All is, as usual, madness. The world goes wild over the silliest things; the media warps and twists everything; liberals go mad; everyone ignores the important issues. To keep sane, we can only laugh and do our best to keep ahead of the entire game and attempting to open eyes to the truth along the way. Of course, people have to be ready to see or they simply remain blind. I would like to think my cartoon pages help educate and explain; my Blog Roll is pretty balanced covering almost anything that is current.
Meanwhile, I hope all is well with every one of you, that you are surviving the rather horrid winter weather of 2018 as well as can be expected. I am one of the lucky ones; where I live it is cold but there is no snow or ice, just the occasional medium-heavy rain and fog. I even saw a few snowdrops the other day.
A letter signed by 100 French women ~ including film star Catherine
Deneuve ~ that defends men's "freedom to pester" has sparked an angry
response from supporters of the #MeToo movement.

Artist Comment: Target Practice: Catherine Deneuve denounces #MeToo in open letter, because she thinks
it's gone too far. Does she knows what the victims feels when they read
the letter? Because sexual violence is very difference from intense
flirting. And because women aren't suppose to be a target practice for
sexual harassment, at all.
The letter accuses the #MeToo movement of re-oppressing women. "Just
like in the good old witch hunt days, what we are once again witnessing
here is puritanism in the name of a so-called greater good, claiming to
promote the liberation and protection of women, only to enslave them to a
status of eternal victim and reduce them to defenseless preys of male
chauvinist demons."
Where the Great Wall of China finally ends.
My reaction when someone calls me a "bitch"! A big howling "thank you".
This is how Ahed's story is sold in the JMSM and in Israel.
A member of the JDF in NYC at a demonstration to free Ahed.
The brother this family was trying to save from arrest had one arm in a full cast at the time of the IDF attack. Ahed was introduced to the world as she bit the soldier's arm in defense of her brother.
Enlarges significantly
Policing speech in social platforms...
Artist Comment: Gang of One: Politicians and police in Melbourne, Australia have been accused of deliberately underplaying a crisis in
youth gang violence so as to protect Melbourne's status as "World's Most Livable City".
Artist Comment: Taking a note from our Islamic friends, liberals are suddenly stampeding
to buy prayer rugs upon which they can eventually kneel in the
direction of their new Mecca: The Barack Obama Presidential Library. And
considering that it will be in Chicago, kneeling might be a good idea just to help avoid being hit by errant gunfire.
Plans for the great man's edifice complex were recently unveiled, much to the dismay of those with taste or a desire to see $1 billion dollars spent less idiotically.
Architecturally speaking, the main building honors the former president by being completely incomprehensible. A judgment which is especially true considering that much of the building's top will be covered by giant carved letters which, much like the word salads so often presented by the former lecturer-in-chief, don't actually seem to mean anything.
Don't believe us? Click on the image above for a closer look. Personally, the only actual word we could make out is "SMUT" repeated multiple times (check out the top line). Although in fairness, if Obama's library has a section dedicated to smut, this makes perfect sense.
And he just might, because there's one thing which won't be in the Obama Library: actual historic paper documents ~ theoretically the only reason for building a presidential library in the first place.
Not that there won't still be plenty of keen stuff for visitors to enjoy! A special area of the library will commemorate Barack Obama's important civil rights work (honest) which, as far as we can recall, consisted mostly of denigrating cops and watching approvingly as various American cities burned for no particular reason.
Other actual attractions will include a basketball court, about which we should probably say nothing (though we'll roll our eyes), a yoga studio ("Now bow to the Emperor...lower, lower! Great! Now let's lead from our behinds!"), and a test kitchen where people can learn about preparing nutritious meals the same way Michelle did: using wholesome ingredients plucked fresh from the garden by inner city children, then hand-delivered to a phalanx of taxpayer-funded professional chefs.
While this is all we know about the official plans, unofficially we have a lot of suggestions for things which really need to be on display. For starters, how about the Reverend Jeremiah Wright's chicken roost? And who wouldn't like to get a souvenir picture taken in the VW Van that hosted so many gatherings of Obama's Hawaiian "Choom Gang?"
A replica of radical bomb-maker Bill Ayres' living room, where Barry got his political start, would surely be popular. As would be a replica of the White House bed where the former president slept blissfully with a "Do Not Disturb" sign on his door while our embassy in Benghazi burned.
We'd like to see the styrofoam Greek columns that Obama's roadies carried from stadium to stadium across Europe during his "blame America tour." Or even one shovel that was actually soiled while working on a shovel-ready job. And how about taking a selfie while standing on one of the pallets used to deliver $400 million in ransom money to the terror-spreading mullahs of Iran?
Somewhat less likely is a display of the thousands of Hope n' Change cartoons which accurately charted the former president's two dismal terms in office. However, if we get an invitation we'll not only enthusiastically cooperate, we'll even arrange for Busty Ross to do the ribbon cutting ceremony!
But back to what passes for reality...
Construction work on the billion dollar complex will be directed mainly to minority-owned firms because #BlackBottomLinesMatter. To date no announcement has been made about the racial preference of firms which will subsequently be hired to repair the initial work.
Finally, when the complex opens, there will be a stiff admission charge (on top of a parking charge) for those who want to see the "good parts" of the library (with all funds going to the Obama Foundation). But in an unusual display of beneficence the library's board has decided that ordinary Americans can walk up to the top floor and look out the windows for free. Oh, boy!
Or at least they can if those windows are one helluva lot more transparent than Barack Hussein Obama ever was.
Plans for the great man's edifice complex were recently unveiled, much to the dismay of those with taste or a desire to see $1 billion dollars spent less idiotically.
Architecturally speaking, the main building honors the former president by being completely incomprehensible. A judgment which is especially true considering that much of the building's top will be covered by giant carved letters which, much like the word salads so often presented by the former lecturer-in-chief, don't actually seem to mean anything.
Don't believe us? Click on the image above for a closer look. Personally, the only actual word we could make out is "SMUT" repeated multiple times (check out the top line). Although in fairness, if Obama's library has a section dedicated to smut, this makes perfect sense.
And he just might, because there's one thing which won't be in the Obama Library: actual historic paper documents ~ theoretically the only reason for building a presidential library in the first place.
Not that there won't still be plenty of keen stuff for visitors to enjoy! A special area of the library will commemorate Barack Obama's important civil rights work (honest) which, as far as we can recall, consisted mostly of denigrating cops and watching approvingly as various American cities burned for no particular reason.
Other actual attractions will include a basketball court, about which we should probably say nothing (though we'll roll our eyes), a yoga studio ("Now bow to the Emperor...lower, lower! Great! Now let's lead from our behinds!"), and a test kitchen where people can learn about preparing nutritious meals the same way Michelle did: using wholesome ingredients plucked fresh from the garden by inner city children, then hand-delivered to a phalanx of taxpayer-funded professional chefs.
While this is all we know about the official plans, unofficially we have a lot of suggestions for things which really need to be on display. For starters, how about the Reverend Jeremiah Wright's chicken roost? And who wouldn't like to get a souvenir picture taken in the VW Van that hosted so many gatherings of Obama's Hawaiian "Choom Gang?"
A replica of radical bomb-maker Bill Ayres' living room, where Barry got his political start, would surely be popular. As would be a replica of the White House bed where the former president slept blissfully with a "Do Not Disturb" sign on his door while our embassy in Benghazi burned.
We'd like to see the styrofoam Greek columns that Obama's roadies carried from stadium to stadium across Europe during his "blame America tour." Or even one shovel that was actually soiled while working on a shovel-ready job. And how about taking a selfie while standing on one of the pallets used to deliver $400 million in ransom money to the terror-spreading mullahs of Iran?
Somewhat less likely is a display of the thousands of Hope n' Change cartoons which accurately charted the former president's two dismal terms in office. However, if we get an invitation we'll not only enthusiastically cooperate, we'll even arrange for Busty Ross to do the ribbon cutting ceremony!
But back to what passes for reality...
Construction work on the billion dollar complex will be directed mainly to minority-owned firms because #BlackBottomLinesMatter. To date no announcement has been made about the racial preference of firms which will subsequently be hired to repair the initial work.
Finally, when the complex opens, there will be a stiff admission charge (on top of a parking charge) for those who want to see the "good parts" of the library (with all funds going to the Obama Foundation). But in an unusual display of beneficence the library's board has decided that ordinary Americans can walk up to the top floor and look out the windows for free. Oh, boy!
Or at least they can if those windows are one helluva lot more transparent than Barack Hussein Obama ever was.
Yep, we all know God is a black woman!

Mom tells the world to just chill. Her son is a model. However, the HMC photographer could have saved a LOT of trouble if he had just switched these two green hoodies, part of the same collection, on the two children. A black boy as the "Smartest Cracker in the Box" and a little blonde girl as "The Coolest Monkey in the Jungle" would not have caused any fuss. And no one complained about the little blonde being called a cracker, also an insult.
Artist Comment: Can Someone Help Me Fix This Shithole?: While the world erupts in outrage over idiot Trump's "shithole"
labeling of African countries, maybe it's time that filthy rich nations
used some of their combined trillions to end the abject hunger and
substandard living conditions which have plagued that continent for
decades and in the process give hope to millions of innocent Africans who are sick of it and want our help.
ED Noor: Trump was also speaking of the nations who are given money but that money never gets down the the populace for whom it is intended but gets lost in the corrupt practices of the local elite. And then you have Haiti and the Clintons...
Artist Comment: Just when Jeff Sessions thought it was safe to go back into the water… As you’ll recall a week or two back, AG Jeff Sessions rescinded the Cole Memo, which prevented Federal authorities from interfering with the policies of states which had legalized marijuana. Much to most everyone’s delight, Sessions’ action seems to have the
opposite effect; Vermont passed a legalization law this week, and
Massachusetts is continuing with its plans to begin commercial sales
after legalizing this past year. If the sonofabitch wants a war, he’s got one. Bring it. Free the heads, jail the feds.
Here's one for you: Trump "S**thole Countries" - shithole statement by Namibia:
Trump pardoned five megabanks for rampant fraud and corruption, which is notable because of the amount of money he owes them. Yet the Net blows up over some shitty comment. That's how the (((bankers))) keep people enslaved, through stupidity.