ED Noor: The international company Benetton is a major proponent of this all one deception. According to these ads, everyone is young, beautiful and blended perfectly. In the wonderful world of ad fantasia, multiculturalism is just the greatest thing ever. However, look again and you will also note a scarcity of white males and the ones pictured look to be homosexual.
Just as the left has been manipulated so too have a considerable number in the so called 'truth movement'. There are many, myself included, who consider David Icke to be an agent, conscious or otherwise, of the Satanic 'elite'. Interestingly, his 'solution' to the New World Order agenda is for us all to realise that we are 'all one consciousness' and that 'everything is an illusion'.
Ed Noor: In perusing quotes from this
“soldier of God” I found naught that had to do with God and much to do with
self-empowerment and echoes of Crowley’s “Do as thou wilt” Satanism. There was nothing Catholic or Christian there in the least; far too much hubris.
This is a concept that, arguably, has its modern
roots in the teachings of the Catholic Jesuit priest, who was often called the
'father of the New Age movement, Pierre Teilhard De Chardin. This 'illusion'
happens to include nations, races and cultures. The subtle deception at play
here is that in order to defeat the New World Order we have to realise that
nation states and racial and cultural distinctions are not only unimportant
they are actually illusory. Of course the destruction of nations and national
identities just happen to be key New World Order goals.
'sun in triangle' image taken from Zeitgeist The Movie
Similarly with the popular Zeitgeist 'anti-NWO'
series of films. Their solution to the problems of the world is a 'good' world
government (the Venus Project) that
doesn't recognise race or national boundaries. Sounds wonderful until you fully
understand what this entails. Zeitgeist has been exposed as little more than a
'repackaged Communism for 21st century truth seekers' but it's actually a lot
more dangerous than that.
ED Noor: The hauntingly beautiful song
by John Lennon, “Imagine” written during the heady days of his leadership in
the peace movement was interpreted as his dream for an idyllic future. This
song was not, however, about the simple dream the words portray. Listen to the
words again after reading this and the song will take on an entirely different
meaning. Then ask yourself why Lennon was assassinated by President Reagan?
The 'solutions' proposed by David Icke, Zeitgeist
and others ensure that, not only do large numbers of the 'truth movement'
inadvertently further the New World Order agenda, but that they also actively
deride and see as their enemy anyone who does seek to protect or defend their
nation or national identity.
What those behind the New World Order
is complete conformity
so as to more easily control the
human race.
As with the 'left' there are many in the truth
movement who haven't considered the full implications of the complete loss of
their national identity.
What should also be noted is that the racial
destruction of the European peoples is just the first step.
Do we really want to eliminate all races on the
If not then why support the destruction of those
peoples denigrated as 'white'?
should be remembered that
this long term genocidal process is irreversible.
The survival of those ethnic groups collectively
referred to as the 'white race' such as the English, French, German, Scottish,
Danish or Welsh is really the prerequisite for the survival of all the races on
this earth.
The Satanic 'elite'
make great claims about 'celebrating
when in reality all They are really
is highlighting differences
with a view to eliminating them.
They have forced
together disparate and largely incompatible groups with a view to fomenting
division, problems, instability and even violence in order to create the
conditions necessary to advance their New World Order agenda.
True diversity is all the wonderful cultures and races that have developed over centuries.
The same ones that need to be destroyed for this New World Order.
The best defence against it are sovereign, independent, nations, co-operating
freely where required. Their fear is that if just one country slips out of
their control it will serve as an example to the rest of true freedom and
independence from the global enslavement agenda.
agents of deception claim
'races are a false construct'
are meant to 'divide us'.
This is clever psychological manipulation. Races
aren't a 'false construct' and neither do they inevitably cause 'division'.
It is the Satanic elite that manipulate and create
false conflict and it is them we need to
do away with not the cultural heritage that is the creation of the
wonderfully diverse peoples of the earth.
This sort of psychological manipulation is a very
good example of what we are constantly subjected to and of which all of us
should be aware. It's often referred to as 'perception management' but that is
really just a polite way of saying brainwashing. It really is something that we
should all investigate thoroughly.
Merely being aware of the existence of brainwashing and the techniques used greatly diminishes its effectiveness.
This issue is highlighted in another quote from the
Fabian Bertrand Russell. In his book
'The Impact of Science on Society', published in 1952, Russell discusses the
subject of mass psychology and gives us an insight into the thought processes
of the elite.
"What is essential in mass psychology is the art of persuasion. If you compare a speech of Hitler’s with a speech of (say) Edmund Burke, you will see what strides have been made in the art since the eighteenth century. What went wrong formerly was that people had read in books that man is a rational animal and framed their arguments on this hypothesis. We now know that limelight and a brass band do more to persuade than can be done by the most elegant train of syllogisms.
It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the State with money and equipment.
This subject [mass psychology] will make great strides when it is taken up by scientists under a scientific dictatorship. Anaxagoras maintained that snow is black, but no one believed him. The social psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakeable conviction that snow is black. Various results will soon be arrived at.First, that the influence of home is obstructive.Second, that not much can be done unless indoctrination begins before the age of ten.Third, that verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective.Fourth, that the opinion that snow is white must be held to show a morbid taste for eccentricity.
But I anticipate. It is for future scientists to make these maxims precise and discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black, and how much less it would cost to make them believe it is dark grey.”
Although the desire to indoctrinate and brainwash
remains the same, the techniques used to do it have developed enormously since
the 1950's. Possibly the greatest development in this regard has been the
television. Edward Bernays has been
described as the 'father of public relations'. In his book 'Propaganda',
written in 1928, he said the following:
"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.
We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.
In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind."
In the essay ‘Brainwashing: How the British Use the Media for Mass Psychological
Warfare’ media ‘expert’ Hal Becker is quoted as saying:
“The media is the most powerful weapon and ‘agent of change’ in the fight to establish a ‘one-worldist’, 'neo-Malthusian' order that will transcend and obliterate the concept of the nation-state.”
It's worth reflecting on these quotes. We have been
and continue to be overwhelmed with propaganda relating to mass immigration and
multiculturalism. There are, however, a few that either resist or are immune to
the brainwashing. It is these people that need to be demonised or otherwise
discredited as hinted at above. Very few dissenting views are allowed and any
that are have to be framed in such a way as to make them seem 'racist' or
Make no mistake, it is Their intention to destroy
Britain and mass immigration and multiculturalism are just two of the methods
They are using. Once you become aware of this intention it's possible to see
the relentless propaganda to this effect in all the media, but especially
How the demonisation works is illustrated in the following section taken from an essay on
the Hidden Evil website. In it (Anthony) Sutton
and (Patrick) Wood warned:
"Anyone in the U.S. who promotes unwelcome news for the elite receives some unwelcome attention in return. This attention includes the use of experts, mainstream media and anti-hate organizations for well-coordinated character assassination. According to author Perloff, a document released by the House Committee on Un-American Activities, on September 23, 1956 entitled, Propaganda and the Alert Citizen outlined the tactics reportedly used by the Establishment to discredit opposition.
Quoting from this document, Perloff wrote:
The tactic used had a prototype in a directive issued by the Communist Party... It read: When certain obstructionists become too irritating, label them, after suitable build-ups, as Fascist or Nazi or anti-Semitic, and use the prestige of anti-Fascist and tolerance organisations to discredit them. In the public mind constantly associate those who oppose us with those names which already have a bad smell.'”
For an example of how the ruling 'elites' view us this short excerpt of an interview with Aldous Huxley is
enlightening. In it he discusses the techniques for the 'chemical control' of
humanity. There are many who think that the future world government system will
be something akin to Orwell's 1984. The reality is that it is much more likely
to be closer to Huxley's vision in his book 'Brave New World' where 'the slaves
... do not have to be coerced because they love their servitude'.
That Perloff quote above was used in the article, 'Is Nick Griffin A Freemason (Why The New World Order Needs The BNP)?',
where the case was made for the leader of the British National Party being
'controlled opposition' and attempted to show why it is so important to the
I'd begun to see how the BNP were an essential part
of the dialectic that enabled opposition to mass immigration, multiculturalism,
cultural Marxism, the European Union and the wider globalisation agenda to be labelled
as extreme, fascist, xenophobic, racist or Nazi.
These are all very strong mind control trigger-words, which were now to be associated with any form of nationalist resistance to the New World Order.
There was also another benefit of having the BNP
identified with nationalism and then disparaged in such a way. Many of the
issues they raise are ignored or not discussed because to do otherwise would
give ‘aid to the fascists’ or something similar. The irony here is that to not
discuss these things gives 'aid' to the real fascists, the Satanic oligarchy.
Again very clever mind control tactics employed by
Even if you raise concerns about issues such as
multiculturalism or mass immigration you run the risk of being labelled a BNP
‘fellow traveller’ and indirectly tagged with the slurs mentioned above.
Genuine public debate on these important issues is therefore severely
restricted and controlled, if allowed at all.
Incidentally the other key role performed by Nick Griffin is to continually destabilise the party by engineering damaging splits and dissent within it. This serves to prevent any organised opposition to the real fascists plan for Their New World Order. Any keen observer of the BNP in recent years can see it is a role he has played only too well.
This is just one more example of the 'divide and rule' policy being pursued by the controlling elites. As those behind the globalising 'New World Order' agenda slowly but surely transfer power upwards to an unaccountable 'elite' few, the Balkanising effects of mass immigration and multiculturalism make any concerted resistance almost impossible. The government becomes a sort of conflict manager enabling the real controllers to skilfully play different ethnic groups off against each other in whatever way furthers their agenda.
The 'liberal left', under the hidden guidance of the Satanic oligarchy, enthusiastically sought and continues to seek, to suppress any nationalistic, cultural, or ethnic solidarity among the native British, particularly the English. This is supposedly done because the abolition of 'nationalism' will somehow mean the end of war and conflict and inaugurate world peace.
Incidentally the other key role performed by Nick Griffin is to continually destabilise the party by engineering damaging splits and dissent within it. This serves to prevent any organised opposition to the real fascists plan for Their New World Order. Any keen observer of the BNP in recent years can see it is a role he has played only too well.
This is just one more example of the 'divide and rule' policy being pursued by the controlling elites. As those behind the globalising 'New World Order' agenda slowly but surely transfer power upwards to an unaccountable 'elite' few, the Balkanising effects of mass immigration and multiculturalism make any concerted resistance almost impossible. The government becomes a sort of conflict manager enabling the real controllers to skilfully play different ethnic groups off against each other in whatever way furthers their agenda.
The 'liberal left', under the hidden guidance of the Satanic oligarchy, enthusiastically sought and continues to seek, to suppress any nationalistic, cultural, or ethnic solidarity among the native British, particularly the English. This is supposedly done because the abolition of 'nationalism' will somehow mean the end of war and conflict and inaugurate world peace.
Nationalism is really an extension of tribalism and
it is ridiculous to think that tribalism can be eliminated, apart from it being
essentially unnecessary. Only a ruthless totalitarian government could hope to
do so and only the New World Order ‘elite’ and a few deluded Marxists and Nazis
desire that.
The irony is that other ethnic groups aren't being
made to dissolve their tribal feelings and loyalties. Quite the reverse, they
are encouraged and even funded with grants through numerous ethnic only
organisations. What those on the liberal left fail to see is the real agenda
behind those who fund and control these things from behind the scenes.
'Tribalism' doesn't necessarily lead to conflict. A good nationalist always seeks to cooperate with other countries to each other’s mutual benefit. Besides even if the whole world had the same green skin colour, the green people north of the river could still be manipulated into conflict with the green people on the south side if it was in the interests of the ruling oligarchs. It is They that are the problem. It's being increasingly revealed that many, if not all, of the conflicts throughout history, including the major World Wars, can be traced back to Their manipulations and machinations.
The forefathers of the same ruling 'elite' that are today behind the New World Order and its agenda for global enslavement. As stated earlier, nationalism is actually the best defence against these tyrants. What they fear the most is that a country will escape their influence and be seen to be able to thrive and succeed, as it surely could and thereby serving as an example to other countries around the world.
'Tribalism' doesn't necessarily lead to conflict. A good nationalist always seeks to cooperate with other countries to each other’s mutual benefit. Besides even if the whole world had the same green skin colour, the green people north of the river could still be manipulated into conflict with the green people on the south side if it was in the interests of the ruling oligarchs. It is They that are the problem. It's being increasingly revealed that many, if not all, of the conflicts throughout history, including the major World Wars, can be traced back to Their manipulations and machinations.
The forefathers of the same ruling 'elite' that are today behind the New World Order and its agenda for global enslavement. As stated earlier, nationalism is actually the best defence against these tyrants. What they fear the most is that a country will escape their influence and be seen to be able to thrive and succeed, as it surely could and thereby serving as an example to other countries around the world.
As with a large proportion of the 'truth movement',
the liberal left have been manipulated into thinking that nationalism is the
problem and by their promotion of global solutions they are, inadvertently,
assisting the real fascist agenda.
'Pampered white liberal' Andrew Marr
The 'pampered white liberal' and establishment
flunky, journalist Andrew Marr, called for:
"...widespread and vigorous miscegenation (race mixing)' [and the] vigorous use of state power to coerce and repress [those who resists mass immigration and multiculturism]"
I would assume he did this whilst being completely unaware of the Satanic
agenda he's helping to further.
ED Noor: Why is it these people pushing this agenda are often (as above) ugly as sin and certainly too ugly to breed? Oooops, was I being politically incorrect again?!
Of course miscegenation is the very thing the Luciferian cabal desire in their bid to 'mongrelise' humanity and create the 'new race of humans' similar in their appearance to the Ancient Egyptians. This is always dressed up as being the very noblest of ideals; the unity and oneness of man without discrimination, complete equality etc.
Of course miscegenation is the very thing the Luciferian cabal desire in their bid to 'mongrelise' humanity and create the 'new race of humans' similar in their appearance to the Ancient Egyptians. This is always dressed up as being the very noblest of ideals; the unity and oneness of man without discrimination, complete equality etc.
The reality is that it is another
Tower of Babel
where this new race,
devoid of all previous cultural and
racial distinctions,
is designed to serve an elite few
in thrall to their sun god Lucifer.

ED Noor: The miscegenation project
really kicked into public gear with mid-1960’s movies starring black actor
Sidney Poitier. On both sides of the pond his movies were very influential in
shaping the values of the White middle class young greatly.
His non-threatening personas and the roles given him were promoted as classics, including the films “Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner” and “To Sir With Love” ~ both promoting the image of a humanitarian, civilized and dignified young man dealing with awkward situations with poise and eloquent words.
People may scoff at the idea that we can be unconsciously reprogrammed to do these things but it happens all the time. In 1920 Edward Bernays was approached by the American Tobacco Corporation who wanted to encourage more women to smoke. Up until that point smoking was very much a male pursuit that few women partook in. From his research Bernays determined that women viewed the cigarette as a phallic symbol and associated it with power and dominance, hence their lack of interest. In order to 'reprogram' them Bernays decided to create a 'publicity' event during a New York Easter parade. He coached a group of young women to dramatically light up their cigarettes making sure they were conspicuous and that several reporters were present to record the 'event.
His non-threatening personas and the roles given him were promoted as classics, including the films “Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner” and “To Sir With Love” ~ both promoting the image of a humanitarian, civilized and dignified young man dealing with awkward situations with poise and eloquent words.
People may scoff at the idea that we can be unconsciously reprogrammed to do these things but it happens all the time. In 1920 Edward Bernays was approached by the American Tobacco Corporation who wanted to encourage more women to smoke. Up until that point smoking was very much a male pursuit that few women partook in. From his research Bernays determined that women viewed the cigarette as a phallic symbol and associated it with power and dominance, hence their lack of interest. In order to 'reprogram' them Bernays decided to create a 'publicity' event during a New York Easter parade. He coached a group of young women to dramatically light up their cigarettes making sure they were conspicuous and that several reporters were present to record the 'event.
Bernays explained how this was a 'declaration of independence' on behalf of the women and an expression of 'female solidarity'.

The techniques used in modern times are now far more sophisticated and the medium of choice and the one that is the most effective, is the television. Gerry Hines, a Programme Organiser for the BBC, was quoted in Race Today as saying:
"Newspapers have to sell in order to live, so does commercial TV. That leaves the BBC as the only truly public service medium in this country disseminating information, entertainment, and in the case of race relations, propaganda. We are unashamed to admit it, is what we are doing."
This isn't the benign, altruistic endeavour it
appears to be. It's the first steps in the subtle genocide of the English and
British that will end in their eventual biological destruction. Nobody should
dictate to another whom they should and shouldn't marry but that's a far cry
from the pernicious attempts at mind control and brainwashing that has been and
continues to be, waged on this issue.
President Tubman of Liberia is reported to have said that:
President Tubman of Liberia is reported to have said that:
“Wwe are opposed to integration. It is a bad thing and we condemn it. Why should we destroy our identity? We love our black skins and we are proud of our heritage. Our country is open to all people of African descent".
Should he be condemned as a racist and forced to have quotas for Asians, Arabs
and Europeans that would see those of African descent become a minority?
Should there then be a secret and sustained attempt
to promote the idea of miscegenation, by any means possible, in order to change
the biological characteristics of those very same Africans?
This isn't about miscegenation per se, it's about deliberately setting out to promote the idea with the sole intent of altering the genetics of the target ethnic group that is perceived to be an obstacle to your plan to enslave and subjugate humanity.
As an aside, it's worth observing that if the leader of European country ever
expressed a desire to keep the racial heritage of their country pure, there
would be a massive outcry led by the liberal left.
Marr cheers because the elite controlled government pass a Race Relations Act that he says:
Marr cheers because the elite controlled government pass a Race Relations Act that he says:
"... will impose the will of the state on millions…"
Again completely oblivious (I assume) as to who
truly controls that state and what their intent is. Like Gerry Hines, he also works for the BBC which is the major conduit
in this country for the mind control, brainwashing and propaganda we briefly
looked at earlier. When considering Andrew Marr and the scores of 'left wing'
journalists like him, I'm reminded of another quote from the essay,
'Brainwashing: How the British Use the Media for Mass Psychological Warfare:'
"[The Club of Rome] can also call on the capabilities of a mass psychological warfare machine, also run by the British and their assets, which extends into key phases of media production, and includes writers and psychiatrists who help shape the content, and the pollsters who fine-tune and analyse the impact on targeted populations. Beyond this interacting network, there are millions of participants involved in the production, distribution, and transmission of media messages, whose thinking, in turn, has been shaped by the content of the media product, and who are, effectively, self-brainwashed by the culture within which they live."
Most of the things that Marr and others consider to be 'racist' do not involve violence towards other ethnic minorities but are merely the expression of the natural feelings of belonging to a particular ethnic group. Feelings that are encouraged amongst other ethnic groups but, according to Marr, require 'stamping hard on' to 'kill them off' when done by any native Briton.
Most of the things that Marr and others consider to be 'racist' do not involve violence towards other ethnic minorities but are merely the expression of the natural feelings of belonging to a particular ethnic group. Feelings that are encouraged amongst other ethnic groups but, according to Marr, require 'stamping hard on' to 'kill them off' when done by any native Briton.
The idea that only 'whites' can be racist is a carefully manipulated lie.
Other racial or ethnic groupings are every bit as
'racist' as 'whites', some possibly more so. In fact in some of the last figures published by the government,
statistics showed that 'whites' were far more likely to be victims of racial
violence than ethnic minorities.
Although presented in a deceptive manner typical of
all British government's, a careful analysis showed that in 1999 the 'white'
population were approximately 90% of the population and yet made up 60% of the
victims. Put another way, ethnic minorities, despite being only 10% of the
population, committed 60% of the crimes, whilst 'whites being 90% of the
population committed, at most, 40%. It is probably very likely that a
significant number of the racial violence aimed at ethnic minorities were
perpetrated by a different ethnic minority.
These figures shouldn't be a surprise considering that ethnic minorities, particularly children in the education (indoctrination) system, are constantly being told that all 'whites' are responsible for such things as the Empire and the slave trade. The finger of blame is never pointed at the true source of these evils, the worshippers of Lucifer and/or Satan that have suppressed and enslaved us all.
These figures shouldn't be a surprise considering that ethnic minorities, particularly children in the education (indoctrination) system, are constantly being told that all 'whites' are responsible for such things as the Empire and the slave trade. The finger of blame is never pointed at the true source of these evils, the worshippers of Lucifer and/or Satan that have suppressed and enslaved us all.
Neither is it pointed at
other ethnic groups that are equally culpable.
British male deemed 'privileged and
powerful' solely due to his skin colour
The original dictionary definition of
'discrimination' is the ability or power to see or make fine distinctions;
discernment.' In other words it is no more than being able to tell the
difference between things. Still, we are told that discrimination is wrong and
yet there are numerous examples of anti-white discrimination. The large number
of 'black' or 'minority ethnic' only organisations,
often tax payer funded, are but one example.
Another would be the so called 'equality' legislation
that makes it legal to discriminate against 'whites' in the jobs market.
Bizarrely a poor 'white', working class, youth from a council estate is somehow
deemed to have an advantage of some sorts, solely due to the colour of his
skin, over a middle class ethnic Indian from a wealthy home.
This is sometimes excused by the notion that there
needs to be distinct ethnic quotas in the job market. That ethnic Jamaicans,
for example, will only respond favourably to police who are also ethnic
Jamaicans or even more crudely that only 'blacks' can be policed effectively by
other 'blacks'.
Ignoring the obvious racism in such an idea it is never operated in reverse where it can be said that only 'whites' can be effectively be policed or have their fire put out by other 'whites'.
The relentless 'Cultural Marxist' propaganda war
inevitably results in staggeringly wrong statements such as the following by
left wing comedian and Beeboid, Jo Brand. In an interview
on BBC Radio Five Live she said:
"You can't be racist towards white people".
She claims this is because all white people,
somehow, have political power. As we've seen, the idea we have a democracy in
this country is wishful thinking at best. We have a ruling 'elite' that
operates in its interest and certainly not in the interests of the native
British peoples of this nation.
The ruling 'elite' may have power but the
inhabitants of the numerous sprawling council estates up and down this country
don't. Sadly the attitude and thinking expressed by Brand is fairly typical of
a sizeable section of the media, if not the 'liberal' establishment, in this
country. This brings to mind some further quotes by Hal Becker, who was mentioned
"It can also call on the capabilities of a mass psychological warfare machine, also run by the British and their assets, which extends into key phases of media production, and includes writers and psychiatrists who help shape the content, and the pollsters who fine-tune and analyze the impact on targeted populations. Beyond this interacting network, there are millions of participants involved in the production, distribution, and transmission of media messages, whose thinking, in turn, has been shaped by the content of the media product, and who are, effectively, self-brainwashed by the culture within which they live.
It shouldn't be a surprise that the end result of all this psychological control is, of course the New World Order's world government."
If the quotas favour ethnic minorities, for example ethnic Indian doctors,
there is never a clamour to reduce their numbers in favour of more white or
even African doctors. These absurdities exist because they were never about
'equality' in the first place. They were always about disenfranchising the
majority native British as part of the process of their destruction as a
distinct ethnic and cultural group. It has to be remembered that these things
are not being done for the benefit of ethnic minorities who are just being used
as pawns in the Satanic New World Order game which will eventually subjugate us
In conclusion, mass immigration and multiculturalism are key elements of the world government agenda that the self styled 'philosophic elites' of the world are slowly working towards.
In conclusion, mass immigration and multiculturalism are key elements of the world government agenda that the self styled 'philosophic elites' of the world are slowly working towards.
This carefully veiled false utopia will in essence be a new feudal system overseen by a cabal of Lucifer worshippers that will result in the enslavement of humanity mind, body and soul.
As counter intuitive as it seems to those on the
'left', the 'global capitalist' right and large sections of the 'truth
movement', the best defence against this proposed New World Order is
nationalism. Of course this must be a benign, natural, nationalism that seeks
to cooperate with other nations to all of their interests.
As we've seen, their greatest fear is that if one
single country escapes from their grasp and serves as an example to the rest of
the world it will in turn set off a 'domino effect' that sees nation after
nation demanding and getting true freedom. This more than anything would thwart
the New World Order agenda. If the country that did escape was Britain the
ripples felt would, perhaps, be greater than anywhere else due to our
association with the Commonwealth. We shouldn't pretend that this would be
easy. Indeed one of the reasons behind mass immigration was to make such a
thing far harder by destroying the cohesion that is more easily found in
ethnically homogenous countries.
ED Noor: It is this fear that has Israel
demanding the demise of Iran for so many years. Iran stands strong and
intelligently against their enemies, using great patience and wisdom ~ and
leadership ~ these things are much needed in the Islamic World and other
nations are seeing Iran’s stability and strength even in the face of constant
provocation and crippling sanctions. This is the threat that Iran truly offers.
The idea that Commonwealth countries gained complete independence and escaped the clutches of the British Empire is somewhat misleading.
The idea that Commonwealth countries gained complete independence and escaped the clutches of the British Empire is somewhat misleading.
All that really happened was that agents of the ruling 'elite' were put into positions of power in Commonwealth countries and are kept there by the similar manipulations of the democratic process that we suffer from here in Britain.The countries of the Commonwealth are no more free or democratic than we are here in Britain and are still ultimately controlled from here by the Crown.
As in Britain, Freemasonry and the secret society
networks are an essential part of the control structure. Much of the so-called
'foreign aid' budget is used to grease the wheels of this process.
If the nest of vipers that is the Crown in the City of London, the Royal and aristocratic parasites that feed off it and the puppet politicians who dance to their tune, could be defeated here in Britain we would almost certainly be in a position to help the rest of the Commonwealth to throw off their chains. Nothing would relieve the issue of immigration more than this, nor better relieve poverty.
If the nest of vipers that is the Crown in the City of London, the Royal and aristocratic parasites that feed off it and the puppet politicians who dance to their tune, could be defeated here in Britain we would almost certainly be in a position to help the rest of the Commonwealth to throw off their chains. Nothing would relieve the issue of immigration more than this, nor better relieve poverty.
In fact freed from the asset stripping and debt enslavement of the banks (who serve as a proxy for the ruling 'elite') many so called 'Third World' countries could thrive and prosper.
Indeed I would guess this would then serve as a
catalyst for many ethnic minorities wishing to return to their native
countries, if for no other reason than the weather would be better.
A reduction in the numbers of ethnic minorities
here in Britain can only be a good thing. This would allow those British, who
wish to do so, to continue their centuries old culture and way of life by
living in communities of their choice. Those other British who prefer to live
in multi-ethnic and multi-cultural communities would also be free to do so.
This wouldn't require laws to pass it would just happen naturally if and when
the State stopped trying to socially engineer and 'change' us all.
Instead of increasing the already
very high population density of this country through mass immigration we could
reduce the number of human battery cages aka tower blocks and the associated
social problems they create
can't be anything other than desirable considering the already existing social
problems and the ever increasing population density of England. It is now the most overcrowded country in Europe with double the
population density level of Germany and quadruple that of France. England is
also among the highest in the world for major countries, ranking third behind
Bangladesh and South Korea. This is a situation that will only get worse if
immigration continues.
Defenders of mass immigration say we need the skilled workers for our own economy. Leaving aside the spurious economic claims (including the said necessity for constant economic growth, which is only really necessary because of our iniquitous banking system) and the fact that this situation has largely been intentionally engineered, what they are saying is that we needn't worry about enticing skilled workers, including doctors and nurses, from developing countries because our economic needs have to come first.
Defenders of mass immigration say we need the skilled workers for our own economy. Leaving aside the spurious economic claims (including the said necessity for constant economic growth, which is only really necessary because of our iniquitous banking system) and the fact that this situation has largely been intentionally engineered, what they are saying is that we needn't worry about enticing skilled workers, including doctors and nurses, from developing countries because our economic needs have to come first.
really is incredible that those on the 'left' can defend such a thing but it
perhaps serves as an example of the strength of the 'perception management' (by
what Israel Shamir describes as the 'Masters of Discourse) we are subjected to.
Sidney Webb, founder of the Fabian Society, which proposes and works towards a
socialist world government, hinted at how the real controllers of society
operate when he said:
“To play those millions of minds, to watch them slowly respond to an unseen stimulus, to guide their aspirations without their knowledge ~ all this whether in high capacities or in humble, is a big and endless game of chess, of ever extraordinary excitement.”
It's my contention that on the issues of mass immigration and multiculturalism,
perhaps more than any other, we are being 'played' by the Sidney Webb's of
If any ethnic minority did want to return to their roots a grant, along with an apology from all those who contributed to this 'brain drain' from the Third World, would seem to be the least that could be done. A less populated Britain would eliminate the increasing pressure to build on limited green belt land. Even better would be the chance to have more green spaces in the (unhealthy) concrete jungles that are our major cities. People are not meant to be living like battery chickens surrounded by the noise and pollution that is the common characteristic of British cities. Surely more green corridors, urban farms, parks and gardens would be better than ever-increasing numbers of high rise blocks of flats that pack us in like sardines?
The raft of organisations dedicated to 'diversity' and 'tolerance' and the promotion of political correctness are no more than 'elite' funded social re-engineering tools. Their roots are in the Cultural Marxism that seeks to destroy us all in the process of creating a global 'communitarian' monoculture.
If any ethnic minority did want to return to their roots a grant, along with an apology from all those who contributed to this 'brain drain' from the Third World, would seem to be the least that could be done. A less populated Britain would eliminate the increasing pressure to build on limited green belt land. Even better would be the chance to have more green spaces in the (unhealthy) concrete jungles that are our major cities. People are not meant to be living like battery chickens surrounded by the noise and pollution that is the common characteristic of British cities. Surely more green corridors, urban farms, parks and gardens would be better than ever-increasing numbers of high rise blocks of flats that pack us in like sardines?
The raft of organisations dedicated to 'diversity' and 'tolerance' and the promotion of political correctness are no more than 'elite' funded social re-engineering tools. Their roots are in the Cultural Marxism that seeks to destroy us all in the process of creating a global 'communitarian' monoculture.
In highlighting our 'differences'
and making this seem to be
the root cause of the world's problems,
the goal is to erase them all together.
ED Noor: Think of all those international harmony Coca Cola adds for
we are all 'one' and 'united' the Satanic elite will be close to their goal of
a hive-minded slave race who are unaware (due to the 'dumbing down' of the
education system and other methods) of the extent of their slavery.
The promotion of
'anti-racism' and
is intended to destroy
all of the wonderful and precious
ethnic and cultural identities
of the peoples of the world,
with those in 'white' nations being just the first.
literally breaks my heart to see what is happening in Britain today ~ even more
so when you fully realise the true reasons behind it.
There is nothing particularly moral about mass immigration and multiculturalism. In fact the point of this essay is that they are quite the reverse. They are the conscious misuse of ethnic minorities to bring about the genocide of the peoples of Britain and Europe in order to enslave us all, left, right, 'black', 'white', UAF or EDL.
There is nothing particularly moral about mass immigration and multiculturalism. In fact the point of this essay is that they are quite the reverse. They are the conscious misuse of ethnic minorities to bring about the genocide of the peoples of Britain and Europe in order to enslave us all, left, right, 'black', 'white', UAF or EDL.
As Israel Shamir pointers out the vast majority of immigrants 'do not want to act as the bridgehead of an invasion.' Enforcing mass immigration and multiculturalism on an unwilling population is every bit as 'fascist' as the 'fascism' the likes of the UAF claim to resist.
the evidence provided here about the true reasons behind mass immigration and
multiculturalism, there will inevitably be some who still wish to support these
things. If they do they should remember that it is their choice and it is not
something they can impose on other people.
As stated earlier, at least in the early stages, this is the oldest trick in the book, 'divide and rule'.
your feelings on this subject, it's imperative that we avoid falling into this
It's worth repeating that our 'enemies'
are not each other
they are the same as they have ever been.
We all
need to focus our attention on the Satanic elite and their minions and their
plans for a New World Order.
differences can be much more easily resolved
when we
are free of Their brainwashing and manipulations.
This isn't
some plea for false unity though.
be plenty of that in days to come as They seek to create ever more chaos and
confusion in order to get us to 'unite' into 'oneness'. This is a psychological attempt to manipulate us into
their new global system.
This is about recognising the self evident fact that
as races and even ethnic groupings,
we have our differences.
At the same time
we are all members of humanity and
these differences needn't be
the cause of strife and conflict.
too often they are exploited and manipulated in order to serve the interests of
the ruling 'elite'.
That's who our real enemies are, not each other.
Resisting all this, peacefully and nonviolently, is
the moral right of all those who don't wish to see the destruction of their
race, ethnicity and culture and their subsequent subjugation in the new Tower
of Babel that is the Luciferian/Satanic New World Order.
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