Let us not forget that there have been many murderous anti-Fascist dictators throughout history, Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pot, so why do we always hear people make the link between modern Zionism and Nazism?
Could it be because we've been indoctrinated to make this connection? A National Socialist government in North America would be preferable to what the Jewish Zionists have on mind for you and your children, that I can assure you. ~ Curtis Maynard

I’ll be darned if Sean Penn didn’t say something the other night on CNN’s Larry King Live that made a great deal of sense. As a rule Mr. Penn and I don’t see eye to eye on many things, but I couldn’t help but be pleasantly surprised to see Penn, the son of a Jewish father and Irish Catholic mother, catch Larry King momentarily off guard when he quoted the old Kingfish Huey Long.
Penn said, “Well, in 1932 Huey Long said something very interesting. It was, 'Fascism will come to America, but likely under another name, perhaps anti-fascism.'” The look on King’s face was priceless, for a moment he was speechless, he finally managed a few words just before going to a commercial break.
“We'll dwell on that for a minute,” he said with a perplexed look on his face.
Of course King never returned to that particular comment, nope, something like that hits way too close to home. For the better part of fifty years Larry King [born Lawrence Harvey Zeiger] has done his absolute best to convince Americans that “anti-Fascism,” is the personification of the greatest American ideal, that as the polar opposite of fascism, it must always be good, whereas fascism is always bad, and should forever be equated with Hitler, the Nazi’s and of course the holocaust.
And in one unguarded moment, this half-Jewish co-ethnic of King’s goes and gives the whole thing away, on national television, honestly noting that there isn’t a dimes worth of difference between two types of totalitarianism, even if the current perpetrator may have once been it’s victim.
What difference does it really make if one’s ideas and inherent right to express them are suppressed openly as they might be under a so called “fascist sytem,” or covertly as they are in our current system, which likes to masquerade as a government with the greatest respect for its constituencies civil and constitutional rights, a modern democracy it likes to refer to itself as, but yet when it comes to expressing an idea that doesn’t jibe with the status quo’s view of things, suppression and persecution are in order.
It happens every day in the United States, Canada and Europe, if someone takes a stand and the ruling elite doesn’t like it, that individual will be made to pay a stiff price, to serve as an example to others, often this happens with the full support and collusion of the misinformed public.
In Europe they throw people in prison for questioning certain aspects of the holocaust ~ don’t believe me ~ perhaps you should do a google search on Ernst Zundel, Dr. Frederick Toben, David Irving, Germar Rudolf, Siegfried Verbeke, Horst Mahler, Sylvia Stolz, and hundreds of others.

To see a case in progress of this tactic at work in Canada, go to The Radical Press or Google Arther Topham, Owner/Editor.
The alleged modern democratic nation of Canada held one historical nonconformist, Ernst Zundel, in solitary isolation, in a maximum security institution no less, for two years without charging him with a crime, just because he dared to question a few details associated with a relatively brief moment in time, when time itself is considered in its totality, the years 1939 through 1945, and what really happened during those years in Nazi Germany.
Any relatively intelligent and inquisitive person might wonder about some of these details too ~ for example six million Jews allegedly died during the holocaust. Initially, four million of these Jews were said to have been gassed to death at Auschwitz.
For decades a plaque commemorating their deaths sat on the Auschwitz grounds for all to see. Presidents, Prime Ministers, Popes and Ambassadors paid homage to it, diligently pointing out during their photo-op the dangers of fascism. The plaque read “Four million people suffered and died here at the hands of the Nazi murderers.”
Today a different plaque commemorates those that died at Auschwitz, it was quietly changed in 1990. it now reads that “about one and a half million men, women and children, mainly Jews” were killed by the Nazi’s.

It is for this reason that Zundel was illegally arrested in the United States under the guise of a missed immigration hearing.
It is for this reason that Zundel, a white European Christian, without any history of criminal behavior, and/or terrorism was illegally deported, without due process, from the United States and held in a Canadian maximum security prison without any criminal charge as a “threat to Canada’s National Security.”
Can you believe his case is really this petty and simple? Can you? Well it is, it’s just that simple, Zundel questions certain aspects of a story that doesn’t add up entirely, and for that reason and no other he now sits in a German prison facing five additional years.
The charge he faces in Germany, i.e. “defaming the memory of the dead,” has a five year sentence attached to it and the so called modern democratic German government doesn’t intend to give him any credit for the three and a half years he’s already spent languishing in prison.

The number of revisionists is growing by leaps and bounds. The truth will not be suppressed forever. And as they say, TRUTH DOES NOT FEAR INVESTIGATION.
In what has become the normalcy of our modern schizophrenic approach to democracy, we believe we can force other nations to embrace the “democratic process,” but when they actually exercise those principles and elect rulers our government doesn’t like, our government then believes the results should be null and void ~ in other words democracy is only good if the people democratically elect representatives our government approves of.
HOLY HAMAS! ~ What is being done in Palestine is an excellent example although there are other influences at work as well..
If America had not displaced PREMIER MOSSADEQ OF IRAN for his loyalty to his own country in 1954 chances are things would be better today.
If that isn’t a schizophrenic view, I don’t know what is.
The very same thing happened in Germany after the Second World War, but the American’s found a much more willing and compliant group of people in Europe than they are finding in the Middle East at present.

Without so much as noting the irony associated with his article, Kirschbaum details the fact that the far right in Germany “won 7.2 percent of the vote in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, a northeastern state on the Baltic Sea which borders Poland,” in a democratic election.
In the very next sentence Kirschbaum quotes “Dieter Graumann, vice president of the Central Council for Jews in Germany, who told Reuters, “The [German] government must look for ways to impose a ban,” on the political party that the German people had just democratically elected.
As noted above, Kirschbaum doesn’t even attempt to tone down Graumann’s obviously undemocratic statement, he just puts it out there for all to see, but he does it in such a way as to hide its true implications, which is that democracy is great as long as you elect who the Zionists want you to elect.
Unlike the Iraqi people and their democratically elected government, which apparently cannot be cowed, there is a distinct possibility that the German government will outlaw or ban its competitors, damn the voters, they have attempted it before, as evidenced by Kirschbaum’s article, in which he notes that Jewish groups intended to call upon the “federal government to renew its bid to ban the party after a previous attempt failed.
” So in the name of anti-fascism, because the German far right is perceived to be fascist, the anti-fascists are more than willing to embrace fascist principles in order to deprive the German people of their democratic right to elect their own representatives ~ now if that isn’t twisted and downright undemocratic, I don’t know what is.
Wake up America, you are being deceived. Fascism HAS arrived in America, and the rest of the western world, and it IS parading about as anti-Fascism, just as Huey Long predicted seventy-four years ago.

*Fascism is capitalism plus murder.~ Upton Sinclair
*Fascism is capitalism in decay. ~ Vladimir Lenin
*And the danger of becoming a thoughtless machine is that you may become mindless and turn to fascism or whatever. ~ Gerald Scarfe
*No government fights fascism to destroy it. When the bourgeoisie sees that power is slipping out of its hands, it brings up fascism to hold onto their privileges. ~ Buenaventura Durruti
*Fascism will come at the hands of perfectly authentic Americans. ~ John.T.Flynn
*Fascism, the more it considers and observes the future and the development of humanity, quite apart from political considerations of the moment, believes neither in the possibility nor the utility of perpetual peace. ~ Mussolini
*Fascism: The conservative notion that killing people makes them work harder.
I saw the Fascism pic and thought that was what we'd experienced the past eight years as Republicanism. Thanks for pointing that out dear.
ReplyDeleteYou have been a busy lady... This is an excellent article, and very truthful.
ReplyDeleteFascism is coming to America, and it is already here in Canada under our so called "Hate Laws".... Lets hope that others find the courage to see the truth!