Michelle Obama and Bush at her husband's inauguration.
By Saman Mohammadi
October 29, 2011
It is hard to pierce the psychology of psychopathic rulers and
politicians without having some understanding of their philosophy towards life.
Our civilization would be better served if the belief system of politicians was
discussed on the campaign trail and on television. We would all be in for some
stomach-turning surprises.
It is a well understood fact that a number of high-level Iranian politicians believe in the coming of the Mahdi. President Ahmadinejad and his closest advisers produced a documentary for senior government officials that showcased their belief in Islamic end times prophecy. I offer you the documentary with English subtitles.
It is a well understood fact that a number of high-level Iranian politicians believe in the coming of the Mahdi. President Ahmadinejad and his closest advisers produced a documentary for senior government officials that showcased their belief in Islamic end times prophecy. I offer you the documentary with English subtitles.
The sensational documentary was made to indoctrinate the stupid soldiers of Islam in Iran and elsewhere into thinking that they are fighting for God and the prophet Muhammad, when in reality they are fighting for the clerical oligarchs and the political elite that rules the Islamic Republic of Iran. Their martyrdom will help pave the way for a new world order.
ED: Might I suggest that, like most others who fall for this satanic baloney are not so much "stupid" as mind controlled, perhaps uneducated, but certainly not to be underestimated as being stupid people. If they are raised to believe one way, it is all they know. Just the same as any other belief system that controls large masses of people into cults.
But the Iranian government is not unique in its belief in end times prophecy. The United States of America is also led by crazy rulers who share similar beliefs about a new age and have similar religious aspirations for the new world.
The only difference is they believe in a different version of
end times babble, one that is not Islamic or Christian, but Satanic.
Indeed, a Luciferian philosophy is the inspiration for the creation of a new world order and a one world totalitarian government. Barack Obama, like the Bushes and Clinton before him, has spoken of the need for a new world order.
Vice President Joe Biden also expressed his love for the new world order in a Wall Street Journal Op-Ed in 1992 called, "How I Learned to Love the New World Order." That's not really that surprising or scary. I expect big power players to make plans to continue their domination of the world in a new form and under a new flag. That's just politics.
What is disturbing about top U.S. political leaders is their blatant disregard for the American masses and their worship of Satan in public.
Indeed, a Luciferian philosophy is the inspiration for the creation of a new world order and a one world totalitarian government. Barack Obama, like the Bushes and Clinton before him, has spoken of the need for a new world order.
Vice President Joe Biden also expressed his love for the new world order in a Wall Street Journal Op-Ed in 1992 called, "How I Learned to Love the New World Order." That's not really that surprising or scary. I expect big power players to make plans to continue their domination of the world in a new form and under a new flag. That's just politics.
What is disturbing about top U.S. political leaders is their blatant disregard for the American masses and their worship of Satan in public.
President Barack Obama regularly flashes the famous devil horn hand sign when he is giving speeches or being photographed.
Throwing up the sign of Satan is a tradition in American politics and culture, no matter if you are a Republican and or a Democrat because Satan cheers for both sides. The ruling elite is a gang, with its own initiation rites, rituals, philosophy, and gang sign, all courtesy of Satan.
Here is former President Bush
throwing up his gang sign with pride.
And here he is doing it beside the Queen (how
radical, dude!)
(Of course SHE flashes it too!)
And so is the Pope!
And hey look ~ American Revolutionary Ron Paul is doing it, too! Is he throwing it in our faces? What a gentleman. May God Bless His Soul!
That's enough of Satan's hand sign. If you want to learn more about it, read this Infowars.com article about its significance and history. I'm more interested in understanding the philosophy that guides these creeps and weirdos to do what they do.
ED: Might I suggest you plug "Devil's handsign" in the Search line on the right and my work on this topic will come up. You will see most of the images above but a great deal more and also much information.

The people of Israel seem to be losing sight of the fact that Israel is not an occupied concentration camp under totalitarian rule but a highly advanced military state that can defend itself very easily against the slightest aggression from the Iranian government or any other nation.
But Netanyahu wants to keep the Israeli people in the dark and use their insecurity to seize political glory for himself. He is a danger to Israel and the world because of his demonic nature.
Netanyahu is not the only psychopath who wants a world war and mass death. There are a lot of psychopaths in high places in America, Israel, Iran, England, France, Italy, Russia, and all over the world.
The Earth is truly Satan's Kingdom. And there are many puppets in politics, the military, media, entertainment and business who love to serve Satan and do evil.
After nearly three years in office, it should be clear to everyone that President Barack Obama is a psychopath who serves Satan. And you can add George W. Bush, George H. W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Newt Gingrich, John McCain, and many other U.S. political leaders to that list.
When you know that Barack Obama is a Satanic thief and a lying psychopath then you're not shocked when you see him on late night television with Jay Leno calling the mass murder of the Libyan people by NATO drones and Al-Qaeda terrorists a "recipe for success."
The grinning, shill, international terrorist President of the United States talks up the regime’s atrocities on a late night comedy show, with the host, audience and millions of people out in TV land going along with it…
Holy shit!
The grinning, shill, international terrorist President of the United States talks up the regime’s atrocities on a late night comedy show, with the host, audience and millions of people out in TV land going along with it…
Holy shit!
Holy shit is right. Barack Obama is evil on the scale of Mt.
Olympus, and America is the land of the Dead.
People should know what President Barack Obama and his Republican foes believe about the nature of the world, the purpose of human existence, the role of the Creator, the character of Satan, the idea of free will, and other larger philosophical questions.
ED: The links of my own which I have included explain much of this satanic/masonic/cabalistic behaviour. Knowing the life-guiding beliefs of major politicians and public officials is more important than knowing their opinions about tax policy or small-scale issues.
Forget politicians' tax records, the public needs to know their mental health records to find out how their brain works. If they are clinically insane then that fact alone will mean the end of our entire political system and current society.
If it is shown that high-level politicians lack basic social qualities like empathy and they show signs of psychopathy then they must be taken to mental institutions.
ED: What people do not realize is that the nastiest rise to the top because they are able to do things others cannot, without qualm. In my own experience, I was once asked, by a Jewish employer, (a criminal who made my skin crawl) to do something very nasty. I refused, in my naivete believing I was being good and that was the proper response. In hindsight, I realized he was checking to see if I had sunk to an acceptable level for advancement in his organization! THAT is how they operate.
Right now, American political psychopaths are being voted into the Congress and the White House by millions of naive and gullible people.
And it is not just America. Every modern society seems to be under the horrific hypnosis of political and religious power.
Who is more mentally sick?
The blind sheepish believer, or the arrogant psychopathic deceiver?
Both are obviously made for each other.
And the rest of us have to watch and suffer because we get ridiculed by the first group and killed by the second group.
Many people believe there is a war between heaven and hell that is being fought right now.
I used to regard those beliefs as spiritual in nature and having no significance in politics and real life.
ED: Most people deny the spiritual aspect and only admit to the physicality of wars. However, what we see and deal with here is a manifestation of what is also happening in spirit and is part of the war that is being waged for our very minds and souls, all part of the losses of freedom we are currently undergoing.
But discovering that the highest political leaders in America and around the world frequently flash the Satanic hand sign has given me second doubts.
My stomach turned when I saw the photo of Ron Paul give the Satan sign at the Ames Straw Poll in the 2008 presidential campaign.
ED: Mr. Paul is a Mason and his wife and daughters are participants in women's masonic organizations.
It is obvious the ruling elite are speaking in a symbolic code. And it is obvious they are on the side of Lucifer in this war.
If that is the reality of the present situation and I'm not over-paranoid, then mark me down as Lucifer's adversary.
ED: Welcome to the club Saman!
People should know what President Barack Obama and his Republican foes believe about the nature of the world, the purpose of human existence, the role of the Creator, the character of Satan, the idea of free will, and other larger philosophical questions.
ED: The links of my own which I have included explain much of this satanic/masonic/cabalistic behaviour. Knowing the life-guiding beliefs of major politicians and public officials is more important than knowing their opinions about tax policy or small-scale issues.
Forget politicians' tax records, the public needs to know their mental health records to find out how their brain works. If they are clinically insane then that fact alone will mean the end of our entire political system and current society.
If it is shown that high-level politicians lack basic social qualities like empathy and they show signs of psychopathy then they must be taken to mental institutions.
ED: What people do not realize is that the nastiest rise to the top because they are able to do things others cannot, without qualm. In my own experience, I was once asked, by a Jewish employer, (a criminal who made my skin crawl) to do something very nasty. I refused, in my naivete believing I was being good and that was the proper response. In hindsight, I realized he was checking to see if I had sunk to an acceptable level for advancement in his organization! THAT is how they operate.
Right now, American political psychopaths are being voted into the Congress and the White House by millions of naive and gullible people.
And it is not just America. Every modern society seems to be under the horrific hypnosis of political and religious power.
Who is more mentally sick?
The blind sheepish believer, or the arrogant psychopathic deceiver?
Both are obviously made for each other.
And the rest of us have to watch and suffer because we get ridiculed by the first group and killed by the second group.
Many people believe there is a war between heaven and hell that is being fought right now.
I used to regard those beliefs as spiritual in nature and having no significance in politics and real life.
ED: Most people deny the spiritual aspect and only admit to the physicality of wars. However, what we see and deal with here is a manifestation of what is also happening in spirit and is part of the war that is being waged for our very minds and souls, all part of the losses of freedom we are currently undergoing.
But discovering that the highest political leaders in America and around the world frequently flash the Satanic hand sign has given me second doubts.
My stomach turned when I saw the photo of Ron Paul give the Satan sign at the Ames Straw Poll in the 2008 presidential campaign.
ED: Mr. Paul is a Mason and his wife and daughters are participants in women's masonic organizations.
It is obvious the ruling elite are speaking in a symbolic code. And it is obvious they are on the side of Lucifer in this war.
If that is the reality of the present situation and I'm not over-paranoid, then mark me down as Lucifer's adversary.
ED: Welcome to the club Saman!
The spiritual war is real. It is a great cosmic clash and you can't leave that part out. It's coming to a head.
ReplyDeleteLife was really always about that great cosmic clash
Good Vs Evil
Satan just uses people is all and there are physical realities to it.
That is the part people just don't get.
They do it cause their God is such
Here come Ol Flat Top
He's just groovin up slowly
Got to be a joker he just do what he please...
We fight for the souls of men...
Souls that is the real game
How can people not get it?
It's for eternity and it's just a long time to be wrong...
You are so very very very right! In our despiritualized cuture people forget this..... or laugh at the primitiveness of this truth.
ReplyDeleteThis is why I have so very little tolerance for atheists who do not realized they have already made their decision.... and they deny this very truth.
LOL, you have got to be kidding me. You realize that the Obama's hand gesture is how you sign "I love you" in American Sign Language. And the one Bush is doing, has meant "rock on" for many many years. Find something better to do with your time, instead of trying to find a bunch of conspiracies.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 30 October....
ReplyDeleteDo your homework before shooting your mouth off. You are very very off base and live in a bubble of naivete if you really take these things at face value.
Just for the record none of those are Freemason symbols nor is Obama a Prince Hall Mason or otherwise, neither was GWB nor Bill Clinton; Hillary Clinton is not a member of the Order of the Eastern Star. These hand gestures are naturally occurring. The idea they all belong to some Satanic Occult is laughable. Here is why: Bill Clinton could not conceal a BJ in the Oval Office, but somehow there is a secret society that seeks to implement a NWO agenda that would greatly depreciate their quality of life and wealth as the USD will have to collapse for this agenda to be implemented. There are undoubtedly spooky secret societies out there to which the ruling elite are members, but I do not believe any of them truly believe in the concept of a supernatural deity. They are all likely either default Christians with profound doubt or atheists. It would be very hard to be educated at Yale or Harvard and believe in garden of eden, great flood, or tower of babel myths. This is just my opinion of course, but it is based on reason, not probable innocuous hand gestures of people who appears in thousands and thousands of photos and all but a few resemble those commonly thrown out by rock stars and counter-culture hipster types.