By Noor al Haqiqa
Snippits and Snappits
October 19, 2011
(This image is actually from a vegetarian demonstration somewhere in Austria.)
Whenever a taboo is broken,
something good happens,
something vitalizing.
~ Henry Miller
No more pokes and nasty commentaries about Chinese cuisine and
how horrid it is that they dine on fetus of unwanted female children.
America, the damned,
has come up with something just as nauseating in the name of haute cuisine ~ a
restaurant that specializes in the serving of human flesh, described on their
site as “specialty meats”.
Specializing in the preparation of human meat, the Cannibal Club in
Los Angeles brings "the cutting edge of experimental cuisine" to the "refined
palates of L.A.’s cultural elite". Their master chefs hail from around the world
and are grateful for the opportunity to practice their craft "free of compromise
and unbounded by convention."
The restaurant’s exclusive clientele includes noted filmmakers,
intellectuals, and celebrities who have “embraced the Enlightenment ideals of
free expression and rationalism.” On event nights, avant-garde performance
artists, celebrated literary figures, and ground-breaking musicians entertain guests.

To be quite honest, only the most bizarre and depraved could consider
this entertainment; her constant ear-shattering screaming is unnerving to say
the least. Certainly it is no less bizarre than the menu and equally satanic as a form of "artistic expression".
Galas, trained in
the Wagner school of opera (VERY big with the Nazis and the Victorian Isis
cults of the last century) calls her work “a
very very ancient form of Satanism”. Quite appropriate for such surroundings I
would think.
with visiting cooks from around the world, Chef de Cuisine Sophie Laffite
regularly updates our menu with new and daring culinary experiments.
The meat served
is selected from the young and healthy.
"Young and healthy". The mind boggles when one considers the ramifications here. They insist it is legally or ethically come by but how can something so unethical possibly come from ethical origins? Are they ambulance chasers perhaps? Do they serve those raised as slaves in various satanic cults? The questions run all over the board of possibilities. Certainly there is a definite satanic connection, considering the heavy Satanic influence wielded in the entertainment business. This possibility cannot be ignored.
"Young and healthy". The mind boggles when one considers the ramifications here. They insist it is legally or ethically come by but how can something so unethical possibly come from ethical origins? Are they ambulance chasers perhaps? Do they serve those raised as slaves in various satanic cults? The questions run all over the board of possibilities. Certainly there is a definite satanic connection, considering the heavy Satanic influence wielded in the entertainment business. This possibility cannot be ignored.
Consistent with the practice of
cannibalism in many primitive societies, the people who run this establishment view
anthropophagy as homage to the dead, who are reborn into the bodies of their
consumers. The owners, by the way, are young, very beautiful, oh-so-very hip in appearance, and trained in the highest of epicurean circles, having cooked for heads of state such as France's Mitterand.
“Each dish, therefore, is a study in
taste and elegance.”
Due to ease of procurement, one of
the menu staples is Placenta Lasagna, described as “an otherwise traditional
lasagna with one layer of cheese substituted by minced placenta in heirloom
tomato sauce, seasoned with garlic, onion and oregano.” Abortion clinics and hospitals serve as sources of "product" perhaps?
One can only guess the contents of
the homey sounding Mrs. Lovett's Meat Pies. A delectable pot pie in a genuine
puff pastry crust with locally-grown vegetables and tender strips of meat.”
Human flesh, the chefs gush, when
prepared by them tastes unbelievable. Of
the meats you are likely to find in stores, pork is the closest match.
As to sources of their meats, their “avenues
of procurement vary.”
Most of the businesses and
institutions who supply their produce prefer to keep their business dealings relationships
discrete. On the individual level, bodies are often bequeathed to the
Some of their clientele believe this
is a way to supplement life insurance and offset funerary expenses.
For others,
such as deceased Cannibal Club member Gwendoline Fenwich, who was served to her
friends and relatives at the Club in January of 2008, being prepared as a meal,
and thereby reborn into the bodies of the living, was considered to be “an
attractive alternative to the more traditional practices of burial or
The restaurant insists that they take care to ensure that all of
their meat is produced legally and ethically, and derived only from young,
healthy bodies.
They insist, with some correctness
in older more primitive cultures, that cannibalism, as traditionally practiced,
usually showed respect to the deceased, who is desired to be reborn into the
living, or offered as a worthy sacrifice to some deity.
They state that:
It is never our practice to debase or objectify human life. Arguments against cannibalism are typically grounded in ignorance, cultural prejudice, and nonsensical spiritual beliefs.
In other words, if you are not a cannibal or object to this sort of dietary fare, you are ignorant, prejudiced and laden down with old-fashioned religion such as perhaps, "fear of God". How very very elite an outlook of these creatures! This is just the sort of decadence you can see appealing to the Elite. It is not enough that they consume human beings financially and spiritually, but now they lay claim to their bodies as well?
When it comes to health issues of eating human flesh they say
that diseases of the nervous system, such as kuru, are associated with the
consumption of brain tissue, which is not part of their menu.
After all this, the Cannibal Club, insists they “celebrate
artistic excellence as the natural and inevitable expression of the unbridled
human spirit.”
I don’t quite understand quite what that means. Having loved
real art for almost all of my life, I cannot find anything too expressive about
the consumption of human flesh. Call me ungroovy or unhip, but when it comes to
this, just don’t call me for dinner.
will avoid even touching the topic of Cabalist Talmudism and blood
rituals. There is enough here already to put off one's digestion for a
ReplyDeleteIt's about time.. I usually just go hunting every summer with a shotgun, come back with a couple tourists and feast with my crew.
ReplyDeleteI had some of the "Tri-tip" b4. a little too raw but bloody tasty. Chef Alexander was the guest presenter. Next to our table, they brought out a lovely 5'4", female deep fried to perfection. They called it their "specialty fried selection." I asked the patrons if I could try a bite...oh man it was delectable. Sweet, buttery and plenty of juicy flavor. Much better than BBQ pork. Do yourself a favor and get yourself to this fine restaurant!