By Dr. Norman D. Livergood
It might seem that the word "destruction" in the title of this essay is a bit over the top. But it's the only accurate description of what's happening in America today. The demonic cabal that now controls the U.S. systematically destroyed American education in general and is now attacking each educational discipline. We can see this in the Bush junta's denying and misrepresenting the scientific evidence for global warming ~ leading to their refusal to sign the Kyoto Accord.
Now the social sciences are being attacked. Jeb Bush, during his tenure as Governor, turned Florida into a totalitarian state, perpetrating a monstrous vote-rigging fraud in 2000 which resulted in his brother being criminally appointed President by the Supreme Court. Next, Jeb extended his dictatorship into the realm of education. Jeb and his henchmen assaulted the entire discipline of history by redefining it as the teaching of "fact," not "construction." In other words, history in Florida is now what Jeb and his cronies say it is, and any disagreement with their "facts" is not to be tolerated.

Only twenty-nine percent of Americans have basic reading and computing skills. One out of every twenty Americans lacks the ability to understand what is going on in the world or to develop an informed opinion for voting.
Portrait of adult literacy in America pic With an illiterate, uneducated American citizenry, unable to understand what's happening in the world, it's no wonder that a fascist cabal has been able to take over the United States.

It's no accident that America's schools have slowly eroded and that the intelligence of the average American has become so debilitated. American learning has plummeted and public school performance has nose-dived ever since the middle of the twentieth century because it was planned that way.
Thinking American citizens must always be aware that what goes on in this society is the result of the planning of its rulers; they create precisely the social, psychological, economic, and ideological conditions which will realize their goal of excessive wealth for themselves and impoverishment for the working class.
The History of Education
~ Education, the development of understanding, must be distinguished from training, the development of skill. Education occurs through learning:
~ Gaining knowledge or understanding of something by study, instruction, or experience
~ The radical transformation of self
"I take significant learning to involve a change in the learner. It is a change in behavior, in interpretation, in autonomy or in creativity. Ordinarily we take in information, organize it, make whatever response, if any, seems advisable, and monitor the results in those comfortable and familiar ways that have become our second nature, our habit. How well we do this may be important but the immediate information does not produce learning. We respond to it as we have learned to in the past. It, in turn, leaves us unchanged in our ability to act, understand, and evaluate in the future.Education worthy of the name
must lead to a different tomorrow."
~ Edward Cell, Learning to Learn from Experience

A sign, such as the word, "fire," could be communicated from one person to another. Now humans could not only see, feel, and make fire, for example, but understand its significance: warmth, cooking, protection from predators, sterilization, and destruction.
With the development of language, the communication of meaning began. Now, meanings could be transmitted from one person to another, one generation to another.
Meaning is truly a magical element. Perhaps the best way to grasp the mystery of meaning is by thoughtfully viewing the movie "The Miracle Worker," the story of the early life of Helen Keller.
As a young blind and deaf child, Helen lived much like an animal, rushing from one sensation to another. Within a month after becoming Helen's teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan was able to impart the gift of language to her. The awakening to meaning, as demonstrated in the film, was the event which made it possible for Helen to begin understanding instead of simply repeating what Anne was teaching her.
Helen had been trained to repeat the word "water," but it wasn't until she combined the experience of feeling water and trying to communicate the word "water" simultaneously, that Helen gained the magical gift of meaning--and hence language and understanding.
Up to that point, Helen had been like a well-trained animal, memorizing words, speaking them, and receiving praise from Anne. But now, suddenly, it came to her! The word "water" actually referred to, pointed to, meant this marvelous liquid reality that ran through her fingers.

How Meanings Are Lost
In each culture, the public meanings, ideas, and skills transmitted through educational institutions (schools, academies, monasteries, universities) and through the media (newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, Internet) have always been determined by the small ruling elite (politicians, financiers, warriors, priests, scholars, scientists, corporations).
In most cultures, the "ruling ideas" have fostered violence and class warfare. In only a few instances in history, have the "ruling ideas" fostered the betterment of common people and society at large. One example of such a benevolent era was the eighteenth century Enlightenment, which encouraged humans to develop broad understanding in all fields of knowledge. Highly educated, intelligent groups in Europe and America developed toward a democratic way of life, created constitutions, and founded institutions for public education.
During this Enlightenment period, words and phrases such as "liberty," "freedom," "natural rights," "pursuit of happiness," "consent of the governed," "informed citizenry," came into being for the first time or were first understood by humans through their own experience.

America has served as the beacon of these Enlightenment ideals, maintaining its faith in "the power of knowledge and reason in self-determination." "There can be no real question that the Enlightenment promoted the cause of freedom, more widely, directly, positively than any age before it. It not only asserted but demonstrated the power of knowledge and reason in self-determination, the choice and realization of human purpose. "For the first time in history it carried out a concerted attack on the vested interests that opposed the diffusion of knowledge and the free exercise of reason. "As thinkers the men of the Enlightenment were conscious revolutionaries, very much aware of a 'new method of philosophizing' that amounted to a new living faith,
the basis for a new social order."
~ Herbert J. Muller. (1964).
~ Freedom in the Western World

Vested, moneyed interests have constantly sought to demolish the American traditions of democracy, plotting to destroy the enlightening "diffusion of knowledge and the free exercise of reason." Their method of rule is not by "consent of the governed" or rational discourse, but by arbitrary dictate of a tyrant's fascistic tactics.
Predictably, the very people who place American presidents, senators, and representatives in power, through the use of their multi-billion dollar fortunes, are the same monied interests that have deliberately destroyed American education. The Rockefellers, Fords, Morgans, Browns, Harrimans, Du Ponts, and other ruling families want obedient, efficient workers, not thinkers.
"In our dream, we have limitless resources, and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand. The present educational conventions fade from our minds; and, unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or science. We are not to raise up from among them authors, orators, poets, or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters,
musicians. Nor will we cherish eventhe humbler ambition to raise up from among them
lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians,
statesmen, of whom we now have
ample supply." ~ Rockefeller Foundation
Director of Charity, Frederick Gates, 1913

So they have deliberately devastated the American mind through:
~ Funding universities and scholars who carry out the devastation of the American public education system in particular and American intelligence in general
~ Developing programming (brainwashing) strategies using all media types, but especially television
~ The imposition of miseducation and brainwashing tactics to destroy American citizens' ability to think for themselves
~ Subjecting American public education to a series of failed experiments, from "look see" reading to the "new math"
~ Redefining key concepts so that the public school students no longer understand the fundamentals of a democratic society
~ Turning what is called "education" into nothing but training.

Beginning in the early part of the twentieth century, American ruling groups began to create a pseudo-educational system which produces students no longer capable of understanding such key concepts and factors as "freedom," "government of the people," "critical thinking," etc.

~ A thing makes sense and is worth pursuing only if it can be measured, quantified, and scientifically demonstrated.
~ Psychology, accordingly, should concern itself exclusively with human behavior--not with non-demonstrable entities such as "mind," "soul," "thought," etc.
~ Public education must limit itself to training working class students to carry out whatever task they are given to do and to accept the commands of their superiors.
This ruler-imposed system, enhanced by anti-intellectual activities such as minority-group studies and multiculturalism, produces uneducated and programmed students who understand almost nothing of what occurs beyond the propaganda and mythology of the political-financial leaders.
The First Casualties of the War Against the Mind
Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt had been a professor in philosophy and later rector at the University of Leipzig, in Germany, until his death in 1920. At the time, many Americans trained in Europe before returning to the United States to work in universities.
G. Stanley Hall was the first of Wundt's disciples to return from Leipzig in 1883. Hall joined the faculty of Baltimore's new Johns Hopkins University, which was being established after the model of the German universities.
Hall organized the psychology laboratory at Johns Hopkins and, in 1887, established the American Journal of Psychology. In 1889, when Clark University was established in Worcester, Massachusetts, Hall was chosen to be its first president.
In 1892 Hall played a leading role in founding the American Psychological Association. Hall became known for his studies of child development and in 1904 published his two-volume Adolescence: Its Psychology and Its Relation to Physiology, Anthropology, Sociology, Sex, Crime, Religion, and Education, welding experimental psychology to child education.
We can get a clear idea of the new meaning of Wundtian-defined American education by examining Hall's definition of educational practice.
"We must overcome the fetishism of the alphabet, of the multiplication tables, of grammars, of scales, and of bibliolatry . . . it would be no serious loss if a child never learned to read."
"Secret knowledge is the basis of all power.
Your source of information depends upon
who you are and what position you hold
in society. Your source of information
determines the reliability of what you know."
~ Steven Jacobson, Mind Control in the United States
Your source of information depends upon
who you are and what position you hold
in society. Your source of information
determines the reliability of what you know."
~ Steven Jacobson, Mind Control in the United States
Hall considered American working-class children as a "great army of incapables, shading down to those who should be in schools for dullards or subnormal children, for those whose mental development heredity decrees a slow pace and an early arrest."
J. McKeen Cattell served for three years as Wundt's lab assistant in Leipzig, receiving his Ph.D. from Wundt in 1886. Cattell's primary interests lay in mental testing and in individual differences in ability. While at Leipzig, Cattell carried out a series of experiments examining the manner in which a person sees the words he is reading.
Testing adults who already knew how to read, Cattell "discovered" they could recognize words without having to sound out the letters. "Eureka!" he said to himself. "Words are not understood by a recognition of the image or the sound of letters, but are perceived as 'total word pictures.'"
He jumped to the conclusion that you shouldn't teach a child the sounds of letters and phrases as the first step to being able to read. You teach children how to read by showing them words, and telling them what the words are.
This "breakthrough" of Cattell's led to the adoption of a sight-reading method in many school systems throughout the United States. The result ever since has been increased illiteracy and has now become a national crisis.
Somewhat effective teaching occurred in the first half of the twentieth century in America, primarily because the nation was rapidly moving from an agricultural to an industrial culture and citizens respected and valued education.
The Enlightenment ideal of an informed citizenry was still a powerful incentive, so high school civics classes taught the rudiments of what the American political system was supposed to be according to the federal and state constitutions.
However, except in a few instances, American students were never made aware of what was really going on in the world ~ in terms of the machinations of the demonic cabal.
For example, the exposés of writers such as George Seldes or I. F. Stone would have been beyond the pale for most American schools. So Americans fought World War II ignorant of how U.S. companies had helped set up the Nazi regime in Germany and profited from its killing of Allied soldiers.

~ The New Century Dictionary of the English Language (1927) defined education as: the drawing out of a person's innate talents and abilities by imparting the knowledge of languages, scientific reasoning, history, literature, rhetoric, etc. ~ the channels through which those abilities would flourish and serve."
~ Whereas, education was defined in An Outline of Educational Psychology in 1934 in these terms: "Learning is the result of modifiability in the paths of neural conduction. Explanation of even such forms of learning as abstraction and generalization demand of the neurones [sic] only growth, excitability, conductivity, and modifiability.
The mind is the connection-system of man; and learning is the process of connecting. The situation-response formula is adequate to cover learning of any sort, and the really influential factors in learning are readiness of the neurones, sequence in time, belongingness, and satisfying consequences."
By 1968, John Goodlad, one of the educational establishment's best known spokespersons, made it clear just what was important in "education."
"The most controversial issues of
the twenty-first century
will pertain to the ends and means
of modifying human behavior
and who shall determine them.
The first educational question will not be
'what knowledge is of the most worth?'
but 'what kinds of human beings
do we wish to produce?'
The possibilities virtually defy our imagination."
"Learning and Teaching in the Future,"
Today's Education, (journal of the National Education Association)
This reduction of "education" to neuron connection and behavior modification has now been completed by the most recent crippling of "education" as "work/study." An article defining this destruction of education appeared in National Review in 1993, with a revealing title:the twenty-first century
will pertain to the ends and means
of modifying human behavior
and who shall determine them.
The first educational question will not be
'what knowledge is of the most worth?'
but 'what kinds of human beings
do we wish to produce?'
The possibilities virtually defy our imagination."
"Learning and Teaching in the Future,"
Today's Education, (journal of the National Education Association)
"The Competitiveness Illusion:
Does our Country Need
to Be Literate in Order to Be competitive?
If Not, Why Read."
Does our Country Need
to Be Literate in Order to Be competitive?
If Not, Why Read."
"Technological society turns out to work in the opposite way from that usually supposed: namely, by actually requiring less rather than more education of its workers. This is because modern industry depends on reducing human error, which means reducing dependence on the individual worker's expertise and judgment. In building or maintaining electronic devices, workers who once installed or rewired electrical circuits now plug in modular components consisting of machine-printed circuit boards.

Because of this twisting of "education" into training, as a university instructor I was faced with students who have never learned to read, write, or think. They are the wounded, deformed casualties of the criminal cabal's war against the mind. But the educational establishment doesn't even recognize the devastated condition of American education. Many university professors, even full professors, cannot write or speak sound English. A department chair in a state university in California recently wrote a book, which he forced all students in the introductory class to buy, which contained over one hundred grammatical errors.

Critical Consciousness
As education is subverted into mere training, three essentials of intelligence are being lost:
Critical thinking
Critical consciousness
Critical consciousness
Critical consciousness is the ability to perceive social, political, and economic oppression and to take action against the oppressive elements of society, as delineated by the author's recently published book Progressive Awareness.
The concept of critical consciousness (conscientizacao) was developed by Paulo Freire primarily in his books:
~ Pedagogy of the Oppressed
~ Education for Critical Consciousness
The tactics of critical consciousness and a pedagogy of the oppressed were first developed by Freire in his work with third-world people, helping them gain an awareness of world conditions while teaching them to read.
In the Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Paulo Freire exposed our educational system as one in which:
~ The teacher is the depositor, the students are the depositories
~ The teacher issues communiqués (instead of communicating) which students passively receive, memorize, and repeat
~ Knowledge becomes a gift bestowed by those who consider themselves knowledgeable upon those they consider to know nothing
~ Teachers and administrators choose the instructional program content and students adapt to it

Though Freire worked with various educators throughout the world, the concept of critical consciousness never had significant impact on pedagogical practice. In our current narcissistic era, schools at all levels teach students to pursue money and self-interest. As Gekko, the tycoon, says in the movie Wall Street "Greed is good."

A critical awareness of what is happening
in the world is decidedly not a part of
the contemporary curriculum ~
from grade school to graduate school.
in the world is decidedly not a part of
the contemporary curriculum ~
from grade school to graduate school.
If you examine graduate courses on Global Economy, for example, you'll not find a single mention of the terrible human costs: rising unemployment in the home economies, slave wages in the third world countries where manufacturing is relocated, runaway immigration, and a constant degradation of the environment.
Freire worked to help third-world people overcome illiteracy. Today, his insights can be applied to two different kinds illiteracy:
~ Those who cannot grasp the sense of letters or symbols;
~ Those who can "read" (in the grammar school sense) but who cannot read: understand the meaning of the words they see;
There are those today, for example, who "read" about such things as worker layoffs and American corporations relocating their manufacturing plants in China or Indonesia, but who do not understand the meaning (or human ramifications) of what they "read."
Another kind of modern-day "illiteracy" occurs as people "read" or "hear" the "news" in newspapers or on TV, and allow themselves to be taken in by the propaganda that such "news" involves.
Now, more than ever, we need to begin developing a critical consciousness in all of us who are oppressed by this new imperialistic strategy of globalism. We're up against a number of obstacles:
~ The lack of awareness that we
are the oppressed
~ The lack of solidarity among
the oppressed people
~ The loss of a common tradition
of democracy and human rights
~ The indifference of oppressed
people to their situation
are the oppressed
~ The lack of solidarity among
the oppressed people
~ The loss of a common tradition
of democracy and human rights
~ The indifference of oppressed
people to their situation
Living in an age of repression, we become accustomed to it. So what if our schools no longer teach people how to read or think, no longer help students gain an understanding of why human liberty is so precious and precarious.
Our movies, TV shows, and books present images of "cool," illiterate, violence-prone savages dressed in the latest styles and exhibiting the popular ego-centered attitudes.
Unable to understand the creativity of a well-written novel or screenplay, no longer capable of appreciating the depths of classical music, people today move in a grey world of ego-gratification and violence.
Soon the false values become identified as the true, and we have movies such as Pulp Fiction, The Godfather, and As Good As It Gets touted as masterpieces.
We only gain awareness of the oppressive nature of contemporary society when we become the victim of unemployment or a mugging or some other mishap.
Trained to be oblivious to the plight of others, we fail to see the hundreds of thousands who suffer from homelessness, lack of medical care, and wage slavery.

It seems perfectly normal that a two-class society is rapidly developing, with new billionaires being created every year while millions of workers are laid off, denied welfare, and their tax money stolen by wealthy looters in such scams as the Enron/Anderson swindle, Bernie Madoff, Wall Street, the savings and loan fraud, the Mexican "loan" scandal, and the IMF repayment to wealthy investors who suffered from the Asian stock market crash.
We must begin to awaken ourselves to what's happening in the world and taking action to overcome the oppressive conditions. And here Freire's books are exceptionally helpful.
"Who are better prepared than
the oppressed to understand
the terrible significance of an oppressive society?
Who suffer the effects of oppression more
than the oppressed? Who can better understand
the necessity of liberation? They will not gain
this liberation by chance but through the praxis
of their quest for it, through their recognition
of the necessity to fight for it. And this fight,
because of the purpose given it by the oppressed,
will actually constitute an act of love
opposing the lovelessness which lies at the heart
of the oppressors' violence, lovelessness
even when clothed in false generosity."
the oppressed to understand
the terrible significance of an oppressive society?
Who suffer the effects of oppression more
than the oppressed? Who can better understand
the necessity of liberation? They will not gain
this liberation by chance but through the praxis
of their quest for it, through their recognition
of the necessity to fight for it. And this fight,
because of the purpose given it by the oppressed,
will actually constitute an act of love
opposing the lovelessness which lies at the heart
of the oppressors' violence, lovelessness
even when clothed in false generosity."
As oppressed people we must become aware of what has happened to us and develop our own sense of what it means to be truly human.
"How can the oppressed, as divided,
unauthentic beings, participate in developing
the pedagogy of their liberation?
Only as they discover themselves to be
'hosts' of the oppressor can they contribute
to the midwifery of their liberating pedagogy.
As long as they live in the duality in which
to be is to be like and to be like is
to be like the oppressor,
this contribution is impossible.
The pedagogy of the oppressed
is an instrument for their critical discovery
that both they and their oppressors
are manifestations of dehumanization."
unauthentic beings, participate in developing
the pedagogy of their liberation?
Only as they discover themselves to be
'hosts' of the oppressor can they contribute
to the midwifery of their liberating pedagogy.
As long as they live in the duality in which
to be is to be like and to be like is
to be like the oppressor,
this contribution is impossible.
The pedagogy of the oppressed
is an instrument for their critical discovery
that both they and their oppressors
are manifestations of dehumanization."
As we begin to struggle against oppressive conditions, we must retain an optimistic attitude, with assurance that the struggle for freedom will ultimately succeed.
"In order for the oppressed to be able to wage
the struggle for their liberation,
they must perceive the reality of oppression
not as a closed world from which there is no exit,
but as a limiting situation
which they can transform."
the struggle for their liberation,
they must perceive the reality of oppression
not as a closed world from which there is no exit,
but as a limiting situation
which they can transform."
We need to struggle against all the different forms of oppression:
~ Political:for example, making people think that politicians aren't bought by big money.
~ Economic: making people into wage slaves and creating increased unemployment.
~ Military:creating huge defense budgets so the military - supply corporations make obscene profits.
~ Informational:making people think that the false information they're being given is true.
~ Allowing ourselves to become people who want others to make all major decisions for us.
~ Failing to keep ourselves informed about what's happening in the world.
~ Failing to become aware of our own prejudices and blind spots.
~ Making ourselves believe that we can't change ourselves and our world.

They are unaware that they are creating the very circumstances of their defeat: a society in which larger numbers of people are falling into poverty, where people of all ethnic, gender, and religious groupings are beginning to see that their common enemy is the plutocratic, corporate-based plunderer class.
The War Against Intelligence

Americans are unable to see that the Bush administration is using the pretext of the war against terrorism to destroy essential constitutional liberties.
Billions of dollars have been stolen by the wealthy while the working class is devastated through unemployment and lower wages. A poor person is jailed for a $20 theft, but a plutocrat is allowed to steal the pension fund of thousands of workers without penalty.
The Bush administration's first attack on American learning was the Education Bill signed into law by President Bush in January, 2002. The bill essentially equates education with training for high test scores.
Those who benefit most from this new law are not students or teachers but the publishers of textbooks and companies that carry out testing. To see how these benefiting companies are directly tied to the Bush family, see list at the end.
Now the Bush-aligned Supreme Court has delivered the coup de grace to American education. Our tax dollars can now be used to fund training in any religious or political ideology imaginable.
Granted, public funds since the 1950s have been used exclusively to dumb down America, but tax dollars did not go to support ideologically-based schools that were totally inimical to American values.

That's the difficulty; we've lost any effective understanding of what American values are.
So now, the fascist cabal is going to destroy any unity among Americans through this new educational anarchy. Bush and his controllers think that they're going to be able to fund primarily, if not exclusively, private Roman Catholic and Protestant fundamentalist schools that teach unthinking obedience to authoritarian leaders.
That's their primary purpose for this catastrophic blow to American education. How they're going to disallow public funds for the extremist schools ~ the Islamic fundamentalist madrasa, the Jewish anti-Islamic school, the right wing militia school, or any other ideologically-based fanatical school ~ remains to be seen.
Supreme Court Justice Breyer, who dissented from the 5-4 ruling, predicted that the decision would prove highly divisive in a country with "more then 55 different religious groups."
He foresees many struggles, asking, "How will the public react to government funding for schools that take controversial religious positions on topics that are of current popular interest ~ say, the conflict in the Middle East or the war on terrorism?" Precisely!
Justice John Paul Stevens, another one who dissented from the majority called the recent ruling "profoundly misguided." He wrote, "Whenever we remove a brick from the wall that was designed to separate religion and government, we increase the risk of religious strife and weaken the foundation of our democracy."
In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where the Supreme Court in a 1998 ruling allowed their voucher system to stand, some 6,000 students make use of the vouchers, worth about $5,000 apiece. This results in $30 million being funneled from the budget of the Milwaukee school district into the coffers of the Catholic Church and other private schools.
With this new ruling, the program can now be fully utilized, so that 15,000 students can leave the system, cutting the funding of the public schools by $75 million.
Republican supporters of the voucher hide the fact from the public that the crisis in the schools is largely the product of decades of federal, state and local spending cuts, tax breaks to big business and attacks on teachers' and other school employees' wages and working conditions
Privately-run schools will continue to screen applicants and reject any student they deem unacceptable. While the language of most voucher programs prohibits discrimination based on race or national origin, these schools can reject students based on gender, sexual orientation, religion, language, ability to pay, behavioral issues or academic or physical ability.
They would be under no financial pressure to provide help for students with special needs, since it is more costly to provide care for special education children, and most private schools are not staffed to handle them.

The newly-sanctioned voucher system will intensify class and social distinctions. The top schools will be reserved for the wealthiest layers of society who can pay to send their children to elite private schools and academies.
Next below on the totem pole will be the private and for-profit schools for middle-class and working class children, whose parents will have to work longer hours and go further into debt to scrape together thousands of dollars to pay tuition costs.
At the very bottom will be the public schools, left for the poorest and most disadvantaged working class students. Unable to do little to help working class youth develop learning skills, the role of these schools will be little more than training lower-class students for low-paying jobs.

Beginning at the time of the American revolution, part of the genius of the nation has been the right to public education, based on the idea that all children, regardless of economic or social status, race, religion or ethnic background, be guaranteed government-paid, quality education.
Founding fathers such as Jefferson favored the establishment of government-funded “free schools” in opposition to the aristocratic system in Europe, where education was limited to the wealthiest layers of society and largely overseen by the Church.
In the nineteenth century these democratic principles were advanced by such reformers as Horace Mann, who wrote in 1848:
“If one class possesses all the wealth
and the education, while the residue
of society is ignorant and poor,
it matters not by what name
the relation between them may be called;
the latter, in fact and in truth,
will be the servile dependents
and subjects of the former.”
and the education, while the residue
of society is ignorant and poor,
it matters not by what name
the relation between them may be called;
the latter, in fact and in truth,
will be the servile dependents
and subjects of the former.”
In the early part of the twentieth century, the working class took up the fight for public education, which was inseparable from the campaign against child labor. However it was only through the civil rights struggles, from the 1930s through 1960s, that universal access to the public schools was fully achieved.
Now, in the twenty-first century the right to sound public education for the working class has come into collision with the plans of the criminal cabal for a society primarily for the benefit of the wealthy.
The rampant growth of class inequality has produced a state of affairs that is fundamentally incompatible with democratic principles, which are based on the equal rights of all citizens.
The whole issue of public money for ideologically-based schools will prove extremely divisive throughout the nation. The Republicans, the majority of whom support vouchers, will use the issue as a way to attack any Democrat who opposes vouchers as a tool of the teacher unions.
Americans are rapidly losing a sense
of the traditional American values.
Anti-intellectual, racist or right-wing
multiculturalism has replaced education.
has replaced democracy.
Billions are funneled to the fat-cats
and replaced statesmanship.
Attacks on constitutional liberties
have replaced political and judicial oversight.
of the traditional American values.
Anti-intellectual, racist or right-wing
multiculturalism has replaced education.
has replaced democracy.
Billions are funneled to the fat-cats
and replaced statesmanship.
Attacks on constitutional liberties
have replaced political and judicial oversight.

Americans must now awaken to this horror and once again, if possible, create a public education system which will become the means to transmit to future generations an understanding of the hidden meaning of events and lost democratic concepts.
If the ravages that the fascist cabal have wreaked on the public school system are so fundamental that we cannot rejuvenate it, we may have to create our own private "democracy schools" to help us regain our sense, our ability to see what's happening, our intelligence.
When our nation was founded, education was carried on primarily through just such private home schools where Americans learned the values of a democratic way of life.
As some are warning, any government system ~ public schools or voucher-based private schools ~ carries government control with it. If the demonic cabal uses the voucher system to gain total ideological control of private schools, we may have to create completely private "democracy schools" without resorting to vouchers.
Education must become the transmission of
true human understanding to future generations.
true human understanding to future generations.
This will require a group of people assisting others to see that current "politics" and "education" are actually counterfeits of real social values, and developing institutions which will provide insight into what is actually occurring in the world.
Recommended Reading
Barry, John M., The Ambition and the Power
Bentkowski: The Destruction of Math
Eakman, Beverly, The Cloning of the American Mind
Gatto, John Taylor, The Six-Lesson Schoolteacher
Gatto, John Taylor, Gato Website
Gatto, John Taylor, Dumbing Us Down: the Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling Green, Fitzhugh, Bush and Gold, Looking Forward
Hirsch, E.D.,The Schools We Need
Iserbyt, Charlotte, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
The Subversion of Education in America
Jones, Kenneth J.,The Enemy Within
Lionni, Paolo, The Leipzig Connection
Peter Sacks, Standardized Minds: The High Price of America's Testing Culture
The Rabid Right Attacks Education
The Drugging of School Children in America
Updates: 7/26/08: Literacy Debilitates Katrina Victims
5/3/08: Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger Destroys California Public Education; Supporting Privatization of Education
3/5/07: Textbook Propaganda
2/16/07: The "No Child Left Behind" Scam
8/22/06: Bush Family Profits from "No Child" Act
12/16/05: Even persons who have college and graduate degrees are illiterate!
3/1/05: Bush Cuts Education Funds for Poor, Disabled & Immigrant Students
1/25/05: Bush Family Loots U.S. Education Funds
8/13/02: US “school reform” throws students into the street
7/6/02: Vouchers and Government Control
7/1/02: US Supreme Court authorizes school vouchers: a simultaneous assault on freedom of thought and public education
2/2/02: How Neil Bush Hopes To Make Millions Off His Brother's Education Program
1/11/02: "Reading Between the Lines:" The New Education Law is a Victory for Bush -- And for His Corporate Allies
Wow.... Very informative, very well done...and very truthful about the state of education today. Children are being put into schools and coming out as robotic and lacking free thinking....
ReplyDeleteAgain, keep up the fine work!