Chinese cartoon from the beginning of the Trump Presidency.
That "subtle" Nazi reference ....
That "subtle" Nazi reference ....
Media frenzy fickleness abounds. When Bannon was put into power by Trump, the pundits and cartoonists, as illustrated below, belittled him and could not be cruel enough. It was almost impossible at the time to find a positive image about the man. Now, he has come out and given a tribal author a lot of gossip, nothing really important; his words are honed by the media into weapons lobbed relentlessly at the President. The snowflakes are eating it up.
As one said, "I have not been to a midnight book release since Harry Potter! I am very excited about this." (Yes, I did see that from a twenty-something on the NYC News. He could have been poster boi for beardless soy-men.)
The good ship Bitcoin...
The product is pure water that has never been touched by chemicals, etc etc. If this is the case, what is in bottled water people are already conditioned to buy, the stuff that comes from taps in other parts of the country? What are you wasting your money on with bottled water if it is not clean?
CNN giving solid advice to illegals...
Just look at those dead eyes.
Oregon has been providing us with smiles as they learn to pump their own gas upon occasion:

Now you know where little green men come from!
One heckuva mothership!
Gene Rodenberry was not paying attention to this "final frontier".
One heckuva mothership!
Gene Rodenberry was not paying attention to this "final frontier".
Artist Comment: The European Bloodstain: A study reveals the psychological Impact on European culture of more than 60 million war dead from two world conflicts.
My comment to the artist: Hey, Pete, NEVER forget who was behind those wars, what they gained, and at
what cost, a cost that is still being heavily paid by the people of
Europe as their nations continue to be destroyed by a different form of
Artist Comment: Poland and Hungary demand a bigger say on EU migration policy.
My Comment to the artist: And which two European nations had no bombings, rapes or attacks on the
locals this season? Poland and Hungary. These governments are protecting
their citizens from crime and a different form of warfare.
Can I have one of these in my little apartment?
They never miss an opportunity. It also seems so strange that (((these folks))) are getting into this situation in Iran that positively reeks of the Arab Spring set up in Egypt a few years ago.
Words of wisdom. Good advice.
How about the side of the Iranian people?
Women do not wear the burka in Iran. They wear the scarf and dress modestly, a very different situation. Why do Americans worry about the scarf in Iran when liberals are taking to wear it as a symbol of ... who knows?
This cartoon is just plain NASTY. Using the natural sentiments of the unhappy Egyptians, Arab Spring resulted in more repression and horror for the them and all around them. These "revolutions" are just more manipulation as the little bit from James Perloff illustrates so well.
FB bans Palestinian sites; Twitter simply closed down Ahed Tamimi's.
I have already drawn too much attention to this abused child. So far I have not seen one photo of a happy little boy, always this sad faced child with a million affectations picked up from watching and mimicking deviant gay culture.
Yep. He did say all of that. This rather ugly child (well still in university, no living experience) compared communicating with a tree to communicating with a toddler. Education is wasted on some folks.
FB news replacing regular media
Russian cartoon
Trust The Root to ask such idiocy.
Now, speaking about Sex Crimes......
This article was pretty vile. Even worse were the comments from Israelis calling for this girl's head.
Yes, truly legendary, but this fearless attitude will get her broken or martyred like so many others before her.
Ask yourself why is this the case?
THIS crime pictured above, of Mohammed Tamimi, is a major factor in what drove Ahed to slap the soldiers lounging in her yard. They shot this boy who mercifully died just a few days ago.
From the "Better-You-Than-Me" Department. Chances are this is the result of cabin fever induced by a family of housebound relatives and children! I remember snows like this back in Toronto when I was a kid.
Thanks for your delights.