By: Sorcha
10, 2011

According to this report
the “Occupy
Wall Street” protests that began in New York City nearly a month ago have
now spread to at least 25 other US cities and
show no sign of abating any time soon.
The Ministry further
warns that these protests in New York City began at a private park named
Zuccotti which is owned by a company that received nearly $200 million from
the Obama regime and brings into question just who is exactly financing this “peoples revolt,” which looks from the
outside very similar to a class warfare-type action that began both the French
and Russian revolutions.
Though Obama last week commented positively about
these growing protests this Ministry report warns that one should not forget
that he has received more money from Wall Street bankers than any
other American politician over the past 20 years,
including former President George W. Bush.
The “real reason” for the Obama’s regime backing of these protests, the
Ministry warns, is their knowing that the entire Global Economic System is
nearing an historic crash, and that IMF advisor Robert Shapiro warned last
week was perhaps just 2-3 weeks away.

And to exactly how dire
the situation is for these Americans one need only know that as of 1 January
2011 their Baby Boom Generation began to hit their retirement age that will see
more than 10,000 of them being put onto the US
government retirement and government medical roles every single day for the
next 19 years at a cost even the whole world’s economy could not pay for.
In order to keep the
United States from total outright collapse Obama has added more debt to America
than all US Presidents combined from
George Washington through George H.W. Bush to the crushing level of $4 billion a day being added onto the
backs of the already debt crushed American people.
And so debt crushed have
these American people become that fully 48.5% of them live in a
household that receives some form of government benefits, one-third of them would not be
able to pay their rent or mortgage payment if they lost their job, and half of
them live on $505 or less per week.
Unlike their ancestors
who lived through similar great global economic and social upheavals, the
American people of today have no idea that what is now occurring happens on “regular as clockwork” schedule of every
30-40 years, and has throughout all of recorded human history.

Prior to the “Nixon Shock” was the 1944 Bretton Woods System enacted
in the aftermath of the global economic upheaval of the Great Depression and
World War II which cost an estimated 150 million lives world-wide.
Most important to know
about these “once in a lifetime”
global economic upheavals are that even if the ones in the past are forgotten
about by the masses they are most
certainly not by the elites who use their knowledge of the past in an
attempt to control what the future will be.
To the “new” global economic system that was
planned to replace the current one once it was destroyed is no secret as these
elites have been planning this transition for decades and named it the New
International Economic Order (NIEO). However, since NIEO was first proposed in the
1970’s the nations of the world were unable to agree on how to implement it
thus leading to the chaos we have today.
Interesting to note is
that the ancient Jewish-Christian text called the Old Testament (or Torah)
provided to humanity the only proven method to avoid the 30-50 cycle of
repeated economic collapses and as stated in The Book of Deuteronomy chapter 15
verse 1,
This biblical precept was
codified in the United States upon its founding and enabled any American to
have his debts absolved every seven years through a process known as
bankruptcy, but which over the past 50 years has been corrupted from its
original intent to keep these people from becoming “debt slaves” and has, instead, been portrayed to these idiots as
being morally wrong by their political, banking and corporate overlords.
Because the United States
has become a nation of idiots instead of freemen they are, likewise, completely
blind to the monstrosity of the country they are helping to create wherein from
the time they are born, to the time they are told to die, these people will
live in an Orwellian World devoid of any meaning and
subject to the most brutal methods of control ever designed by an elite class
to control the masses.

And though the Russian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs is warning its citizens about traveling to the
United States perhaps the ones who should heed it the most are the people
living there.
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