel's diplomats know what the world thinks of their country's machinations, their thievery and attempts to cover it all up.
"They know that under Lieberman's watch the Foreign Ministry has become a vessel of rage toward the entire world," observes Levy. "They know that no ambassador is sufficiently adroit to explain the brutality of Operation Cast Lead, or the pointless killing on the Mavi Marmara ship."
Israel's diplomats "know that no country on the planet actually accepts the occupation, the settlements or the indications of Israeli apartheid," adds Levy.
Despite what Israel's diplomats know, they remain silent. After all, the leading thugs and robbers are their bosses.
If these thugs were Italian, they'd be called Mafioso, arrested and jailed for being guilty of organized crime.
But such a comparison with common thieves who steal others' property is not possible for thugs who have protection.
The equivalent of organized crime judges being bought off can be seen in America simply by looking at the US congress who, like the family of a Mafia don, treat Netanyahu like the head of the Cosa Nostra.
How long can Israel's thugs keep getting away with the travesty of justice that's no better than organized crime in America?
"Although Jews constitute only two per cent of the American population, they have a disproportionate political impact: Pro-Israel interests have contributed 56.8 million dollars in individual, group and soft money donations to federal candidates and party committees since 1990," reports activist-writer Bob Burnett.
Organizations like the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and the American Jewish Committee (AJC) do more damage to Jews than any organized Jew-hating group. They stimulate what they call anti-Semitism, meaning anti-Jew.
Notes writer Rand Clifford:
"Americans have been so meticulously trained to ignore evidence in favour of what they want to believe, in conjunction with what they are wanted to believe, that too many have been rendered unable to objectively weigh evidence."
They hold the position that nothing Israel does can be wrong, and everything their organizations do must be accepted ~ an extremely dangerous position to hold.
* Paul J. Balles is a retired American university professor and freelance writer who has lived in the Middle East for many years. He's a weekly Op-Ed columnist for the Gulf Daily News. Dr. Balles is also Editorial Consultant for Red House Marketing and a regular contributor to Bahrain This Month
The "Illuminati", jews and the "m.a.f.i.a."
ReplyDeleteThe "Illuminati", (re)established May, 1st, 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, a jew, who "converted" to catholicism and became a "Jesuit priest" (and a professor of Cannon Law at Ingolstadt, Bavaria).
After Weishaupt, the directorship of the European "Illuminati" went to Italian Giuseppe Mazzini (who some researchers claim was also a crypto jew; perhaps his first name is an indicator of this?).
(By authority of Mazzini, the US-based "Illuminati" control went to Albert Pike, a satanist, "cicle klan" (the kkk, named for a satanic ritual) co-founder, student of satanic-Cabala, USA's "top Freemason", Albert Pike. The plan for 3 world wars leading to a one world government (NWO), often attributed to Pike only, was likely co-authored with Mazzini, in some literature it is titled the "Mazzini-Pike Plan").
Giuseppe Mazzini also established a branch of the "Illuminati" called "The League of the Just" to which "Karl Marx" (a crypto jew) was attracted.
"The League of the Just" was later re-established, by Marx, Mazzini, et al, as the first communist organization ...
Most interesting is the creation of the so-called "Italian mafia" more accurately the m.a.f.i.a. by Mazzini:
Mazzini Autorizza Furti Incindi Avvelemanti - Mazzini Authorizes Thefts Arsons and Poisonings (1859) in pursuit of the global organized crime syndicate's goals.
...and the Italians have been, ever since, blamed for this scourge upon humanity...
Dates and numbers - speaking of international organized crime syndicates -the ECB and the "Illuminati":
1/3 of 666 is 222;
1/3 of 1998 is 666,
May 1st (a satanic/occult holiday, when, among other activities, people form a circle and dance around a phallic symbol - and has many confused by calling it May Day dancing around the May Pole ...)
The European Central Bank (ECB) was established May 1st, 1998 - exactly 222 years after the (re)establishment of the "Illuminati" (est. May 1st, 1776)
It is not a coincidence
MMMM some dainty details for delectation there Anonymous! Being a numerical twit I have always known that everything these people do is according to mathematical machinations.
ReplyDeletePeople do not realize of course that when they innocently take part of so many things that are parts of their lives, (Maypole, various Masonic tv rituals ie Madonna and Spears and Aquilera a few years ago, etc) that their excited energy is going to feed the beast in one realm or another.
Anymore than they realize all the Pike Streets and towns etc are all in honour of a major satanist. A man who was known to take to the wilds with a pile of booze and party with multitudes of poorer women or broken native women.
I thought, btw, that the origins of the Mafia was with the old black nobility families of Italy, the Borgias and the Medicis, who also "owned" the Roman Catholic Church.
Your explanation makes perfect sense I will look into this a little more for more information.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing!
And thank you Noor al Haqiqa for allowing me to post comments and for your always very fine work, writings, researches.
ReplyDeleteVery good point on the black nobility and Mafia origins and i agree that on the greater, global scale, these families can be held responsible, ultimately for many things, such as the "mafia"
My purpose with pointing to Mazzini's role, in addition to his connections with his fellow vile satanists (and who very likely was an errand boy on a leash that lead directly to the black nobility (as was Adam Weishaupt)) and his connections to the purposely visible and only 1 of many iterations of global organized crime syndicate - is to bring attention to the others involved, rather than, as always, and almost exclusively (by design) to the Italian people. It's an undeserved stereotype placed upon an entire people, by the usual suspects ... i.e. in USA mafia was, maybe still is, synonymous with Italian. A blatant lie that serves, as usual, as a decoy, attention redirect away from the core of ultimate-deviance, obfuscation of truth. ...
Apologies too as I regrettably do not cite sources used, not due to lack of veracity and impartiality (they are from individuals, interested in approaching as close as possible to the truth and who cite secondary as well as some primary sources for their works; i exclude works by groups, organizations (all of which have nothing but political, religious, ethnic, and various of most flawed motivations), but due to the fact that these sources are relatively (now) obscure, difficult to acquire, and very interestingly - seem to be rapidly disappearing and made ever more difficult to obtain ...
In near future, people will be able to share more without fear and persecution, but not at this time and in the world controlled by a global organized crime syndicate.
For the "numerical twits":
6,000,000 divided by 666 is
9009.009009009009 ...
9 supposedly in the occult world, may signify influence of evil on global scale
After posting your comment and my response, I coincidentally found myself talking to someone extremely close to me who lives in NYC and is old country Italian born. He far from an angel and has walked the dark side in the past when young. He told me that almost all Italians know the meaning of the name and was a lil surprised when I rambled it off correctly to him. While it is not a big dark secret, it is not given freely to the non Italians. He does not get the Jewish angle yet, being extremely Italian, but I will work on him a bit. WInks.
ReplyDeleteI remember watching an amazing series on the Caesar's and the malignancy of the witchcraft employed in small parts was reminiscent of the most vile of Egyptian practices. A few generations later, Lucrecia Borgia, the ugly unhappy neglected French Queen of the Sun King, practiced the most vile of black magics, sorcery and very dark arts as in poisoning etc. It is also around that time that the Black Mass as a mockery of the Christian Mass came into its own. I am not saying they all were the result of her being, but she certainly supported the dark arts and brought sorcerers into the courts. It is easy to see how these things would eventually become part of the social scene (The King's Mistress was a frequent "altar" during dark ritual and used magic to hold his attentions and love".)
Easy to see how it all spread around, especially with the help of the Borgia clan, considered to be among the blackest of the black nobility. And yes, I am sure there was a strong streak of Jew in there because they were the ones who took the truth of Jesus and morphed it all into the lies upon which the modern church still settles.
This is all very very deep old evil we deal with. Bill Cooper covers it best.
For more information on the Jewish/Masonic/Communist nexus, watch:
ReplyDeleteJuri Lina - In the Shadow of Hermes FULL Movie (Under the Sign of the Scorpion)
and read:
A SEA OF BLOOD: The Truth About Bolshevik Russia
There is more interesting material at Bamboo-Delight's homepage:
Be sure to read The Sumerian Swindle!
Noor, I would like to bring this video to your attention in case you haven't seen it. Please consider posting it on your site:
ReplyDeleteAlan Sabrosky, US Marine Corps veteran-The Autograph-07-13-2011
A little constructive criticism regarding your site: dark colored text on a dark background (or light colored text on a light background) is hard for elderly eyes like mine to read. Please use more contrast. I don't mean to be petty, I'm just getting old :)
Please keep up the good work!