A case of the tail wagging the dog.
One other purpose of Israeli nuclear weapons, not often stated, but obvious, is their "use" on the United States. America does not want Israel's nuclear profile raised. [144]
They have been used in the past to ensure America
does not desert Israel under increased Arab, or oil embargo, pressure and have
forced the United States to support Israel diplomatically against the Soviet
Union. Israel used their existence to guarantee a continuing supply of American
conventional weapons, a policy likely to continue. [145]
Israel went on full-scale nuclear alert again on
the first day of Desert Storm, 18 January 1991. Seven SCUD missiles were fired
against the cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa by Iraq (only two actually hit Tel
Aviv and one hit Haifa). This alert lasted for the duration of the war, 43
days. Over the course of the war, Iraq launched around 40 missiles in 17
separate attacks at Israel. There was little loss of life: two killed directly,
11 indirectly, with many structures damaged and life disrupted. [98]
Several supposedly landed near Dimona, one of them
a close miss. [99] Threats of retaliation by
the Shamir government if the Iraqis used chemical warheads were interpreted to
mean that Israel intended to launch a nuclear strike if gas attacks occurred.
One Israeli commentator recommended that Israel
should signal Iraq that "any Iraqi action against Israeli civilian
populations, with or without gas, may leave Iraq without Baghdad." [100]
Shortly before the end of the war the Israelis
tested a "nuclear capable" missile which prompted the United States
into intensifying its SCUD hunting in western Iraq to prevent any Israeli
response. [101]
The Israeli Air Force set up dummy SCUD sites in
the Negev for pilots to practice on"they found it no easy task. [102] American government concessions to Israel for
not attacking (in addition to Israeli Patriot missile batteries) were:
* Allowing Israel to designate 100 targets inside Iraq for the coalition to destroy,* Satellite downlink to increase warning time on the SCUD attacks (present and future),* Technical parity with Saudi jet fighters in perpetuity. [103]
JFK demanded Israel allow inspectors to see Dimona,
three months later he was assassinated and pro-Israel Johnson is President:
The Israelis aggressively pursued an aircraft
delivery system from the United States. President Johnson was less emphatic
about nonproliferation than President Kennedy-or perhaps had more pressing
concerns, such as Vietnam. He had a long history of both Jewish friends and
pressing political contributors coupled with some first hand experience of the
Holocaust, having toured concentration camps at the end of World War II. [51]
Israel pressed him hard for aircraft (A-4E Skyhawks
initially and F-4E Phantoms later) and obtained agreement in 1966 under the
condition that the aircraft would not be used to deliver nuclear weapons. The
State Department attempted to link the aircraft purchases to continued
inspection visits. President Johnson overruled the State Department concerning
Dimona inspections. [52] Although denied at the
time, America delivered the F-4Es, on September 5, 1969, with nuclear capable
hardware intact. [53]

Another speculative area concerns Israeli nuclear
security and possible misuse. What is the chain of decision and control of
Israel's weapons? How susceptible are they to misuse or theft? With no open,
frank, public debate on nuclear issues, there has accordingly been no debate or
information on existing safeguards. This has led to accusations of
"monolithic views and sinister intentions." [136]
Would a right wing military government decide to employ nuclear weapons recklessly? Ariel Sharon, an outspoken proponent of "Greater Israel" was quoted as saying, "Arabs may have the oil, but we have the matches." [137]Could the Gush Emunim, a right wing religious organization, or others, hijack a nuclear device to "liberate" the Temple Mount for the building of the third temple? Chances are small but could increase as radicals decry the peace process. [138]A 1997 article reviewing the Israeli Defense Force repeatedly stressed the possibilities of, and the need to guard against, a religious, right wing military coup, especially as the proportion of religious in the military increases. [139]
By Warner D. Farr, LTC, U.S. Army
The Counterproliferation Papers
Future Warfare Series No. 2
USAF Counterproliferation Center
Air War College - Air University
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama
September 1999
The Counterproliferation Papers Series was
established by the USAF Counterproliferation Center to provide information and
analysis to U.S. national security policy-makers and USAF officers to assist
them in countering the threat posed by adversaries equipped with weapons of
mass destruction. Copies of papers in this series are available from the USAF
Counterproliferation Center, 325 Chennault Circle, Maxwell AFB AL 36112-6427.
The fax number is (334) 953-7538; phone (334) 953-7538.
The internet address for the USAF
Counterproliferation Center is:
Disclaimer i
The Author ii
Acknowledgments iii
Abstract iv
I. Introduction 1
II. 1948-1962: With French
Cooperation 3
III. 1963-1973: Seeing the Project
Through to Completion 9
IV. 1974-1999: Bringing the Bomb Up
the Basement Stairs 15
Appendix: Estimates of the Israeli Nuclear Arsenal
Notes 25
The views expressed in this publication are those
solely of the author and are not a statement of official policy or position of
the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the U.S. Army, or the USAF
Counterproliferation Center.
Colonel Warner D. "Rocky" Farr, Medical Corps, Master Flight Surgeon, U.S. Army, graduated from the Air War College at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama before becoming the Command Surgeon, U.S. Army Special Operations Command at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. He also serves as the Surgeon for the U.S. Army Special Forces Command, U.S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command, and the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School.With thirty-three years of military service, he holds an Associate of Arts from the State University of New York, Bachelor of Science from Northeast Louisiana University, Doctor of Medicine from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Masters of Public Health from the University of Texas, and has completed medical residencies in aerospace medicine, and anatomic and clinical pathology. He is the only army officer to be board certified in these three specialties. Solo qualified in the TH-55A Army helicopter, he received flight training in the T-37 and T-38 aircraft as part of his USAF School of Aerospace Medicine residency.
Colonel Farr was a Master Sergeant Special Forces medic prior to receiving a direct commission to second lieutenant. He is now the senior Special Forces medical officer in the U.S. Army with prior assignments in the 5th, 7th, and 10th Special Forces Groups (Airborne), 1st Special Forces, in Vietnam, the United States, and Germany. He has advised the 12th and 20th Special Forces Groups (Airborne) in the reserves and national guard, served as Division Surgeon, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry), and as the Deputy Commander of the U.S. Army Aeromedical Center, Fort Rucker, Alabama.
I would like to acknowledge the assistance, guidance and encouragement from my Air War College (AWC) faculty research advisor, Dr. Andrew Terrill, instructor of the Air War College Arab-Israeli Wars course. Thanks are also due to the great aid of the Air University librarians. The author is also indebted to Captain J. R. Saunders, USN and Colonel Robert Sutton, USAF who also offered helpful suggestions.
This paper is a history of the Israeli nuclear weapons program drawn from a review of unclassified sources. Israel began its search for nuclear weapons at the inception of the state in 1948.
As payment for Israeli participation in the Suez Crisis of 1956, France provided nuclear expertise and constructed a reactor complex for Israel at Dimona capable of large-scale plutonium production and reprocessing.
The United States discovered the facility by 1958 and it was a subject of continual discussions between American presidents and Israeli prime ministers.
Israel used delay and deception to at first keep the United States at bay, and later used the nuclear option as a bargaining chip for a consistent American conventional arms supply.After French disengagement in the early 1960s, Israel progressed on its own, including through several covert operations, to project completion. Before the 1967 Six-Day War, they felt their nuclear facility threatened and reportedly assembled several nuclear devices. By the 1973 Yom Kippur War Israel had a number of sophisticated nuclear bombs, deployed them, and considered using them. The Arabs may have limited their war aims because of their knowledge of the Israeli nuclear weapons.
Israel has most probably conducted several nuclear bomb tests. They have continued to modernize and vertically proliferate and are now one of the world's larger nuclear powers. Using "bomb in the basement" nuclear opacity, Israel has been able to use its arsenal as a deterrent to the Arab world while not technically violating American non-proliferation requirements.
By Warner D. Farr
This is the end of the Third Temple. ~ Attributed to Moshe Dayan during the Yom Kippur War1
As Zionists in Palestine watched World War II from
their distant sideshow, what lessons were learned? The soldiers of the Empire
of Japan vowed on their emperor's sacred throne to fight to the death and not
face the inevitability of an American victory. Many Jews wondered if the Arabs
would try to push them into the Mediterranean Sea. After the devastating
American nuclear attack on Japan, the soldier leaders of the empire re-evaluated
their fight to the death position. Did the bomb give the Japanese permission to
surrender and live?
It obviously played a military role, a political
role, and a peacemaking role. How close was the mindset of the Samurai culture
to the Islamic culture?
Did David Ben-Gurion take note and wonder if the
same would work for Israel?2 Could Israel find
the ultimate deterrent that would convince her opponents that they could never,
ever succeed? Was Israel's ability to cause a modern holocaust the best way to
guarantee never having another one?
The use of unconventional weapons in the Middle
East is not new. The British had used chemical artillery shells against the
Turks at the second battle of Gaza in 1917. They continued chemical shelling
against the Shiites in Iraq in 1920 and used aerial chemicals in the 1920s and
1930s in Iraq.3
Israel's involvement with nuclear technology starts
at the founding of the state in 1948. Many talented Jewish scientists
immigrated to Palestine during the thirties and forties, in particular, Ernst David Bergmann. He would become
the director of the Israeli Atomic Energy Commission and the founder of
Israel's efforts to develop nuclear weapons. Bergmann, a close friend and
advisor of Israel's first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, counselled that
nuclear energy could compensate for Israel's poor natural resources and small
pool of military manpower. He pointed out that there was just one nuclear
energy, not two, suggesting nuclear weapons were part of the plan.4
As early as 1948, Israeli scientists actively
explored the Negev Desert for uranium deposits on orders from the Israeli
Ministry of Defense. By 1950, they found low-grade deposits near Beersheba and
Sidon and worked on a low power method of heavy water production.5
The newly created Weizmann Institute of Science
actively supported nuclear research by 1949, with Dr. Bergmann heading the
chemistry division. Promising students went overseas to study nuclear
engineering and physics at Israeli government expense. Israel secretly founded
its own Atomic Energy Commission in 1952 and placed it under the control of the
Defense Ministry.6
The foundations of a nuclear program were beginning
to develop.
It has always been our intention to develop a nuclear potential. ~ Ephraim Katzir7
In 1949, Francis Perrin, a member of the French
Atomic Energy Commission, nuclear physicist, and friend of Dr. Bergmann visited
the Weizmann Institute. He invited Israeli scientists to the new French nuclear
research facility at Saclay. A joint research effort was subsequently set up
between the two nations. Perrin publicly stated in 1986 that French scientists
working in America on the Manhattan Project and in Canada during World War II
were told they could use their knowledge in France provided they kept it a
Perrin reportedly provided nuclear data to Israel
on the same basis.9
One Israeli scientist worked at the U.S. Los Alamos
National Laboratory and may have directly brought expertise home.10
After the Second World War, France's nuclear
research capability was quite limited. France had been a leading research
center in nuclear physics before World War II, but had fallen far behind the
U.S., the U.S.S.R., the United Kingdom, and even Canada. Israel and France were
at a similar level of expertise after the war, and Israeli scientists could
make significant contributions to the French effort. Progress in nuclear
science and technology in France and Israel remained closely linked throughout
the early fifties. Israeli scientists probably helped construct the G-1
plutonium production reactor and UP-1 reprocessing plant at Marcoule.11
France profited from two Israeli patents on heavy
water production and low-grade uranium enrichment.12
In the 1950s and into the early 1960s, France and
Israel had close relations in many areas. France was Israel's principal arms
supplier, and as instability spread through French colonies in North Africa,
Israel provided valuable intelligence obtained from contacts with Sephardic
Jews in those countries.
The two nations collaborated, with the United
Kingdom, in planning and staging the Suez Canal-Sinai operation against Egypt
in October 1956. The Suez Crisis became the real genesis of Israel's nuclear
weapons production program. With the Czech-Egyptian arms agreement in 1955,
Israel became worried. When absorbed, the Soviet-bloc equipment would triple
Egyptian military strength.
After Egypt's President
Nasser closed the Straits of Tiran in 1953, Israeli Prime Minister
Ben-Gurion ordered the development of chemical munitions and other
unconventional munitions, including nuclear.13
Six weeks before the Suez Canal operation, Israel
felt the time was right to approach France for assistance in building a nuclear
reactor. Canada had set a precedent a year earlier when it had agreed to build
a 40-megawatt CIRUS reactor in India. Shimon
Peres, the Director-General of the Defense Ministry and aide to Prime
Minister (and Defense Minister) David Ben-Gurion, and Bergmann met with members
of the CEA (France's Atomic Energy Commission). During September 1956, they
reached an initial understanding to provide a research reactor. The two
countries concluded final agreements at a secret meeting outside Paris where
they also finalized details of the Suez Canal operation.14
For the United Kingdom and France, the Suez
operation, launched on October 29, 1956, was a total disaster. Israel's part
was a military success, allowing it to occupy the entire Sinai Peninsula by 4
November, but the French and British canal invasion on 6 November was a
political failure. Their attempt to advance south along the Suez Canal stopped
due to a cease-fire under fierce Soviet and U.S. pressure. Both nations pulled
out, leaving Israel to face the pressure from the two superpowers alone. Soviet Premier Bulganin and President Khrushchev issued an implicit
threat of nuclear attack if Israel did not withdraw from the Sinai.
On 7 November 1956, a secret meeting was held
between Israeli foreign minister Golda
Meir, Shimon Peres, and French foreign and defense ministers Christian Pineau and Maurice Bourges-Manoury. The French,
embarrassed by their failure to support their ally in the operation, found the
Israelis deeply concerned about a Soviet threat. In this meeting, they
substantially modified the initial understanding beyond a research reactor.
Peres secured an agreement from France to assist
Israel in developing a nuclear deterrent. After further months of negotiation,
agreement was reached for an 18-megawatt (thermal) research reactor of the EL-3
type, along with plutonium separation technology. France and Israel signed the
agreement in October 1957.15 Later the reactor was officially upgraded to 24 megawatts,
but the actual specifications issued to engineers provided for core cooling
ducts sufficient for up to three times this power level, along with a plutonium
plant of similar capacity. Data from insider reports revealed in 1986 would
estimate the power level at 125-150 megawatts.16
The reactor, not connected to turbines for power
production, needed this increase in size only to increase its plutonium
production. How this upgrade came about remains unknown, but Bourges-Maunoury,
replacing Mollet as French prime minister, may have contributed to it.17 Shimon Peres, the guiding hand in the Israeli
nuclear program, had a close relationship with Bourges-Maunoury and probably
helped him politically.18
Why was France so eager to help Israel?
DeMollet and then de Gaulle had a place for Israel within
their strategic vision. A nuclear Israel could be a counterforce against Egypt
in France's fight in Algeria. Egypt was openly aiding the rebel forces there.
France also wanted to obtain the bomb itself. The United States had embargoed
certain nuclear enabling computer technology from France. Israel could get the
technology from America and pass it through to France. The U.S. furnished
Israel heavy water, under the Atoms for Peace program, for the small research
reactor at Soreq. France could use this heavy water. Since France was some
years away from nuclear testing and success, Israeli science was an insurance
policy in case of technical problems in France's own program.19
The Israeli intelligence community's knowledge of past French (especially Vichy) anti-Semitic transgressions and the continued presence of former Nazi collaborators in French intelligence provided the Israelis with some blackmail opportunities.20
The cooperation was so close that Israel worked
with France on the preproduction design of early Mirage jet aircraft, designed
to be capable of delivering nuclear bombs.21
French experts secretly built the Israeli reactor underground at Dimona, in the Negev desert of southern Israel near Beersheba.
Hundreds of French engineers and technicians filled
Beersheba, the biggest town in the Negev. Many of the same contractors who built
Marcoule were involved. SON (a French firm) built the plutonium separation
plants in both France and Israel. The ground was broken for the EL-102 reactor
(as it was known to France) in early 1958.
Israel used many subterfuges to conceal activity at
Dimona. It called the plant a manganese plant, and rarely, a textile plant. The
United States by the end of 1958 had taken pictures of the project from U-2 spy
planes, and identified the site as a probable reactor complex. The
concentration of Frenchmen was also impossible to hide from ground observers.
In 1960, before the reactor was operating, France,
now under the leadership of de Gaulle, reconsidered and decided to suspend the
project. After several months of negotiation, they reached an agreement in November
that allowed the reactor to proceed if Israel promised not to make nuclear
weapons and to announce the project to the world. Work on the plutonium
reprocessing plant halted.
On 2 December 1960, before Israel could make
announcements, the U.S. State Department issued a statement that Israel had a
secret nuclear installation. By 16 December, this became public knowledge with
its appearance in the New York Times. On 21 December, Ben-Gurion announced that
Israel was building a 24-megawatt reactor "for peaceful purposes."22
Over the next year, relations between the U.S. and
Israel became strained over the Dimona reactor. The U.S. accepted Israel's
assertions at face value publicly, but exerted pressure privately. Although
Israel allowed a cursory inspection by well known American physicists Eugene
Wigner and I. I. Rabi, Prime Minister Ben-Gurion consistently refused to allow
regular international inspections. The final resolution between the U.S. and
Israel was a commitment from Israel to use the facility for peaceful purposes,
and to admit an U.S. inspection team twice a year.
These inspections began in 1962 and continued until
1969. Inspectors saw only the above ground part of the buildings, not the many
levels underground and the visit frequency was never more than once a year. The
above ground areas had simulated control rooms, and access to the underground
areas was kept hidden while the inspectors were present. Elevators leading to
the secret underground plutonium reprocessing plant were actually bricked over.23
Much of the information on these inspections and
the political maneuvering around it has just been declassified.24
One interpretation of Ben-Gurion's "peaceful
purposes" pledge given to America is that he interpreted it to mean that
nuclear weapon development was not excluded if used strictly for defensive, and
not offensive purposes. Israel's security position in the late fifties and
early sixties was far more precarious than now. After three wars, with a robust
domestic arms industry and a reliable defense supply line from the U.S., Israel
felt much more secure. During the fifties and early sixties a number of
attempts by Israel to obtain security guarantees from the U.S. to place Israel
under the U.S. nuclear umbrella like NATO or Japan, were unsuccessful. If the
U.S. had conducted a forward-looking policy to restrain Israel's proliferation,
along with a sure defense agreement, we could have prevented the development of
Israel's nuclear arsenal.
One common discussion in the literature concerns
testing of Israeli nuclear devices. In the early phases, the amount of
collaboration between the French and Israeli nuclear weapons design programs
made testing unnecessary. In addition, although their main efforts were with
plutonium, the Israelis may have amassed enough uranium for gun-assembled type
bombs which, like the Hiroshima bomb, require no testing. One expert
postulated, based on unnamed sources, that the French nuclear test in 1960 made
two nuclear powers not one"such was the depth of collaboration.25
There were several Israeli observers at the French
nuclear tests and the Israelis had "unrestricted access to French nuclear
test explosion data."26 Israel also
supplied essential technology and hardware.27
The French reportedly shipped reprocessed plutonium
back to Israel as part of their repayment for Israeli scientific help.
However, this constant, decade long, French
cooperation and support was soon to end and Israel would have to go it alone.
Israel would soon need its own, independent,
capabilities to complete its nuclear program. Only five countries had
facilities for uranium enrichment: the United States, the Soviet Union, the
United Kingdom, France, and China. The Nuclear Materials and Equipment
Corporation, or NUMEC, in Apollo, Pennsylvania was a small fuel rod fabrication
plant. In 1965, the U.S. government accused Dr. Zalman Shapiro, the corporation president, of
"losing" 200 pounds of highly enriched uranium. Although investigated
by the Atomic Energy Commission, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal
Bureau of Investigation, and other government agencies and inquiring reporters,
no answers were available in what was termed the Apollo Affair.29
Many remain convinced that the Israelis received
200 pounds of enriched uranium sometime before 1965.30
One source links Rafi Eitan, an Israeli Mossad
agent and later the handler of spy Jonathan Pollard, with NUMEC.31
In the 1990s when the NUMEC plant was disassembled,
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission found over 100 kilograms of plutonium in the
structural components of the contaminated plant, casting doubt on 200 pounds
going to Israel.32
The joint venture with France gave Israel several
ingredients for nuclear weapons construction: a production reactor, a factory
to extract plutonium from the spent fuel, and the design. In 1962, the Dimona
reactor went critical; the French resumed work on the underground plutonium
reprocessing plant, and completed it in 1964 or 1965. The acquisition of this
reactor and related technologies was clearly intended for military purposes
from the outset (not "dual-use"), as the reactor has no other
The security at Dimona (officially the Negev
Nuclear Research Center) was particularly stringent. For straying into Dimona's
airspace, the Israelis shot down one of their own Mirage fighters during the
Six-Day War. The Israelis also shot down a Libyan airliner with 104 passengers,
in 1973, which had strayed over the Sinai.33
There is little doubt that some time in the late sixties Israel became the sixth nation to manufacture nuclear weapons.
Other things they needed were extra uranium and
extra heavy water to run the reactor at a higher rate. Norway, France, and the
United States provided the heavy water and "Operation Plumbat" provided the uranium.
After the 1967 war, France stopped supplies of
uranium to Israel. These supplies were from former French colonies of Gabon,
Niger, and the Central Africa Republic.34
Israel had small amounts of uranium from Negev
phosphate mines and had bought some from Argentina and South Africa, but not in
the large quantities supplied by the French. Through a complicated undercover
operation, the Israelis obtained uranium oxide, known as yellow cake, held in a
stockpile in Antwerp. Using a West German front company and a high seas
transfer from one ship to another in the Mediterranean, they obtained 200 tons
of yellow cake. The smugglers labelled the 560 sealed oil drums
"Plumbat," which means lead, hence "Operation Plumbat."35
The West German government may have been involved
directly but remained undercover to avoid antagonizing the Soviets or Arabs.36 Israeli intelligence information on the Nazi past
of some West German officials may have provided the motivation.37
Norway sold 20 tons of heavy water to Israel in
1959 for use in an experimental power reactor. Norway insisted on the right to
inspect the heavy water for 32 years, but did so only once, in April 1961,
while it was still in storage barrels at Dimona. Israel simply promised that
the heavy water was for peaceful purposes. In addition, quantities much more
than what would be required for the peaceful purpose reactors were imported.
Norway either colluded or at the least was very
slow to ask to inspect as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) rules
required.38 Norway and Israel concluded an
agreement in 1990 for Israel to sell back 10.5 tons of the heavy water to
Norway. Recent calculations reveal that Israel has used two tons and will
retain eight tons more.39
Author Seymour Hersh, writing in the Samson Option
says Prime Minister Levi Eshkol delayed starting weapons production even after
Dimona was finished.40 The reactor operated and
the plutonium collected, but remained unseparated. The first extraction of
plutonium probably occurred in late 1965. By 1966, enough plutonium was on hand
to develop a weapon in time for the Six-Day War in 1967.
Some type of non-nuclear test, perhaps a zero yield
or implosion test occurred on November 2, 1966.
After this time, considerable collaboration between Israel and South Africa developed and continued through the 1970s and 1980s. South Africa became Israel's primary supplier of uranium for Dimona. A Center for Non-proliferation Studies report lists four separate Israel-South Africa "clandestine nuclear deals." Three concerned yellowcake and one was tritium.41 Other sources of yellowcake may have included Portugal.42
After this time, considerable collaboration between Israel and South Africa developed and continued through the 1970s and 1980s. South Africa became Israel's primary supplier of uranium for Dimona. A Center for Non-proliferation Studies report lists four separate Israel-South Africa "clandestine nuclear deals." Three concerned yellowcake and one was tritium.41 Other sources of yellowcake may have included Portugal.42
Egypt attempted unsuccessfully to obtain nuclear
weapons from the Soviet Union both before and after the Six-Day War. President Nasser received from the
Soviet Union a questionable nuclear guarantee instead and declared that Egypt
would develop its own nuclear program.43
His rhetoric of 1965 and 1966 about preventive war
and Israeli nuclear weapons coupled with overflights of the Dimona rector
contributed to the tensions that led to war. The Egyptian Air Force claims to
have first overflown Dimona and recognized the existence of a nuclear reactor
in 1965.44 Of the 50 American HAWK antiaircraft
missiles in Israeli hands, half ringed Dimona by 1965.45
Israel considered the Egyptian overflights of May
16, 1967 as possible pre-strike reconnaissance. One source lists such Egyptian
overflights, along with United Nations peacekeeper withdrawal and Egyptian
troop movements into the Sinai, as one of the three "tripwires" which
would drive Israel to war.46
There was an Egyptian military plan to attack
Dimona at the start of any war but Nasser vetoed it.47
He believed Israel would have the bomb in 1968.48
Israel assembled two nuclear bombs and ten days later went to war.49 Nasser's plan, if he had one, may have been to
gain and consolidate territorial gains before Israel had a nuclear option.50 He was two weeks too late.
The Israelis aggressively pursued an aircraft
delivery system from the United States. President Johnson was less emphatic
about non-proliferation than President Kennedy-or perhaps had more pressing concerns,
such as Vietnam. He had a long history of both Jewish friends and pressing
political contributors coupled with some firsthand experience of the Holocaust,
having toured concentration camps at the end of World War II.51
ED Noor: Johnson was the traitorous
president who sacrificed the USS Liberty, a ship on a peaceful mission, to
Israeli strafing with the intention of driving the American people into war
against Egypt on behalf of Israel. This
event took place at this same time. The USS Liberty saved itself and limped
home to bury its dead and be hidden in the dark until this very day.
Israel pressed him hard for aircraft (A-4E Skyhawks
initially and F-4E Phantoms later) and obtained agreement in 1966 under the
condition that the aircraft would not be used to deliver nuclear weapons. The
State Department attempted to link the aircraft purchases to continued
inspection visits. President Johnson overruled the State Department concerning
Dimona inspections.52 Although denied at the
time, America delivered the F-4Es, on September 5, 1969, with nuclear capable
hardware intact.53
The Samson Option states that Moshe Dayan gave the go-ahead for starting weapon production in
early 1968, putting the plutonium separation plant into full operation. Israel
began producing three to five bombs a year. The book Critical Mass asserts that
Israel had two bombs in 1967, and that Prime Minister Eshkol ordered them armed
in Israel's first nuclear alert during the Six-Day War.54
Avner Cohen in his recent book, Israel and the
Bomb, agrees that Israel had a deliverable nuclear capability in the 1967 war.
He quotes Munya Mardor, leader of Rafael, the Armament Development Authority,
and other unnamed sources, that Israel "cobbled together" two
deliverable devices.55
Having the bomb meant articulating, even if
secretly, a use doctrine. In addition to the "Samson Option" of last
resort, other triggers for nuclear use may have included successful Arab
penetration of populated areas, destruction of the Israeli Air Force, massive
air strikes or chemical/biological strikes on Israeli cities, and Arab use of
nuclear weapons.56
ED Noor: Remember, Iran is NOT an Arab
state. It is a Persian state, Iran being the source of the word Aryan.
In 1971, Israel began purchasing krytrons, ultra
high-speed electronic switching tubes that are "dual-use," having
both industrial and nuclear weapons applications as detonators. In the 1980s,
the United States charged an American, Richard
Smith (or Smyth), with smuggling 810 krytrons to Israel.57 He vanished before trial and reportedly lives
outside Tel Aviv.
The Israelis apologized for the action saying that
the krytrons were for medical research.58
Israel returned 469 of the krytrons but the rest, they declared, had been
destroyed in testing conventional weapons. Some believe they went to South
Smyth has also been reported to have been involved
in a 1972 smuggling operation to obtain solid rocket fuel binder compounds for
the Jericho II missile and guidance component hardware.60 Observers point to
the Jericho missile itself as proof of a nuclear capability as it is not suited
to the delivery of conventional munitions.61
On the afternoon of 6 October 1973, Egypt and Syria
attacked Israel in a coordinated surprise attack, beginning the Yom Kippur War.
Caught with only regular forces on duty, augmented by reservists with a low
readiness level, Israeli front lines crumbled. By early afternoon on 7 October,
no effective forces were in the southern Golan Heights and Syrian forces had
reached the edge of the plateau, overlooking the Jordan River. This crisis
brought Israel to its second nuclear alert.
Defense Minister Moshe Dayan, obviously not at his
best at a press briefing, was, according to Time magazine, rattled enough to
later tell the prime minister that "this is the end of the third
temple," referring to an impending collapse of the state of Israel.
"Temple" was also the code word for nuclear weapons.
Minister Golda Meir and her "kitchen cabinet" made the
decision on the night of 8 October. The Israelis assembled 13 twenty-kiloton
atomic bombs. The number and in fact the entire story was later leaked by the
Israelis as a great psychological warfare tool. Although most probably
plutonium devices, one source reports they were enriched uranium bombs. The
Jericho missiles at Hirbat Zachariah and the nuclear strike F-4s at Tel Nof
were armed and prepared for action against Syrian and Egyptian targets. They
also targeted Damascus with nuclear capable long-range artillery although it is
not certain they had nuclear artillery shells.62
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was notified of the alert several hours later on
the morning of 9 October. The U.S. decided to open an aerial resupply pipeline
to Israel, and Israeli aircraft began picking up supplies that day. Although
stockpile depletion remained a concern, the military situation stabilized on
October 8th and 9th as Israeli reserves poured into the battle and averted
disaster. Well before significant American resupply had reached Israeli forces,
the Israelis counterattacked and turned the tide on both fronts.
On 11 October, a counterattack on the Golan broke
the back of Syria's offensive and on 15 and 16 October, Israel launched a
surprise crossing of the Suez Canal into Africa. Soon the Israelis encircled
the Egyptian Third Army and it was faced with annihilation on the east bank of
the Suez Canal, with no protective forces remaining between the Israeli Army
and Cairo. The first U.S. flights arrived on 14 October.63
Israeli commandos flew to Fort Benning, Georgia to
train with the new American TOW anti-tank missiles and return with a C-130
Hercules aircraft full of them in time for the decisive Golan battle. American
commanders in Germany depleted their stocks of missiles, at that time only
shared with the British and West Germans, and sent them forward to Israel.64
Thus started the subtle, opaque use of the Israeli
bomb to ensure that the United States kept its pledge to maintain Israel's
conventional weapons edge over its foes.65
There is significant anecdotal evidence that Henry Kissinger told President of
Egypt, Anwar Sadat, that the reason for the U.S. airlift was that the Israelis
were close to "going nuclear."66
A similar Soviet pipeline to the Arabs, equally
robust, may or may not have included a ship with nuclear weapons on it,
detected from nuclear trace emissions and shadowed by the Americans from the
Dardanelles. The Israelis believe that the Soviets discovered Israeli nuclear
preparations from COSMOS satellite photographs and decided to equalize the
The Soviet ship arrived in Alexandria on either 18 or 23 October (sources disagree), and remained, without unloading, until November 1973. The ship may have represented a Soviet guarantee to the Arab combatants to neutralize the Israeli nuclear option.68
The Soviet ship arrived in Alexandria on either 18 or 23 October (sources disagree), and remained, without unloading, until November 1973. The ship may have represented a Soviet guarantee to the Arab combatants to neutralize the Israeli nuclear option.68
While some others dismiss the story completely, the
best-written review article concludes that the answer is "obscure."
Soviet premier Leonid Brezhnev
threatened, on 24 October, to airlift Soviet airborne troops to reinforce the
Egyptians cut off on the eastern side of the Suez Canal and put seven Soviet
airborne divisions on alert.69
Recent evidence indicates that the Soviets sent
nuclear missile submarines also.70 Aviation
Week and Space Technology magazine claimed that the two Soviet SCUD brigades
deployed in Egypt each had a nuclear warhead. American satellite photos seemed
to confirm this. The U.S. passed to Israel images of trucks, of the type used
to transport nuclear warheads, parked near the launchers.71
President Nixon's response was to bring the U.S. to
worldwide nuclear alert the next day, whereupon Israel went to nuclear alert a
third time.72 This sudden crisis quickly faded
as Prime Minister Meir agreed to a
cease-fire, relieving the pressure on the Egyptian Third Army.
Shimon Peres had argued
for a pre-war nuclear demonstration to deter the Arabs. Arab strategies and war
aims in 1967 may have been restricted because of a fear of the Israeli
"bomb in the basement," the undeclared nuclear option. The Egyptians
planned to capture an eastern strip next to the Suez Canal and then hold. The
Syrians did not aggressively commit more forces to battle or attempt to drive
through the 1948 Jordan River border to the Israeli center. Both countries
seemed not to violate Israel proper and avoided triggering one of the unstated
Israeli reasons to employ nuclear weapons.73
Others discount any Arab planning based on nuclear
capabilities.74 Peres also credits Dimona with
bringing Anwar Sadat to Jerusalem to
make peace.75 This position was seemingly
confirmed by Sadat in a private conversation with Israeli Defense Minister Ezer Weizman.76
At the end of the Yom Kippur War (a nation shaking
experience), Israel has her nuclear arsenal fully functional and tested by a
deployment. The arsenal, still opaque and unspoken, was no longer a secret,
especially to the two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union.
Enlarge to original size to read.
Enlarge to original size to read.
IV. 1974-1999: BRINGING
Never Again! ~ Reportedly welded on the first Israeli nuclear bomb77
By 1976, according to one unclassified source, the
Central Intelligence Agency believed that the Israelis were using plutonium
from Dimona and had 10 to 20 nuclear weapons available.79
In 1972, two Israeli scientists, Isaiah Nebenzahl and Menacehm Levin, developed a cheaper,
faster uranium enrichment process. It used a laser beam for isotope separation.
It could reportedly enrich seven grams of Uranium 235 sixty percent in one day.80 Sources later reported that Israel was using both
centrifuges and lasers to enrich uranium.81
Questions remained regarding full-scale nuclear
weapons tests. Primitive gun assembled type devices need no testing.
Researchers can test non-nuclear components of other types separately and use
extensive computer simulations. Israel received data from the 1960 French
tests, and one source concludes that Israel accessed information from U.S.
tests conducted in the 1950s and early 1960s. This may have included both
boosted and thermonuclear weapons data.82
Underground testing in a hollowed out cavern is
difficult to detect. A West Germany Army Magazine, Wehrtechnik, in June 1976,
claimed that Western reports documented a 1963 underground test in the Negev.
Other reports show a test at Al-Naqab, Negev in October 1966.83
A bright flash in the south Indian Ocean, observed by an American satellite on 22 September 1979, is widely believed to be a South Africa-Israel joint nuclear test. It was, according to some, the third test of a neutron bomb. The first two were hidden in clouds to fool the satellite and the third was an “accident” the weather cleared.84
A bright flash in the south Indian Ocean, observed by an American satellite on 22 September 1979, is widely believed to be a South Africa-Israel joint nuclear test. It was, according to some, the third test of a neutron bomb. The first two were hidden in clouds to fool the satellite and the third was an “accident” the weather cleared.84
Experts differ on these possible tests. Several
writers report that the scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory believed
it to have been a nuclear explosion while a presidential panel decided
Carter was just entering the Iran hostage nightmare and may have easily
decided not to alter 30 years of looking the other way.86
The explosion was almost certainly an Israeli bomb, tested at the invitation of
the South Africans. It was more advanced than the "gun type" bombs
developed by the South Africans.87 One report
claims it was a test of a nuclear artillery shell.88
A 1997 Israeli newspaper quoted South African deputy foreign minister, Aziz
Pahad, as confirming it was an Israeli test with South African logistical
Controversy over possible nuclear testing continues
to this day. In June 1998, a Member of the Knesset accused the government of an
underground test near Eilat on May 28, 1998. Egyptian "nuclear
experts" had made similar charges. The Israeli government hotly denied the
Not only were the Israelis interested in American
nuclear weapons development data, they were interested in targeting data from
U.S. intelligence. Israel discovered that they were on the Soviet target list.
American-born Israeli spy Jonathan
Pollard obtained satellite-imaging data of the Soviet Union, allowing
Israel to target accurately Soviet cities. This showed Israel's intention to
use its nuclear arsenal as a deterrent political lever, or retaliatory
capability against the Soviet Union itself.
Israel also used American satellite imagery to plan
the 7 June 1981 attack on the Tammuz-1 reactor at Osiraq, Iraq. This daring
attack, carried out by eight F-16s accompanied by six F-15s punched a hole in
the concrete reactor dome before the reactor began operation (and just days
before an Israeli election). It delivered 15 delay-fused 2000 pound bombs deep
into the reactor structure (the 16th bomb hit a nearby hall). The blasts
shredded the reactor and blew out the dome foundations, causing it to collapse
on the rubble. This was the world's first attack on a nuclear reactor.91
Ed Noor: There you have a concrete
example of just one of the many international incidents for which this criminal
Jonathan Pollard is jailed despite the weeping, moaning, sackcloth clothes, and
arrogant demands from Israel for his release.
Since 19 September 1988, Israel has worked on its
own satellite recon- naissance system to decrease reliance on U.S. sources. On
that day, they launched the Offeq-1 satellite on the Shavit booster, a system
closely related to the Jericho-II missile. They launched the satellite to the
west away from the Arabs and against the earth's rotation, requiring even more
thrust. The Jericho-II missile is capable of sending a one ton nuclear payload
5,000 kilometers. Offeq-2 went up on 3 April 1990. The launch of the Offeq-3
failed on its first attempt on 15 September 1994, but was successful 5 April
Mordechai Vanunu provided the best look at the Israeli nuclear arsenal in 1985 complete with photographs.93 A technician from Dimona who lost his job, Vanunu secretly took photographs, immigrated to Australia and published some of his material in the London Sunday Times. He was subsequently kidnapped by Israeli agents, tried and imprisoned. His data shows a sophisticated nuclear program, over 200 bombs, with boosted devices, neutron bombs, F-16 deliverable warheads, and Jericho warheads.94
Mordechai Vanunu provided the best look at the Israeli nuclear arsenal in 1985 complete with photographs.93 A technician from Dimona who lost his job, Vanunu secretly took photographs, immigrated to Australia and published some of his material in the London Sunday Times. He was subsequently kidnapped by Israeli agents, tried and imprisoned. His data shows a sophisticated nuclear program, over 200 bombs, with boosted devices, neutron bombs, F-16 deliverable warheads, and Jericho warheads.94
A model of the bomb as photographed by Vanunu.
The boosted weapons shown in the Vanunu photographs show a sophistication that inferred the requirement for testing.95 He revealed for the first time the underground plutonium separation facility where Israel was producing 40 kilograms annually, several times more than previous estimates. Photographs showed sophisticated designs which scientific experts say enabled the Israelis to build bombs with as little as 4 kilograms of plutonium. These facts have increased the estimates of total Israeli nuclear stockpiles (see Appendix A).96
In the words of one American, "[the Israelis] can do anything we or the Soviets can do."97
Vanunu not only made the technical details of the
Israeli program and stockpile public but in his wake, Israeli began veiled
official acknowledgement of the potent Israeli nuclear deterrent. They began
bringing the bomb up the basement stairs if not out of the basement.
Israel went on full-scale nuclear alert again on
the first day of Desert Storm, 18 January 1991. Seven SCUD missiles were fired
against the cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa by Iraq (only two actually hit Tel
Aviv and one hit Haifa). This alert lasted for the duration of the war, 43
days. Over the course of the war, Iraq launched around 40 missiles in 17
separate attacks at Israel. There was little loss of life: two killed directly,
11 indirectly, with many structures damaged and life disrupted.98
Several supposedly landed near Dimona, one of them
a close miss.99 Threats of retaliation by the
Shamir government if the Iraqis used chemical warheads were interpreted to mean
that Israel intended to launch a nuclear strike if gas attacks occurred. One
Israeli commentator recommended that Israel should signal Iraq that "any
Iraqi action against Israeli civilian populations, with or without gas, may
leave Iraq without Baghdad."100
Shortly before the end of the war the Israelis
tested a "nuclear capable" missile which prompted the United States
into intensifying its SCUD hunting in western Iraq to prevent any Israeli
response.101 The Israeli Air Force set up dummy
SCUD sites in the Negev for pilots to practice on they found it no easy task.102 American government concessions to Israel for not
attacking (in addition to Israeli Patriot missile batteries) were:
Allowing Israel to designate 100 targets inside Iraq for the coalition to destroy,
Satellite downlink to increase warning time on the SCUD attacks (present and future),"Technical parity with Saudi jet fighters in perpetuity."103
All of this validated the nuclear arsenal in the
minds of the Israelis. In particular the confirmed capability of Arab states
without a border with Israel, the so-called "second tier" states, to
reach out and touch Israel with ballistic missiles confirmed Israel's need for
a robust first strike capability.104
Current military contacts between Israel and India,
another nuclear power, bring up questions of nuclear cooperation.105 Pakistani sources have already voiced concerns
over a possible joint Israeli-Indian attack on Pakistan's nuclear facilities.106 A recent Parameters article speculated on
Israel's willingness to furnish nuclear capabilities or assistance to certain
states, such as Turkey.107 A retired Israeli
Defense Force Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Amnon Shahak, has declared,
"all methods are acceptable in withholding nuclear capabilities from an
Arab state."108
As the Israeli bomb comes out of the basement, open
discussion, even in Israel, is occurring on why the Israelis feel they need an
arsenal not used in at least two if not three wars. Avner Cohen states:
"It [Israel] must be in a position to threaten another Hiroshima to prevent another holocaust."109
In July 1998 Shimon Peres was quoted in the Jordan
Times as saying, "We have built a nuclear option, not in order to have a
Hiroshima, but to have an Oslo,"110
referring to the peace process.
One list of current reasons for an Israeli nuclear
capability is:
To deter a large conventional attack,To deter all levels of unconventional (chemical, biological, nuclear) attacks,To preempt enemy nuclear attacks,To support conventional preemption against enemy nuclear assets,To support conventional preemption against enemy non-nuclear (conventional, chemical, biological) assets,For nuclear warfighting,The "Samson Option" (last resort destruction).111
The most alarming of these is the nuclear
warfighting. The Israelis have developed, by several accounts, low yield
neutron bombs able to destroy troops with minimal damage to property.112
In 1990, during the Second Gulf War, an Israeli
reserve major general recommended to America that it "use
non-contaminating tactical nuclear weapons" against Iraq.113 Some have speculated that the Israelis will
update their nuclear arsenal to "micronukes" and "tinynukes"
which would be very useful to attack point targets and other tactical or
barrier (mining) uses.114
These would be very useful for hardened deeply
buried command and control facilities and for airfield destruction without
exposing Israeli pilots to combat.115 Authors
have made the point that Israeli professional military schools do not teach
nuclear tactics and would not use them in the close quarters of Israel. Many
Israeli officers have attended American military schools where they learned
tactical use in crowded Europe.116
However, Jane's Intelligence Review has recently
reported an Israeli review of nuclear strategy with a shift from tactical
nuclear warheads to long range missiles.117
Israel always has favoured the long reach, whether to Argentina for Adolph
Eichmann, to Iraq to strike a reactor, Entebbe for hostages, Tunisia to hit the
PLO, or by targeting the Soviet Union's cities. An esteemed Israeli military
author has speculated that Israel is pursuing an R&D program to provide
MIRVs (multiple independent re-entry vehicles) on their missiles.118
ED Noor: "We possess several hundred atomic warheads and
rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome.
Most European capitals are targets of our air force." ~ Martin Van Creveld
The government of Israel recently ordered three
German Dolphin Class 800 submarines, to be delivered in late 1999. (ED Noor:
They received 6 of these in 2011) Israel will then have a second strike
capability with nuclear cruise missiles, and this capability could well change
the nuclear arms race in the Middle East.119
Israeli rhetoric on the new submarines labels them
"national deterrent" assets. Projected capabilities include a
submarine-launched nuclear missile with a 350-kilometer range.120
Israel has been working on sea launch capability
for missiles since the 1960s.121 The first
basing options for the new second-strike force of nuclear missile capable
submarines include Oman, an Arab nation with unofficial Israeli relations,
located strategically near Iran.122
A report
indicates that the Israel Defense Ministry has formally gone to the government
with a request to authorize a retaliatory nuclear strike if Israel was hit with
first strike nuclear weapons. This report comes in the wake of a recent Iran
Shihab-3 missile test and indications to Israel that Iran is two to three years
from a nuclear warhead.123 Israeli statements
stress that Iran's nuclear potential would be problem to all and would require
"American leadership, with serious participation of the G-7 . . . ."124
ED Noor: it is 2013 and Israel is still
screaming about Iran’s nuclear potential which has become quite the headache
for Netanyahu because Iran stands strong, silent, peaceful and untouchable.
A recent study highlighted Israel's extreme
vulnerability to a first strike and an accompanying vulnerability even to a
false alarm.125 Syria's entire defense against
Israel seems to rest on chemical weapons and warheads.126
One scenario involves Syria making a quick incursion into the Golan and then
threatening chemical strikes, perhaps with a new, more lethal
(protective-mask-penetrable) Russian nerve gas if Israel resists.127
Their use would drive Israel to nuclear use. Israeli
development of an anti- missile defense, the Arrow, a fully fielded (30-50128)
Jericho II ballistic missile, and the soon-to-arrive strategic submarine force,
seems to have produced a coming change in defense force structure. The Israeli
newspaper Ha'aretz, quotes the Israeli Chief of Staff discussing the
establishment of a "strategic command to . . . prepare an adequate
response to the long term threats. . . "129
The 1994 accord with Jordan, allowing limited
Israeli military presence in Jordanian skies, could make the flying distance to
several potential adversaries considerably shorter.130
Israel is concerned about Iran's desire to obtain nuclear weapons and
become a regional leader, coupled with large numbers of Shiite Moslems in
southern Lebanon. The Israeli Air Force commanding general issued a statement
saying Israel would "consider an attack" if any country gets
"close to achieving a nuclear capability."131
The Israelis are obviously considering actions
capable of stopping such programs and are buying aircraft such as the F-15I
with sufficient operational range. At the first delivery of these 4,000
kilometer range fighters, the Israeli comment was, "the aircraft would
help counter a growing nuclear threat."132
They consider such regional nation nuclear programs to be a sufficient cause
for war. Their record of accomplishment is clear: having hit the early Iraqi
nuclear effort, they feel vindicated by Desert Storm. They also feel that only
the American and Israeli nuclear weapons kept Iraq's Saddam Hussein from using
chemical or biological weapons against Israel.133
Israel, like Iran, has desires of regional power.
The 1956 alliance with France and Britain might have been a first attempt at
regional hegemony. Current debate in the Israeli press considers offering
Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, and perhaps Syria (after a peace agreement) an Israeli
nuclear umbrella of protection.134 A nuclear
Iran or Iraq might use its nuclear weapons to protect some states in the
region, threaten others, and attempt to control oil prices.135
Another speculative area concerns Israeli nuclear
security and possible misuse. What is the chain of decision and control of
Israel's weapons?
How susceptible are they to misuse or theft? With
no open, frank, public debate on nuclear issues, there has accordingly been no
debate or information on existing safeguards. This has led to accusations of
"monolithic views and sinister intentions."136
Would a right wing military government decide to employ nuclear weapons recklessly? Ariel Sharon, an outspoken proponent of "Greater Israel" was quoted as saying, "Arabs may have the oil, but we have the matches."137
Could the Gush Emunim, a right wing religious
organization, or others, hijack a nuclear device to "liberate" the
Temple Mount for the building of the third temple? Chances are small but could
increase as radicals decry the peace process.138
A 1997 article reviewing the Israeli Defense Force repeatedly stressed the
possibilities of, and the need to guard against, a religious, right wing
military coup, especially as the proportion of religious in the military
Israel is a nation with a state religion, but its
top leaders are not religious Jews. The intricacies of Jewish religious
politics and rabbinical law do affect their politics and decision processes. In
Jewish law, there are two types of war, one obligatory and mandatory (milkhemet
mitzvah) and the one authorized but optional (milkhemet reshut).140
The labelling of Prime Minister Begin's "Peace
for Galilee" operation as a milchemet brera ("war of choice")
was one of the factors causing it to lose support.141
Interpretation of Jewish law concerning nuclear weapons does not permit their
use for mutual assured destruction. However, it does allow possession and
threatening their use, even if actual use is not justifiable under the law.
Interpretations of the law allow tactical use on the battlefield, but only
after warning the enemy and attempting to make peace. How much these
intricacies affect Israeli nuclear strategy decisions is unknown.142
The secret nature of the Israeli nuclear program
has hidden the increasing problems of the aging Dimona reactor and adverse
worker health effects. Information is only now public as former workers sue the
government. This issue is now linked to continued tritium production for the
boosted anti-tank and anti-missile nuclear warheads that Israeli continues to
need. Israel is attempting to obtain a new, more efficient, tritium production
technology developed in India.143
One other purpose of Israeli nuclear weapons, not
often stated, but obvious, is their "use" on the United States.
America does not want Israel's nuclear profile raised.144
They have been used in the past to ensure America does not desert Israel under
increased Arab, or oil embargo, pressure and have forced the United States to
support Israeli diplomatically against the Soviet Union. Israel used their
existence to guarantee a continuing supply of American conventional weapons, a
policy likely to continue.145
Regardless of the true types and numbers (see
Appendix A) of Israeli nuclear weapons, they have developed a sophisticated
system, by myriad methods, and are a nuclear power to be reckoned with. Their
nuclear ambiguity has served their purposes well but Israel is entering a
different phase of visibility even as their nuclear capability is entering a
new phase. This new visibility may not be in America's interest.146
Many are predicting the Israeli nuclear arsenal
will become less useful "out of the basement" and possibly spur a
regional arms race. If so, Israel has a 5-10 year lead time at present before
mutual assured destruction, Middle East style, will set in. Would regional
mutual second strike capability, easier to acquire than superpower mutual
second strike capability, result in regional stability? Some think so.147
Current Israeli President Ezer Weizman has stated "the nuclear issue is gaining momentum
[and the] next war will not be conventional.148
Estimates of the Israeli Nuclear Arsenal
1. Hersh, Seymour M., The Samson
Option. Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy (New York: Random
House, 1991), 223.
2. Aronson, Slomo and Brosh, Oded,
The Politics and Strategy of Nuclear Weapons in the Middle East, the Opacity
Theory, and Reality, 1960-1991-An Israeli Perspective (Albany, New York: State
University of New York Press, 1992), 20.
3. Karsh, Efraim, Between War and
Peace: Dilemmas of Israeli Security (London, England: Frank Cass, 1996), 82.
4. Cohen, Avner, Israel and the
Bomb (New York: Columbia University Press, 1998), 16.
5. Cordesman, Anthony, Perilous
Prospects: The Peace Process and the Arab-Israeli Military Balance (Boulder,
Colorado: Westview Press, 1996), 118.
6. Pry, Peter, Israel's Nuclear
Arsenal (Boulder, Colorado: Westview, 1984), 5-6.
7. Quoted in Weissman, Steve and
Krosney, Herbert. The Islamic Bomb: The Nuclear Threat to Israel and the Middle
East. (New York, New York: Times Books, 1981), 105.
8. "Former Official Says
France Helped Build Israel's Dimona Complex." Nucleonics Week October 16,
1986, 6.
9. Milhollin, Gary, "Heavy
Water Cheaters." Foreign Policy (1987-88): 101-102.
10. Cordesman, 1991, 127.
11. Federation of American
Scientists, "Israel's Nuclear Weapons Program." 10 December 1997,
n.p. On-line. Internet, 27 October 1998. Available from
12. Nashif, Taysir N., Nuclear
Weapons in Israel (New Delhi: S. B. Nangia Books, 1996), 3.
13. Cohen, Israel and the Bomb,
14. Bennett, Jeremy, The Suez
Crisis. BBC Video. n.d. Videocassette and Raviv, Dan and Melman, Yossi. Every
Spy a Prince. The Complete History of Israel's Intelligence Community. (Boston,
Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1990), 63-69.
15. Weissman and Krosney, 112.
16. "Revealed: The Secrets of
Israel's Nuclear Arsenal" (London) Sunday Times No. 8,461, 5 October 1986,
1, 4-5.
17. Cohen, Israel and the Bomb,
18. Peres, Shimon, Battling for
Peace. A Memoir (New York, New York: Random House, 1995), 122.
19. Pry, 10.
20. Loftus, John and Aarons, Mark,
The Secret War Against the Jews. How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish
People (New York, New York: St. Martin's Griffin, 1994), 287-303.
21. Green, Stephen, Taking Sides.
America's Secret Relations with a Militant Israel (New York: William Morrow and
Company, 1984), 152.
22. Cohen, Avner, "Most Favored
Nation." The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. 51, no. 1
(January-February 1995): 44-53.
23. Hersh, The Samson Option, 196.
24. See Cohen, Avner, "Israel's
Nuclear History: The Untold Kennedy-Eshkol Dimona Correspondence." Journal
of Israeli History, 1995 16, no. 2, 159-194 and Cohen, Avner, Comp.
"Recently Declassified 1963 Correspondence between President Kennedy and
Prime Ministers Ben-Gurion and Eshkol." Journal of Israeli History, 1995
16, no. 2, 195-207. Much of the documentation has been posted to
25. Weissman and Krosney, op.
26. Cohen, op. cit., Israel and the
Bomb, 82-83.
27. Spector, Leonard S., The
Undeclared Bomb (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Ballinger Publishers, 1988), 387
28. Quoted in Stevens, Elizabeth.
"Israel's Nuclear Weapons"A Case Study." 14 pages. On line.
Internet, 23 October 1998. Available from
29. Green, Taking Sides, 148-179 and
Raviv, Dan and Melman, Yossi, 1990, 197-198.
30. Weissman and Krosney, 119-124.
31. Black, Ian and Morris, Benny,
Israel's Secret Wars. A history of Israel's Intelligence Services (New York,
New York: Grove Weidenfeld, 1991), 418-419.
32. Hersh, 257.
33. Green, Stephen, Living by the
Sword: America and Israel in the Middle East, 1968-1987 (London: Faber, 1988),
34. Cordesman, 1991, 120.
35. Weissman and Krosney, 124-128
and Raviv, Dan and Melman, Yossi, 1990, 198-199.
36. Spector, The Undeclared Bomb,
395(n. 57).98-199
37. Raviv, Dan and Melman, Yossi,
1990, 58.
38. Milhollin, 100-119.
39. Stanghelle, Harold, "Israel
to sell back 10.5 tons." Arbeiderbladet, Oslo, Norway, 28 June 1990 in:
Center for Nonproliferation Studies, "Nuclear Developments," 28 June
1990, 34-35; on-line, Internet 22 November 1998, available from http://cns.miis.edu
40. Hersh, op. cit., 139.
41. Center for Nonproliferation
Studies. "Israeli Friends," ISIS Report, May 1994, 4; on-line,
Internet 22 November 1998, available from http://cns.miis.edu
42. Abecasis, Rachel, "Uranium
reportedly offered to China, Israel." Radio Renascenca, Lisbon, 9 December
1992 quoted in Center for Nonproliferation, "Proliferation Issues,"
23 December, 1992, 25; on-line, Internet 22 November 1998, available from
43. Cohen, Israel and the Bomb, op.
cit., 231-232 and 256-257.
44. Nordeen, Lon O., Nicolle, David,
Phoenix over the Nile (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institute Press, 1996),
45. O'Balance, Edgar, The Third
Arab-Israeli War (London: Faber and Faber, 1972), 54.
46. Brecher, Michael, Decision in
Crisis. Israel, 1967 and 1973 (Berkley, California: University of California
Press, 1980), 104, 230-231.
47. Cohen, Avner. "Cairo,
Dimona, and the June 1967 War." Middle East Journal 50, no. 2 (Spring
1996), 190-210.
48. Creveld, Martin van. The Sword
and the Olive. A Critical History of the Israeli Defense Force (New York, New
York: Public Affairs, 1998), 174.
49. Burrows, William E. and Windrem,
Robert, Critical Mass. The Dangerous Race for Superweapons in a Fragmenting
World (New York, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1994), 282-283.
50. Aronson, Shlomo, Israel's
Nuclear Options, ACIS Working Paper No. 7. Los Angeles, California: University
of California Center for Arms Control and International Security, 1977, 3, and
Sorenson, David S., "Middle East Regional Studies-AY99," Air War
College: Maxwell Air Force Base, AL, 542.
51. Hersh, op. cit., 126-128.
52. Cohen, Israel and the Bomb, op.
cit., 210-213.
53. Spector, Leonard S.,
"Foreign-Supplied Combat Aircraft: Will They Drop the Third World
Bomb?" Journal of International Affairs 40, no. 1(1986): 145 (n. 5) and
Green, Living by the Sword, op. cit., 18-19.
54. Burrows and Windrem, op. cit.,
55. Cohen, op. cit., Israel and the
Bomb, 237.
56. Ibid., 273-274.
57. Milhollin, op. cit., 103-104.
58. Raviv, Dan and Melman, Yossi,
Friend in Deed: Inside the U.S.-Israel Alliance (New York New York: Hyperion,
1994), 299.
59. Burrows and Windrem, op. cit.,
464-465 and Raviv, Dan and Melman, Yossi, op. cit., 1990, 304-305.
60. Spector, The Undeclared Bomb,
op. cit., 179.
61. Dowty, Alan. "Israel and
Nuclear Weapons." Midstream 22, no. 7 (November 1976), 8-9.
62. Hersh, op. cit., 217, 222-226,
and Weissman and Krosney, op. cit., 107.
63. Green, op. cit., Living by the
Sword, 90-99.
64. Loftus and Aarons, op. cit.,
65. Smith, Gerard C. and Cobban,
Helena. "A Blind Eye To Nuclear Proliferation." Foreign Affairs 68,
no. 3(1989), 53-70.
66. Hersh, op. cit., 230-231.
67. O'Balance, Edgar, No Victor, No
Vanquished. The Yom Kippur War (San Rafael, California: Presido Press, 1978),
68. Ibid., 234-235 and Aronson, S,
op. cit., 15-18.
69. Spector, The Undeclared Bomb,
op. cit., 396 (n. 62); Garthoff, Raymond L., Détente and Confrontation:
American-Soviet Relations from Nixon to Reagan (Washington, DC: The Brookings
Institute, 1994), 426, n76 and Bandmann, Yona and Cordova, Yishai. "The
Soviet Nuclear Threat Towards the Close of the Yom Kippur War." Jerusalem
Journal of International Relations 1980 5, no. 1, 107-9.
70. Cherkashin, Nikolai, "On
Moscow's Orders." Russian Life, 39, no. 10 (October 1996), 13-15.
71. Brownlow, Cecil. "Soviets
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148. Aronson, Geoffrey, "Hidden
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149. Data from Time, 12 April 1976,
quoted in Weissman and Krosney, op. cit., 107.
150. Burrows and Windrem, op. cit.,
280 and Cohen, Israel and the Bomb, op. cit., 273-274.
151. Tahtinen, Dale R., The
Arab-Israel Military Balance Today (Washington, DC: American Enterprise
Institute for Public Policy Research, 1973), 34.
152. "How Israel Got the
Bomb." Time, 12 April 1976, 39.
153. Burrows and Windrem, op. cit.,
154. Kaku, op. cit., 66 and Hersh,
op. cit., 216.
155. Valéry, op. cit., 807-09.
156. Data from CIA, quoted in
Weissman and Krosney, op. cit., 109.
157. Ottenberg, Michael,
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1994), 6-8.
158. Pry, op. cit., 75.
159. Ibid., 111.
160. Data from NBC Nightly News,
quoted in Milhollin, op. cit., 104 and Burrows and Windrem, op. cit., 308.
161. Data from Vanunu quoted in
Milhollin, op. cit., 104.
162. Harkavy, Robert E. "After
the Gulf War: The Future of the Israeli Nuclear Strategy," The Washington
Quarterly (Summer 1991), 164.
163. Burrows and Windrem, op. cit.,
164. Albright, David, Berkhout, Frans
and Walker, William, Plutonium and Highly Enriched Uranium 1996. World
Inventories, Capabilities, and Policies (New York: Stockholm International
Peace Research Institute And Oxford University Press, 1997), 262-263.
165. Hough, Harold, "Israel's
Nuclear Infrastructure," Jane's Intelligence Review 6, no. 11 (November
1994), 508.
166. Ibid., 262-263.
167. Spector, and McDonough, with
Medeiros, op. cit., 135.
168. Burrows and Windrem, op. cit.,
169. Cordesman, op. cit., 1996, 234.
170. Ibid., 234.
171. Ibid., 230, 243.
172. Brower, Kenneth S., "A
Propensity for Conflict: Potential Scenarios and Outcomes of War in the Middle
East," Jane's Intelligence Review, Special Report no. 14, (February 1997),
173. Albright, Berkhout, and Walker,
op. cit., 262-263.
USAF Counterproliferation Center
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one must be a "JEW" to be a Terrorist....
ReplyDeleteeverything else is self defense
Dr Strangelove represents the typical jew psycho - not the tired old jewish portrayal of NAZIS. The samson option is their doomsday machine - nukes placed all over the world. Mostly Europe and USA. Kubrick was one of the bestest chosen ones but I think he got sick of the tribe and promptly died. His films have many hidden meanings and messages. NOne of his films have happy endings