Once again Twitter has locked me out so I am asking my Twitter friends to get this page of cartoons out to their folks. One minute I was discussing, politely, with someone about Monica Schaefer; this Canadian thought she deserved what she gets as an "international criminal" and was very haughty; the next minute, literally, I was locked out of Twitter and received an email telling me I am in Twitter jail for hate speech. Dang!
My take is, Canadian B'nai B'rith is keeping a VERY close eye on who speaks out about Monica, whose arrest this organization has been bragging. In fact, the term "bagged" was used.
As for Twitter, well, not much I can do about it; some of the finest folks I met in Twitter are now gone, some for simply advocating for family values, so there is no telling what will happen. If I DID say something vile, then I would understand, but I did not; I was reported for disagreeing, plain and simple.
WOW! That is so impressive and scientific: a wonderful theory for claiming reparations from naive people. AND, it can be milked for millennia on so many levels. I wonder if the traumas suffered by all victims of all races can be measured or if this particular ability is particular to only one group.
Oprah was in on "the secret". She knew.
Sorry, Donald, but Mr. Ed has it all over you here.
Eat more peanut butter.
If it is good enough for the hero, Ursula Haverbeck, it is more than good enough for this critter.
This thing never stops moving.
Sex to promote the draft during the Vietnam years.
DACA dreamers.This programme was created only to bring in more Democratic votes for the upcoming election.
Just keep this up and you are giving Trump 2020 on a golden platter.
The night that the book Fire and Fury was released, bookstores in America held midnight gatherings to sell the book. I was reminded of the frenzy when new Potter books were released, hyped up midnight openings, excited children, all gathering to celebrate Potter. There was an excited young man interviewed. What he said was rather stunning but got me thinking. He said, "I have not been so excited about a midnight book launch since Harry Potter."
This article comes from the cultural Marxist extreme right magazine Vice, something I tend to normally ignore as the fly-infested manure it usually peddles is below notice, but this piece caught my attention. It has schlock value in the title but, to be honest, sadly, the writer makes some valid points about the effect of these horrid, over promoted books for a reason as I point out in my articles from 2007.
For those of you interested, here are a few pieces from a decade ago that I did on Harry Potter, the satanic sensation.
Meanwhile, in the land of the Leprechauns....
Where is that pot of gold?
"We want change"
Artist Comment: Myanmar: Centres for Returning Rohingya Refugees! Myanmar’s Minister of Social Welfare,
Win Myat Aye said Myanmar will start repatriation of Rohinyga refugees
on January 22 as centres for returning Rohingya refugees in final
WinMyat Aye also metioned returning refugees who are processed at the
two reception centres must adhere to the curfew and not go outside after
The question is knowing that the continued repression and discrimination
the returning Rohingyas will face, where they are considered illegal
immigrants from Bangladesh, and are denied access to basic
services,where the Rohingyas stand about returning to Myanmar?
Macron visits China
This vicious POS is Communist through and through. With the assistance of Henry Kissinger and America, countless millions of Cambodians were ruthlessly purged from society beginning with the intellectuals and moving down to anyone who wore glasses, an indication of reading.
If ever there was fake news, this book is it. I am nauseated at how many cartoonists have jumped on the bandwagon, both Conservative and Liberal. Dems are celebrating this book as if it is going to change history. It won't.
is a style of empty, pompous political speech particularly associated
with Ohio due to the term's popularization by United States President
Warren G. Harding, who, himself a master of the technique, described it
as "the art of speaking for as long as the occasion warrants, and saying
Much to the annoyance of Wolff’s critics, the scenes in his columns aren’t recreated so much as created ~ springing from Wolff’s imagination rather than from actual knowledge of events. Even Wolff acknowledges that conventional reporting isn’t his bag. Rather, he absorbs the atmosphere and gossip swirling around him at cocktail parties, on the street, and especially during those long lunches at Michael’s.... “His great gift is the appearance of intimate access,” says an editor who has worked with Wolff. “He is adroit at making the reader think that he has spent hours and days with his subject, when in fact he may have spent no time at all.”
Book burning at the Tower gone rogue? Funny.
Chutzpah and over confidence. Hubris. We all know where those lead ~ a load of BS.
Stop to read this!
I have NO IDEA what this little ditty is about. Jake and Dinos Chapman, two British brothers are responsible for a great deal of such apocalyptic art.
Ah, the Lannisters have no idea of what lies ahead for them. History is not written beforehand no matter what the hawkers of death might say.
Funny story.
David has been banned from Facebook.
Connecting those Iranian dots:
Never forget, this is the woman who introduced Barack Obama to the world on her show announcing him as running for the presidency. Although they have had a few personal difficulties over the years, she and the Obamas are still as tight as thieves.
NBC pushing out that headline and then retracting it is an interesting way of throwing the idea out to the public then back-tracking. The seed is now sown, come what may. And as you can see from the above, even Conservative cartoons are not entirely repulsed by the idea. Obama in a skirt; but a black woman president? I don't think so.
Oh, and then there is this:
Oh, and then there is this:
Saudi princes being arrested.
No Caucasians need apply.
Artist Comment: The Black Dress: Hollywood stars attending the 75th annual Golden Globe awards have worn
black as a show of support for women of the powerful "Me Too" movement.
Artist Commen: "I Knew": Several high-profile Hollywood stars have been criticised for wearing
black at the Golden Globe awards in support of victims of sexual
misconduct, despite knowing the full extent of producer Harvey
Weinstein's predatory behaviour for decades.
Artist Comment: The Origin of the Blues: 2018 marks 115 years since the first appearance of the Blues music
genre, born from the untold suffering of African American ex-slaves and
their descendants in the Deep South of the United States around the
beginning of the 20th century.
Artist Comment: The Genius: Confidence comes from watching
the Dow Jones industrial average smashing through the 25,000 point
ceiling for the first time in history, in your first year as president.
One of my favourite historical novels involved a monk during the times of the Black Plague. There is one passage where he admits to flagellation and during the course of an argument shouts, "I am the most humble man in London due of my efforts." Fortunately he saw the humour of his own self-aggrandizement.
This piece is titled "Pollution", but I think "Communism" is an equally apt title for this piece.
Trump has never drunk alcohol or done drugs.
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