Good News from Bilderberg 2013 is that Bassma Kodmani, Member of the
Executive Bureau and Head of Foreign Affairs for Syrian National Council, was
not invited back. The Free Syrian Army has been a real disaster of late for
NATO. That is good news for Syria.

a week after the Bilderberg meeting we will see press articles detailing where
they want us to go. I hope peace is on the agenda. Chinese experts who attended
last year were not invited back.
any unannounced attendees are spotted, I will update this list as I did last
Castries, Henri de France
Chairman and CEO, AXA Group, the insurance giant is the 9th largest company in the world. He replaced Viscount Etienne Davignon last year. An American unit of AXA was involved in the Wall Street fleeces Main Street scandal which was investigated by the New York state Attorney General.
Achleitner, Paul M. France
Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG. Deutsche bank is key to manipulating currencies, interest rates and gold.
Ackermann, Josef
Germany Chairman of the Board, Zurich Insurance Group Ltd. He has been feted by the American Jewish Committee. He is a Swiss born Jew and is associated with Siemens and used to run Deutsche Bank.
Agius, Marcus
GB Former Chairman, Barclays plc. His wife is Katherine de Rothschild. Her father is Evelyn de Rothschild who was a co-founder of Bilderberg. Agius began his career at the Rothschild associated Lazard bank.
Alexander, Helen
GB Chairman, UBM plc, a London based media company.
Altman, Roger C.
USA Executive Chairman, Evercore Partners. He used to be with Lehman Brothers and Blackstone Group. He is a key supporter of Hillary Clinton.
Apunen, Matti
Finland Director, Finnish Business and Policy Forum EVA He supports globalization of business and media.
Athey, Susan
USA Professor of Economics, Stanford Graduate School of Business. She is an expert in decision making under uncertain conditions. She also is the person to talk to if you want to scientifically rig an auction. This is her first meeting.
Aydıntaşbaş, Aslı
Turkey Columnist, Milliyet Newspaper. His paper copies the SUN and Daily Mail. His paper censors its writers.
Babacan, Ali
Turkey Deputy Prime Minister for Economic and Financial Affairs
Balls, Edward M
GB He was invited because he is Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer. He is a Labour MP and an Oxford graduate. He used to write for Financial Times, a Bilderberg favourite. Do not expect any reforms if he is in the Labour government in 2015.
Balsemão, Francisco Pinto
Portugal President and CEO, Impresa; Former Prime Minister He is the founder of a weekly news magazine. He is a broadcaster and has business ties with Brazil.
Barré, Nicolas
France Managing Editor, Les Echos. Returning member.
Barroso, José M. Durão
International President, European Commission
Baverez, Nicolas
France Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP. He works at the Paris office of an international law firm headquartered in New York with 1,000 lawyers and offices in 17 nations. He specializes in privatization meaning he takes utilities paid for by the public which are given to billionaires. Tolls and fees are charged to taxpayers.
Bavinchove, Olivier de
France Commander of Eurocorps, the Franco- German brigades. He is a 3 star general. His brigades are supposed to protect the bankers when it all goes belly up. Don’t count on these guys. They are top heavy with generals and short of battle tested soldiers.
Bell, John
GB Regius Professor of Medicine, University of Oxford. He specializes in autoimmune diseases. I hope they are interested in protecting their own health rather than lowering our immune response to a plague. I think they do that research elsewhere.
Bernabè, Franco
Italy Chairman and CEO, Telecom Italia. He is a non-executive director of Petro China. He was appointed as Vice Chairman of Rothschild Europe. He is on the Bilderberg Steering Committee. The other Bilderberg participants merely discuss the agenda until agreement is reached. The Steering Committee sets that agenda. Notice how close the Steering Committee is to the Rothschild family.
Bezos, Jeff
USA Founder and CEO,
Bildt, Carl
Sweden Minister for Foreign Affairs
Borg, Anders
Sweden Minister for Finance. The bankers have plans for Sweden. Both Borg and Bildt are first time members. They are there for a reason.
Bonnier, Jonas
Sweden President and CEO, Bonnier AB. His family owned publishing company is the largest in Scandinavia.
Brandtzæg, Svein Richard
Norway President and CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA. It is the fourth largest integrated electrical generation and aluminum producer in the world.
Bronner, Oscar
Austria Publisher, Der Standard Medienwelt, a nationwide newspaper. He is Jewish and was born in Israel.
Carrington, Peter
GB Former Honorary Chairman, Bilderberg Meetings. He also was Foreign Minister and NATO secretary General. He is a leading figure in the Pilgrims Society. He was a director of several banks including Rothschild NM.
Cebrián, Juan Luis
Spain Executive Chairman, Grupo PRISA. They own radio and TV stations are in publishing as well. They are owned by the Phoenix Group, a British insurance company.
Clark, W. Edmund
Canada Group President and CEO, TD Bank Group (Toronto Dominion Bank) He is a member of the all important Bilderberg Steering Committee. He believes strongly in sustainable communities.
Clarke, Kenneth
GB Member of Parliament. He was Secretary of Justice. Currently he is a minister without portfolio. He is a member of the Tory Reform Group which means he wants to betray the British people as quickly as possible as evidenced by his support for the EU. He is on advisory board to Hedge Funds.
Corydon, Bjarne
Denmark Minister of Finance. He is a first time member.
Cowper-Coles, Sherard
GB Business Development Director, International, BAE Systems plc. BAE is a scandal plagued British arms merchant.
Cucchiani, Enrico Tommaso
Italy CEO, Intesa Sanpaolo SpA. This a bank created by a merger. It has 7,246 branches (5,581 in Italy and 1,761 overseas). He is a first time member.
Davignon, Etienne
Belgium Minister of State; Former Chairman, Bilderberg Meetings. His company Suez killed poor people in the Third World by privatizing public water supplies. He was involved in a weapons scandal in Africa and gave way last year to the new chairman.
Davis, Ian
GB Senior Partner Emeritus, McKinsey & Compan. They have 7 billion dollars in revenue generated from 17,000 consultants who serve senior management and to governments.
Dijkgraaf, Robbert H.
Netherlands Director and Leon Levy Professor, Institute for Advanced Study. He is a first time member. He is a mathematical physicist. I wonder why he was invited.
Dinçer, Haluk
Turkey President, Retail and Insurance Group, Sabancı Holding A.S.
Dudley, Robert
GB Group Chief Executive, BP plc
Eberstadt, Nicholas N.
Henry Wendt Chair in Political Economy, American Enterprise Institute. He is an expert on poverty and demographics. He is also an expert on North Korea. The AEI is far right and Establishment oriented.
Eide, Espen Barth
Norway Minister of Foreign Affairs
Elkann, John
Italy Chairman, Fiat S.p.A. He is the grandson and heir of Gianni Agnelli. Fiat owns Lancia, Ferrari, Maserati and Chrysler. Elkann is Jewish and was born in New York. He also runs the Agnelli family investment firm Exor which owns Juventus F.C., Cushman & Wakefield and SGS. Henry Kissinger, Carla Bruni, and Ell McPherson attended his wedding.
Ekholm, Börje
Sweden President and CEO, Investor AB which runs NASDAQ OMX
Enders, Thomas
Germany CEO, Airbus. He used to work at Daimler Chrysler Aerospace. Airbus is facing financial difficulties.
Evans, J. Michael
USA Vice Chairman, Global Head of Growth Markets, Goldman Sachs & Co. Former Goldman Sachs VPs include the Head of the CFTC, the COO of the SEC and the heads of the Bank of England and the ECB.
Federspiel, Ulrik
Denmark Executive Vice President, Haldor Topsøe A/S an energy company. In 1991, he was appointed Permanent State Secretary for Foreign Affairs in Denmark and, in 1993, the Danish Prime Minister appointed him his Chief of Staff which included serving as Secretary to Her Majesty the Queen in the Council of Ministers. He has written a book on EU integration.
Feldstein, Martin S.
USA Professor of Economics, Harvard University; President Emeritus, NBER. He is the most seasoned economics expert on Business cycles. Good to have around when you really need to know how much longer this Ponzi scheme fractional reserve banking system can last. Jewish
Fillon, François
France Former Prime Minister
Fishman, Mark C.
USA President, Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research which does the research for Novartis pharmaceuticals.
Flint, Douglas J.
GB Group Chairman, HSBC Holdings plc. HSBC is an old drug running bank better known as Hong Kong Shanghai Bank. Asia Times tells us that the big banks launder 500 billion dollars a year in bribes and that 40% of that money belongs to Chinese politicians. His bank has extensive contacts with both Chinese politicians and Latin American drug cartels. They also were in the LIBOR scandal.
Gallagher, Paul
Ireland Former Attorney General; Senior Counsel. Irish people should all hang their heads in shame over this government which indebted the Irish people to pay for the speculative losses of English owned banks. has a map on the left of its main page which shows 300 sites for mass graves for Irishmen who were deliberately starved to death. No local groups have to date been willing to receive the historical markers he would love to donate.
Geithner, Timothy F.
USA Former Secretary of the Treasury, He is a second generation Globalist. His father was a Director of the Ford Foundation in Asia. He was born in Asia and speaks Chinese. His first job was working for Kissinger Associates. His father was the boss of Obama’s mother. I have written about an evil plot from a previous meeting. The article is in the Notes below. Jewish
Gfoeller, Michael
USA Bio says Political Consultant. Actually he is on the Board of Advisors to the Chertoff Group. The former DHS Secretary sold toxic scanners to the US. Chertoff was head of the Criminal Division at the DOJ on 911 which means he was in charge of the cover-up. Gfoeller worked for the US State Department for 26 years in Eastern Europe, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. He worked with General David Petraeus and also works with Exxon-Mobil for Government Affairs.
Graham, Donald E.
USA Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company. His mother was the late Katherine Meyer. He is on the board of directors of Facebook. The Washington Post never ran stories on the Bilderberg Society until the alternative press came along. He is Jewish.
Grillo, Ulrich
Germany CEO, Grillo-Werke AG This is a Zinc and Sulphur company. Not sure why he was invited. He does have the same last name as Beppe Grillo, the Italian politician who is upsetting the Globalists.
Gruber, Lilli
Italy Journalist – Anchorwoman, La 7 TV She is a native speaker of Italian and German. She was critical of Berlusconi, quit her state TV job and became a Euro MP. She returned to TV. She is fluent in English and has worked as a war correspondent.
Guindos, Luis de
Spain Minister of Economy and Competitiveness. The bankers have been pushing austerity. Spain is about to say No so loudly that the bankers will hear them.
Gulliver, Stuart
GB Group Chief Executive, HSBC Holdings plc. This is the second man so far from HSBC. The banks launder over a trillion dollars a year in drugs and illegal weapons. They made more off drugs than they did from the African Slave trade.
Gutzwiller, Felix
Swiss Member of the Swiss Council of States and leader of the Free Democrats. They are sort of libertarians. Bankers might be looking for a man to sell out the Swiss voters.
Halberstadt, Victor
Netherlands Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings.
Heinonen, Olli
Finland Senior Fellow, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School of Government. He is an expert on nuclear proliferation. I hope he is there to get a consensus on peace with Iran.
Henry, Simon
GB CFO, Royal Dutch Shell plc. Another oil company heard from.
France Chairman and CEO, Capgemini Group. This is a 10 billion euro IT consulting firm with 125,000 employees worldwide.
Spain Chairman and CEO, Inditex Group. This is a €13.79 billion footwear company.
USA Chairman and CEO of Rothschild owned Lazard. He is Jewish.
Johnson, James A.
USA Chairman, Johnson Capital Partners He selects VP candidates for the Democrats. He had something of a mortgage scandal in 2008 and his candidate Kathleen Sebelius was rejected by Obama as he does not like women which is unusual for a gay man. Biden became VP. He has real power within the Democratic Party.
Jordan, Thomas J.
Swiss. Chairman of the Governing Board, Swiss National Bank. He pegged the Swiss franc to the euro. Not doing well with that one.
Jordan, Jr., Vernon E.
USA Senior Managing Director, Lazard. He was on the assassination list with Martin Luther King Jr. He escaped with his life and I do not blame him for going to work for the Rothschilds to avoid being killed. King was killed on the first anniversary of his Riverside church speech because of his anti-war activities. Peace is forbidden.
Kaplan, Robert D.
USA Chief Geopolitical Analyst, Stratfor. The Bilderbergers invite some people because they want to network with a spectrum of people to make them feel important and to sell the agenda back home. I think this guy falls into that category as they have better intelligence sources than Stratfor. I hope they are selling a peace plan to his subscribers.
Karp, Alexander
USA CEO, Palantir Technologies. This high tech company was created with seed money from the CIA so I do not believe those claims about protecting user privacy. Like all the other high tech CEOs the CIA funded. Karp is Jewish.
Kerr, John
GB Independent Member, House of Lords and Deputy Chairman of Royal Dutch Shell He was a professional diplomat and ambassador to Russia, the US Pakistan and the EU. He is a director of Rio Tinto, a Rothschild company.
Kissinger, Henry A.
USA Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc. Kissinger is wanted for war crimes. He is of course Jewish. He is a very big supporter of population reduction (i.e. killing billions of poor people.) Lest you think you are exempt please note that in a Hyperinflation your wages will be cut in half for openers and things will go downhill from there. In Argentina middle class families fed themselves from what they found in garbage cans.
Kleinfeld, Klaus
USA Chairman and CEO, Alcoa and former CEO of Siemens AG. though he had to quit Siemens over corruption charges. He is a member of the board of directors of Citigroup and Bayer. He is popular with the bankers. He has been invited back.
Knot, Klaas H.W.
Netherlands President, De Nederlandsche Bank. This is the Dutch central bank. The Dutch, the Germans and the Finns have to pay for everyone else.
Koç, Mustafa
Turkey Chairman, Koç Holding A.Ş. He was the only son of Turkey’s wealthiest man. He graduated from Johns Hopkins in the USA. His company is the largest in Turkey and partners with many foreign corporations making light bulbs and cars. He is a member of the New York Yacht Club. He hired Peter Sutherland a former Head of Bilderberg Europe. That is one way to be invited back.
Koch, Roland
Germany CEO, Bilfinger Berger SE. He is a great public speaker and is a long time politician in the CDU.
Kravis, Henry R.
USA Co-Chairman and Co-CEO, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. When they bought R J Reynolds, Catherine Austin Fitts couldn’t understand how they could pay so much. She learned that Reynolds sold cigarettes to terrorists and drug dealers so they could launder money. They take over companies and steal their pensions. He is Jewish.
Kravis, Marie-Josée
USA Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute which is funded by Eli Lily. She is from Montreal, Quebec, and is the third wife of financier Henry Kravis. Jew
Kudelski, André
Swiss Chairman and CEO, Kudelski Group. Boo. Thus guy manufactures digital rights management controls. This is the guy who won’t let you play the DVD you paid for.
Kyriacopoulos, Ulysses
Greece Chairman, S&B Industrial Minerals S.A. This is a worldwide corporation serving foundries, construction and metallurgical firms. Everyone else in Greece is up against it.
Lagarde, Christine
International Managing Director, International Monetary Fund. They must be up against it to invite an active head of the IMF. She is already in scandals. She was a lawyer at a union busting firm and then Finance Minister for France. She did not permit her Ministry employees speak French. Only English allowed. Jewish
Lauk, Kurt J.
Germany Chairman of the Economic Council to the CDU, Berlin. Roy L. Furman Professor of Law and Leadership, Harvard Law. As I said, they invite a lot of people to get a consensus going which they hope can be sold back home.
Lessig, Lawrence
USA School; Director, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard University. A Good Guy. He is a proponent of reduced legal restrictions on copyright. At least the bankers will hear the other side about Internet freedom.
Leysen, Thomas
Belgium Chairman of the Board of Directors, KBC Group. This is a bank and insurance company that is profitable. They are geared to asset management and to small businesses.
Lindner, Christian
Germany Party Leader, Free Democratic Party (FDP NRW) A sort of Libertarian and member of the Merkel coalition. The bankers are really pushing to keep the Germans in the EU.
Löfven, Stefan
Sweden Party Leader, Social Democratic Party (SAP). He is a friend of the Wallenbergs, the wealthy family that used to be Jewish.
Löscher, Peter
Germany President and CEO, Siemens AG
Mandelson, Peter
GB Member, House of Lords; Chairman, Global Counsel. Mandelson was a long-time MP for Labour. He represented the interests of the Rothschilds and Israel. He has a reputation as political fixer. He is gay. His father was advertising manager at the Jewish Chronicle. His mother was well connected in the Labour party in London. (Jew)
Mathews, Jessica Tuchman.
USA President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. She is a permanent fixture at Bilderberg showing the importance of the Foundations to the bankers. They and federal grants enable control of the universities. The Foundations need to be seized. She said, “The nation-state may be obsolete in an internetted world.” She is on the Bilderberg Steering Committee according to the French version of her Wiki entry. Enough said about her. She is Jewish.
McKenna, Frank
Canada Deputy Chair, TD Bank Group He was Premier of New Brunswick province and served as ambassador to the US. He is still popular in Liberal party circles. His boss at TD bank is on the Bilderberg Society steering committee.
Micklethwait, John
GB Editor-in-Chief, The Economist which is owned by the Rothschilds. The Economist urged Iraq to attack Iran 6 months before the war started.
Montbrial, Thierry de
France President, French Institute for International Relations. The Bilderbergers like to select college professors with either Foundation or diplomatic background to persuade academics to fall into lock step when they apply for grants.
Monti, Mario
International Former Prime Minister and a former Goldman Sachs VP.
Mundie, Craig J.
USA Senior Advisor to the CEO, Microsoft Corporation; He is a member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee and had to approve the invitations to the other high tech attendees. Mundie advocates that individuals be licensed before being allowed to use the Internet.
Nagel, Alberto
Italy CEO, Mediobanca. This is an international investment bank.
H.M. Beatrix,
The recently retired Queen of the Netherlands. Her father founded Bilderberg. Her family owns a large part of Royal Dutch Shell along with the Queen of England and the Rothschilds. Forbes magazine did a puff piece and said she had only 300 million dollars. This is not credible for a family that ruled for 200 years. She was replaced by her son Wilhelm-Alexander.
Ng, Andrew Y.
USA Co-Founder, Coursera, the online educational company. His company profile was featured as part of the Bilderberg official agenda.
Ollila, Jorma
Finland Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell, plc. He is also Chairman of Nokia. He worked for 8 years at Citibank’s London office. I suppose you have noticed that the oil companies and the banks are well represented.
Omand, David
GB Visiting Professor, King’s College London. He is a veteran and communications and intelligence. Probably good at keeping a lid on things.
Osborne, George
GB Chancellor of the Exchequer. This man is a dope. I think they want to reach a consensus on how to steer Europe for the next year. Things are not going well.
Ottolenghi, Emanuele
USA Senior Fellow, Foundation for Defense of Democracies. He is an Israeli expert on Iran and worked for a group associated with the American Jewish Committee. (Jew)
Turkey He is a professor of International Relations and Political Science at Istanbul Bilgi University. He is also a columnist at Haberturk newspaper. He edits a business magazine and a Turkish language version of Foreign Policy magazine.
Papahelas, Alexis
Greece Executive Editor, Kathimerini Newspaper
Turkey Member of Parliament (CHP)
Pécresse, Valérie
France Member of Parliament (UMP)
USA Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute He began as a senior staff member to Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson and served as the assistant Secretary of Defense for Ronald Regan. He was a member Project for the New American Century (PNAC). In the Clinton years he went to Israel where he accepted citizenship and wrote “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm”. This was written into PNAC and became US doctrine in the early Bush years. PNAC documents spoke of a need for a new Pearl Harbour. (Really bad Jew)
Petraeus, David
USA General, U.S. Army (Retired) and former CIA Director.
Portas, Paulo
Portugal Minister of State and Foreign Affairs
Prichard, J. Robert S
Canada Chair, Torys LLP a law firm. Prichard is the President and CEO of the Toronto Star. He has been involved in political campaigns and has been mentioned as a potential Liberal candidate for PM.
ED Noor: This could be significant for Canadians. In 1993, a political almost nobody named Stephen Harper attended the Bilderberg meeting and within a year Canada was saddled with him as Prime Minister. He has since proven to be the ideal NWO/JWO posterboy backing Israel and winning awards from the Jews for his efforts to ruin Canada and her reputation.
Reding, Viviane
Reding, Viviane
International Vice President and Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, European Commission. The EU is a dictatorship run by the commissioners. She was a journalist from Luxembourg. In 2010 she denounced France for deporting the Roma people (Gypsies).
Reisman, Heather M.
Canada CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc. the largest bookstore chain in Canada. Her husband, Gerry Schwartz, runs Onex, a leading venture capital firm. She is listed as a member of the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Group. She and her husband switched from Liberal to Conservative over the Israel Lebanon war. PM Harper’s Chief of Staff used to work for her husband. Reisman, Heather M. Canada Her husband, Gerry Schwartz, runs Onex, a leading venture capital firm. She is listed as a member of the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Group. She and her husband switched from Liberal to Conservative over the Israel Lebanon war. PM Harper’s Chief of Staff used to work for her husband. Her uncle was the first Canadian to work with Bilderberg to break up Canada to get it into the North American Union.
France Professor of Economics, London Business School. She is an expert on currency exchange rates and trade imbalances.
Robertson, Simon
GB Partner, Robertson Robey Associates LLP; Deputy Chairman, HSBC Holdings. What is it with these Bilderbergers and HSBC? If we ever take over, I think we will find most of their personal assets went through that bank.
Rocca, Gianfelice
Italy Chairman,Techint Group. This is a worldwide steel producer with 24 billion dollars in annual sales.
Poland Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister. He was born and raised in London. His father worked for the British government after the war. He was a member of Britain’s Conservative Party. Poland was taken over by Israelis and returning Jews and foreigners. They need to grow their own leaders.
Rubin, Robert E.
USA Co-Chair, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Secretary of the Treasury. He was head of Citibank’s private bank which launders drug money. In 1999 Robert Rubin, Alan Greenspan, Larry Summers (Samuelson) and Arthur Levitt told Brooksley Born of the CFTC that she could not regulate Credit Default Swaps which were faux insurance. They were unregulated and did not require the seller to set aside money to pay claims. All sales income could be paid out in bonuses allowing the taxpayer to foot the bill when it came due as it did in AIG. American taxpayers according to Obama will have to pay hundreds of trillions of dollars in CDS after the euro bonds collapse. All four of those men are Jewish. No concern to them that a billion people at some future date will starve to death.
Rutte, Mark
Netherlands Prime Minister. He is a liberal and tried to pass austerity cuts. In 2009, Rutte stated that Holocaust denial should no longer be illegal.
Schieder, Andreas
Austria State Secretary of Finance. This country just moved to the Right in local elections. But the real question is whether that New Party is pro or anti-banker not Right or Left.
Schmidt, Eric E.
USA Executive Chairman, Google Inc. He has worked at Sun and Apple. Google is a superior search engine and was designed that way by the CIA-DARPA hive. It was given to the founders as was a lot of new technology. It is given on the condition that the CIA and NSA are allowed to spy on us. Google is featured at this year’s conference. There is an article in the notes below that concerns the evil intentions of Monsanto and Google.
Scholten, Rudolf
Austria Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG He is head of the Austrian Central Bank. The Great Depression did not get going until the Credit Anstalt bank of Vienna collapsed on May 11, 1931. It had too many eastern European bad debts. This man is not a professional banker. They probably are worried about bank run contagion and rightly so. Eastern Europe has more bad debts than in 1931.
Seguro, António José
Portugal Secretary General, Socialist Party
Senard, Jean-Dominique
France CEO, Michelin Group His French bio says he is interested mostly in world affairs.
Skogen Lund, Kristin
Norway Director General, Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise. The bankers want several men from key industries in every nation to accept their goals and to infect business people back home with globalization.
Slaughter, Anne-Marie
USA Bert G. Kerstetter ’66 University Professor of Politics and International Affairs, Princeton University, foreign policy analyst and was in charge of Planning at the US State Dept under Hillary Clinton.
Sutherland, Peter D.
Ireland Chairman, Goldman Sachs International He was Ireland’s youngest Attorney General. He was appointed European Commission for Competition. He was called ‘the father of globalization’ for his service as Director of what became the World Trade Organization. He is on the Bilderberg Steering Committee. He is a former Chairman of the Trilateral Commission. As the UN’s (Bilderberg) special representative for migration, he told the EU that they should “do its best to undermine” the “homogeneity” of its member states. As an Irishman who was a good footballer in his 20s, he should be ashamed of himself.
Taylor, Martin
GB Former Chairman, Syngenta AG. This is a Swiss Biotech firm with 20,000 employees.
Thiam, Tidjane
International Group CEO, Prudential plc
Thiel, Peter A
USA President, Clarium Capital / Thiel Capital. Thiel is on the Steering Committee and is bringing in the younger crowd of high tech billionaires the CIA and NSA will need to end anonymity on the Internet and then close down free speech. It should be noted that he is not an engineer. He is a lawyer and Stanford graduate. He worked as a derivatives trader and runs a Hedge Fund. He owned 10.2% of Facebook pre IPO. Mundie wants licensing for Internet users. A license that can be revoked at the whim of a billionaire. Thiel is a founder of PayPal which shuts down service to those who practice free speech on the Internet. He was an early investor in Facebook which legally should never have been offered as an IPO at anything above a dollar a share. PayPal has been linked by John Cruz to money laundering.
Thompson, Craig B.
USA President and CEO, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. I wonder about all these medical people, Maybe the bankers are just getting old.
Topsøe, Jakob Haldor
Denmark Partner, AMBROX Capital A/S. A financial services firm.
Urpilainen, Jutta
Finland Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister. She is a former school teacher. She is also chairwoman of the SDP. She will be important as Finland after Germany is the one nation in Europe expected to pay for this banker inflicted EU disaster. There are no anti-banker parties in Europe outside of Hungary, Greece and Italy.
Vasella, Daniel L.
Switzerland Honorary Chairman, Novartis AG. a large pharmaceutical company. Typical Bilderberg medical man. He has an actual medical degree. But he also went into the Harvard MBA program. I might not be alone in thinking that this medical model screams for reform. His wife is the niece of the former CEO of Sandoz.
believe drug companies should pay for the doctors to run trials for new drugs
requiring them to be tested against home remedies alternative doctors are
currently using. All drugs would be re-tested. The drug company would pay for
the trial but a committee of doctors would administer the alternative
treatment. For example, give 100,000 patients Vitamin D-3 and cinnamon to
stabilize their diabetes. Test them monthly. They should do as well as drugged
patients after 3 months with far fewer side effects. Beneficial side effects
for Vitamin D3 are fewer winter colds and flu and a reduction of 72% of the
incidence of a dozen different cancers. As soon as the results have verified,
the government can issue a decree allowing insurance companies to refuse
payment for any drug ruled to produce no better results than a home remedy.
This would save money and require corporations to focus on real treatments and
Voser, Peter
GB CEO, Royal Dutch Shell plc. He is Swiss born and a former CFO and not an engineer. He is taking over the St Gallen Forum from Josef Ackerman. The forum gets potential leaders of tomorrow together with today’s leaders. Sounds like brain washing to me. How about a discussion of the Tesla technology the US government has been sitting on for 70 years. It would put the oil companies out of business. Bilderberg has a lot of oil companies represented at their meetings.
Wall, Brad
Canada Premier of Saskatchewan
Wallenberg, Jacob
Sweden Chairman, Investor AB. He is a member of the famous Wallenberg family. He is a Director of several banks and of Coca-Cola. In Latin America the Coca-Cola bottler is usually on speed dial of the local CIA station chief. The former President of Mexico Vicente Fox is a prime example.
Warsh, Kevin
USA Distinguished Visiting Fellow, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He is a lawyer. He was Vice President and Executive Director in Morgan Stanley’s Mergers and Acquisitions Department. He then worked for President Bush in the Plunge Protection Team. This group tries to make dumb billionaires look smart by buying stocks and sending share prices higher. This disguises bad policies for the government as well. In 2006 he was appointed with another Jew to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. Some said he was too young. Bernanke liked him and he performed well in the 2009 crisis. (Translation: He was as honest as Bernanke and Jamie Dimon had hoped.) He and his wife are Jewish. His wife Jane is an heiress to the Estee Lauder family fortune. He is a returning member.
Weston, Galen G.
Canada Executive Chairman, Loblaw Companies Limited. Canadian retailer with several store brand name outlets. (Jewish)
Williams of Crosby, Shirley
GB Member, House of Lords. She used to be a Labour politician who ran errands for the Rothschilds.
Wolf, Martin H
GB Chief Economics Commentator, The Financial Times. He is the favourite writer of billionaires all over the world. He is a committed Globalist. And he is Jewish. As a young man, he worried about the economic conditions of the 1930s that created the war. He should read my essay below giving solutions other than more debts and more spending to solve our current crisis.
Wolfensohn, James D.
USA Chairman and CEO, Wolfensohn and Company. He is most famous for being the former head of the World Bank. He was a partner of Paul Volcker and made his mark in rescuing Chrysler back in 1980. He was an Australian lawyer working for an English bank when he decided to become an American citizen so he would be eligible to become World Bank President. He is Jewish and his father had worked for the Rothschilds before immigrating suddenly to Australia.
GB Vice Chairman, Barclays plc. Another bank heard from.
Zoellick, Robert B.
USA Former President, The World Bank Group. Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics. He is a lawyer and worked in the Reagan and Bush I Admins. From 1993 to 1997 He was an Executive VP of scandal plagued Fannie Mae. He signed the PNAC letter demanding America declare war on the whole world except Israel. He was also a managing director of Goldman Sachs. He is of Jewish descent and said so to a German interviewer. He is or was a nominal Lutheran in the small town where he lived as a boy. Karen Hudes said America lost its chairmanship of the World Bank because Zoellick and Wolfensohn allowed too much corruption.
is that promised article on Geithner and Kissinger and their diabolical plans
for the world.
Monsanto + Google + Bilderberg = End of Humanity
article explains why austerity cannot work.
Mathematics of Austerity: Proving Austerity Never Was Even Intended
To Work
article is really important. It explains how Depressions can be prevented.
Economists: ‘We Were Wrong.’ Will Someone Please Tell The Press And The
Very useful list!
ReplyDelete- Aangirfan
Asli is a she, not a he.