I received this in the mail today from my friend Arthur of THE RADICALPRESS.COM. He requests this powerful message be passed on and what better way can there be through various blogs.
PLEASE take this message and ship it out wherever you can. Yes, these are the words of a Christian Minister, but the message is timeless and we all deal with this problem, Muslim and Christian alike.
So lay aside any theological differences you might have and read the essence of this man's writings. And the, go to his site to learn the rest. May ~ Shine brightly and let knowledge and wisdom be your guide. ~ Barbara

It’s been awhile since I’ve sent out any of Pastor Eli James’s writings. This article though is one which deserves the utmost attention by anyone concerned about their loss of freedoms whether they’re Christian, pagan, atheist, Buddhist, Muslim, Taoist or none of the aforementioned .
The message crosses all boundaries and borders and will ring true to anyone who’s been paying attention to global events and the erosion of our cherished rights and freedoms, especially the right to express one’s opinions without fear of the Orwellian thought police busting down your door and hauling you away to some Stalinist Bolshevik “Show Trial.”
Freedom of Speech is the penultimate and quintessential right for without it we become but slaves to the state and to anyone wielding power for control over others.
Pastor Eli James pulls no punches in his heart-felt effort to alert his fellow Americans to the dangers posed by the Zionist Beast that now stalks the planet in search of more and more victims to feed its frenzied appetite for MORE control of our bodies, minds and spirits.
His efforts and words apply just as much to Canada and every other nation of the world that’s been infiltrated and had their Constitutions abducted and usurped by this megalomaniacal psychopathic entity that’s out to fulfill its self-chosen agenda of world domination and one world “international” government.
It’s methods are systematic and once realized as predictable as one’s yearly tax notice or the waxing and waning of the moon. It’s greatest tactic of course is to create FEAR in whatever manner that it can, be it 9/11 or Hiroshima or Dresden or the Gulag Archipelago.
Tyranny always has feasted upon fear and used fear to enhance the breadth and scope of its menacing and grasping tentacles. It knows how starved the world is for peace and love and it uses the mentally and spiritually emaciated masses and manipulates them via its news agencies into feeling insecure and afraid, for its then that they are most vulnerable to giving up their rights and freedoms.
They do their utmost to force the faithful of any religion to take up arms against those who worship the one God under a different name. They’ve expended millions if not billions of the people’s money and wealth to create wars where innocents are led to sacrifice their lives for principles that ultimately become meaningless when the wars cease and the only winners are the Zionist elite who’ve fomented and feasted upon them and in the end acquired even greater riches and wealth while the blood of innocents soaks the planet and democracy reels and falters from the death blows dealt to it by the greed of a small number of psychopaths.
We need to think about these things and start putting the pieces of the puzzle together. Pastor Eli James has done just that with his expose of the Zionist cartel that’s now ruling the world via subterfuge and ill-gained power and wealth.
The last freedom is freedom from want. Freedom from having to live on the streets, homeless and starving and existing hand to mouth because of a few power-crazed groups who want to rule the resources of the world. Freedom to feed our children and our families and enjoy the fruits of this holy garden we call the Earth Mother.
Like the four directions of the native American spiritual teachers these four freedoms are the pillars that hold up the temple of LIFE. They are now threatened by an alien force. It has to be first recognized and then resisted and stopped.
God willing that will happen with the courage and conviction of all who value these four noble truths. Please pass this article to everyone you can. The fate of freedom depends on each and every one of us doing something to ensure it carries on to our children and grandchildren.
Arthur Topham Pub/Ed
The Radical Press
Canada’s Radical News Network
“Digging to the root of the issues since 1998”
The Articles of Tyranny
by Pastor Eli James
Church of the Restoration of True Israel
See also:
(Psalm 120) "Beware the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy." (Luke 12:1)
This essay is about lying tongues that hate peace. May our Father, Yahweh, grant to His Children, Israel (not to be confused with the Jews), the Great Awakening, which will open their eyes to truth that will set them free.
The Inquisition, led by the Roman Catholic Church, was prosecuted and directed against the Protestant Reformation Movement. The Roman Church did its utmost to prevent freedom of speech by a potent combination of intimidation, excommunication, torture and death.
Prior to the development of these punishments, there existed a religious phenomenon that could be called the "Mindset of Popery," which was nothing more than cradle-to-grave brainwashing, that had turned citizens into serfs, and freemen into bondsmen.
Utilizing a combination of irrational fears, imaginary punishments in the afterlife, and "spiritual" authority, the Catholic Church made sure that "good Catholics" were unable to think like freemen.
The Catholic Church had created a world of superstition, supposedly based on the Bible, but, in reality, had merely exploited the Bible in order to capture the minds of the people in a matrix of deceit.
Today, the Zionist Inquisition has replaced the Roman Catholic Inquisition, and these Zionists blatantly defame and excoriate any and all who would question or criticize Zionism and Judaism.
Those in power have always insisted that they are not attempting to prevent the "freedom of speech" but are merely ensuring our "domestic tranquility." When Dissent finally rears its ugly head, those in power and authority are always there to calm our fears, pat us affirmatively on the head, and assure us that their motives and actions are well intentioned, highly principled, and of course...temporary.
When Dissent has been thoroughly crushed; we are once again injected with their poisonous propaganda and told that those extremely intrusive actions (i.e., Waco, Ruby Ridge, the Patriot Act, FDA raids of health food stores, ad infinitum) were necessary to secure the future welfare of our great nation and, of course, its unwary, dumbed-down citizenry. Ultimately, Freedom of Speech is put on trial. To this claim I can only reply,
Tyrant’s Article #1: Always Demonize the Dissenter.
It matters not to the Tyrant whether the Dissenter has actually broken any laws or harmed anyone. On the contrary, the Tyrant, in the face of growing Dissent, begins to pass liberty-destroying legislation, which criminalizes legitimate Dissent. He even goes so far as to stage "terrorist" events/attacks and then blames them on others so as to gain sympathy for himself and provide another excuse for crushing further Dissent.
Only when society is on the verge of complete collapse will these sheeple wake up ~ probably too late. Many of our Founding Fathers warned us that, if America were destroyed, it would not be from without. It would be from within, and by the forces of treason.
For a while, the Traitor rouses the passions of patriotism, while demonizing carefully selected foreign and domestic "foes." Ironically, he exploits this patriotism in order to establish an anti-nationalistic goal: the globalism of the New World Order, a "world without borders."
Using the mass media and the ideology of "democracy," he is able to fool the sheeple into once again following him into contrived wars; but as the death and casualty toll mounts, and as limbless soldiers return from the Front, Dissent becomes a more determined and righteous foe. Inevitably, the Tyrant finds that the reigns of Power have become very slippery.
Those who have been demonized by the Tyrant have NOT committed any crimes or broken any laws, other than the newly implemented "hate crimes," which are, in essence, thought crimes.
These citizens have injured no one, yet their presence represents a threat to the Tyrant’s ambitions, hence, they must be attacked. When the Tyrant finally resorts to physically assaulting such people, then he sheds innocent blood, and the reigns of power become slippery from the blood on his hands.
Sooner or later, his treachery will be revealed, especially as an ever increasing number of innocent men and women are harassed, imprisoned, tortured, and murdered as the Tyrant desperately and tenaciously clings to his position of Power.
Family members and friends of these victims will inevitably raise the cry of persecution and corruption. In the face of such courageous Dissent, the Tyrant’s face will turn from sinister cockiness to worry, fear and, finally, vengefulness.
We are presently witnessing this change in countenance, as, increasingly, the Resistance builds. This is the face of Zionism and the neo-Kahns who concocted the present war against Iraq.
Their wrath is turning against the Patriotic American, the one who resists the traitor’s tyranny, the one who demands that the regime obey the Constitution, the one whose voice will not be silenced.
Tyranny is defined by its thought crimes: doctrines, beliefs, and attitudes that are imposed upon the people by propaganda and by force. Presently, these thought crimes are called "homophobia," "holocaust denial," "anti Semitism" or "terrorism."
Though such "offenses" harm no innocent person, they are a threat to the Establishment, the Zionist Establishment. Much like the persecution of Christians by ancient Rome, true Christians are again becoming the target of the Tyrant.
Although America was once the most powerful nation on the face of the earth, it has been eclipsed by Zionism, the Imperialism of the Jewish Banksters.

We live in a world dominated by the Mass Media, in which 75% of the sheeple can’t even define or explain what Zionism is, simply because the Establishment Media never talk about it. It is Verboten.
Often, the most they know is that Zionism is a movement to establish and maintain a Jewish state; but they know nothing of its bloody history or its imperialistic operation.
While the sheeple are encouraged to hate regimes that passed from the pages of history over 60 years ago, such as National Socialism or Fascism, they cannot see the parallels to today’s International Fascism coming from the boardrooms of the International Bankers and their Corporate Elite.
While the Multinational Corporations have taken much heat lately, the International Bankers, who directly or indirectly control most of these Corporations and the Mass Media, are off limits for polite conversation.

The mind control techniques of Zionism and Judaism are exactly the same as those practiced by the ancient empires; but the sheeple don’t understand these psychological techniques of mind control and brainwashing because they are themselves the victims of it.
People speak in hushed tones, or avoid controversial subjects, "for fear of the Jews," and still it hasn’t dawned on them that they don’t realize they are the ones being oppressed! They interpret their own inability to speak out loud as "politeness"! Only the "black sheep" of the family, like James von Brunn, verbalizes his "anti Semitism"!
Tyrant’s Article #3: Provide Constant Distractions From the Debacle
While little old ladies get strip-searched at the airport ~ suspected "terrorists", don’t you know? ~ millions of illegal aliens stream across our border, carrying weapons, drugs, disease and larceny in their hearts.
The Tyrant does not concern himself with the fact that some of these illegals might be "terrorists." Traitors never do anything constructive or beneficial for the nations they rule. Once the Traitor assumes leadership, the steady decline of the nation begins, spearheaded by Talmudic intrigues and Jewish self-interest.

Since the President is only a figurehead for the Zionist Agenda, only pretending to be pro-American, nothing will improve while the Zionists hold the reigns of power.
The globalist Agenda of Zionism marches on. The true power behind the scenes, the Hidden Hand, the Zionist International, will not let the President/Tyrant do anything of consequence without their approval.
His early demise is sure to result if he disobeys the puppet master. Thus, the Tyrant of the day is merely the visible symbol of an even more nefarious Hidden Tyranny, the one that is never mentioned or explained. The Romans used "bread and circuses" to keep the people distracted from their deteriorating condition.
Today, it’s movies, professional sports, and dope operas. Oh, and let’s not forget the dope (drugs) itself, for half the population, especially the young and disenchanted, are all hooked on one form of dope or another, both legal and illegal.
The people cannot be allowed to awaken from their media-created, drug-induced stupor. The Tyrant can only handle so many patriots at one time. The Insane Asylum that goes by the name of "Democracy" is run by the Tyrant, and sane people, such as Ezra Pound, are put in the psycho ward, and kept imprisoned for expressing their Constitutional right to Dissent.
Tyrant’s Article #4: Disarm the People
Amazingly, after decades of concerted effort, the Zionist International has been unable to convince the American people that giving up their guns is in their own best interest! The anti-gun propaganda is virtually endless and proceeds from those who are sworn to uphold the Constitution.
The government even goes to the length of staging highly publicized shoot-outs, such as the massacre of the Branch Davidians by the government, to provide justification for government intervention for "an end to the violence." Janet Reno said, "We have to kill the children to save the children."
Surface politics is completely corrupt and phony. While the Tyrant furtively promotes the use of drugs and irresponsibility among the people, he thus knowingly creates tension and conflict among these very same citizens, guaranteeing future Hollywood-style shoot-outs, that he pretends to oppose.
The Virginia Tech Massacre of April 16, 2007, was a perfect example of a mass killer experiencing an adverse reaction to prescription drugs, something that has been happening with greater and greater frequency in America.
The Media gave scant attention to this fact, because the pharmaceutical industry, which is the Media’s main advertiser, does not like adverse publicity. Instead, such incidents are used to instill fear of guns, when the real culprit is the drug culture.
The Welfare State creates a vast subculture of aimless people, who neither work, produce, nor benefit the society. This subculture was exposed as a failure during Hurricane Katrina, when looting and rampaging among these dependent people became commonplace.
The Welfare State is a human time bomb, waiting to explode, as it did in France in November of 2005. There, an unarmed populace erupted from its government-induced complacency and boredom, triggering a violent reaction that was deliberately and falsely blamed on "racism."
The liberals of France couldn’t understand why well-fed non-Whites would want to torch their own neighborhoods. "We give them Welfare! What else do they want?"
The immigrants want jobs, but there is only so much work for uneducated zombies on drugs. And as long as the Welfare State hands out free money, why work? Since the State doesn’t believe in the Work Ethic, neither do the serfs. Even zombies have a need to feel like there is a reason for their existence.
For restless lions cooped up in a cage, torching neighborhoods alleviates the Boredom, and provides first-rate entertainment. Not even Hollywood can compete with real flames!! Perhaps these young lions actually hate the zookeeper…except at mealtime.
White people do not have the patience to stand in welfare lines. It is not enough for White people. It is not "fulfilling." Other races have a greater tolerance for it; but even they have their limits. The Tyrant must have zombies to use an excuse for maintaining the failed Welfare State.
The pretense of serving them is all the Tyrant needs to keep the grumbling taxpayers mollified. Rampages by overfed zombies are a nasty embarrassment. Intelligent citizens, who can see through the Tyrant’s charade, must be eliminated.
Patriots must be demonized and put away ~ at all costs. After all, they might wake up the sleeping taxpayers. Inevitably, the day will come when the Tyrant will grow weary of trying to trick the patriots into giving up their guns. He will pass a law that says they MUST turn in their guns, or there will be dire consequences.
These True Patriots, who are law-abiding gun owners, are smeared as "terrorists" for merely exerting their Constitutional Rights. The people must be disarmed for the Tyrant to feel secure. The Romans did it. The Bolsheviks did it. The modern world has done it ~ except for America, and Switzerland.
In America, the Tyrant has A HUGE PROBLEM. That problem is 80 million gun owners, 79,950,000 of whom are law-abiding citizens, NOT TERRORISTS.
What is the Tyrant afraid of? He is afraid that the sheeple will come out of their drug and media induced trance and find out that Traitors are occupying the positions of authority.
He is afraid that the Sheeple will finally realize that HE IS THE REAL TERRORIST! From the perspective of the average citizen, nothing is more frightening than awakening from a bad dream only to find that reality is worse than the nightmare.
The Hidden Tyranny must be confronted. If the American people don’t stop discussing the Jewish Lightning Strike of 9/11, they just might awaken and realize that their true oppressor is their own Zionist Occupation Government, not the Muslims of Iraq and Afghanistan! The RAGE will be impossible to contain.
To prevent this rage from becoming a successful revolution, the Sheeple must be disarmed. It’s a race against time. How does he convince the people to give up their guns ~ a right that they have enjoyed for 230 years ~ before they realize that the gun-grabbers are the ENEMY, not friends.
If he perpetrates the seizure too soon, his stormtroopers will be massacred. Yet, ironically, the worst gun violence always occurs among those welfare recipients in cities where guns are totally banned! Imagine that! Washington, DC (District of Corruption) is a perfect example.
The same Tyrant who is trying to disarm law-abiding citizens does little to disarm those who possess guns ILLEGALLY in the dangerous "safe zones," where gun ownership is completely banned. This is just another Orwellian paradox.
The most dangerous areas are those places where his "law" is fully in effect. Here is the text of the Second Amendment:
Tyrannical judges have tried to imply that this right only applies to a government-sponsored "militia," under the direct supervision of some government bureaucrat. The fact is that the Militia has always been comprised of free citizens.
These free citizens are expected to train themselves in their own defense and in defense of their nation, should that need arise. That is the clear intent of the Second Amendment. The Founding Fathers had no fear of their own citizens.
Why should the current crop of politicians be so afraid of law-abiding citizens? They might need those citizens to defend them one day! Or are they afraid that armed citizenry will not accept the encroaching Police State?
The Tyrant will NEVER cease in his attempts to disarm the people. The people, the law-abiding citizens, are now the enemy of the Tyrant’s government. This effort is, in fact, an insult to those war veterans who fought to keep this country free. Many of these veterans are today law-abiding gun owners.
The Police State fears them because it knows they can handle weapons in self-defense. Those who resist the Tyrant’s phony "Homeland Security" are today labeled as "terrorists." He stages a phony attack, blames a foreign religion, and then insists that law-abiding Americans should disarm themselves so as to avoid more "terror"?
Can someone please explain this logic?
Why aren’t we disarming Muslims, if the attack was contrived by Muslims? During the American Revolution, the law-abiding citizens became the Militia that ejected the army of the Tyrant, George III.
Could it be that that’s what our current George III ~ and now, the Obamination ~ is really afraid of! Could it be that the real enemy of the Zionist occupation Government is a free people?
As George Washington said, "Government is a fearful master."
Human Government consists of would-be tyrants, great and small, too many of them chomping at the bit to impose their will upon the people under their control.
They get elected and appointed as "civil servants," but as soon as they taste POWER, even just a small sample, they can’t resist telling the fellow citizens what they should or should not do. The temptation to lord it over the citizens is appealing even to the petty bureaucrat, who, with an army to back him up, cannot resist trying dictatorship on for size.
Many government bureaucrats and police officials have demonstrated that they are only too willing to violate the rights of citizens. The examples of warrantless seizures and homicides of citizens during home invasions is becoming more and more frequent. (Gordon Kahl, Waco, Randy Weaver’s family, Ed and Elaine Brown, etc.)
We are watching as the servant becomes a tyrant, and only we TRUE PATRIOTS notice. Perhaps because the Tyrant wears a familiar uniform, the sheeple can’t figure out who the real villains are? And what is the equalizer for the tyrant? You guessed it ~ A gun.
A gun can dispatch a Tyrant’s ambitions in a heartbeat. Will America allow herself to be disarmed, as every other nation on the face of this earth has done, except for Switzerland? Contrary to the policy of the rest of the world, in Switzerland, citizens are REQUIRED TO OWN GUNS.
Switzerland is the most peaceful society on the face of this earth. Why? Because the Government respects (fears) its people. Oppression is unknown and there is no need of a Welfare State bureaucracy. Where the free citizen is armed, the citizens are the government.
Tyrant’s Article #5: Control Religion
Under this Article, we have come to the major theme of this document, which is religious oppression. Throughout history, people have fled from religious oppression.America was founded by Pilgrims who were fleeing from the oppression of the Church of England. From the continent of Europe, people were escaping both religious and economic oppression at the hands of the ruling classes.
Gradually, as more and more people from Europe moved to America, the name ‘America’ became synonymous with "religious freedom." The call was irresistible. White Christendom relocated away from its oppressors, fleeing into the wilderness called America.
Sounds poetic even, doesn’t it? America is not a nation of immigrants. It is a nation of refugees. They came here to seek refuge from their oppressors. It was religious, economic, and political tyranny of aristocratic Europe that drove them to board those ships traveling across the Atlantic Ocean. The problem the American people now have is that the Tyrant, as he always does, followed the Refugees, especially since there was merchandise to be traded and profits to be made.
The ages-old stories of Cain killing Abel and Esau trying to kill Jacob…of the Serpent’s children following on the heels of Eve’s Adamic children: These Biblical Stories will find their climax here in America, because the White Man has no more Wilderness left into which he can escape from liberalism, socialism, communism, globalism and other forms of Jewish Oppression.
The fascinating part of the current anti-Christian Oppression that is plaguing Christendom today is that it is being promoted from the pulpits of the Judeo-Christian churches. They are taught that by "blessing the Jews" they will also be blessed.
Rarely does it cross the mind of the pew occupant that the priest just might be his mind controller, but that is the reality of Christianity today. In the West, Christianity has become a cheerleader for all sorts of Jewish agendas, such as Zionism, Cabala, and Pre-Emptive Imperialism...er, excuse me, "democracy."
The tragedy is that those who are oppressed don’t even know the names of their oppressors. Zionists, with unlimited funds and unchallenged influence through organizations like B’nai Brith International and acronym agencies such as the ADL, AIPAC, WJC, AJC, SPLC, ACLU, ad nauseum, influence legislation at all levels in all Christian nations from behind the scenes; and they revel in it.
The favorite sport of Zionist Jews is buying politicians and using them to promote no-win wars, while pretending to be oh-so-righteous in public, ever plotting the treacherous overthrow of those guileless yet deceived Christians, who unquestioningly believe their pulpit masters who tell them, over and over, the Satanic lie: "The Jews are God’s chosen people."
America, not Palestine, will be the final battleground of the Apocalypse. The Oppressor is trying to ban Christianity as we speak. Everything that moral Christianity stands for is being labeled as "hate speech."
The Oppressor, as Henry Ford understood so well, is the International Jew, whose empire of merchandise cannot tolerate a religion which is moral, spiritual, family-oriented and Christ-centered.
Such a religion provides an enduring cohesiveness, and that cohesiveness must be destroyed to make room for the Tyrant’s own ambition.
That Ambition was graphically demonstrated by Cain when he killed Abel. And Cain’s descendants are still with us today. They are the rabbis and scribes of Judaism, who yet today act out of that same murderous, possessive spirit. But, Abel’s Spirit is rising from the ground. As the Bible tells us, his BLOOD is crying out from the ground for vengeance.
The Day of Yahweh’s Vengeance is at hand.
The 95 Theses of Martin Luther
October 31, 2007 was the Tenth Jubilee from the very day that Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Church. That event was the flash point of the Reformation.
It was the beginning of the end for the Roman Church’s military dominance of Christian Europe, bringing that "terrible one" to nought. Ten Jubilees is 490 years. I believe that this will be the last Jubilee before the Judgment Day.
It is in Martin Luther’s honor that I have composed this sermon; and on this Tenth Jubilee from the publication of his 95 Theses, I will publish this account. As Martin Luther’s 95 Theses exposed the Beast of Popery, this sermon will expose the perfidious nature of the two thousand year old Anti-Christ: the Beast of Judaism.
Just as the Tyranny and Corruption of Popery were ripe for destruction in those days, the Global Tyranny of the House of Rothschild, which is a direct product of Talmudic Judaism, has fully ripened today.
The stench of its evil is wafting into the nostrils of just men everywhere.
Most thinking people know that there is something seriously wrong with international politics today. They just haven’t had a way to pinpoint the source of this evil. The Beast is a masterful expert at providing distractions.
The source of this River of Pollution is the Rabbinate, the international body of Jewish lawyer-priests. It is their rabid doctrine, which goes all the way back to the prosecution and murder of our Lord, Jesus Christ, that has given rise to both Zionism and communism.
These two doctrines have been responsible for more pain, suffering and misery, as well as genocide, than any other doctrines in history. This is the Beast that has taken the place of Popery.
It has deceived the whole world with its pretense of piety, its pretense to the authorship and stewardship of the Law of Moses, its pretense to the Shemitic heritage of Judah and Israel, as well as many other false and unsubstantiated claims that have given it an assumed authority over the interpretation of Scripture, even though the vast majority of rabbinical teachings blatantly contradict the Holy Scriptures!
Judaism’s "authority" is a pseudo-authority, if there ever was one! How is it possible for such a religious charade to achieve such heights of respectability and credibility?
Now and always, it has been Jewish money that has purchased the acquiescence and loyalty of both religious and political lackeys.
Those not so purchased have been deceived. Protocol #14 states:
The 95 Theses Against the Anti-Christ,
a free ebook by Pastor Eli James
After thirty years of studying Judaism and Jewry, there is little that I don’t understand about their culture. As a historian and theologian, I have looked inside the Jewish Mind and analyzed their methods and their thoughts.
Their culture of lies is herein exposed. This book is a refutation of the claim that the Jews are "God’s Chosen People" and it is a refutation of the claim that Judaism is the religion of the Old Testament. This document will conclusively prove that Judaism is NOT the religion of Moses. It is, rather, the religion of the anti-Christ.
Judaism’s main claim to fame is its subtle but effective historical lies, lies, which few have dared to expose. As I have said in previous discussions regarding this religion of lies, Judaism is Satanism wearing the Mask of Moses.
Here are the irrefutable proofs: Judaism under the magnifying glass. There is no doubt that this modern, end-times "terrible one" will also be brought to nought.
shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees,
ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven." ~ (Matt. 5:20.)
The scribes and Pharisees of Jesus Christ’s time were the true inventors of the Jewish religion. Amazingly, few people are aware of this fact. With this document, I hope to correct this fundamental blindness of the modern world.
Just as the Catholic Church was guilty of inventing doctrine that could not be found in the Bible, so too is Judaism guilty of Scriptural invention and alteration. The fact is that Judaism violates the Law of Moses in hundreds of different ways.
Praise Yahweh!
Pastor Eli James
Full text of "95 Theses Against the anti-Christ"
Very important article, Barb...
ReplyDeleteSo important in fact that I copied the article to my own blog just to make sure that everyone reads it....
Of course, I put full credit to yourself for this excellent material, and rightfully so!
Thanks for the information. You are a great asset to our cause in exposing the criminals.