Sunday 1 March 2015


"You have not begun to appreciate the depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom of not merely the latest Great War, but of every other major revolution in your history.

We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it. Who knows what great and glorious destiny might have been yours if we had left you alone." ~ Marclis Eli Ravage, Century Magazine February, 1926.

Hold on to your heads. I apologize if I ramble a bit or my ideas seem a tad disjointed here but it is almost 8 am and my ideas on this topic have been flying about for awhile now. I have gotten them down into as usable a form as possible and hope that after reading this, between my notes and those of the original writer Saaba, you have an idea of the importance of what we face and how it is being done to us, bit by bit. 

Of course we are aware of the destruction of family and culture in the West but there are other ways that we are being prepared for the JWO that we do not often think of ~ if at all. Our very foundations are stripped away. 

It is interesting that there is currently a push to discover personal ancestry as general ancestry is being destroyed but, as I say, my thoughts are a tad disjointed here and that is for another day perhaps.  

Winston Churchill said, “history is written by the victors”, but if you’re going to rewrite history, one must clear a little space.  A librarian would call this “weeding the stacks with extreme prejudice”. 

Recently I was not shocked to discover that none of my nieces or nephews or their children had taken any education in history at school! Given their options over the past few decades, they focused on maths, sciences, literature, medicine, etc but none were inclined towards history. Of course this is a Canadian education, one that fully supports the cultural Marxist agenda of the times so that is, to some degree, no surprise. To learn history (politically correct thanks to Frankfurt Institute graduates-infiltrated institutions) one must study courses that offer no “practical value”, a great luxury for most. There is, however, a great deal of Hollowco$t awareness and sensitivity taught in the small amount of history that is put through the system then rigidly enforced through media and political correctness.

People today are learning “history” through Judaicized movies and television programmes that rewrite or mythologize history. The end result is that the viewers see history as stories and accept their being rewritten into common lore often sneering at the origins of their own personal greatness (as we see today with the American regard by many of the founding fathers as thought criminals!) 

Could this partly account for the plethora of heavy OT Biblical movies of early Hollywood? The need to prepare the Christian world for the Schofield Zionist takeover? Oh, I digress, please excuse me.

Now we have heavily promoted international epic programmes such as Game of Thrones doing a marvelous job of blurring public comprehension of fantasy and historical reality. To the uneducated it is all the same! They may draw the line at believing in dragons but will accept the more believable. They then also dismiss real history as just fantasy and not of real importance. As a result, the term "Venetian dress" becomes a costume on a set not how a real woman of Medieval Venice might have been attired. The reality is lost and the fantasy takes hold.

Don't get me wrong. For sheer entertainment value, I thoroughly appreciate this production and the achievements involved in bringing it to fruition. The point I make is that uneducated viewers are already easily misled and soon that fantasy could just as easily be painted as a reality and no one would seem to know the difference. It happens all the time already.

Truly it is all a glamour, just a spell casting glamour. Do you believe in magic? Disney certainly is preparing your children to do so. Again, I digress. But indeed, all of this is a glamour, a weaving of spells, a distortion of realities.

To people today the term “identity theft” denotes computer crime. They have no idea of the scope involved! 

Consider that this includes removal of "The Age of Enlightenment" which brought, with Islamic influence, Western humanity back from the brink of the Dark Ages and Black Plague. The ensuing Age of Enlightenment resulted in many of the benefits of modern life today, especially educational benefits that are rapidly being removed by those who wish to keep us in ignorance at our own expense for their own aggrandizement. The return to such feudalized method of life is not hard to imagine if things continue at this rate.

One world, one love.
We all bleed the same.
International community.
“Imagine if you can...”.

What we are led to imagine and the reality of the “New World Order” intended for us by the Kosherites are two different things entirely. The people dream of beautiful children of all races frolicking with lambs and puppies in a sunny world of acceptance; John Lennon imprinted that dreamy image firmly into our psyches. The intended reality is much harsher ~ a stark cold world for the intended slaves and servants who need nothing but the necessary qualities to serve.
“The drop in education standards is intentional. "We must overcome the fetishism of the alphabet, of the multiplication tables, of grammars, of scales, and of bibliolatry . . . it would be no serious loss if a child never learned to read.

Secret knowledge is the basis of all power. Your source of information depends upon who you are and what position you hold in society. Your source of information determines the reliability of what you know." ~ Steven Jacobson, Mind Control in the United States.” ~ the Destruction of American Education 

This Judaicized world will be equally open to all gender variations, deviations and perversions, many with an eye on your children, but that seems to be left out of the overall picture being painted in the fairy tales. After all, if all reminders of morals are removed from memory, the new soft soap of cultural Marxism will more easily take root as has happened in the West. America is a new nation of new peoples blended with their personal histories blended into a fairly malleable Gollum, taking on the persona desired by its Masters ~ that of enforcer.

If you do not see this today, you miss things entirely. The previous Gollum, the British Empire, has joined the class of international parasite and now the task of conquest falls to America who is, in turn, being taken down on all levels to become what could be the equivalent of the New World in the Huxley’s dystopian novel Brave New World ~ a place of neglected desolation, uncivilized and unstable.

“While we may laugh it off right now, this is an absolute disaster which is slowly unfolding in front of us.”

Before World War II, the idea of a holo-hoax would have been laughable. Now there are 200+ major hoax museums, and counting. Many things in life seem ridiculously impossible ~ until they happen.

“The new generations are not being properly taught history anymore, and by the looks of it, history will be taught less and less in the future until it is all forgotten and the Torah will remain the only book of history in the world.”

Humanity was cast into the Dark Ages after the burning and looting of the Alexandrian library. The wisdom lost has cost us unimaginable values and history of the worlds before to the point that now humanity really is confused with no sense of self; hence the desperate longing to find worlds long gone, Atlantis etc. We lost it all. Knowledge and the ability to access it fell into the hands of the few, the privileged, the educated and the rest of the hoi polloi sand into serfish slavery living in squalor, all memories and concepts of previous worlds gone ~ only what the church and their masters permitted them to know. It was a very miserable life.

Perhaps some of the original material still resides in the Vatican vaults.

Just recently I was studying the Black Plague in relation to the Jews but that is another tale for the nightmare telling. Now they don’t want people to have ANY history; we see it in our news reporting. There is no build up or history of an event given; it is presented as NOW and immediate with no background, courtesy of a designated enemy/perpetrator. No history? Then you can manipulate the facts perfectly. That is why they go back after and revise the truth to fit their story.

For those of you capable of swimming deeper into this rabbit hole, might I suggest a quick read of the following to add an extra depth of perception to the concepts offered here. This all ties in with the ability to change history for a people, the ability to fool and mis-educate. 


To be honest, the article from the Fiscal Times is almost secondary to the astute observations of the Editor/poster. However her observations and those of some of the commenters got the lifelong lover of archaeology in me thinking about cultural appropriation over the millennium. Needless to say, due to the nature of the topic, we have no idea of how much we don’t know!

Interesting to remember who pulled the West out of the Dark Ages. 


They will leave no stone unturned, no scroll unburned in their quest to create total ignorance among the masses. History has been so polluted and convoluted over the millenia that truth will never be found for certain and we can live with that.

Another late thought. They have already appropriated the art world as covered in previous pieces in this blog.  Part of the smearing of the great contributions of the West include the degradation of our art. Don't even get me started on that one, just please go to these links and see how they have attempted to destroy our creativity with their schlock. 


In a recent article at Darkmoon, the author, apparently a Rothschild with family issues, says that come the use of FEMA camps etc will serve the JWO through soft soaping empty brains. Those of us with brains that don’t adapt will have problems. 

Off topic? Not really. Just a few random thoughts generated by the editor. They want overlords and slaves who know nothing and cannot think beyond what is necessary to serve adequately. Through removal of knowledge and history, through dumbing down and all that entails, through changing concepts via educational systems, they are moving forward and groups like ISIS are proving, once again:


Posted by Sabba
The Ugly Truth 
February 28, 2015

Nietzsche said about the Franco-Prussian war of 1870 that ‘no sacrifice is too great’ in a ‘war for our culture’.

What has taken place recently in Nineveh and Mossul is nothing short of a crime against Humanity. But it is not an accident and should be read in conjunction with another cultural war that is silently taking place in Europe as we speak.

This all fits with the messianic jewish world domination plan. Rabbi Elijah Benamozegh in his book ‘Israel and Humanity’ explains very well how they will achieve this. One the key element in their strategy is to destruction of goyim nations (ALL nations, not just the ‘white race’), national heritage and national pride. All the peoples of the Earth must be made into one global people and all their recorded History must be destroyed.

And while the chosenites want all the nations of the Earth to live in a permanent state of amnesia and forget all about their past and their lineage, they will remain the only people who can trace back their pedigree to some distant past ~ giving them a superior status over the rest of us.

ED Noor: In 2014, about 60% of the National Archives of Bosnia and Herzegovina were deliberately burned during civil unrest. ~ Barbarian Manifesto: Libraries and Lost Histories

As the jews know too well, the Middle East is littered with ruins of ancient temples, palaces, coins, artifacts etc. In Egypt, it is estimated that only 1/3 has been unearthed while Mesopotamia is an even greater treasure chest than Egypt.

The jewish state has also tried time and time again to use archaeology to prove and justify its claim to the Holy Land.

But History and Archaeology have turned out to be 2 of the staunchest anti-judaic fields of research.

The more they dig, the less the find. Or rather, the more they dig, the more traces of ALL nations who inhabited that land are unearthed, all except them. There simply is no trace of them. Even their wailing wall is Roman…

ED Noor: THAT note cracked me right up. Such a simple poignant observation!

A quick visit to any major Museum is also very revealing. They have on display some of the most amazing and glorious testimonies of the Persians, the Egyptians, the Hittites, the Babylonians, the Assyrians, the Cretans, the Greeks, the Romans etc. Pieces of Art which are among the most awe-inspiring things one will ever see.

The one thing we will never see is a section of hebraic/jewish/israelite antiquities. Nothing about the chosenites, nothing, nada, niente. The only museums they have are… Lol-ocaust museums. But I digress… 

ED Noor: Even the famous Dead Sea Scrolls touted as the greatest Jewish historical find of all times were stolen from the museums of Palestine. They had been originally discovered by Bedouin tribesmen. Despite all evidence to the contrary, when the scrolls tour the world all accompanying documentation gives it only Jewish accreditation. 

And so for a people who justify the existence of the jewish state on the writing of the torah and who cannot get any archaeological evidence to substantiate that claim, the wealth of archaeological findings which confirm the History of the Egyptians, the Assyrians, the Babylonians etc. must be seen like a bomb. 

How do they dismantle this bomb? They do boast about being the destroyers of Civilizations don’t they? The latest attacks on Mesopotamia, like the destruction of Syrian archaeological sites and Palestinian antiquities, all have jewish fingerprints over them ~ the jews are the only ones who benefit from it.

This levels the grounds and the Syrians, the Iraqis etc. will soon be on an equal footing with the jews. When none will have archaeological traces of their glorious past, only then will the Destroyers of Civilizations start to feel a little bit more secured about themselves. 


There is a new movement which originated in Russia and which claims that the Middle Ages never happened. This movement ~ called recentism ~ claims that we have 1000 years of excess UNDOCUMENTED history!!! Which is of course a lie (cf: John 8:44).

This attack on European Middle Ages is not new: they first attacked it by labelling it the ‘Dark Ages’, to get people away from it, to ensure no one gets interested in it and studies it. And most people are usually repulsed by it. They see it as a barbaric Age, an age of disease, oppression, church tyranny, superstitions etc.

The Middle Ages were a luminous period in World History in general and in Europe in particular. But it also is the time when Christian splendour rose to its highest. 

ED Noor: Does this not answer part of the question as to why the Christian sanctuaries of Syria have been under particular attack? Why these creatures took such special pleasure in this random destruction. Remember in these attacks, as in the Russian "revolution", synagogues are always left standing. Churches and mosques are destroyed. This destruction of Christian emblems is particularly sweet to the Judaic palate. 

They are now taking their attack one step further by claiming that the only time in European History where Christianity was triumphant ~ that time never really happened. Clovis, Charlemagne, Philippe August of France, Richard the Lionheart, the Crusades, Frederick Hohenstaufen, Philippe IV of France, Joan of Arc, the Byzantine Empire, the Islamic Empire: all that never existed.

While we may laugh it off right now, this is an absolute disaster which is slowly unfolding in front of us. The new generations are not being properly taught History anymore and by the looks of it, History will be taught less and less in the future until it is all forgotten and the torah will remain the only book of history in the world.

They are planting the seeds now for the goyim who will survive the next World War. 

Destroying people historical records is destroying their memory, destroying their identity, destroying their very existence. A people without History is like a tree without roots. It is dead 


By Riyadh Mohammed 
Fiscal Times 
February 23, 2015 

While the world was watching the Academy Awards ceremony, the people of Mosul were watching a different show. They were horrified to see ISIS members burn the Mosul public library. Among the many thousands of books it housed, more than 8,000 rare old books and manuscripts were burned.

“ISIS militants bombed the Mosul Public Library. They used improvised explosive devices,” said Ghanim al-Ta'an, the director of the library. Notables in Mosul tried to persuade ISIS members to spare the library, but they failed.

The former assistant director of the library Qusai All Faraj said that the Mosul Public Library was established in 1921, the same year that saw the birth of the modern Iraq. Among its lost collections were manuscripts from the eighteenth century, Syriac books printed in Iraq's first printing house in the nineteenth century, books from the Ottoman era, Iraqi newspapers from the early twentieth century and some old antiques like an astrolabe and sand glass used by ancient Arabs. The library had hosted the personal libraries of more than 100 notable families from Mosul over the last century.

During the US led invasion of Iraq in 2003, the library was looted and destroyed by mobs. However, the people living nearby managed to save most of its collections and rich families bought back the stolen books and they were returned to the library, All Faraj added. 

ED Noor: During the more recent Egyptian Spring riots a similar situation unfolded when the local people surrounded the various museums and libraries to form human barriers against the looting and destruction that was threatening the treasures of Egypt. 

“900 years ago, the books of the Arab philosopher Averroes were collected before his eyes...and burned. One of his students started crying while witnessing the burning. Averroes told him... the ideas have wings...but I cry today over our situation,” said Rayan al-Hadidi, an activist and a blogger from Mosul. Al-Hadidi said that a state of anger and sorrow are dominating Mosul now.  Even the library's website was suspended.

“What a pity! We used to go to the library in the 1970s. It was one of the greatest landmarks of Mosul. I still remember the special pieces of paper where the books’ names were listed alphabetically,” said Akil Kata who left Mosul to exile years ago.

On the same day the library was destroyed, ISIS abolished another old church in Mosul: the church of Mary the Virgin. The Mosul University Theater was burned as well, according to eyewitnesses. In al-Anbar province, Western Iraq, the ISIS campaign of burning books has managed to destroy 100,000 titles, according to local officials. Last December, ISIS burned Mosul University’s central library.

Iraq, the cradle of civilization, the birthplace of agriculture and writing and the home of the Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian and Arab civilizations had never witnessed such an assault on its rich cultural heritage since the Mongol era in the Middle Ages.

Last week, a debate in Washington and Baghdad became heated over when, how and who will liberate Mosul. A plan was announced to liberate the city in April or May by more than 20,000 US trained Iraqi soldiers. Either way, and supposing everything will go well and ISIS will be defeated easily which is never the case in reality, that means the people of Mosul will still have to wait for another two to three months.

Until then, Mosul will probably have not a single sign of its rich history left standing. 

ED Noor: I close with this common sense from one of TUT's more infamous editors, Konrad.
Conquering empires frequently erase the history of those defeated by destroying their libraries, temples, art works, statues, and so on. See…

When the Mongols sacked Baghdad in 1258 AD they destroyed the House of Wisdom, which was the world’s greatest library in its day.

The Mughal emperor Aurangzeb tried to use heavy artillery to destroy the giant Buddha statues at Bamiyan in Afghanistan. The Persian king Nader Afshar tried to also. Finally the Taliban destroyed them in March 2001.

The Jews and their allies have outlawed all displays of National Socialist symbols and imagery.

As far as “ISIS”™ supposedly burning books, this claim comes from the corporate media, and therefore cannot be accepted without more proof. Each day beings a new hysterical claim about “ISIS”™ supposedly beheading people, burning people, disemboweling people, eating people, rounding up Christians and torturing them to death, and so on. “ISIS”™ is supposedly so evil that they almost compare to holo-hoax deniers.

I dismiss it as imperialist propaganda. Some of it may true, or none of it. We don’t know. It’s like claiming that Iraqis threw babies out of incubators in Kuwait, or that Qaddafi gave mountains of Viagra to his troops so they could rape everything in sight.


  1. Jews lie,

    to do otherwise would not allow them to practice their religion...!

    Just as Jesus said....of course at that time they didn't call themselves

    "Jews" and didn't speak Yiddish...but once they got a copy of the
    Talmud {500AD}

    and those Khazar {640AD} proselytes "circumcised" they were
    "IN BUSINESS"....

    Boycott JEWTOPIA....know Truth.



  2. As ex-KGB Bezmonov clearly articulated in his interview with Griffin back in the 1980's, 85% of intelligence operations are PSYCHOLOGICAL, winning minds through subconscious influence and therefore wars before wars are ever physically fought for might to make 'right.' This is why you saw some 10 to 15 fear-mongering PsyOps last year, including many ridiculous so-called 'be-headings' and such that seemed to have little tie to reality. They don't need to, as long as they are psychologically effective since most will never get past their subconsciously installed fears once triggered to even calm down long enough to consciously reason about something, EVEN IF they were able to do it. A significant percentage cannot even reason properly even if they wanted to. They actually have to teach themselves how to think AFTER they've already spent many months and sometimes years trying to DE-CONDITION from previous conditioning, previously laid false and faulty foundations, on which no logical structure is secure and sooner-&-later comes crumbling down. This is why you see so many truthers whose entire agendas are castles-of-sand because their basic premises are wrong, unnatural and not dictated by the ultimate dictator: mother nature or objective reality. Nature gives physical might as well as superior intelligence to some individuals and not to others. Human beings are unequal in all things except their basic humanity. No two individuals are the same and everyone you meet can do SOMETHING far better than you and also is WILLING to some things which you would not do for the same amount of compensation either at that point in your life or never. Inequality is the very root of the synergetic effect of division of labor. Minds create individually 9 out of 10 times and then they bring these creations and discoveries together because they know the whole can often be more than the sum of the individual parts. Observing this and seeing the benefits of this mode of economy, Might-makes-right-because-rights-make-the-most-might and for no other reason. They're not necessarily parasitic but they want more might. Parasites or the practitioners of the win-lose dialectic (as opposed to the win-win of all civilization) also know quite well that without allowing enough freedom for creativity to be fooled into asserting itself, they would have nothing to loot since they themselves are not producers or creators but just extremely clever in duping the producers.

    So to try to CONSCIOUSLY change people through reasoned arguments (the tip of the iceberg) one-by-one is quite pointless when their entire subconscious, the entire software program running the hardware (genetics, not an insignificant factor, some people simply do not have the ability to reason as well as their more gifted or intelligent brethren, just like Australian Border Collies and Poodles are more intelligent than Dalmatians or Rottweilers better guard dogs than Labradors, although individual human beings can always transcend their genetics through will-power whereas animals rarely can), the entire conditioning laid down in the minds of billions of people patiently, over the course of 20 or 30 years, through the technique of poisoned wells (a thousand and one Television programs with enter-tain-ment (entering and tainting the mind) value, a thousand-&-one radios shows, a thousand-&-one text-books, a thousand-&-one magazines, a thousand-&-one newspapers, in short, ALL media of communications use the poisoned-well or limited-hangout technique familiar to truthers, enough truths to gain your confidence and then the patent absurdities and poisons that many do not suspect until it is too late and they're fully demoralized).

    ~ Negentropic MK I

  3. [quote]"The point of the demoralization process was to get people to where they cannot come to sensible conclusions about what is right and what is wrong, about what is true and what is false. Exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents and pictures, even if I take him by force and show him the actual, material physical proof, he will refuse to believe it, until he receives a kick on his fat bottom. So, America is basically stuck with demoralization. Even if you start right now, this minute, educating a new generation of Americans, it will still take you fifteen to twenty years to turn the tide of ideological perception of reality back to normalcy." --- Yuri Bezmenov - ex-KGB [/quote]

    Soviet (same as Judaic, Bolshevik party having been over 70% Jews) Subversion of the Free World Press, 1984 - Complete - Yuri Bezmenov with G. Edward Griffin

    Yuri Bezmenov aka Tomas Schuman - KGB Propaganda Expert : Psychological Warfare Subversion & Control of Western Society (Complete)

    In order for others to care about truth as much as you do, THEY should know or intuit through your message that truth is love and love is truth and although the truth will always hurt at first as it breaks up the comfort of your previous conditioning, it will SOON make you feel better, maybe not immediately but definitely SOON ENOUGH, six months to a year down the line once you rebuild your foundations of logic with those truths. Truth is love and brings a message of love and 'good feeling,' not dread and doom & gloom but emancipation from these lower and more often artificially created 'fearful' states.

    Therefore people will care about what you know when they they know that what you know will make them feel better.

    Unless this seemingly simple but extremely profound bit of wisdom is understood, the troofer counterculture will not be united enough to make any changes at all, but grasp this principle and use it and you can change the world. This is the absolute KEY. Listen at the 7 hour 46 minute mark for the full story. He actually got this advice from a rich man he was working for.

    He said: Chad, you're a real smart guy, how's that working out for you?
    I said: Not very well
    He said: Let me tell you a secret. People don't care what you know. They care how you make them feel.

    Therefore what you know has to make people feel good in one way or another or at least have the promise of feeling good or much better than they feel now sometime in the near future in HOW it's stated or how the message is delivered for them to jump onboard.

    "It is the greatest inequality to try to make unequal things equal." - Aristotle.

    ~ Negentropic MK II

  4. [quote] “The problems confronting us now are no longer seen as problems. Truth is perceived as the problem, as the real enemy, and more and more we look to our government to protect us from it.

    When the War in the Gulf began we therefore not only accepted, we embraced with patriotic fervor, press censorship of the war. We would only see what our government wanted us to see and we saw nothing wrong with that. We liked it that way. Our government was looking after us. It wasn't that long ago, however, that we felt nothing but pity for the poor Soviet people whose undemocratic government controlled the media and censored all the news from the war in Afghanistan.

    The wimping of truth took another step recently when the diplomatic cables of our Ambassador to Iraq were declassified by the State Department.

    The justification for the entire war rested on the premise that war was unavoidable and that our Ambassador in the firmest of tones had warned Saddam Hussein not to violate the territorial integrity of Kuwait. Our State Department assured us that this was true. Our Ambassador, testifying in front of the Senate, reaffirmed the truth of this position.

    It now turns out, just as we expected, that it was all a lie. But the fact that our government now feels safe in declassifying these tapes bespeaks another truth.

    They are no longer afraid of truth because they know that the truth will have little impact on us. Their message to us is this: we've given you a glorious victory and we've given you back your self here's the truth. Which do you prefer?

    The implications are terrifying. We are being told that we can't have both anymore, truth and self esteem. We have to choose. One excludes the other.

    The implications are even more terrifying than this. Our government now perceives that we are entering a new phase where we, in return for self esteem, are willing to lie to ourselves.

    We are rapidly becoming prototypes of a people that totalitarian monsters could only drool about in their dreams. All the dictators up to now have had to work and work hard at suppressing the truth. We, by our actions, are saying that this is no longer necessary, that we have acquired a spiritual mechanism which can denude the truth of any significance. In a very fundamental way we, as a free people, have freely decided that we want to live in some post-truth world.”

    --- Steve Tesich – “The Wimping of America” -- 1995[/quote]

    I've always loved this quote. Tesich was the screenwriter of the film "Breaking Away"

    Don't forget, it's a SUBCONSCIOUS battle and it will never be won until, like the hippies who knew how to make people feel good with music and psychedelics and sexual freedom or whatnot, the truther counter-culture learns how to bring out the aphrodisiac and romantic in their information through temperance and not compromise, not an easy thing to do, a job for our artists and creators still to emerge.

    "Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” -- Sun Tzu - 500 B.C.

    “All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.” - Sun Tzu - 500 B.C.

    ~ Negentropic MK III

  5. Great work, as always! Did you see the so-called 5 Star ISIS Babes release?

    Hereś some rather blatant evidence ISIS the Radical Muslim group is Jewish! Not that you had any doubts, but this adds to the pot:



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