Michael Jackson, the King of Pop
Skepticism greeted the initial announcement on TMZ.com that the King of Pop was dead. There will probably be some who continue to doubt, Elvis-style, that Michael Jackson died yesterday at the age of 50, while others still might argue that a very troubled man suffered a variety of deaths over the last half century, on any number of less tangible levels.
The only real story at this time is Jackson's mythical over sized personal hell. That one of our most vivid, shared cultural memories might be the sight of the grotesquely damaged artist tearfully protesting his innocence in the first of two wretched child abuse scandals speaks volumes. Especially since so many people of the late night talk show and tabloid disposition inexplicably found it all so amusing.
It wasn't, of course. And if the rumours that emerged from brother Jermaine's scrapped tell-all are to be believed ~ that Michael's unearthly talents were pimped from the get-go in exchange for influence ~ then our lazy callousness towards his suffering and those he was alleged to victimize is all the more damning.
As a result of various circumstances in his life, Michael became, like so many other major stars, a victim of MK Ultra mind control ~ traumatized, extremely dysfunctional and eccentric. Joe had noticed early that his sons all had musical talent. In Michael's case, when he was five, it was discovered that he could imitate the dance steps of James Brown and had a distinct singing voice.
Either Joe or someone else decided to train them to make a lot of money. Joe created The Jackson 5 and was merciless. He disciplined the boys in a horrifying m.anner using all the tried and true tested techniques of professional CIA trauma-based mind control to reach his goal.
All of the Jackson children suffered severely from the mistreatment; they were never allowed to play with other children as they grew up. If they disobeyed and ran out to play, they were severely punished. They all, including the sisters, never had a real childhood and this is certainly why Michael never really grew up and became locked into childhood.
It certainly accounts as well for the eccentricity of both LaToyota and even more so for Janet, the much more talented sister. Trauma based mind control victims get "stuck in time" at some point of the trauma training, in this case childhood, usually at the age when the training begins in earnest.
By the time he was five it was discovered that Michael could imitate James Brown's intricate dance steps well and had a distinctive voice, Joe realized he was the real talent of the kids. As a result, young Michael became target for the most severe training. Some people, who know the story behind how Joe treated the child think that he was just a power-hungry greedy man. Others say it was the only way he felt he could lift his family out of poverty.
Both theories could make sense if we neglect the fact that the trauma he exposed the boys to was extremely sophisticated and cannot have come naturally to him. He knew exactly what he was doing and succeeded flawlessly.
He succeeded with Michael so well that, as the Guardian's Joe Queenan put it in 2007, "He was so famous that if you cut his fame in half he would still have been eight times as famous as the next most famous person, whoever that may have been."
So where did Joe learn all of this? It was all taken from the manuals of Illuminati trauma-based mind control, and his patterns followed the rules and techniques exactly. Nothing he did was accidental. Suffice to say that the trauma aspect is deep enough to shatter the victim's mind into many pieces and involves, among other things, sexual trauma.
Michael's fragility and madness were the result of his father and the others behind the scene. As his brothers have attested, Michael was "sold" to the highest bidders who took his sensitive soul and continued to twist it until he became monstrous. Everyone wanted a piece of him.
They created a genius whom the world enjoyed for his music and artistry, but they also created a human wreck who could, and did, fall apart, disintegrating before our very eyes. To the end, his fragility was apparent, the same fragility that was so evident and lovable in Marilyn Monroe.
Like so many other Ultras, Michael was exceptional. Only the best are trained to the level he was. Michael became perhaps the most exciting performer of his generation, famous for his gravity defying dance, feverish, crotch-grabbing moves and his high-pitched voice punctuated with squeals and titters. His single sequined glove, tight, military-style jacket and aviator sunglasses were trademarks second only to his ever-changing, surgically altered appearance.
I think of Judy Garland and so many other stars as I write this. The narrative is so weirdly similar: a life of towering genius blighted by bottomless corruption, all for our entertainment and somebody else's wealth, with a tortured child at its source (and Oz). Examples again would include Marilyn Monroe, Anna Nichole, and Madonna as well as any entertainer who passed through the halls of Disneyland as Mouseketeers such as Britney Spears. Yes, Disney was a major player in MK Ultra work in North America.
Let me supply a simple example of how it works. Just think about this: You are a child and an abusive parent accuses you of stealing something from the house. You know you're innocent. He screams and shouts at you and orders you to confess. You cry and assure him you didn't do it, but he doesn't listen. The punishment for 'not telling the truth' becomes more and more severe, so what will happen in perhaps 99% of such cases?
The child will lie and say he/she did it, to have the abuser to stop! One could translate this to the CIA torturing of so called 'terrorist suspects'; even if they are innocent, most of them will likely confess to get a break from the torture.
Moreover, if you're tortured long enough, you will split your personality to abstract yourself from the pain, and you become a compliant servant to the torturer. Add the mandatory sexual abuse and the mind shatters into compartments easily accessed for specific uses as the victim's handler dictates. THIS was Michael's personal reality.
There is, as well, a high degree of Satanism and ritual involved in MK Ultra training and this became manifest in his frequent use of satanic signals and hidden messages in his work. MK Ultras are always about much more than money, they are also part of shaping the cultural awareness of the generations they influence. Mainstream examples would include the Beatles, Eminem, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Anna Nichole, Britney Spears and Madonna.

Michael reluctantly admitted to being deeply involved in the occult. He had his own special room with all the walls full of mirrors, where he lived out his occult practices and called up demons from the spiritual world. He also said he wokes up in the morning with a whole song in his head ~ lyrics and music ~ and he himself was in awe about it. "I didn't write this! Someone else did! I am simply the courier who brings the message to this world!"
(Jim Morrison, Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, Keith Richards, Mick Jagger and many others have spoken of the same phenomenon of inexplicable demonic inspiration and automatic writing already hearing the final product.)
"Music and magic is a fantastic combination" he once said regarding the theme song he penned for for the now-closed Siegfried & Roy show in Las Vegas. "It is what I always wanted to capture in my shows."
Even so, when I heard of Michael's passing my first thought was "good riddance". However, when looked back at his life, I realized there, right in plain sight was a man who had been treated inhumanely all of his life; he did not deserve such cruel sentiment. I was not a die hard fan, but for almost 40 years he was always somewhere in the news, on the radio, dancing, entertaining. He was, quite simply, part of the back drop of my life and now he is gone.
Michael Jackson when he was a young boy. He used to dance to the beat of the washing machine, and so his Mother Katherine knew he was a gifted dancer. By the time he was 5 years old he was singing with his brothers ~ Marlon, Jermaine, Jackie and Tito ~ as the Jackson 5 began to be created by their father.

While the art direction and design have dated, what makes the cover so appealing is Michael’s sheer charisma and charm. He’s the very embodiment of youth ~ full of exuberance and casual optimism; his wide smile and cockiness all the more adorable because he appears to be wearing his big brother’s clothes.

This was the year that Michael wrote his first autobiography and disclosed that as a child his unyielding father that was abusive in nature. By the end of the 1980s, Michael was crowned, "Artist of the Decade," for his 'Thriller' and 'Bad' albums

Around this time, his dermatologist revealed Michael had a skin disorder known as vitiligo, which leads to white patches on the skin. Meanwhile, amidst this pain, Michael had to deal with rumors that he bleached his skin to look whiter and was not, as many charged, denying his ancestral past.

1995: Michael married Lisa Marie Presley in 1995.
"I can't recall the exact subject matter but he may have been questioning me about the circumstances of my Father's Death. At some point he paused, he stared at me very intensely and stated with calm certainty, 'I am afraid that I am going to end up like him, the way he did.'
"I promptly tried to deter him from the idea, at which point he just shrugged his shoulders and nodded almost matter of fact as if to let me know, he knew what he knew and that was kind of that."

The day after Michael's death she announced that Michael never even knew the children were not his. She is quoted as saying, "I got paid for it, and I've moved on. I know I will never see my children again. I was never a good mother and never want to see my children again."

The hardest thing for Michael was that children spoke against him. He had never trusted "adults" and felt a true bond with children. He was stunned and completely shell-shocked by this turn of events
But trying to recover in North America was a losing battle. Late night comedians derided him as a pedophile. Michael felt driven to give up his beloved Neverland Ranch and leave the country.

August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009
may he find the peace that eluded him in life
THE SVALLI INTERVIEWS ~ Another must read OR view OR view
Nice article.
ReplyDeleteSorry, but I'm not going to shed any tears for the passing of a child molester.
ReplyDeleteThis MJ fanatasy is part of the celebrity worship that is infecting damn near every American's brain and a lot of others.
While we're not waiting anxiously for the next snippit about MJ or Britney or Lindsay or some other Hollywood trash, we lustily cheering on the wars for Israel in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Talk about "mind control."
One need to look no further than the Empire's news channels, FOX, CNN and MSNBC to see that as they ran on-stop coverage on MJ.
Goodbye Neda, hello "Mikey" Jackson.
Even the US House took a moment of silence.
All of this for a pervert who lost much of his fortune paying off parents so they wouldn't file criminal charges of rape and sodomy.
Greg, my original point was to get people to understand and see just how much MK ULTRA is involved in our lives.
ReplyDeleteThey do not even believe it exists. But it is there and MJ was a prime example of such abuse and where it can lead to.
That was my prime objective, guess I did not do as well as I had hoped. It is the Mind Control I was trying to point out. That is why I added so many links. They have nothing to do with MJ but everything to do with MK Ultra.
I believe he was under mind control, however, I don't believe that the molestation charges were faked. That was probably an outgrowth of his conditioning - he was pretty screwed up in any case.
ReplyDeleteHere is a piece from TMZ - looks like more evidence of conditioning via "OZ Cryptic" - you need to scroll to the bottom of the page to see the painting in question:
On June 11, Jackson purchased a picture of the Wicked Witch of the West, a painting called "The Donut Queen," and a painting called "Play Ball." The artist for all three works was Nelson De La Nuez. Jackson plunked down $13,000 for the three items, which were delivered to his home on June 15.
We're told Jackson was "obsessed" with the Wicked Witch painting.
Great posts. Like you, I am well aware of MKultra, and how Michael was a slave in the system. Ultimately, I believe he woke up, and was turning the cards on the elite. Michael did what he could under the circumstances, but his concern for others seems to shine through no matter what. I hope this is a wake up call for many, and I do believe his untimely death was planned, and more is to come on the many layers of control and abuse occuring in this country. Great article.
ReplyDeleteBrice Taylor who claims to be a victim of Monarch wrote a book on it - she gives a little info on the Jacksons here http://theuniversalseduction.com/articles/bryce-taylor-mind-control-victim-writes-about-michael-jackson
thanks for the article! And for the above link about Jew mobsters. There was an MJ song called 'they don't care about us' when it came out SHTF in all media! Because Michael wrote and sang:'don't jew me' 'don't kike me' and it seems that ALL HIS PROBLEMS STARTED after that. Michael claimed poetic license, to no avail.
ReplyDeleteThe reaction of some people is ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteIF MY CHILD WAS MOLESTED by anyone... let alone a Celebrity... NO AMOUNT OF MONEY CAN CHANGE THAT..
If it was true.. Shame on those parents for accepting a pay off..
In my opinion.. if Money can make you stop defending your child.. then I see no truth to the accusations whatsoever!
Even in his death people can't stop...
YOU DON'T KNOW... don't make statements about people you don't know...
this article was very good. Minus the rude comments posted afterwards..
Thank you