Mohammed Omar
June 26,
(Agance Global)
My additions to these articles are in this darker green.Here is just a brief telling of what Omar had already suffered at the hands of the Israelis. Mohammed and his family, like many Palestinians, have suffered greatly because of the circumstances under which they live in Gaza.
He was nearly killed by a bulldozer in the course of photographing the demolition of a neighbor’s house.
One of his brothers lot his life as a teenager as a result of being shot by Israel Defense Forces on his way home from school.
Another brother was shot in the leg, which had to be amputated.
Mohammed’s father has spent eleven years in Israeli prisons where torture, as is well known, is common.
In March, 2003, Mohammed returned to his home after school to find that he had it been demolished by an Israeli bulldozer. All his family’s possessions ~ books, photographs, all his own notebooks, everything ~ were obliterated, and he and his family suddenly found themselves homeless.
It is not an unusual family story for people living in Gaza; on the contrary, one hears accounts like this all the time from the lips of Palestinians.
This was the life from which this courageous, talented, young man came from. His work was internationally known and he was a powerful voice for his people.
Mohammed Omer is seen as a moderating voice, urging Palestinian youth not to court hatred but seek peace with Israel. In this film, one of several on his site, RAFAH TODAY., he describes life as he sees and experiences it in Gaza. Soft spoken, eloquent, with images to accompany his words, this is a compelling piece of film.
I want to address the denials from Israel and the inaccurate reporting by a few journalists in addition to requesting state of Israel to acknowledge what it did to me, prosecute the members of the Shin Bet responsible for it and put in place procedures that protect other journalists from such treatment.
Since 2003, I've been the voice to the voiceless in the besieged Gaza Strip for a number of publications and news programs ranging from The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs to the BBC and, Morgenbladet in Norway as well as Democracy Now!
These stories exposed a carefully-crafted fiction continuing control and exploitation of five million people. Their impact, coupled with the reporting of others served to change public opinion in the United States and Europe concerning the dynamics of Israel and its occupation of Palestine.
After receiving the Martha Gellhorn prize I returned home through the Allenby Bridge Crossing in the Occupied West Bank between Jordan and Israel. It was here I was detained, interrogated, and tortured for several hours by Shin Bet and border officers. When it appeared I may be close to death, an ambulance was called to transport me to a hospital. From that day my life has been a year of continued medical treatments, pain ~ and a search for justice.
Lisa Dvir from the Israeli Airport Authority (IAA), the agency responsible for controlling Israel's borders in an June 29th article by Mel Frykberg for the Inter Press Service stated, "the IAA was neither aware of Omer's journalist credentials nor of his coordination."
The statement is wholly inaccurate and impossible on two counts. First, because I'm Palestinian, I am unable to enter Israel or leave Gaza , even through the Rafah border with Egypt , without Israeli permission, something quite difficult to get.
Each time I've left Gaza for speaking tours required substantial lobbying and political maneuvering by several governments. In 2006, it was the American governments who ultimately won my visa.
In 2007 the Dutch Parliament invited me back to speak to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs.
In 2008 when it was announced I won the Martha Gellhorn Prize, several European countries requested Israel grant me a visa, but it was MP Hans Van Baalen of the Netherlands who, with great efforts, secured and guaranteed my passage out of Gaza and Israel, as well as the return for both the 2007 and 2008 trips on the condition I travel and be escorted by members of the Dutch Embassy in Tel Aviv while within Israel or the occupied West Bank.
Therefore I was under diplomatic escort with the full knowledge of the Israeli government when I arrived at Allenby on June 26th. In fact Israeli security had blocked my re-entry for four days, causing me to miss a family wedding and wait in Jordan .
Secondly Dvir's claim that the IAA didn't know I was a journalist is proved false by the actions of the Shin Bet and border police. During the interrogation an Israeli security personnel searching my belongings repeatedly asked ‘Where's the money from the prize, Mohammed?' The prize is only given to journalists. Not only were they fully aware I am a journalist. They knew exactly how much I received, for what and where.
Dvir further perjured herself when she claimed, "We would like to know who Omer spoke to in regard to receiving coordination to pass through Allenby. We offer journalists a special service when passing through our border crossings, and had we known about his arrival this would not have happened."
Her denial shocked a Dutch diplomat in Tel Aviv who had confirmed with the state permission for me to cross on June 26. Again, I was traveling under diplomatic escort and when I asked to phone the escort ~ waiting on the other side of the terminal ~ Shin Bet's response was they knew and didn't care.
While not admitting that the interrogation and torture took place, Divr then dismissed any actions by the Shin Bet as out of her department's control: "I'm not aware of the events that followed his detention, and we are not responsible for the behavior of the Shin Bet." But the Israeli Airport Authority, Divr's department, like most port authorities, is responsible for border security and those who enforce that security in Israel are members of the army and the Shin Bet.
Unfortunately Dvir's diversions were just the beginning. In the days following my detention and torture, the Israeli Government Press Office acknowledged that despite traveling under diplomatic escort I was searched "due to suspicion that he had been in contact with hostile elements and had been asked by them to deliver items to Judea and Samaria (Occupied West Bank)."
This has been mentioned and quoted in different papers. Like everyone else entering, my bags were x-rayed and cleared multiple times excluding the possibility I was carrying some type of contraband. And I was traveling in the Dutch Embassy's car directly to Erez crossing with Gaza , as communicated to the Israeli authorities. There was zero possibility of me delivering ‘items' to anyone.
Confronted with the medical reports and injuries including bruised ribs Israeli officials told the BBC on July 1, 2008 that, "He lost balance and fell, for reasons unknown to us," other officers suggest, "Mr. Omer had a nervous breakdown due to the high temperature."
Despite the attempts at denials, the emergency medical technician who sat in the back of the ambulance with me reported, "We noted fingerprints on his neck and chest," the type bruising caused by excessive force often used in forensics to identify an attacker.
When Associated Press reporter Karin Laub called me on my cell phone for an interview after my ordeal, I detailed how I was stripped and held at gunpoint. Her reply? "Go on," she stated. "This is normal about what we hear happening at Ben Gurion Airport. It's nothing new."
Torture, strip searches and holding award winning journalists or any other human beings at gun point is normal at Israel 's largest airport? Ms. Laub's apathy continued. In her article for the Associated Press on June 29th she wrote that she interviewed "Dr. Husseini who claims there were no signs of physical trauma."
There's only one problem with this. This Dr. Husseini never treated me. The Minister of Health in Ramallah confirmed that Husseini never made any such statement to the AP reporter.
For reasons known only to her, Ms. Laub appears to have fabricated this comment and purposely ignored the medical reports and the statements by the attending paramedics ~ counter to journalistic ethics and standards upheld by the Associated Press. Despite this, no independent investigation toke place.
Meanwhile the Jerusalem correspondent for the Los Angles Times, Ashraf Khalil, conducted an investigation into my case and noted in his article on November 3, 2008, that my medical records describe: "Tenderness on the anterior part of the neck and upper back mainly along the right ribs moderate to severe pain," and "by examination the scrotum due to pain varicocele (varicose veins in the spermatic cord) at left side detected and surgery was decided later."
(According to all the accounts I have read in the press including several interviews with Mohammed himself, there he was interrogated, strip-searched and brutalized by agents of the Shin Bet for several hours.
Mohammed says that his interrogators made fun of him saying, “Oh, so it’s you who won the journalism award,” and repeatedly asked him where he had hidden his prize money.
After that, he was continually threatened at gunpoint, forced to remove all his clothes leaving him completely naked, and then beaten and kicked for more than ten minutes until he lost consciousness.
He awoke to find himself being dragged around the room by his feet, his head banging on the floor, after which another Shin Bet officer pressed his boot upon Mohammed’s neck while another painfully jabbed his fingers into his face.
At this point, Mr. Omer says, “I thought I was dying. I remained in a state of unconsciousness for up to 90 minutes until a medical doctor who was carrying an M-16 performed an electrocardiogram on me.”)
(Here are some excepts from an interview with Mohammed conducted by Amy Goodman on her Democracy Now! Program. At this point, a Shin Bet officer named Avi has taken Mohammed into an empty room to continue his “interrogation:”
Avi took me inside a room, where he asked me ~ in an empty room, where he asked me, “Take off your clothes.”
I told him, “I’m not going to take off my clothes, because I have the Dutch embassy waiting for me outside.”After some time, I had to take off my clothes.
He said, “Take off your T-shirt.” I take it off. I took off my jeans. I took off my shoes and my socks. And then he’s coming to me ~ he’s getting closer to me, and then he says, “Take off your underwear.”
I said, “I’m not going to take off my underwear. There is an embassy waiting outside for me.”
He said, “I know that there is an embassy waiting for you. Take off your underwear.”
I said, “I’m not going to take it off.”
Then he was putting his hand on his revolver and kept looking at me. “Mohammed, take off your underwear,” he says.
And then I said, “I’m not going to take it off, because this is a humiliation. You’re trying to humiliate me. It’s not security checking, because I went through the security system like anyone else, and you are treating me differently.”
And then he said, “Take it off.”
And then I said, “I’m not going to take it off.”
So he went down to my knees, where he pulled down my underwear to make me totally naked. I looked at him, and then I told him, “OK? So what are you trying to do here?”
And he said, “Go right, go left.”
I said, “I’m not going to move right or left. I’m totally naked.”
And then he started humiliating me and laughing. And I continued explaining to him, “Why do you treat me that way? I’m a human being, and I don’t deserve this kind of treatment.”
Then he said to me, “Well, still, you have seen nothing. You will see more.”
He continued to interrogate me and… search me, stripping and searching me while I was totally naked.
And then he told me, “Go and get your clothes on.” I put my clothes on, and I went back to the hall where the travelers are coming.)
Fevers and falls do not cause such distinctive marks. Kicks, punches and beatings do. Continuing Khalil explains that, "Paramedic Mahmoud Tararya arrived in a Palestinian Red Crescent Society ambulance and said he found Omer semiconscious with bruises on his neck and chest.
Tararya said Israeli security officers were asking Omer to sign "some sort of form written in Hebrew. The paramedic said he intervened, separated Omer from the soldiers and loaded him into the ambulance, where he remained semiconscious for most of the trip to a hospital."
Khalil notes in his article that Richard Falk, the U.N. human rights official wrote to Verhagen, the Minster of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands and stated: "I have checked out Mr. Omer's credibility and narrative of events, and I find them fully credible and accurate."
Recovering mentally and physically from torture and interrogation is far from easy. This should not happen to anyone. My objective is for my case to focus attention on universal human rights, the right of freedom of expression and freedom of movement.
There are places in this world where these freedoms do not exist. Israel insists it is not one of those places, but both the government and the complicity of individual journalists in covering up what they did to me prove otherwise.
Ironically, the day the Shin Bet chose to detain, interrogate and torture me ~ June 26 ~ is the date set aside by human rights groups as the International Day Against Torture.
Mohammed Omer has reported for numerous media outlets, including the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Pacifica Radio, Electronic Intifada, The Nation, and Inter Press Service; he also founded the Rafah Today blog. He was awarded the 2007 Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism.
Copyright © 2009 Mohammed Omer
Mohammed Omar by Ben Heine
Ben said of Omar: Mohammed Omer is a Palestinian journalist. I took this photo and met him last year in The Hague, in The Netherlands, where he was meeting members of the Dutch Parliament. He is such a courageous person and a wonderful friend.
Months after the beating took place the United Nations issued a 20 page report on the situation. I have not heard anything that happened since that report was issued.The Award was presented to Mohammed in London, to date the Israeli Ambassador to England maintains his silence on the beating.
To date, Reuters has not received a report on Fadel Shana’s death. Israel does not have to answer on charges of brutality or murder. They have been getting away with this type of behaviour for sixty one years.
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Email: cot@minbuza.nl
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suite 2020
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Email: nlgovott@netherlandsembassy.ca
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Fax: (+57) 1-623 3020
Email: bog@minbuza.nl
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Fax: +506 296 2933
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Email: nethemb@racsa.co.cr
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Email: zag@minbuza.nl
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34 Demosthenis
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P.O. Box 23835
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Email: nic@minbuza.nl
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Email: nlgovpra@ti.cz
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Toldbodgade 33
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Fax: (+45) 33 14 03 50
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Email: kop@minbuza.nl
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Max Henriquez Urena #50
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P.O. Box 855
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Phone: (+1 809) 262-0320 (Ambassade)
Fax: (+1 809) 565-4685
Web Site: http://www.holanda.org.do/
Email: STD@minbuza.nl
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11211 Zamalek
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Phone: +20-2-7395500
Fax: +20-2-7365249
Web Site: http://www.hollandemb.org.eg/
Email: az-cz@hollandemb.org.eg, kai-ca@minbuza.nl
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Erottajankatu 19 B
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P.O. Box 886
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Email: nlgovhel@kolumbus.fi
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Email: ambassade@amb-pays-bas.fr
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Phone: +49 30 20956-0
Fax: +49 30 20956-441
Web Site: http://www.niederlandeweb.de/
Email: nlgovbln@blnnlambde
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Leof. Vass. Konstantinou 5-7
106 74 Athens
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Phone: +30 210 7254900
Fax: +30 210 7254907
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Email: ath@minbuza.nl
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Edificio Torre Internacional
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Phone: (502)- 2381 4300
Fax: (502)- 2381 4350
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Email: nlgovgua@intelnet.net.gt
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Email: bdp@minbuza.nl
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Email: nde@minbuza.nl
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Email: jak@minbuza.nl
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Phone: 0935 2111299
Email: teh@minbuza.nl
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Park Al-Sadoun
Hay Al-Nidhal 103
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Phone: 00-964-1-7782571 / 00-873-762953520
Email: bad@minbuza.nl
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Fax: 00-353-1-2839690
Email: dub-info@minbuza.nl
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Phone: 03-7540777
Fax: 03-7540748
Web Site: http://www.netherlands-embassy.co.il
Email: nlgovtel@012.net.il
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00197 Rome
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Phone: +39 06 32286.001
Fax: +39 06 32286.256
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Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands in Amman, Jordan
22 Ibrahim Ayoub Street (former name: Embassy Street)
4th Circle
(opposite the offices of the prime minister in the Alico building)
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Phone: 00962 - 6 - 5902222
Fax: 00962 - 6 - 5930214
Web Site: http://www.netherlandsembassy.com.jo/
Email: amm-info@minbuza.
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P.O. Box 21822
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Phone: 00.965.531.2650 / 1 / 2 / 3
Fax: 00.965.532.6334
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Email: KWE@minbuza.nl
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Charles Malek Avenue,
Opposite Centre Sofil
2073-0802 Achrafieh
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Phone: 00-961-1-204663
Fax: 00-961-1-204664/00-961-1-339393
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Email: nlgovbei@sodetel.net.lb
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Phone: +352 22 75 70
Fax: +352 40 30 16
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Email: lux@minbuza.nl
Embassy of the Netherlands in Skopje, Macedonia
Leninova 69-71
1000 Skopje
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Phone: +389 91 129-319/+389 2 3109-250
Fax: +389 2 3129-309
Web Site: http://www.nlembassy.org.mk/
Email: nethemb@mt.net.mk, SKO@minbuza.nl
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7th Floor, South Block. The Ampwalk
218, Jalan Ampang
50480 Kuala Lumpur
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Phone: 00-60-3-21686200
Fax: 00-60-3-21686240
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Email: kll@minbuza.nl
Embassy of Netherland in Mexico
Avenida Vasco de Quiroga 3000
Edificio Calakmul, piso 7
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Fax: (+52) 5552588138
Web Site: http://www.paisesbajos.com.mx
Email: nlgovmex@nlgovmex.com
Embassy of Netherlands in Rabat, Morocco
40 Rue de Tunis,
Quartier Tour Hassan,
Rabat, Maroc
Potal Address:
B.P. 329, Rabat, Maroc
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Phone: +212 37 219600
Fax: +212 37 219665
Web Site: http://www.ambassadepaysbasrabat.org/
Email: nlgovrab@mtds.com
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P.O.Box 840
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Phone: +64 04 471 6390
Fax: +64 04 471 2923
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Email: WEL@minbuza.nl
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Oscarsgate 29
0244 Oslo
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Phone: +47 23 33 36 00
Fax: +47 23 33 36 01
Web Site: http://www.netherlands-embassy.no/
Email: nlgovosl@online.no
Royal Netherlands Embassy in Warsaw, Poland
Ul. Kawalerii 10
00-468 Warsaw
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Phone: 00-48-22-5591200
Fax: 00-48-22-8402638
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Email: war@minbuza.nl
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Kalashny pereulok 6
131000 Moscow
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Phone: +7 495 7972900
Fax: +7 495 7972904
Web Site: http://www.netherlands.ru
Email: mos@minbuza.nl
Embassy of Netherlands in Madrid, Spain
Avenida Comandante Franco, 32
28016 Madrid
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Phone: 91 353 75 00
Fax: 91 353 75 65
Web Site: http://www.embajadapaisesbajos.es/
Email: mad-info@minbuza.nl
Royal Netherlands Embassy in Stockholm, Sweden
Gotgatan 16A
P.O. Box 15048
104 65 Stockholm
City: Stockholm
Phone: (+46) (0)8 556 933 00
Fax: (+46) (0)8 556 933 11 (general)
Email: sto@minbuza.nl
Royal Netherlands Embassy in Bern, Switzerland
Seftigenstrasse 7
3007 Bern, Switzerland
City: Bern
Phone: +41-(0)31-350 87 00
Fax: + 41-(0)31-350 87 10
Web Site: http://www.nlembassy.ch/
Email: ben@minbuza.nl
Embassy of Netherlands in Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic
Abou Roumaneh
Al-Jalaa Street
Imm Tello
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Phone: 00-963-11-3336871
Fax: 00-963-11-3339369
Email: dmc@minbuza.nl
Embassy of Netherlands in Vatican
Piazza Della Citta Leonina 9/ II
00193 Rome
City: Vatican City
Phone: 00-39-06-6868044
Fax: 00-39-06-6879593
Email: vat@minbuza.nl
Royal Netherlands Embassy in Ankara, Turkey
Hollanda Caddesi 3
06550 Yildiz
Ankara, Turkey
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Phone: (0312) 409 18 00 visa: (0312) 409 18 20
Fax: (0312) 409 18 98
Web Site: http://www.mfa.nl/ank-en
Email: ank@minbuza.nl
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Kyiv, Ukraine
Kontraktova Ploshcha 7
01901 Kyiv, Ukraine
City: Kyiv
Phone: +38 044 4908 200
Fax: +38 044 4908 209/267
Web Site: http://www.netherlands-embassy.com.ua/
Email: kie@minbuza.nl
Royal Embassy of Netherlands in Abu Dhabi, UAE
Hamdan Street
Al Masaood Tower
6th floor, Suite 602
P.O. box 46560
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
City: Abu Dhabi
Phone: (+971) 2- 6321920
Fax: (+971) 2- 6313158
Web Site: http://www.netherlands.ae/index.htm
Email: abu@minbuza.nl
Royal Netherlands Embassy in London, England (UK)
38 Hyde Park Gate
London SW7 5DP
England, UK
City: London
Phone: 0044-(0)20-75903200
Fax: 0044-(0)20-72250947
Web Site: http://www.netherlands-embassy.org.uk/
Embassy of Netherlands in Washington DC, U.S.A.
4200 Linnean Avenue, NW,
Washington DC 20008 - USA
City: Washington DC
Phone: (202) 244-5300
Fax: 202-362-3430
Web Site: http://www.netherlands-embassy.org/homepage.asp
Embassy of Netherlands in Montevideo, Uruguay
Leyenda Patria 2880 2o. piso
11300 Montevideo
City: Montevideo
Phone: +598 - 2 - 711 2956
Fax: +598 - 2 - 711 3301
Web Site: http://www.holanda.org.uy/index.html
Email: mtv@minbuza.nl
Embassy of Netherlands in Caracas, Venezuela
Edificio San Juan, Piso 9
Avenida San Juan Bosco
con 2a Transversal
Altamira, Caracas
City: Caracas
Phone: +58-(0)-212-276-9300
Fax: +58-(0)-212-276-9311
Web Site: http://www.mfa.nl/car/homepage
Email: car@minbuza.nl
Contact info for the United States http://www.netherlands-embassy.org/location.asp
Contact info for Great Britain http://www.netherlands-embassy.org.uk/passports/index.php?l=1&i=46&d=
Contact info Internationally http://www.dutchgovernment.com
/index.htm Contact info for the Internet challenged (easy links) Selected areas in the United States..... all others can be found HERE
California (North)
Netherlands Consulate
San Mateo, CA
650-403-0073 (phone)
650-403-0075 (fax)
sanfrancisco@ncla.org (email)
Please call or e-mail us for an appointment.Jurisdiction: Consulate-General Los Angeles
Honorary Consulate: YES
Consul: Mr. Douglas J. Engmann
Vice Consul: Mr. Johan P. Snapper
California (South)
Los Angeles, CA
310-268-1598 (phone)
310-312-0989 (fax)
los@minbuza.nl (email)
Please call or e-mail us for an appointment.Jurisdiction: Consulate-General Los Angeles
Honorary Consulate: NO
District of Columbia Netherlands Embassy
Washington, DC
202-244-5300 (phone)
202-362-3430 (fax)
was@minbuza.nl (email)
Jurisdiction: Embassy Washington
Honorary Consulate: NO Illinois Consulate-General Chicago
Chicago, IL
312-856-0110 (phone)
312-856-9218 (fax)
chi@minbuza.nl (email)
Please call or e-mail us for an appointment.
Jurisdiction: Consulate-General Chicago
Honorary Consulate: NO Massachusetts Netherlands Consulate
Boston, MA
617-542-8452 (phone)
617-542-3304 (fax)
nl.govbos@verizon.net (email)
Office hours are Monday - Friday from 10.00 am until 1.00 pm.
Jurisdiction: Consulate-General New York
Honorary Consulate: YES
Consul: Mr. Hans Gieskes New York Consulate-General
New York, NY
212-246-1429 (phone)
212-333-3603 (fax)
netherlandsnyc@cgnewyork.org (email)
Please call or e-mail us for an appointment.
Jurisdiction: Consulate-General New York
Honorary Consulate: NO
Selected areas in Great Britain .... all others can be found HERE Address:
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
38 Hyde Park Gate
London SW7 5DP
United Kingdom
tel.: 0044 (0)20 7590 3200
fax: 0044 (0)20 7225 0947.
Netherlands Consulate Manchester
Apex House
266 Moseley Road
Manchester M19 2LH
Tel: 0161 - 248 2390
Fax: 0161 - 248 2401
E-mail: mieke.slater@harvesthousing.org.uk
Israel and Palestine
Beit Oz, 13th floor
14 Abba Hillel Street
Ramat Gan 52506
Tel: +972 3 75 40 777
Fax: +972 3 75 40 748
E-mail : nlgovtel@012.net.il
The Representative Office in Palestine
Visiting Address:
12, Holanda Street
(off Nablus Road)
El-Bireh, Ramallah
Click here for a map of the location
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1899 Ramallah
P.O. Box 54706 Jerusalem
Tel.: 02-2406639 / 2409797
Fax: 02-2409638
The article first appeared on: AG http://www.agenceglobal.com/Article.asp?Id=2042
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