By Dragan Matijevic
There were always people who wanted to control
others and, by imposing their will, secure their existence, materially and
spiritually. There were always spiritual guides who wanted nothing but the best
for their students and then there were guides who used their students for their
own gains. Whether talking of secular or religious world, principles of
controlling others are very similar, it's all about disconnecting people from
their source, from God, disconnecting people from each other, and about taking
control of their mind.
Generally, we people are very uncertain as to what are we doing in this world, of what we really want, of who we really are. Deep down we feel insecure, confused and disconnected and this makes us frightened. This is a fertile ground for the manipulators of the world to work on.
Generally, we people are very uncertain as to what are we doing in this world, of what we really want, of who we really are. Deep down we feel insecure, confused and disconnected and this makes us frightened. This is a fertile ground for the manipulators of the world to work on.
The first principle of enslavement would be one of furthering of fear, ignorance and confusion. This is done by distracting the people and by lying to them about anything that matters in life.This is the principle of spreading of ignorance, distraction and destruction that is widely practiced in the cult* that is our society at large. The belief behind this principle is that people’s spiritual dimension is the greatest obstacle to a totalitarian control and it has to be annihilated.This is done by keeping the masses confused and ignorant of their true nature, by bombarding them with all types of distractions (popular culture, trivia, greed, fear, useless education, drugs, pornography, war…) and by destroying everything that is of life-enhancing value using any means possible, especially genocides.
ED Noor: Our
rulers not only do not want to make "philosophers" of the working
class, they want them trained so they would not even think for themselves. So they have deliberately devastated the
American mind through:
1. Funding universities and scholars that carry out the devastation of the American public education system in particular and American intelligence in general2. Developing programming (brainwashing) strategies using all media types, but especially television3. Imposing mis-education and brainwashing to destroy American citizens' ability to think for themselves4. Subjecting American public education to a series of failed experiments, from "look see" reading to the "new math"5. Redefining key concepts so that the public school students no longer understand the fundamentals of a democratic society6. Turning what is called "education" into nothing but training7. Deluding Americans ~ especially the young people ~ into mistaking technological savvy for intelligence

The second principle is one of attraction and motivation. You have to attract and win at any cost people's attention and motivate them to do what you want them to do. This is again implemented by way of deception and by carrot and stick method. The motivation is created by using Promise of Perfection, by promising the crowds a perfect life, a dream life, such as the American Dream.
In a secular world the Promise of Perfection is all about sex and money, in a spiritual world it is salvation from suffering, perfect peace, security, abundance and happiness.Those are the carrots; the stick is fear, installing fears in people, such as fear from poverty, hunger, loneliness, hell.
ED Noor: "Yes, young Americans are energetic, ambitious, enterprising, and
good, but their talents and interests and money thrust them not into books and
ideas and history and civics, but into a whole other realm and other
consciousness. A different social life and a different mental life have formed
among them. Technology has bred it, but the result doesn't tally with the
fulsome descriptions of digital empowerment, global awareness, and virtual
“Instead of
opening young American minds to the stores of civilization and science and
politics, technology has contracted their horizon to themselves, to the social
scene around them. Young people have never been so intensely mindful of and
present to one another, so enabled in adolescent contact. Teen images and
songs, hot gossip and games, and youth-to-youth communications no longer
limited by time or space wrap them up in a generational cocoon reaching all the
way into their bedrooms.
“The autonomy has a cost:the more they attend to themselves,the less they remember the pastand envision the future.They have all the advantages of modernity and democracy,but when the gifts of life lead to social joys,not intellectual labour,the minds of the young plateau at 18.The fonts of knowledge are everywhere,but the rising generation is camped in the desert,passing stories, pictures, tunes, texts back and forth,living off the thrill of peer attention.Meanwhile their intellectsrefuse the cultural and civic inheritancethat has made us what we are up to now."~ Mark Bauerlein, The Dumbest Generation, 2007
Manipulators know that there is also the all important principle of needs; they know that they have to appear to be providers, providing for people’s material and spiritual needs, such as the need to belong and to socialise, the need for intimacy, need for a family and home, for bliss, protection, love.
At the same time the herd instincts are fostered, conformity to the imposed and established norms, and thus the fear of being different are encouraged.
ED Noor: Bring on the bread and circuses of ancient Rome! And
currently, the long slow move towards total communism, total reliance on the
state for all needs.
People are cajoled to make a conscious or unconscious pledge of obedience to those norms and throw to the wind their responsibility, their autonomy, their ability to think for themselves and thus stand alone.
People, once they become part of a clan, cult, society, are further kept in line by intentionally created opposing forces (republicans, democrats, communists, capitalists), by using alternative punishment and reward, criticism and praise, by setting them at war with each other so much so that those that were once brothers and sisters will turn against each other with ease.
With constant frictions peace is destroyed, and ultimately, seemingly unbreakable dependence and inhuman isolation are created.
ED Noor: This is, of course, the bankers’ strategy ~ creating and
arming enemies then setting up the scenario for war. The Rothschilds are infamous for financing
both sides of wars through the assistance of their fellow bankers and minions.
Their trick is to always arm the side they favour more strongly although that
strategy has been foiled more than once. But one thing you can be sure of,
their goal is the formation of the NWO/JWO with all human chattel/cattle
The willing victims, once brought into the Fold (such as newly pushed New World Order) have to be kept there. For this, there is the principle of isolation. Isolation from one’s Old Life, from one’s History, from family and friends, even isolation from one’s own common sense!
This is replaced by a New Family and New Common Sense that is subjected to new ideology, often based on High Principles, usually running on the lines such as Brotherhood, Equality and Freedom, but always meaning exactly opposite of what it is being said.
These new theories always sound great to the naïve mob, but in practice they always fail miserably. However, for the purpose of the game they never fail, because their function is to enslave ~ the brighter the principle the darker the blind spots that it creates in its victims.
Then, there is the principle of unquestioned authority and rigid hierarchical top-down structure. Once in the fold the sheep have to be controlled and the power moves from the top down, only!
The person on the top has to be an absolute despot; otherwise there is no real authority and no real obedience, at least according to the rules of this particular game.
Each higher level within the structure has to rule the lower ones by the superior commitment and morality. The lower levels have a responsibility to admonish each other or report on each other to the higher levels, ensuring cheap and all-covering policing.
The principle of bottom-up economy says that the wealth has to flow upward! An absolute ruler on the top has to exploit the slaves below him.
Apart from breaking people's moral fiber and squeaky clean washing their brains, it is the most important fact that all the Money and all the major resources be held by the Rulers.
For then they will have the power to employ and to sack, buy or sell, ANYBODY THEY WANT!
Michael Hastings, the fearless journalist whose reporting brought down
the career of General Stanley McChrystal, was recently assassinated in a car accident (his gas tank exploded ~ in a Mercedes?) in
Los Angeles. This was a definite message to brave journalists who dare stir controversy.
Then there is the principle of secrecy. While information about all of the activities in the structure, accurate or distorted, is programmed to reach the top of the pyramid, nothing of importance should leak downward. Ultimately, the top only knows the real purpose and the final destination. This ensures that knowledge and power always remains where it should be, at the top.
In this Set-Up, it’s the principle that morality and responsibility are relative values, subject to change according to the whim from the top. The end justifies the means.
Trauma is used as a tool to create more obedient subjects, all in the name of a better future. Fear (terror if need be) and guilt are applied as cohesive elements.
Love and Joy are morsels to be fed in tiny doses to the obedient.
Going hand in hand with the principle of secrecy is the principle of rampant propaganda. The truth is a commodity in the hands of a few ~ the top of the structure, the absolute despot(s), is the only possessor of the ultimate truth of what is really going on. The despot uses propaganda to invent New Words and New Meanings.
Powerful old words, like “freedom”, “love” etc. are given New Meanings and are installed from the top down to rule over actions of the lower layers. The words become the goals.Through the power of propaganda and inverted meanings human values are turned upside down; blatant truths are shouted down as lies and lies as truths, or the truth is given just a lip service.
Then there is the ‘I’m god’ principle, or the principle of SUPREME CONFIDENCE. The despots have to absolutely believe in themselves. Everyone else has to treat the despots as if they were gods. The fear and unquestioning adulation is the most needed food for the ‘great ones’ to carry on with their mission.
ED Noor: Considered the unbridled
arrogance on the faces of bankers and world leaders.
Finally, the principle of ruthlessness states that in order to make the manipulation work all other mentioned principles have to be implemented ruthlessly, without unduly agonising about whether they are right or wrong.
What is the ultimate goal of the ‘great ones’, the great rulers of the human
Could it be true that they are after the evolution
of mankind, as they will claim?
Could it be that our governments only want us to
prosper and grow into happy, proud and strong human beings?
The situation on the ground is surprisingly very different to what we are told. It’s again precisely opposite, the ones on the top set things up so that they prosper while the others slave away for them, slaves that have sacrificed their precious freedoms for the so-called Greater Good.
The situation on the ground is surprisingly very different to what we are told. It’s again precisely opposite, the ones on the top set things up so that they prosper while the others slave away for them, slaves that have sacrificed their precious freedoms for the so-called Greater Good.
Our spiritual dimension,the awareness, what we really are,is the greatest obstacleto a totalitarian control.
ED Noor: That is one aspect of why the war on drugs ~ especially those which alter the consciousness to a certain level of awareness ~ is so vital to these people. This aspect is of course rarely mentioned in a society that is so hell bent on destroying all aspects of spirituality.
Those who want to enslave people do everything to make us ignorant and 'disconnected' from ourselves and everybody else. This is done daily to billions of us, by useless education, by always keeping us busy, confused, by bombarding us with violence and horror, by pornography, alcohol and drugs, by sports and entertainment, by feeding us toxins, by installing envy, guilt, greed, avarice, sloth, anger and fear.
And this is what they call POPULAR CULTURE. We're told that people want this. Far from it!
Reject this so called culture. Educate yourself. Thinks for yourself and turn quietly to YOURSELF.
*A cult is understood as a group of people adhering to a specific and commonly accepted belief system.
Those who want to enslave people do everything to make us ignorant and 'disconnected' from ourselves and everybody else. This is done daily to billions of us, by useless education, by always keeping us busy, confused, by bombarding us with violence and horror, by pornography, alcohol and drugs, by sports and entertainment, by feeding us toxins, by installing envy, guilt, greed, avarice, sloth, anger and fear.
And this is what they call POPULAR CULTURE. We're told that people want this. Far from it!
Reject this so called culture. Educate yourself. Thinks for yourself and turn quietly to YOURSELF.
*A cult is understood as a group of people adhering to a specific and commonly accepted belief system.
10 Ways to
Stop Being a Slave and Bring Down the Pyramids of Control
Dragan Matije is a free thinking magician, baker and writer of kids stories. www.theartisanbakeryschool.com
Dragan Matije is a free thinking magician, baker and writer of kids stories. www.theartisanbakeryschool.com
John 8:44
ReplyDeletesimply superb, Noor.
I'm so happy your site exists to help the youngsters come to grips with the REALITY
and it gives us all a chance to look LASER BEAM like....
at the source of our malaise...
the Apathy born of Ignorance
Eustace Mullins on John Kaminski :
Mormons and Hitler :
Hitler played a big role in starting the Islamic Jihadist "The Muslim Brotherhood" [ 1928]. Hitler's Third Reich was crawling with Donmeh Jews and Sunni Islamic Jihadists [ similar to the kind of Sunni Islamic Jihadists killing Shia Muslims and Christians in Syria today].
Lots of Donmeh Jews were/are involved in Islamic Jihad. The Mormons "baptized" Hitler into the Mormon "fold". The Mormons/Shriners in the US are the great Shabbos goy enablers for the Donmeh/Sabbatean Jews who rule the country. The ones who are using Sunni Islamic Jihad as a device to further their Sabbatean/Zionist New World Order.
More about Donmeh Jews and the NWO. The website is a bit religious. Not my religion, exactly. Overlook the religious aspects. Lots of facts at the website. The website has a lot of good solid information about Donmeh Jews and Nazism and Islamic Jihad [ same thing really]:
Mormons and Shriners = Same Thing.
John Kaminski is all about telling us quarter truths and he expects to be lauded to heavens for it. I don't think so. In fact, I know so. He's not the "great" truth-teller he feigns to be. Charity begins at home. He doesn't have even the least bit of charity, or fair-mindedness, for his fellow Jews. I'm a Catholic. If Kaminski doesn't have the least bit of fair-mindedness to his own kind, he's not going to have any loyalty to me -- a Catholic. Same holds true for those who are Muslims. Kaminski is all about telling us quarter truths as an under-handed way to get us to support Sunni Islamic Jihad.
"Albert Pike Three World Wars Planned"
From : Joe
Joe, the link regarding Mullins and Kaminski is no longer valid. Video is gone....
DeleteTYVM for the interesting looking links! Going to check them out now.
BTW is this Mr. Cortina?
Joe the Kosher Clown with his Kosher Clown Truth. (proven by the links provided) :)
DeleteHe uses Principle 1 of this great post.
Create confusion and more ignorance.
Eustace Mullins is.. same crap (truth?) as Alex Jones.
And yes the Mormons are weirdos.
Maybe Joe is Jim Condit Jr..