This is a long read, dear Readers. Long, twisted, confusing, I found. There are things I found issue with. However, to most of us in the West, there are also a lot of answers to be found. The only problem I have, as I do with so many writings about the Jews and the Jews / Zionist problem is that the Jews have been booted out of countries almost 100 times over history and there is very good reason for this. Conniving has been part of the Judaic culture for a very very long time. This aspect is what I consider to be an omission in the following.
However, the creation of Zionism to bring about the creation of Israel is, it seems, very tied in with the old British aristocracy and goes back quite a few generations. Some familiar names are included, Chamberlain, Disraeli, Herzl, Churchill, Rhodes, and so on. The one constant weaving through it all, of course, are the bankers especially the Rothschilds.
By Mark Burdman
Rev A - See Notes
There is one man who can properly be regarded as the father of Zionism and
Nazism: Benjamin Disraeli.
To omit Disraeli from a central place in the 19th century development of
Zionism, agent historian Barbara Tuchman once said, "would be as absurd as
to leave the ghost out of Hamlet." As prime minister under Victoria in the
1870s, Disraeli was the overseer of Britain's imperial design to secure a
"homeland" for Jews as a British outpost in the Middle East, and a
secret document authored by Disraeli became the manifesto for early Zionism in
Europe. That much is admitted on the public record.
What's hidden are Disraeli's motivations. In the 40 novels he also
authored, Disraeli called for an Aryan-Semitic alliance to form an organized
superior "Caucasian race" that was destined to rule the world with
British power and the Hebrew-centered "sacred mysteries of the East."
This was the counter-cult to the rising demand for industrialization and
progress throughout Europe, the United States, and the Arab world.
As we shall show, Nazism and Zionism were the hideous twin offspring of the same Anglican racist mother.

Early in his political literary career, Disraeli made two important
connections. The first was to the up-and-coming Rothschild family. The most
notable Hofjuden ("Court Jew") family of Britain patronized
Disraeli's activities and Disraeli wrote in a letter,
"I have always been of the opinion that there cannot be too many Rothschilds."
Secondly, he was introduced to Edward Bulwer- Lytton, an arch-priest of the
Isis cult in Britain. Bulwer- Lytton was the author of the Last Days of
Pompeii which promulgated the Isis cult and the novel Rienzi. The
latter supplied the story for one of Wagner's first operas which became another
manifesto of Nazism. Bulwer- Lytton and his son were both to serve as Colonial
and India Office secretaries during the mid-nineteenth century. Bulwer-Lytton's
novels became the seminal tracts for a whole variety of cults devoted to
spreading the cult of Isis directly or in other guises.

There was one aim behind all these cults: the formation of ritual worship cults for the creation of terrorists, environmentalists, anarchists, and other zombified enemies of progress that could be deployed against whatever obstacle stood in the way of Britain's imperial designs.
Disraeli's own initiation into the Isis cult came with an early 1830s trip
to the countries of the Mediterranean, a trip that took him to Malta, the home
base of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, Greece, Egypt, and Palestine, the
latter two for extended stays. In Greece, the future prime minister expounded
on the theme of the "Oriental background of Hellenistic civilization. '
According to Disraeli, "in art the Greeks were the children of the
Egyptians, ' the originators of Isis.
The trip provided Disraeli with his
hallucinatory raw material for his "cabalistic" 1830s-1840s novels,
which according to one of their Rothschild-modeled characters, Sindonia, were
aimed at "penetrating the great Asian mystery." Upon his return from
the Near East, Disraeli set to work on writing Alroy, his first call for
a return to Palestine.
The first British cries for a return to Palestine were sounded when
Napoleon conquered Egypt. In entering Egypt with the idea of creating a modern
nation in this country that had fallen to the rule of the homosexual Mamluks,
Napoleon was carrying out the Grand Design of the great 17th century humanist
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.
That Grand Design, the design of humanist republicans in the United States, France and elsewhere, called for industrializing Asia, the Near East, and Africa ~ the Third World ~ as a means of advancing the process of industrialization of Europe and America.
Leibniz's special project for conquering Egypt to open the Mediterranean as
a trade route for a France-centered European trade drive was co-opted in full
by Napoleon in the 1790s. When Napoleon's troops landed in Egypt, the British
press shrieked in. loud headlines: "Napoleon: Plagiarist of Leibniz."
Upon arriving in the Near East, Bible in one hand, Koran in the other, Napoleon made an appeal for an ecumenical alliance of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism to bring the Near East under the hegemony of republican forces in Europe.Within this ecumenical framework, Napoleon called for the return of Jews to Palestine as a crucial input for the development of the entire region.
Upon routing Napoleon from Egypt, the British moved quickly to subvert the
potential the project had represented.
First, through agents like explorer and profiler Richard Burton, the British Foreign Office set about infiltrating Islam with overlays of Isis cult mythology through Sufism and other cults.Secondly, Zionism emerged as a fundamental tool to secure British imperial designs.
In the first decade of the 19th century, a few ideologues pushed for the
Palestine return perspective as an anti-French weapon; not until the 1830's did
leading British policy makers, however, turn Zionism into a live operation, and
the search began for Jews who could be duped, coerced, or threatened into
allying with the scheme.
Except for a few Hassidic elements in Eastern Europe, Zionism had little
attraction for Jews.
Western European and American Jews were celebrating the recently won
achievements of emancipations brought with the Napoleonic Code to Europe and
Eastern European Jews in Poland, Russia, and elsewhere eagerly awaited the
process of industrialization and de-ghettoization of their countries.
And for every one or two who trekked off to Palestine to worship the land of Mother Zion, tens of thousands of Jews migrated to the "Promised Land" ~ the United States.
The first important impetus for Zionism from Britain came with the
formation of an "Evangelical Revival." Its best-known preacher came
from the highest ranks of the British aristocracy: Anthony Ashley Cooper, the
seventh Earl of Shaftesbury.
The revival was the promotion of an anti-Vatican, anti-French "Anglican Israel" movement which called for the restoration of British-sponsored Jews to a "homeland" in Palestine.
Shaftesbury sounded the trumpet for a "Second Advent" of the
Messiah. Calling for a "return to Hebraism," the Anglican Earl molded
the Old Testament doctrines into a weapon against the humanist hopes of
Europe's Jews and against "continental rationalism and revolution."
In one telling outburst on this theme, Shaftesbury attacked science as
"Revelation is addressed to the heart and not to the intellect. God cares little comparatively for man's intellect. He cares greatly for man's heart. Two mites of faith and love are of infinitely higher value to Him than a whole treasury of thought and knowledge. Satan reigns in the intellect; God in the heart of man."
By the 1820s, Shaftesbury's irrationalists were compiling a monthly
periodical entitled "Jewish Intelligence," under whose auspices
missionaries were sent to Eastern Europe to proselytize for the Anglican
"return to Israel" doctrine to Jews.
As a result of this mission, Shaftesbury was to write in late 1838 of a
"resurgence of feeling" among Jews in Russia and Poland that the
moment "for the turning of their captivity was nigh at hand." He
described images of Jews:
"Once they felt the soil of Palestine beneath their feet ... again becoming agriculturists“; and of Jews' willingness, by nature, to "implicitly obey...the existing form of government." (Emphasis added)
For this racist claptrap, Shaftesbury has been called a
"Zionist-before-the-fact," and during the 19th century membership in
his Jews' Society (or the London Society for Promoting Christianity Among the
Jews) was occasionally cited as proof of insanity before a Lunacy Commission
established in London.
But exactly such insanity became a centerpiece of British Near East
strategy during the 1838-40 period, under the aegis of Shaftesbury in-law,
British Foreign Secretary Lord Palmerston, the same Lord Palmerston who was
overseeing the establishment of Scottish Rite freemasonry cults across the
Palmerston's turn toward Zionism as a useful tool was again the result of a renewed threat of an Egyptian-French alliance.

The Egyptian ruler was threatening to catalyze a "bonapartist"
momentum throughout the Islamic world which would reverse centuries of
stagnation and would jeopardize two centuries of British East India
Company-Levant Company control of the region.
To "check any...evil designs of Mohammed Ali or his successor,"
Palmerston was by 1838 quite ready to set in motion the proposals of
Shaftesbury and several other Church of England and Church of Scotland
officials for a Jewish Palestine. In 1839, a Foreign Office outlet, the London
Globe, ran a series of articles envisaging the mass settlement of Jews in the
context of the establishment of an independent state in Syria and Palestine ~
without, of course, there being any Jews to enlist in such a mission.
This fact did not stop Palmerston from exclaiming in an August 1840
"There exists at the present time among the Jews dispersed over Europe, a strong notion that the time is approaching when their nation is to return to Palestine."
Palmerston "strongly recommended":
“that the Turkish Sultan be persuaded to hold out every just encouragement to the Jews of Europe to return to Palestine."
During the same month, the Times of London reported on a scheme to
"plant the Jewish people in the land of their fathers." The Times
praised Lord Shaftesbury's "practical and statesmanlike" efforts to
this end. According to the article, Shaftesbury was in the process of
"canvassing ... Jewish opinion" to see how both masses of Jews and
rich Jews "felt about a return to the Holy Land," and to see
"how soon they would be ready to go back."
In preparation for this new exodus, Shaftesbury appointed an "Anglican
bishopric" in Jerusalem to be overseen by a converted Jew, "an
Israelite belonging to the Church of England." This Reverend Alexander was
also a professor of Hebrew and Arabic at the King's College.
.The Zionist project, however, would have remained a harebrained scheme of Shaftesbury and his brother-in-law had it not been for the "in field" operations of Charles Henry Churchill, the progenitor of the British warmongering tradition of Lawrence of Arabia and Henry Kissinger.
Churchill was in the British army that defeated Mohammed Ali in 1840 and
was one of the intelligence officers assigned in the late 1830s to foment
anti-French tribal uprisings against the French and pro-French Maronite
Christians in Mount Lebanon. Working primarily among the Druze tribes,
Churchill was responsible for instigating bloodbaths in the regions matched
only by the Lebanese civil war set off by Kissinger in 1975.
A deliberate consequence of Churchill's tribal provocations was an
environment of terror and tension throughout the Levant area. In an incident
that gained international publicity, a Jew was accused of committing ritual
murder involving the death of a friar in Damascus.
The facts surrounding the case have never come to light, but it was the British that gained by playing both sides in the international uproar.
First, the prosecution of the Jew in question gave a new impetus to Shaftesbury propaganda about the "protestant duty toward Jews," and the call to bring in Jews to the region for an anti-French, anti-Vatican crusade.Secondly, the incident gave a sudden shot in the arm to "Jewish nationalism" as press coverage induced a wave of paranoia throughout the world's Jewish communities. Hofjuden Moses Montefiore, the first Jew to become a member of Queen Victoria's Most Venerable Order of the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem, made a much-publicized investigatory trip to the Levant accompanied by several continental European Jewish leaders.
Within Damascus, Churchill pleaded with the city's Jews to remember:
First, that "England was the most constant and loyal friend of the Jews";Second, that Palestine was still "echoing with the songs of the Daughters of Zion";Third, that hopes were growing that "the hour of liberation of Israel was approaching."
Churchill's speech was called the "first public Zionist
manifestation." Then, on June 14, 1841, Churchill wrote the following
astounding letter to Montefiore:
I cannot conceal from you my most anxious desire to see your countrymen endeavor once more to resume their existence as a people. I consider the object to be perfectly obtainable. But two things are indispensably necessary.Firstly, that the Jews will themselves take up the matter universally and unanimously.Secondly, that the European Powers will aid them in their views.It is for the Jews to make a commencement. Let the principal persons of their community place themselves at the head of the movement. Let them meet, concert, and petition.In fact, the agitation must be simultaneous throughout Europe The result would be that you would conjure up a new element in Eastern diplomacy ~ an element which under such auspices as those of the wealthy and influential members of the Jewish community could not fail only of attracting great attention and of exciting extraordinary interest, but also of producing great events.
Continuing that "these countries must be rescued from the grasp of
ignorant and fanatical rulers," Churchill "predicted" the
imminent collapse of the Ottoman Empire and swore that "progress"
could never be achieved "under the blundering and decrepit despotism of
the Tucks of the Egyptians."
Churchill went on:
What a great advantage it would be, how indispensably necessary, when at length the Eastern Question comes to be argued and debated with this new ray of light thrown around it, for the Jews to be ready and prepared to say,'Behold us here all waiting, burning to return to that land which you seek to remold and regenerate. Already we feel ourselves a people. The sentiment has gone forth amongst us and has been agitated and has become to us a second nature; that Palestine demands back again her sons ~ I say it is for the Jews to be ready against such a crisis in diplomacy.
Emphasizing that "the hour is nigh at hand when the Jewish people may
justly and with every reasonable prospect put their hands to the glorious work
of National Regeneration," Churchill concluded with a personal appeal to
Montefiore as the "most likely to take the head in such a glorious struggle
for national existence."
With the exception of Montefiore, who was already running colonization
projects into Palestine, and a handful of others, however, Churchill's words
met with no response. Forced to tone down his insistence on the creation of a
"Jewish Kingdom,'' Churchill undauntedly wrote in 1842,
"I trust every effort will be made by the Jews to accomplish the means of living amidst those scenes rendered sacred by ancient recollection and which they regard with filial affection. Only the dread of insecurity of life and property has hitherto been a bar to the accomplishment of their natural desire."
To encourage this "natural desire," Churchill appealed for a
mission of high-level Jewish personalities to go to Eastern Europe to
"endeavor to ascertain the feelings and wishes of the Jews in the rest of
Europe on a question so interesting and important" as the
"prospective regeneration" of "their country."
Several years later, in his 1853 book Mount Lebanon, Churchill
echoed Disraeli's excitement over a prospective:
"British-Eastern" quasi-mystical alliance: 'This East, which may yet become the seat and centre of the Universal Reign! ~ it also has claims on England's watchful vigilance and sympathizing care and already invokes her guardian Aegis.... It must be clear to every English mind, that if England's Oriental supremacy is to be upheld, Syria and Egypt must be made to fall more or less under her sway of influence."
Churchill's scenario was put "on hold" until the Balfour Declaration
of 1917, following the dismantlement of the Ottoman Empire during World War I.
Nevertheless, pseudo-mystical and imperial propaganda for "Jewish
restoration" kept coming forth from London throughout the 1840s and 1850s
under such noteworthy titles as "An Appeal in Behalf of the Jewish Nation,
in Connection with British Policy in the Levant"; "India and
Palestine: Or the Restoration of the Jews Viewed in Relation to the Nearest
Route to India"; and "A Statement to the Queen, the Parliament and
the People of England, in Favor of the Restoration of the Jews."
Most of these documents were produced by the British and Foreign Society
for Promoting the Restoration of the Jewish Nation to Palestine. Such pressure
continued through the 1850s, including periodic interventions by Shaftesbury
and one appeal by a British consul in Jerusalem to "persuade Jews in a
large body to settle here as agriculturists." However, little concretely
was done until the mid-1870s.
At that point, the defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian War afforded the
British some maneuvering room. In that decade, the British sent South African
Lawrence Oliphant to conduct a feasibility study for settlement in Palestine.
His report back stated that a Jewish state in Palestine would ensure the
"political and economic penetration of Palestine by Britain."
Oliphant's efforts won an official endorsement by the British government of
a Jewish state-settlement scheme in Jordan. The British government intervened
in European continental affairs to obtain a "charter of rights for the
Jews of southeastern Europe," particularly Romania.
The head of that British government was Benjamin Disraeli.
In 1877, the British Prime Minister wrote a blueprint for a Zionist state in Palestine under British rule; the document was published anonymously and put into circulation in Vienna.

To the ordinary layman, Disraeli's
some 40 novels of the 1832-47 period must appear as a rambling stream of
inchoate fantasy. They are in fact political documents in coded form for
communication to the set of cultists around high priest Edward Bulwer-Lytton.
They are as important as the 1877 blueprint in defining the Universal Reign of
which the return to Palestine was but a part.
In the novel Alroy, in which
Disraeli constructed his "supernatural machinery," Alroy's mentor
"You ask me what I wish. My answer is a national existence, which we have not. You ask me what I wish: my answer is Jerusalem. You ask me what I wish: my answer is, the Temple, all we have forfeited, all we have yearned after, all we have fought for, our beauteous country, our holy creed, our simple manners, and our ancient customs."
This and like passages have been
interpreted by several Disraeli biographers as an autobiographical expression
of his "pride of race." Later Disraeli made clear the geopolitical
direction of his pride:
England, unlike France, "despite her deficient and meagre theology, has always remembered Zion."
England, is not, however, deficient
in cultism. In a later "eastern" novel, Tancred, Disraeli
writes about a malcontent duke's son whose affection for "the East"
is given shape by Sidonia, the fictional Lionel Rothschild. Sidonia tells the
hero: "It appears to me that what you want is to penetrate the great Asian
What follows is an elaboration of
the cult of Isis in Zionist garb. Tancred goes through a series of dreamlike hallucinations
with the suggestively named Eva while he is in Jerusalem. The daughter of a
Jewish banker, Eva is the Jewish mother-cult figure. She repeats a single theme
to Tancred: the centricity for world-religion of the Jewish mother of Christ.
"I am of the same blood of Mary whom you venerate, but do not adore.... The Mother of God."
Once the Mary-Eva figure is made
central (as expressed in a later Disraeli work, "a Jewess is the Queen of
Heaven"), Disraeli proceeds to explain the literal Hebraic origins of
In this, he denigrates the New
Testament supersession of the Old Testament with the New Dispensation or the
Judaic recognition of a New Dispensation.
He denies the Christ's
divine-in-human nature, the basis upon which Neoplatonic Christianity
celebrates man's process of self-perfection.
But opposition to perfectibility ~
to human progress ~ is exactly what Disraeli attempts to promulgate through his
Eva-Mary mother-cult. Tancred pleads with Eva for "her race" to
"send forth a great thought" that would "breathe a new spirit
into the whole scope" of "unhappy Europe."
But she moans in response:
"No, no, it is impossible. Europe is too proud, with its new command over nature, to listen even to prophets. Leveling mountains, riding without horses, sailing without winds, how can these men believe that there is any power, human or divine, superior to themselves?"
Tancred humbly answers,
"Europe is not happy. Amid its false excitement, its bustling invention, and its endless toil, a profound melancholy broods over its spirit and gnaws at its heart. In vain they baptize their tumult by the name of progress; the whisper of a demon is ever asking them,'Progress, from whence to what?’“Europe, that quarter of the globe to which God has never spoken, Europe is without consolation."
Some flat-nosed Frank, full of
bustle and puffed up with self-conceit (a race spawned perhaps in the morasses
of some northern forest hardly yet cleared) talks of Progress!
Progress to what, and from where?
Amid empires shriveled into deserts,
and the wrecks of great cities, a single column or obelisk of which import for
the prime ornament of their mud-built capitals, amid arts forgotten, commerce
annihilated, fragmentary literatures, and populations destroyed, the European
talks of progress, because by an ingenious application of some scientific
requirements, he has established a society which has mistaken comfort and
To destroy Europe, Britain needs control
over the Near East-Asian land mass, and the spawning of cults of
backwardness throughout the Islamic-Arab world. In Tancred, a Lebanese
ruler invites "the Queen" to take over India and Egypt ~ exactly the
two vital strategic areas that Disraeli consolidated during his premiership:
"Let the Queen of the English collect a fleet ... transfer the seat of her empire from London to Delhi.... We will acknowledge the Empress of India as our Sovereign and secure for her the Levantine coast. She shall have Alexandria as she now has Malta."
Simultaneously, "a great
religious truth on the Persian and Mesopotamian plane" could be used to
"revivify Asia. It must spread. Asia revivified would act upon Europe. The
greater part of Europe is as dead as Asia."
In succeeding novels, Disraeli
divulges the secret of his Universal Reign. Race ~ not progress ~ is the basis
of human civilization, and the "Semitic" and "Aryan"
components of the Caucasian race are superior over other and "mixed"
In one novel, Disraeli states:
'Progress and reaction are but words to mystify the millions. They mean nothing, they are nothing, and they are phrases and not facts. All is race. In the structure, the decay, and the development of the various families of man, the vicissitudes of history find their main solution.''
Says Sidonia (Rothschild):
"All is race, there is no other truth."
In the late novel Endymion, Sidonia
appears again, and identifies five racial "varieties": Caucasian,
Mongolian, American, Ethiopian, and Malayan. The Caucasian is subdivided into
Aryans (in turn subdivided into English and Greeks) and the Semites, comprising
the Arabs, of which the Jews are the "finest embodiment."
"The Hebrew," Sidonia exclaims, "is an unmixed race.... The Mosaic Arabs are the most ancient, if not the only, unmixed blood that dwells in cities. An unmixed race of a first-rate organization are the aristocracy of nature. Such excellence is a positive fact ... perceptible in its physical advantages, and in the vigor of its unsullied idiosyncrasy."
That is, the "superiority"
of the "Jewish race." Speaking of the Jews in one nonfiction work,
Disraeli claims:
"It is in vain to attempt to baffle the inexorable laws of nature which have decreed that a superior race shall never be destroyed or absorbed by an inferior."
Again, Sidonia says in the 1844
novel Coningsby:
"The fact is that you cannot destroy a pure race of the Caucasian organization. It is a physiological fact; a simple law of nature No penal laws, no physical tortures, can affect that a superior race should be absorbed in an inferior, or be destroyed by it. The mixed persecuting races disappear; the pure persecuted race remains."
Sidonia's attitude is elaborated in Endymion:
"To the unpolluted current of
their Caucasian structure, and to the segregating genius of their great
Lawgiver, Sidonia ascribed the fact that they had not been long ago absorbed
among those mixed races, who presume to persecute them, but who periodically wear
away and disappear, while their victims still flourish in all the primeval
vigor of the pure Asian breed."
Disraeli conjures up the myth of
"Jewish world power" ~ in a manner hardly matched by the most acute
anti-Semites on the Anti-Defamation League's payroll. The nature of actual British-Hofjuden
influence over finance and diplomacy is obscured by identifying the power base
as "the Jews," or "the Semites."
In Endymion, Disraeli writes:
“The Semites now exercise a vast influence over affairs by their smallest though most peculiar family, the Jews.There is no race gifted with so much tenacity, such skill in organization. These skills have given them an unprecedented hold over property and illimitable credit.As you advance in life and get experience in affairs, the Jews will cross you everywhere. They have been stealing into our secret diplomacy, which they have almost appropriated; in another quarter of a century, they will claim the share of open government.
Sidonia lectures Coningsby on the
"vast influence on the affairs of Europe" exercised by "the
Jewish mind."
Making such statements as "the first Jesuits were Jews," Sidonia proceeds to describe this "vast influence,'' weaving a web of his "Jewish contacts" in positions of power all across Europe, and concluding:"So you see ... the world is governed by very different personages to what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.''
These "personages,"
Sidonia affirms, all come from the "pure races of Caucasus," who will
prevail over "some mongrel breed.''
The next, inevitable step is to
formalize the Semitic race ~ Anglo-Saxon alliance as the superior "pure
Caucasian race" to dominate the globe. "Vast as the obligations of
the whole human family are to the Hebrew race,'' Disraeli is quoted by one of
his biographers, "there is no portion of the modern population so much
indebted to them as the British people."
In a public speech, Disraeli stated:
The Jews represent the Semitic principle; all that is spiritual in our nature They are a living and the most striking evidence of the falsity of that pernicious doctrine of modern times, the natural equality of manThe natural equality of man now in vogue, and taking the form of cosmopolitan fraternity, is a principle which, were it possible to act on it, would deteriorate the great races and destroy all the genius of the world.What would be the consequence on the great Anglo-Saxon republic, for example, were it citizens to secede from their negro and coloured populations? The native tendency of the Jewish race, who are justly proud of their blood, is against the doctrine of the equality of man.
Finally, in his 1870 novel Lothair,
the first Zionist comes full circle to Nazism, speaking through an Aryan
race anti-Semitic ideologue. Named after the Greek sun god Phoebus, the
character exclaims,
"Welcome to an Aryan clime, an Aryan landscape, and an Aryan race. It will do you good after your Semitic hallucinations.... Nothing can be done until the Aryan races are extricated from Semitism."
Citing these and like passages,
Disraeli biographer Cecil Roth, a leading British Zionist himself, was forced
to conclude:
"Disraeli's concept of 'race' was as unsound scientifically and historically as that of the Nazis Moreover, the support of his reputation helped to give respectability to the preposterous racial principle and to establish it as a serious doctrine on the Continent. Disraeli was among the spiritual ancestors of the Nazi brand of anti-Semitism in our own day." (Emphasis added)
In 1862, the future British King
Edward VII, then the Prince of Wales, made a well-publicized tour of the Holy
Land, the first English crown claimant to do so in nearly 600 years. The
impetus for the trip was the establishment that year of protectorate by France
over Lebanon-Syria's Christian population after a bloody massacre of pro-French
Maronites in 1860.
Expressing the mood in London at
this proposition, British Foreign Secretary Lord John Russell blustered:
"We do not want to create a new
Papal state in the East and to give France a new pretext for indefinite
occupation," and to this end, the Prince of Wales had been dispatched to the
Holy Land.
But the prince's trip had a broader
For the first time the British crown itself openly adopted Zionism as its policy. No longer simply the obsession of the inner cult elites like Shaftesbury, Disraeli, and Bulwer-Lytton, Zionism, beginning with the trip by Edward, became an open option for which the British oligarchy collectively began to organize.
1862 also marked the year that
renegade socialist Moses Hess in Germany authored his book Rome and
Jerusalem, becoming the first continental Jew of prominence to declare that
"the hour had struck" for the return of "the Jewish race"
to Palestine. Hess proposed the founding of a Zionist state in Palestine along
with the founding of an Italian state in southern Italy to be run by Mazzini's
"Young Italy" organization.
On his trip Prince Edward was
surrounded by an entourage of Zionist propagandists gleaned from the dens of
Oxford and Cambridge. His guide was Oxford church historian Dean Stanley, the
author of Sinai and Palestine and The History of the Jewish Church, both
emphasizing the "Jewish roots of Christianity." Stanley was only one
of a gaggle of "scholars" whose intended purpose was to turn
Disraeli's mad utterings about the foundations of Christianity in his novels
into the hegemonic doctrines of Britain's most prestigious scholarly
At Oxford, Stanley worked with
Benjamin Jowett, the fraudulent translator of Plato, who during the 1850s and
1860s used his post at Oxford to spread the idea that the Jewish prophets ~
many of whom were known by Jowett to be agents of the Babylonian oligarchy ~
were the "schoolmasters of the ages'' and those to whom "our age owed
its moral feelings."
Others of the early 1860s elite at
Oxford included Edward Pusey, the leader of the so-called Oxford Movement,
which also included the Jesuit heretic Cardinal John Henry Newman. Pusey was
Oxford's Regius Professor of Hebrew, from which chair he "gave nine
lectures a week to teach divinity students a full idiomatic knowledge of the
language of the Old Testament for the better understanding of God's word."
Then there was Matthew Arnold, a Professor of Poetry, who lent his name to the doctrine that Christianity was only "modified Hebraism."The intent of such studies was not to spread God's word, but to collapse both Christianity and Judaism into the paganism of the religion of the British oligarchs, the cult of Isis, and then resell the product as Zionism.
Three years after Prince Edward's
trip to the Holy Land, the British Foreign Office began preparing Palestine for
In 1865 the Palestine Exploration Fund was founded with funding mainly from Oxford and Cambridge Universities and the Grand Lodge of Freemasons.
The Fund's task was to "recover
the real past and the real people of the Book" and carry out a
comprehensive study of all relevant aspects of the historical territory of
The Fund emerged in large part from
a pilot project called the Jerusalem Literary Society, which had been set up in
the 1850s by the circle congregated around the British Consul in Jerusalem,
James Finn.
In 1857, Finn had sent a dispatch to the British Foreign Office detailing a scheme "to persuade Jews in a large body to settle here as agriculturists on the soil.''To this end, he threw strong support behind a wholly "Christian" organization entitled the Society for the Promotion of Jewish Agricultural Labor in the Holy Land.
The Literary Society focused on the
exploration of all sorts of "antiquities'' and ran various archaeological
digs. It attracted scores of potential cult recruits and was patronized by the
Archbishop of Canterbury.
From 1865-76, the Palestine
Exploration Fund was the clearinghouse for Anglican Restoration-to-Palestine propaganda:
~The Fund worked with the British War Office to organize studies that would document the "inhabitability" of Palestine by demonstrating its "inhabitability" in the past and its current available resources. The head of these expeditions was Sir Charles Warren, who concluded in a work published in 1875 that Palestine "could again be the productive land it had been of old.'' Warren proposed that Palestine be developed by the East India Company with "the avowed intention of gradually introducing the Jews pure and simple (!) who would eventually occupy and govern the country" ~ a country which would achieve "a population of fifteen million."~A parallel study was conducted by Lieutenants Claude Conder and (the future Lord) Kitchener. The later author of such works as Judas Maccabeus and the Jewish War of Independence and The Hebrew Tragedy. Conder and the Palestine Exploration Fund laid out a comprehensive plan to make Palestine "habitable again" as it was before the Arab conquest had driven out the Byzantines. In 1882, Conder was chosen to guide another crown tour of the Holy Land, this time by the future George V, then Prince George.~The now-decrepit Lord Shaftesbury, one of the Fund's founders, became its president in 1875. As he was preparing to die with dignity, Shaftesbury pleaded for the Fund "to send out the best agents" to "prepare" Palestine "for the return of its ancient possessors ... for the time cannot be far off before that great event will come to pass." Then, right before doddering to his grave, Shaftesbury wrote in the Quarterly Review:Syria and Palestine will ere long become most important.The old time will come back ... the country wants capital and population. The Jew can give it both.And has not England a special interest in promoting such a restoration? ... She must preserve Syria to herself. Does not policy then ... exhort England to foster the nationality of the Jews and aid them, as opportunity may offer, to return as a leavening power to their old country?England is the great trading and maritime power of the world.To England, then, naturally belongs the role of favouring the settlement of the Jews in Palestine....The nationality of the Jew exists, the spirit is there and has been for three thousand years, but the external form, the crowning bond of union, is still wanting. A nation must have a country. The old land, the old people.
At the same time, a "Hebrew
language" revival was beginning among demoralized Jews, centered around
the literary publication Dawn (Ha-Shahar). Based in Vienna, this circle,
which issued all sorts of literary calls for "the rebirth of the Jewish
People in the land of its ancestors,'' spawned Hebrew-language revivalist sects
in eastern Europe and various Hebrew-language national circles that intermeshed
various other sect-language groups in Vienna around the turn of the 1880s.
According to high level Austrian
officials from that period, the leader of the Ha-Shahar group, Peretz
Smolenskin, was commissioned by the British embassy in Vienna to translate the
Disraeli-authored Jewish State blueprint in 1877.
The various 1860s-1870s Palestine
and Jewish Restoration cult operations were in fact predicates of two wider,
intersecting British oligarchical strategies.
First, the 1870s saw the emergence of several high-level coordinating agencies for international cult manufacture, in particular the Vril Society (founded in 1871) and the Theosophy Society (founded in 1875 and headquartered in Britain from the 1880s onward).The former was headed by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, the high priest of the Isis cult in Britain, and was the mother-cult for the later Thule Society and related groups which created Hitler and the Nazis.
The Theosophy group was a key mystic
movement which utilized the swastika as its organization symbol.
In combination, these two agencies
provided leading personnel for the 1880s Isis-Urania Temple of the Hermetic
Students of the Golden Dawn group, organized around Theosophy guru Madame
Blavatsky's Isis Unveiled and its call for British aristocrats to
organize themselves into a new Isis priesthood.
The Golden Dawn specialized in studies of Isis, the Cabala, and other "mystical arts," including witchcraft, under the aegis of head warlock Aleister Crowley.Crowley in turn was the mentor of LSD advocate Aldous Huxley, indicating how the Isis-Urania cult is the direct forebear of the creators of Jim Jones and other drug cults of today.
These cult-coordinating agencies
were the darker side of British imperial strategy and its concern with the
"Eastern Question."
Through the 1860-80 period, the
British Foreign Office was determined to undermine the rise of French power in
the Middle East, epitomized by France's construction of the Suez Canal.
At the same time, the British were
preparing to pounce on the cadaver of the Ottoman Empire, with various
ethnic-cult groups under their control to divide and conquer the entire
Balkan-Near East-India region.
The urgency of accomplishing these
aims grew with the defeat of the British-run Confederacy in the U.S. Civil War
and the continuing potential of a U.S.-Russia-France-Germany alliance opposed
to the British Empire and its policies.
The focal point of Britain's Near East designs was Egypt, not Palestine per se.
When the French had begun
construction of the Canal, then-Prime Minister Palmerston announced,
"I must tell you frankly that
what we are afraid of" is that "this Canal will put other nations on
an equal footing with us."
When Disraeli became Prime Minister in 1874, he maneuvered to have the London Rothschilds buy the Egyptian ruler's shares in the Canal for the British government.
Soon after, Disraeli and his Foreign Secretary Lord Salisbury (Robert Cecil) acquired Cyprus for Britain with the aim, according to a British historian, of "bringing Palestine and Syria within the orbit of British control" ~ an aim which Salisbury-Cecil referred to quite candidly in his private writings.
Disraeli and Salisbury reverted to
the policy approaches of Palmerston in the 1840s, and took several initiatives
toward activating the Oxford Movement Anglican "restoration of the Jews to
Palestine" cult. But they were hampered by other international strategic
considerations from launching their own "Balfour Declaration" forty
years early.
Among Disraeli and Salisbury's
Zionist-style initiatives were:
~ The 1877 authorship of the Jewish State blueprint published anonymously by Smolenskin at British request in Vienna and withheld from the 1878 Berlin Congress for immediate political reasons;
~ Support for a scheme of a South African mystic, Lawrence Oliphant, for a large-scale Jewish settlement project in the Palestine territory;
~ Development of a "charter of rights" for Jews in southeastern Europe, which gave the British Foreign Office free rein to intervene at will in the affairs of principalities in that region.
In this way, the Disraeli-Salisbury
Near East strategy smoothed the way for the Round Table group that ran British
policy from the early 1880s onward to promulgate the Balfour Declaration. The
extent of their preparations made the 1890s emergence of an actual organized
political-Zionist movement around Theodore Herzl almost anticlimactic.
The man who is officially known as the "spiritual father of the country" in Israel today is Theodore Herzl. Herzl, the prophet of political Zionism, went by the code-name "Tancred"; he ably personified the race-cult ideas of Disraeli and the Anglican "Jewish restorationists" of 19th century England.
Herzl was bred in Vienna, the
intellectual swamp of the decomposing Hapsburg Empire.
There the British intelligence service and allied House of Austria also recruited Adolf Hitler, for the Nazi variety of anti-Semitism.
Like Hitler, Herzl was an extreme neurotic, a Bohemian playwright, who hated Jews.
Laughed at, derided, denounced, and assured that he was insane by almost all Jews he came in contact with, Theodore Herzl was embraced by the racialist myth-makers of the British Empire, becoming a principal agent for their policy: a drive to "purify" the Aryan and Semitic "races" alike by ridding Europe of "the Jew."
No single fact reveals more of Herzl's character than his morbid idolization of Richard Wagner.
Wagner was a racist and a cultist,
who differed on few points from his Nazi-linked son-in-law, Houston Stewart
Chamberlain of the Chamberlain family.
Wagner's operatic themes, with their
"love-death" obsessions and race-cult mythologies, were often
directly provided to him by the high priests residing in Great Britain. His
1830s opera Rienzi, based on the story of a medieval Knight of the
Maltese Order, was lifted from the novel Rienzi by Edward Bulwer Lord
According to one account of late 19th century Vienna, it was at a performance of Wagner's Tannhauser in 1895 That "the truth of irrational Volkisch politics became clear to (Herzl) as in a flash of intuition."
The same "flash of intuition" blinded Adolf Hitler, by his own account, upon hearing Wagner's Rienzi.
"Only on those nights when no
Wagner was performed did I have any doubts about the correctness of my
idea," Herzl wrote in his diaries.
His biographer, Amos Elon, reveals
"For inspiration and to dispel occasional doubts, Herzl turned to Wagnerian music, especially Tannhauser. He was enraptured by the music of the great anti-Semite... Herzl faithfully attended every performance of Wagner at the Paris opera."
The first Zionist Congress opened
with the playing of parts of Tannhauser. Tannhauser was also a favorite
of the decadent occultists in Great Britain; the son of Lord Lytton wrote an
adaptation of it as a companion-piece to Madame Blavatsky's volume, Isis
It was hardly difficult for the
British to recruit Herzl. First, he was an Anglophile. He was also a believer
in all sorts of Germanic-Teutonic myths.
"An immensely rich Anglicized
Prussian nobleman was Herzl's hero-ideal," writes Elon. His earliest
writings were about knights, lords, and noble barons. In his diaries, he wrote,
"If there is one thing I should like to be, it is a member of the Old
Prussian nobility."
This expression of abject political
servility was inevitably accompanied by a savage tendency to sexual fantasizing
of a sodomist stamp.
In one diary entry, Herzl dubs his
penis the "ideal candidate for Knighthood," an image that merges with
obsessive sado-masochistic thoughts of death, suicide, melancholy, and
"the Apocalypse."
"Blond, clever-eyed little girl" reads another diary entry in which Herzl reveled in his passion for an eight-year old. 'Today I realized for the first time that it is possible to fall in love with a little girl."
Herzl's death at age 44 is in part
attributed by his biographers to his having contracted gonorrhea at age 20.
One biographer hints at the relevant personal background when he muses that, were it not for Herzl's passionate devotion to a domineering mother, which broke up his marriage and forced him to think of other things, there would have been no Zionism.
It is a relevant fact that Herzl
would later write articles in sympathetic understanding of French anarcho-terrorists
during the 1890s, like the Zionist lobby's kept journalists today who excuse
British terrorist deployments as a spontaneous "sociological
Herzl was a near-lunatic, who might
have been made into a terrorist as easily as an apologist for terrorism, a Nazi
as easily as a Zionist.
Herzl and Zionism did not emerge from any tradition of actual Judaism.Zionism is a rejection of Judaism, as all Jews at that time knew.
Undoubtedly, it was while searching
the back alleys of Vienna for a streetwalker that Herzl stumbled into one of
the "salons" operated by British intelligence and friends, emerging
from the place with Zionism tucked in his vest pocket.
High Viennese society was completely under the sway of the network of salons set up by Julie Rothschild, daughter of the head of the Vienna branch of the family, and by Empress Elizabeth of the pro-British Wittelsbach royal family of Bavaria that was later to finance Adolf Hitler's political career.
As with the salons of British agent
Madame de Stael in Paris earlier in the century, the Vienna salons' raison
d'etre was to recruit susceptible persons into the supportive environment for
Throughout the 1880s and into the
1890s, Theodore Herzl was a known frequenter and "dandy" in these
Viennese salon circles.
The Rothschild-Hapsburg-Wittelsbach
salon network included philosophers, journalists, editors, writers, artists and
scientists, so to speak. Among them:
~ Science quack Ernst Mach, assigned
to wipe out the influence of the great Neoplatonist Riemann;
~ Karl
Menger, "British free trade"
ideologue and father of the "Austrian School" of economics, created
to destroy Alexander Hamilton and Friedrich List's influence for industrial
progress on the continent ~ Menger was Herzl's law professor at the University
of Vienna;
~ Arnold
Schonberg, the music fraud who is spiritual
guru of "modern" music.
This Hapsburg-Wittelsbach mafia strangled intellectual life in the capital, and combined with the Rothschild family's grip over Austrian credit to give London firm political control of the city.
Vienna was the seedbed for all sorts
of synthetic "nationalist" ideologies, pseudo-artistic movements, and
cults. Among these was a Hebrew-language revival movement formed in 1867, which
was sprouting Zionist propaganda by 1875. By 1883, this operation had evolved
into a network of Zionist literary cells throughout Europe.
In 1880, anti-Semitic
"theory" began to make its contribution to Vienna's intellectual
This paralleled France during the
1840s and 1850s, when aristocratic writers authored books with titles like Essay
on the Inequality of the Human Races by Count de Gobineau; The Jews,
Kings of the Epoch, and so on.
Jesuit "orientalists,"
meanwhile, began to develop theories of the relation of the "Aryan"
race to the "Semitic" race.
Given that Benjamin Disraeli's
novels like Coningsby (1844) and Tancred (1847) were proclaiming
the superiority of the Aryan-Semitic "race," it is obvious where such
"ideas" originated. Oligarchist Count de Gobineau's Essay (1853),
for example, had the following to say about the correlation between Great
Britain's "political stability" and "ethnic purity":
"In England, where modification of the stock has been slower and up to now less varied than in any other European country, we still see the institutions of the 14th and 15th centuries forming the base of the social structure."
England, de Gobineau paeaned, had best preserved "true Germanic usage," and was the "last centre of Germanic influence."
Starting around 1879, the
German-speaking countries began to be flooded with titles like The Jewish
Question as a Racial, Ethical, and Cultural Question and The Victory of
Judaism over Germanism. Mass followings began to develop for demagogic
anti-Semitic politicians like Karl Lueger, whom Hitler later admired. Lueger
was elected Lord Mayor of Vienna in 1895, virtually coinciding with Herzl's
first organizing for Zionism.
For the Disraeli-Palmerston circles
in London, anti-Semitism was a means to "persuade" Jews that their
only hope lay in going to Palestine ~ in becoming Zionists. More immediately,
however, British anti-Semitic operations added tremendously to British
capabilities for destabilizing the domestic politics of Russia, France, and
other countries, and breaking up threatening European or European-USA
Paradigmatic was the 1890s Dreyfus Affair in France, during which the French nation was not only dragged through a "Jewish problem" destabilization, but an important government faction around Prime Minister Gabriel Hanotaux, which was committed to a French-German alliance for development, was crushed; the Jewish Captain Dreyfus had been accused of not only treason, but treason on behalf of German agents in France.
It was also the Dreyfus Affair that
launched Herzl into his Zionist organizing drive. Herzl covered the case in
Paris for a liberal Viennese weekly; for months previously, he had been toying
with wild-eyed schemes to release the pressure of the anti-Semitic flood. One
characteristic such scheme was to have the Papacy sponsor the mass baptism and
conversion of Jews! But these "living theater" fantasies dissolved
The record shows that Herzl's own
conversion to Zionism was not spontaneous.
In 1893, Herzl had held meetings
with an Austrian parliamentarian, Baron Chlumecki. The same Chlumecki, when
informed three years later that Herzl had authored a book entitled The
Jewish State, declared the idea "lacking in originality."
Chlumecki insisted that Herzl had to
have read Benjamin Disraeli's 1877 document, The Jewish Question as an
Oriental Question, which, the Austrian claimed, had been authored by
Disraeli for the 1878 Berlin Congress. At the British ambassador's further
request, Chlumecki revealed, the Baron had personally translated it into German
and had quietly circulated it.
The Disraeli document, other
Austrian circles close to Chlumecki asserted later, was suppressed because it
would have been a "powder keg that would wreck the Berlin Congress"
(in the words of the journalist brother of Heinrich Heine).
Jews were universally opposed to any
nation of Judaism as racism or nationalism, a "godless" creed, in the
words of some. Disraeli was forced by European pressure to back away from his
scheme, and to limit his activity at the Congress to intervention "on
behalf of the Jews of southeastern Europe."
Herzl never admitted, in his diaries
or other writings, the British origin of his scheme.
But once he came out with his Jewish
State, his entourage became a nest of weirdos and kooks who gave him aid
and comfort, at a time when other Jewish leaders advised him to seek help in an
accredited asylum.
One associate advised: "My dear
friend, there is something wrong with your nerves. This book is a product of
sickness. You must see a doctor.'
Not even the Court Jews in London
would openly support Herzl in the 1895-96 period. Instead, they sent in the
kooks to preserve and control him:
~ The Reverend William Hechler, chaplain of the British embassy in Vienna and author of The Restoration of the Jews to Palestine According to the Prophecy, rushed to see Herzl upon publication of the latter's tracts. Hechler revealed himself to be a former private tutor for the family of the Grand Duke of Baden, and an intimate of the Hapsburg German Emperor Wilhelm. He served as intermediary for Herzl to the Grand Duke, to help plead the Zionist cause.
~ Count Philip Michael de Nevlinski, member of a Polish aristocratic family booted out of Eastern Europe in 1863 for his role in a Polish uprising against the Czar. The uprising had been sponsored by the British in revenge against Russia's alliance with Lincoln during the U.S. Civil War. De Nevlinski had extensive diplomatic contacts in the Ottoman Empire and elsewhere, which he used to open up high-level contacts for Herzl.
~ Holman Hunt, a London "Pre-Raphaelite" painter of some notoriety who publicly advised Herzl to treat the Arab inhabitants of Palestine as "nothing more than hewers of wood and drawers of water" who would "render the Jews very useful services."
~ Richard Beer-Hoffman, a leader of the "young Vienna" movement ~ one of many so-named youth cults spawned by Lord Palmerston throughout Europe. Beer-Hoffman authored much poetry on the "neo-romantic revival of Jewish myths and biblical heroes."
~ Arminius Vambery, a former British spy and Turkish double agent who had earlier been a consultant on anthropological-linguistic affairs to Disraeli and Lord Palmerston.
~ EM. Lilien, a British artist and disciple of Aubrey Beardsley, the celebrator of Wagner's Tannhauser and Venus myths in drawings. For the first Zionist Congress, which opened to the sounds of Tannhauser, Lilien drew a souvenir card depicting a "Siegfried" knight figure clad in medieval armor against an Oriental background. Lilien also drew Herzl in the nude, as a bearded angel presiding in heaven over the birth of man!
~ Colonel Albert Edward Williamson Goldschmid, who pounced upon Herzl soon after the publication of The Jewish State, declaring, "I am Daniel Deronda!", the hero of George Eliot's romantic conjuring of the Zionist mythos in her 1876 novel of the same name. A son of converted Jews, Goldschmid came upon this revelation "in India" where he "decided to return to the ancestral fold."
In the U.S., a Columbia University
Professor of Semitic Languages who worked out of the Russian Studies
Department, Richard Gottheil, was helping to set up Zionist groups in the U.S.
Gottheil later authored a history of Zionism describing it as having emerged
from the ashes of a universal Jewish humanism which burned out during the
nineteenth century.
British policy was not only to put Judaism's humanist traditions to the torch.
Zionism was also built up through the deaths of thousands and thousands of Jews.
During the 1880-1900 period, spurts
of support for Zionism, including several Zionist tracts, emerged in Russia and
Eastern Europe thanks to the terror caused by the periodic pogroms and
anti-Jewish extermination campaigns of that period.
Aside from "spontaneous"
local outrages, all the major pogroms are traceable to the hard core of
"liberal" aristocrats centered around the Anglophile Tolstoy and
other families allied with the London-Hapsburg-Wittelsbach factions.
The pogroms provided the early "volunteers" for the Anglican-Jesuit Zionist experiment in Palestine.
Nurtured during this period were
several Hebrew language-revival cells having as their center Vienna but fanning
throughout Eastern Europe. Also, a number of "Jewish rights"
organizations formed, bringing a number of humanist-inclined individuals, but
fundamentally under the control of the London "Jewish rights"
networks that were congealed at the 1878 Berlin Congress by Disraeli and
Universally, Herzl met with
opposition and derision from 99 percent of the Jews he contacted, especially
from continental circles assuming him to be a lunatic or British agent or both.
When Herzl's tracts were first circulated, leaders of 500 Jewish communities petitioned the Emperor to have Zionism outlawed as a "godless movement."
One Berlin paper described Herzl as
an "English agent."
Herzl challenged a German
archaeologist to a duel when he accused Herzl of "conspiring" with London,
charging that Herzl was a
"British agent who was luring the Jewish people into a nefarious adventure designed to serve the strategic interests of his employers in London."
In 1897 a publisher of Viennese
weekly, asked what he could do for Herzl's cause, responded:
"If Herzl should be taken to the lunatic asylum, I shall be glad to put my carriage at his disposal."
Prominent American Jews accused the
early organizers of Zionism of trying to "brainwash" immigrants
coming from Eastern Europe. A faction of American Reform Jews who labeled
Zionism "that crazy messianic movement over the ocean" stated
forthrightly that "our Zion is humanity religionized, not Judaism
The vast majority of Jews perceived Zionism, correctly, to be an assault, with genocidal implications, directed mainly against Jews and Judaism.
Earlier in the nineteenth century, a
faction of German Jewish humanists had labeled the "return to Zion"
idea a dangerous distraction from God's intent to have Jews serve as
"chosen people" for all humanity, that is, God's "moral
mission" for Jews. This faction regarded the "dispersion" after
the destruction of the Second Temple as a "blessing rather than a
punishment" since it was "designed to spread the worship of the True
God everywhere."
From this standpoint, "the
Jewish loss of Palestine signified progress." This belief produced an
important 1845 Frankfurt Rabbinical Conference resolution:
"All petitions for the return to the land of our fathers, and for the restoration of the Jewish state, should be eliminated from the prayers."
One prominent rabbi told Herzl that
the Jews had a "historic mission to propagate the idea of humanism among
all nations" and were for that reason "more than a territorial
One Jewish editorialist called Zionism "madness born of despair"; a second "rejected Herzl's Judenstaat with greater distaste than the meanest anti-Semitic pamphlet."
Several prominent Jews likened Herzl
to the Reverend Jim Jones of the seventeenth century, Sabbatai Zevi, a
self-styled Messiah who led a group to lemming-like self-destruction in Palestine.
Rabbi Joseph Bloch, who
editorialized against anti-Semitism in the press and as a member of the
Austrian Parliament, warned Herzl that he was espousing the "need for a
blood sacrifice," the "intention of reviving a sacrificial cult in a
rebuilt Temple."
Another prominent Austrian, Leon Ritter von Bilinski ~ the man whose memoirs were to expose the Disraeli origins of Herzl's ideas ~ told Herzl bluntly that the Zionist's ideas and assumptions were exactly those of the worst anti-Semitic racists.
Bilinski especially took Herzl to
task for trying to build up support for Zionism by the tactic of exploiting the
"Jewish bogeyman" myth in meetings with diplomats, rulers, and
"If the malicious propaganda
that the Jews are a danger to the world and that they are revolutionaries
continues, the Zionists will, instead of establishing a Jewish State, cause the
destruction of European Jewry."
Bilinski's implicit allusion to the development of a Nazi-Zionist lobby went right to the heart of the matter. It would later be the same British Zionist backers of Herzl (Rothschilds et al.) who would put Hitler in power and endorse "the holocaust."
Herzl's ideas supported in every
aspect the anti-Semites' conjuring up of the impossibility of Jews coexisting
with other groups and of the evils caused by Jews living in Europe.
At other times, Herzl and his followers went so far as to publicly attack "the kikes" and to insist that Judaism was Zionism's greatest enemy.
The belief by Herzl and other early
Zionists like Chaim Weizmann and Louis Brandeis that anti-Semitism was a biological
inevitability matched to a tee the anti-Semites' racist attacks on the Jews
as literally "bacilli" and so on.
Herzl and his Zionist co-leader, social
psychologist Max Nordau, stated, "Only anti-Semitism has made Jews out of
us." "As anti-Semitism grows, so do I," Herzl wrote in his
diaries. "The anti-Semites will be only too happy to give Zionism
publicity," Herzl wrote. And Herzl was only too happy to promote
anti-Semitism and pogroms.
The anti-Semites more than returned
the compliment:
~ Anti-Semitic tracts in the 1890s frequently commented that "Palestine might make a good mousetrap for the Jews."
~ Edouard-Adolphe Drumont, editor of the notorious Oppenheimer family-funded La Libre Parole newspaper, praised Herzl's Judenstaat ~ which he reviewed at Herzl's prodding! ~ in an article entitled "Solution to the Jewish Question."
The article praised Herzl for agreeing with the anti-Semit
es' charges, "for not seeing in us fanatics, maniacs, savage and heartless beings, but citizens who exercise the right of self-defence."
Herzl, in his diaries, happily noted Drumont's "highly flattering editorial about me." At another time Nordau emphasized that "there is no one with whom I am in greater agreement" on the point that Zionism is "a question ... exclusively of race... than M. Drumont."
~ Ivan von Simonyi, the publisher of an anti-Jewish rag that insisted that Jews murdered Christian babies for ritual purposes, was the first editor to write editorials on Der Judenstaat ~ all immensely favorable, of course. He met Herzl, who wrote in his diaries that von Simonyi had “an astonishing amount of sympathy for the Jews.... Loves me!" 41
The examples of Herzl's wooing and
collaborating with anti-Semitic officials in various governments ~
collaboration which included plotting anti-Semitic activity to win support for
the Zionist cause ~ are legion. In one early case of a man close to the pogrom
coordinators in Russia, Interior Minister Plehve, Herzl was told, "You are
preaching to a convert.... We would very much like to see the creation of an
independent Jewish state capable of absorbing several million Jews.''
Herzl's diaries are filled with
references to the strategies and ideas behind this relationship. "The
anti-Semites will be our most dependable friends, the anti-Semitic countries,
our allies." "Selling" Zionism would "cost nothing, for the
anti-Semites will rejoice." Anti-Semitism is at bottom understandable, since
"they could not have let themselves be subjugated by us in the army, in
government, in all of commerce."
And, in meetings with various
reactionary European potentates, as Bilinski charged, Herzl freely conjured up
massive world Jewish financial power and extensive Jewish control over
revolutionary movements, playing off the "benefits" for collaborating
with the Zionists against the "risks" of not doing so.
This collaboration presaged the close collaboration between Zionists and Nazis during the 1933-45 period, including Zionist agreement to let nearly a million Jews die in return for letting the select, racially "pure" few escape from Hungary and Rumania.
In this relationship, the cult of Thule and Odin of the elite Nazis, and the cult of Zion, both created in London's oligarchic cult laboratories, were to help each other "purify their races."
This was more than a marriage of
convenience. At the root of both movements were shared cult-race brainwashing,
and shared hatred for the attempt by individual Jews and groups of Jews to
leave ghetto life behind according to the laws established by Moses, Philo,
Spinoza, and the great Spanish Jewish thinkers of the medieval period.
Beginning with the influence of
Disraeli, race-cult theory and Zionist theory were interchangeable. Moses Hess,
the renegade nineteenth century socialist called "the donkey" by Karl
Marx, got the ball rolling in his 1862 Rome and Jerusalem, an attempt to
link the fate of "the Jewish race" to the British-created Italian
"nationalist" movement of Mazzini. Spitting in the face of humanism
and science, Hess yelped that "the race struggle is the primal one,"
and utilized the Aryan and Semitic race ideas freely.
He claimed that Germans were anti-Jewish "racially," called those Jews who denied that Jews were a "separate race" "traitors to their people, tribe, race."
He claimed that Germans were anti-Jewish "racially," called those Jews who denied that Jews were a "separate race" "traitors to their people, tribe, race."
Hess's kind of race thinking was
commonplace among Zionists. It appears in Herzl's writings and fantasies
interspersed with various medieval-knight metaphors. With certain Zionist
thinkers race thinking became particularly chilling. Typically, author Arthur
Ruppin, in The Jews of Today, stated that:
“A highly cultivated race deteriorates rapidly when its members mate with a less cultivated race, and the Jew naturally finds his equal and match most easily within the Jewish people...."
This Darwinesque bestiality was more
than matched in a speech by Herzl's colleague Nordau, to the 1897 Zionist
Congress. Nordau mused:
"Microbiology tells us that there exist tiny organisms which are perfectly harmless, so long as they live in the open air, but become the cause of frightful disease when deprived of oxygen. Governments and nations may well beware lest the Jews in like case become a source of danger." (Compare the anti-Semitic "bacilli" epithet.)
The racism often spilled over into
overt agreement with the Nazi-type ideologues on the "evilness" of
the Jew, or the incompatibility of Zionism and Judaism. An Austrian
psychologist of the late 19th century, Otto Weininger, "influenced certain
trends in both Zionist and Nazi thinking," according to one Israeli
author, with his argument that:
"Zionism is the negation of Judaism Before Zionism is possible, the Jew must first conquer Judaism."
Weininger's theories have recently
been echoed in a widely circulated Israeli short story with the theme that
"Zionism begins with the wreckage of Judaism."
Zionist novels and propaganda have
from early times been filled with characterizations of Diaspora Jews as
"living in filth," "one big hunchback," "filthy
dogs," "parasites," "harlots," and "worms."
One Zionist propagandist of the earlier part of this century, Jacob Klatzkin,
described Jews as "living a false and perverted existence" and
contrasted this with the "pure national type" that would emerge out
of Zionism.
New and old jews image
Not surprisingly, Klatzkin insisted that "if we do not admit the rightfulness of anti-Semitism, we deny the rightfulness of our own nationalism" and advised that "instead of establishing societies for defense against the anti-Semites, who want to reduce our rights, we should establish defense against our friends who desire to defend our rights ' ~ i.e., let the mere "Jews" die, so Zionism can emerge with a "pure Semitic race."
But none of his successors has
outdone Herzl's venomous hatred of Jews. In a pique of rage against the
widespread anti-Zionism he was meeting among Jews, he authored a piece called Kike
(Mauschel in the original German) which raved that anti-Zionist Jews were
"disgusting," "dirty," and "mean."
"Kike is anti-Zionist," Herzl railed, and concluded that the Zionists would act toward "kikes" like William Tell and his arrows: "Kike, take care! Friends, Zionism's arrow is aimed at Kike's breast."
During the 1896-1902 period, Theodore Herzl made several trips to England. In his diaries, he would note that, by aiding creation of a Zionist state, the British would:
"get at one stroke ... ten million secret but loyal subjects active in all walks of life all over the world.... As at a signal, all of them will place themselves at the service of the magnanimous nation that brings long-desired help.... England will get ten million agents for her greatness and influence."
The Anglican oligarchy, however, did
not come forth publicly with their decision to create a Zionist state until the
peak days of World War I, and only then as a matter of destabilizing Russia and
creating a Zionist lobby in the U.S. to use as a tool in bringing North America
into the service of the threatened British Empire.
A Zionist state then became an immediate, "live" objective, not accidentally at the same time that Nazism became an immediate, live objective.
The obvious similarities between
Nazism and Zionism are, as it were, genetic.
World War I,
was massively promoted by the British elite
as the
flip-side of Nazism.
Their creation of Nazism signified
an attempted unification of the "superior English stock" with the
"Germanic" branch of the Anglo-Saxon "race," with the
objective of conquering Russia and securing control in the Middle East for
which Russia (and later the USSR) was their main competitor.
creation of Zionism
was the
establishment of a "land"-obsessed cult
"Jews who are not Jews,"
on Semitic racial ideas
and Old
Testament stories
Jewish superiority (to neighboring Arabs)
as an
ideological excuse for being, in Herzl's words
"England's ten million agents" in the region.
Any B'nai B'rith official yelping
"anti-Semitism" at that assertion is simply denying the facts. Herzl
and other leading Zionists provide as much damaging prima facie evidence as any
honest observer would require.
Herzl's diaries and speeches are
filled with sickening paeans to the symbiosis between British and Zionist strategy:
Zionist idea,
which is
a colonial idea,
must be
understood in England easily and quickly."
To the same point, Herzl conducted
extensive research into racist Cecil Rhodes's method of cajoling, tricking, and
bludgeoning the rulers of what is now Rhodesia into agreeing to have that
territory turned into a British "Charter" area.
Herzl was eager to apply the same
techniques to the Arab inhabitants of Palestine.
There are three fundamental facts
about the elite which ran Britain in the latter part of the nineteenth century,
through the Balfour Declaration commitment to a "homeland for the Jews in
Palestine," through the 1920s-1940s development of Nazism and then the
Israeli state.
First: The total number of British policy-makers actually responsible for Zionism and for the Balfour Declaration is tiny ~ perhaps ten, at the most twenty.
.Second: This handful was by and large the same core group of forces guiding all imperialist strategy, i.e., the group that established the Round Table in the 1890s on a mandate contained in Cecil Rhodes's will. This same core group ran British policy from the 1880s through the World War Two period.
.Third: There is a heavy overlap between this Balfour Declaration "Zionist" crowd and the group that pushed Adolf Hitler and the Drang nach Osten strategy for Germany in the 1920s and 1930s ~ the so-called Cliveden Set. This includes a handful of "first circle" and "second circle" Jewish-name financiers and policymakers who were backing Hitler right up to the 1939-1940 conjuncture ~ Rothschild, Warburg, et al.
The fact
is there was one single Nazi-Zionist lobby,
and this
lobby is more or less interchangeable
with the
Round Table inner elite.
We now turn to an example.
The highly influential modern-day
Cecils (e.g. Lord Harlech) are the linear, blood descendants of the family in
sixteenth century England (e.g. Lord Burghley, William Cecil) which conspired
fitfully against the humanists in Elizabeth Tudor's court, bringing the Maltese
Order to power in England, and with it, the whole range of cabalistic-mystical
arts of Ashmole, the Scottish Rite, the Oxford Movement, the Round Table and
Cliveden Set.
purposes of historical truth,
Balfour Declaration,
put Britain on record in favor of a Jewish state in Palestine,
be renamed the Cecil Declaration.
The key in the chain of modern-day
Cecils is Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, the Third Marquis of Salisbury,
the same Lord Salisbury who was Disraeli's Foreign Secretary in the 1870s.
Through the period 1885-1902, this
Lord Salisbury was to be Great Britain's Prime Minister for all but three
years, and was to double as Foreign Secretary for five of those years.
To British insiders, it is generally
known that Salisbury, more than Disraeli, controlled the impulses of British
policy during these years, including the period 1875-80. An 1878
Salisbury-architected secret treaty established the strategic preconditions for
the later British mandate over Palestine ~ that is, British acquisition of
Egypt and Cyprus. At this time, he wrote in a letter to a British
"We shall have to choose between allowing Russia to dominate over Syria or Mesopotamia or taking the country for ourselves."
By the beginning of the twentieth
century, "the inner clique of the Conservative Party was made up almost
completely of the Cecil family and their relatives ... as a result of the
tremendous influence of Lord Salisbury," according to Tragedy and Hope author
Carroll Quigley.
The Conservative Party was
"little more than a tool of the Cecil family," with Cecil family
members and Cecil family protégés running ministries during the 1895-1905
decade ranging from the Foreign Office to the Treasury, the Irish affairs
office, the Admiralty and the South African army.
Stepping down from the premiership in 1902, Salisbury handed over the office to another Cecil, "his nephew, protégé, and hand-picked successor," Arthur James Balfour, the very same who in 1917 was to convey to "Dear Lord Rothschild ... on behalf of his Majesty's Government" a "declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations" for "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people" ~ the Balfour Declaration.
Calling Balfour a "scion of the
Cecil family," author Barbara Tuchman stresses that this family "had
waited four hundred and fifty years since the two Cecils, father and son, ruled
England under Elizabeth, to produce again two successive Prime Ministers."
Balfour had been one of the real
"insiders" since the early 1880s. In 1882, he was on the Board
of Directors of the Aristotle Society; in 1885, he helped found the Fabian
Society; during the 1880s he helped establish the Psychic Research Bureau with
William James and others, out of which came in the 1890s the Order of the
Golden Dawn; and in 1891, he was one of the few chosen to join the special
"circle of initiates" of the Round Table secret society by Cecil
Rhodes, Lord Esher, Lord Milner, and London Times editor William T.
As late as 1926, Balfour was a central figure in the creation of the British Commonwealth, an act which former Prime Minister Harold Macmillan has credited as "one of the most important" in saving the British Empire.

Simultaneously, his dislike for the
Jews was quite unabashed.
In 1905, as pogroms mounted in
Russia, he proclaimed that "the persecutors have a case." In 1917,
during the peak of Balfour Declaration manipulations, he responded, "Of
course, these are the reasons which make you and me such ardent Zionists"
when American Zionist Louis Brandeis confided that "every Jew is
potentially an intellectual and an idealist and the problem is one of the
direction of those qualities” ~ i.e., into Zionism and not "revolutionary
Balfour's Zionist pontifications
were legion: on one occasion, he asserted that:
“The reconstruction of a Jewish kingdom in Palestine" would be an "interesting experiment" and an "even more interesting end of the world."
On another occasion he intoned,
"I am a great believer in separate nationalities" and moaned that the
Romans' destruction of the Second Temple in the first century A.D. was
"one of the great wrongs" of history that had to be redressed by
"giving the Jews back their ancient home."
Balfour preached the Zionist
restoration-to-Palestine cause more fervently than any other Round Tablers
involved in concocting the Balfour Declaration ~ with one noteworthy exception:
Lord Robert Cecil, Balfour's cousin, whom Balfour appointed to be his special
Foreign Office Undersecretary.
Cousin Robert Cecil proclaimed
himself "Zionist by passionate conviction." He ostensibly reached the
verdict in 1906 that Zionism was "of vital importance to the world."
So much ardor did Lord Robert Cecil
feel for Zionism that he started shrieking "Judea for the Jews!" at a
1918 public gathering, having to be restrained by his fellows. The Balfour
Declaration had promised no more than a "national home in Palestine."
Calling the Balfour Declaration the
"rebirth of a nation,'' Cecil, through the British Foreign Office, put out
an official statement denouncing as "palpably false" the argument
that Jews were primarily a religious group, and not a nation.
During 1917-1918, Cecil issued
documents containing three basic tenets of British Zionist policy:
1. The British must recognize and use the "international power of the Jews";
.2. The British must use support for Zionism to manipulate internal politics in Russia; and
3. The British must convince the Americans to accept the mandate for Palestine to bring the U.S. into the British-dominated geopolitical fold..
The Cecils, in a sense, were a High
Priesthood superimposed on the most important single institution set up in
Britain in the late 19th century to oversee the enormous expansion of British
imperialism at that time ~ the Round Tables.
On the eve of the 1891 formation of
the Round Tables, the Anglo-Saxon race-mystics were in a state of near-elation
over the fact that what Round Table Executive Committee member Alfred Milner
called "God's Englishman" was on the brink of having the entire world
under his dominion.
The "English-speaking
race" was the "greatest of governing races the world has ever seen,''
said Joseph Chamberlain (of the family that produced Houston Stewart and
The English were "one of God's chief chosen instruments for executing coming improvements in the lot of mankind,'' said Round Table Executive Committee member and London Times editor W. T. Stead.
A core group of Cambridge and Oxford
University mystics, Aristotelians, and pederasts were determined to create a
Coordinating institution, controlled by an elite handful but with tentacles
around the globe.
This would act as the strategic
controller of all the lower-level but extremely important cult-spawning sects
such as the Fabian Society, the Psychic Research Bureau, the Aristotle Society,
and the more guttersnipe "artiste"-oriented Theosophists, Vril
Society, Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, and so on.
The Round Table began as a secret
society bringing together such Cambridge University luminaries as Lord Esher
(for decades to be the private national security coordinator for the Queen) and
Oxford University's Lord Milner, with Cecil Rhodes, through the agency of
Stead. Around this group were Balfour, Lord Rothschild, and the keepers of the
Rhodes Trust, an "educational fund" with the explicit aim of bringing
elites around the world into an Anglo-Saxon "race union.''
ED: Bill Clinton was a Rhodes
Milner and Rhodes were both
impassioned disciples of John Ruskin, whose speeches on "social
reform" beginning circa 1870 launched the British counterinsurgency
networks of the Fabian Society, "settlement house" movement and
In the 1909-13 period, a special
group of Round Table operatives known as Milner's Kindergarten (having been
"schooled" under Milner in South Africa) organized semisecret Round
Table groups throughout British dependencies and in the United States. In 1910
the Round Table magazine was formed. In the 1919-27 period, the Royal
Institute of International Affairs and several offshoots, such as the New York
Council on Foreign Relations, were created.
From 1891 until World War I, Zionism
figured as a special operation to be deployed when necessary, but not
necessarily requiring public support. Exemplary of the coy public strategy was
Rhodes's reaction to Herzl. Rhodes personally would not support Herzl's
schemes, he declared, since he was more intent on having Germany get
Syria and Palestine as a buffer against Russia, and organizing the
German-speaking peoples into an international union with the
"English-speaking race."
But powerful circles in Germany were
inclined to seek a continental alliance with France ~ most threatening for the
British in connection with the famous Baghdad Railway project. Negotiations and
treaties between the French and the Germans, potentially bringing in the
Russians and even the Americans, forced the British to play their Zionist
option more openly.
When World War I busted up
Franco-German entente approaches, the first thing the British elite did was to
declare open season on the Ottoman Empire.

All this changed when the Round
Table publicly assumed the government in December 1916, in a coup against the
Asquith regime. Lord Esher's puppet Lloyd George was installed as Prime Minister,
presiding over an Imperial War Cabinet and advisory group set up by Milner and
This included Balfour as Foreign
Secretary, Milner as a cabinet member (Minister of War in 1918), and
Jan-Christian Smuts as representative from the Union of South Africa. (Smuts, a
Cambridge graduate who had been one of Rhodes's agents in southern Africa, was
one of the inner circle in the Round Table.)
These four men were the official cabinet "Zionist lobby,'' the motivating group in cabinet decision-making that pushed the Balfour Declaration through. In November 1917, the declaration came forth as a personal statement from the Queen's government to Lord Rothschild.
Advising the cabinet on a day-to-day
basis was a Cabinet Secretariat, or brains trust, appointed by Milner and
Esher, known as the "garden suburb," which included Leopold Amery
(known as "the shadow of Milner"); William Ormsby-Gore (Lord Harlech,
father of the 1960s British ambassador to the U.S., David Ormsby-Gore); Phillip
Kerr Lord Lothian (editor of the Round Table magazine, who ran a special
unit that ran Lloyd George); and Mark Sykes, a protégé of "Arab
Bureau" coordinator Lord Kitchener and a trained Jesuit with strong
mystical leanings.
Together with Lord Robert Cecil of
the Foreign Office, these four provided the day-to-day coordination of the
international Zionist movement. They deployed such leading Zionists as Chaim
Weizmann ~ who otherwise couldn't have organized his way out of a paper bag ~
for crucial liaison work with Zionist groups and diplomats in primarily the
U.S. and Russia.
And they worked feverishly to win a
strong orientation toward Palestine-Zionist policy by the U.S., through the
agency of Brandeis and the British Embassy in Washington.
Sykes, Amery and Ormsby-Gore (a
Cecil) developed the following "strategic concept" for the Zionist
project, involving three points:
One: "From the purely British point of view, a prosperous Jewish population in Palestine, owing its inception and its opportunity of development to British policy, might be an invaluable asset as a defence of the Suez Canal against attack from the North and as a station on the future air-routes to the East."
.Two: The Jews were "a people who yet regarded the East as their true home."
.Three: "The whole influence of Judaism outside Germany will be directed in accordance with the attitude of respective powers regarding the Palestine question."
As mentioned earlier, the same
circle was intent on using Zionism to manipulate politics in Russia. "It
is even possible," the War Office moaned in 1918, that "had the
(Balfour) declaration come sooner, the course of the Revolution might have been
As usual, this core group of nine
was rife with anti-Jewish sentiment.
Lloyd George, for all his pious
meanderings about the Old Testament and his "deep concern for the
Jews," "didn't care a damn for the Jews," in the view of
ex-Premier Asquith, and was only interested in a "Jewish buffer
Sykes saw Zionism as necessary to
combat Marxism, "which works toward the destruction of the present
nationalistic basis of the world and the setting up of a World State" and
which has made some Jews "regard Karl Marx as the only prophet of
Ormsby-Gore, in a May 8, 1917 letter
to Sykes, wrote,
"I think we ought to use pogroms in Palestine as propaganda. Any spicy tales of atrocity would be eagerly welcomed by the propaganda people here ~ and Aaron Aaronsohn (a Zionist in British intelligence employ ~ ed.) could create some lurid stories for the Jewish papers."
Perhaps the frankest expression of
this viewpoint was that of Evelyn Baring Lord Cromer, a Round Table-converted
"Zionist" by 1916-17, in an article in The Spectator titled
"Zionism and the Jewish Future":
"The most passionately ardent Jews prefer persecution, which keeps alive the flames of nationalism, to emancipation, which tends to quench it."
Aside from the nine-member Cabinet
and Cabinet Secretariat, a few other individuals can be included in the topmost
circles of coordination of Zionism in this period:
James was a scion of the French branch of the family who worked in England during this period to coordinate British Zionist activities. James made several important interventions into the U.S. situation, including crucial work with Brandeis's circle in manipulating President Woodrow Wilson.
.Edmond, already controller of much of the Palestine colonization, extensively manipulated French internal politics toward the emergence of a pro-Zionist government faction which supported the Balfour Declaration.
.Lord Rothschild was the Rothschild to whom the Balfour Declaration was addressed. He was the son of Lord Nathaniel "Natty" Rothschild, who had died in 1915. "Natty" was one of the original "circle of initiates" of the Round Table, who managed the Rhodes Trust until management passed to his son-in-law Lord Roseberry in the early 1900s.
Churchill popped in and out of cabinets throughout the 1914-1921 period. He was a scion of the Marlborough family which had been allied with the Cecils ever since the seventeenth century, when they helped dump the Stuarts to bring England under the House of Orange.
.Churchill was also a descendant of "Zionist pioneer" Charles Henry Churchill of the 1840- 53 period.
In 1908 Winston authored a statement insisting that"Jerusalem must be the only ultimate goal... The establishment of a Jewish State astride the bridge between Europe and Africa, flanking the land roads to the East, would not only be an immense advantage to the British Empire but a notable step towards a harmonious disposition of the world among its peoples."In 1920 Churchill called for "the creation in our lifetime by the banks of the Jordan of a Jewish State under the protection of the British Crown which might comprise three to four millions of Jews." In 1920, Churchill was attacking "international and for the most part atheistical Jews" for the Bolshevik Revolution,“the struggle which is now beginning between Zionism and Bolshevik Jews is little less than the struggle for the soul of the Jewish people.”
Editor of the London Times during World War I, and a Round Tabler. In mid-1917, the notoriously anti-Semitic Times started writing news articles on the Zionist issue, including a May 1917 endorsement of the Zionists.
~ C.P.
Editor of the Manchester Guardian, personal confidant of Lloyd George, contact man between the Round Table elite and Chaim Weizmann during an earlier period, and the man largely responsible for the launching of the British Palestine Committee.
.Scott was intensely concerned about using Zionism to win the U.S. to the British war cause, and published a Guardian piece calling for Palestine to become a "buffer state between Egypt and the North, inhabitated ... by an intensely patriotic race.... On the realization of that condition depends the whole future of the British Sea Empire."
As Minister of Health and Home Secretary in the previous Asquith government, Samuel was the author and circulator of in-cabinet policy statements in the 1914-16 period calling for official British support of Zionism. Samuel was to serve in the 1920s as British High Commissioner of Palestine and was to be a coordinator of the Israeli Red Cross in the 1940s and 1950s ~ an intelligence operation he was trained for during his earlier work with the Fabian Society's "settlement house" operations.
One of the Milner Kindergarten in the 1900-1910 period, who took over the Lazard Bank's international interests several years later; he became the key controller of Lazard-New York head Eugene Meyer.Around these 17 or so individuals, second, third, and fourth circles carried out British-Zionist policy internationally:
Meyer was at the 1914 founding conference of the Zionist Organization of America with Brandeis and a handful of others.
~ A second circle of top-level civil servants, newspaper writers, British and American Zionists, and British intelligence agents provided credibility through propaganda for Zionist support-institutions and the "Jewish home" in Palestine.
.~ A third circle of Zionists epitomized by Chaim Weizmann acted as the transmission belt between the elite and the Zionist troops. For all the ink that has been expended on Weizmann's catalytic role in getting the Balfour Declaration, he was in fact proselytizing among an elite that had been convinced of Zionism decades before Weizmann was born.
.~ The Zionist mass organizations, which grew exponentially after the Balfour Declaration.
At a 1930s private meeting at which
Churchill was the principal guest, and to which Amery, Lloyd George, James de
Rothschild and Weizmann were invited, Churchill pointed to Weizmann and
"You are our master and what you say goes. If you ask us to fight we shall fight like tigers.".Churchill insisted that the Zionists must "persevere, persevere, persevere.... By all means let us have a Jewish majority in Palestine."
As for Philip Kerr Lord Lothian,
keeper of the Rhodes Trust from 1925-40: While serving as British ambassador to
the U.S. in the 1939-40 period, Lothian helped organize support rallies in New
York for Zionist Anglophile extremist Vladimir Jabotinsky.
At the same time, the same group was creating Nazism.Nazism grew out of a special project of Round Table-Oxford circles in the last quarter of the nineteenth century to create a Teutonic or Germanic race cult around the myths of the Norse god, Odin.
For many of the inner elite groups
congregated around the Scottish Rite Freemasons, back to the earlier days of
Palmerston and Bulwer-Lytton,
the swastika was a universally used symbol, since it was a favorite symbol of scores of ancient bestial mystic cults.
The swastika appears on John
Ruskin's gravestone. It was also Rudyard Kipling's personal hex.
With Cecil Rhodes and others pushing
"Germanic race" integration into Anglo-Saxon geopolitics,
preparations were ongoing at various points, but especially in the 1920s, to
transform Germany into a Marcher Lord East against Russia and as a partner in
an "Anglo-Saxon"-run world.
The London-connected Wittelsbach's
family agent, Professor Karl Haushofer, ghost-wrote Mein Kampf for Adolf
Hitler, which explicitly included Germany linking up with Britain in a global
This Nazi policy was set in motion by the Lloyd George government, which at Versailles pushed for the harshest reparations policies, and then suddenly started "softening" ~ to allow for German rearmament.In a nutshell, the policy of the Round Table for Germany throughout the 1918-1939 period was to support a combination of extreme debt collection and rearmament for which Warburg agent Hjalmar Schacht's policy ~ leading to the Jewish extermination camps ~ was the necessary expression.The following individuals were among those building Nazism to serve Anglo-Saxon geopolitical mysticism: Lord Milner, Leopold Amery, Jan Christaan Smuts, Lord Brand, Winston Churchill, and the scions of the Rothschild family.
With a small handful of others,
these members of the "Cliveden Set" (Cliveden was the name of the
Astor family estate where the Round Table coordinators met) utilized their
enormous influence in the international press to build up “critical
support" for the Nazi atrocity.
Thus in the mid-1930s Lothian traveled
to Germany to try to keep Hitler on the track of maintaining Germany in the
fold of Anglo-Saxon world politics.
Amery, Lothian, et al. only broke
with the Hitler policy in the 1939-40 period, when their Frankenstein got out
of control. Policy then shifted toward involving the U.S. in saving the British
Obviously, Churchill's
"anti-Nazi" image is bluff and myth. Throughout the war Sir Winston
specifically forbade operations inside Germany that would have brought in an
anti-Hitler leadership.
As he said before parliament, he
preferred Hitler.
The role of the Jewish-name members of the Round Table elite in all this is particularly damning.
Not until the late 1930s, and in
some cases right through to 1940, did important elements in the Rothschild
clique break with the Germanic-race-cult geopolitics.
Max Warburg of the Warburg families,
whose members were almost in all cases trained in finance by the Rothschilds,
was, according to a recent biography of the Warburgs, one of the foremost
advisers to Hjalmar Schacht, throughout the 1920s and 1930s.
All cover-ups aside, it was Schacht, in collaboration with the Warburg interests, the Schroeder Bank, and the Bank of England, who made the 1932 decision to put Hitler in power.
After making that decision, Schacht
successfully sold the Hitler option to the Rothschild-run New York-based
"Our Crowd" families during a visit to the U.S. in 1932.
The manipulations of the Rothschild-linked Goldman Sachs investment house in New York, and of the American and German branches of the Warburg families, were in large part instrumental in putting the Krupp and I.G. Farben interests respectively on an irreversible course of support for Nazi economics, against the Rapallo course of East-West cooperation for the industrialization for Germany.
A concluding note on the
It is of more than passing interest
that Nazi-fawning, anti-communist Neville Chamberlain was sent out to marshal
support for Zionism among English Jews in 1917 after the announcement of the
Balfour Declaration.
Said this backer of Hitler,
"The existence of this new Jewish State would only add to the dignity and influence of Jews in other countries."
The Chamberlain family, of course,
had earlier been blessed with one of the great race-cult mystics of the past
hundred years, Richard Wagner's in-law Houston Stewart Chamberlain. Yet more
interesting is Joseph Chamberlain, father of Neville, and author of the
following words:
"I have been called the apostle of the Anglo-Saxon race, and I am proud of the title. I think the Anglo-Saxon race is as fine as any on earth. Not that I despise other races. They have their several virtues and aptitudes, though I admit the aptitudes of my own race appeal to me most strongly. There is, in fact, only one race that I despise ~ the Jews. They are physical cowards."
Not surprisingly, Joseph Chamberlain
became strongly pro-Zionist as a result of meetings with Herzl. In the words of
his biographer, Julian Amery (of the same foul Amery clan),
"Hitherto his interest in Zionism
had been chiefly humanitarian. He now saw in it more positive opportunities for
British policy.... He was the first among British statesmen to see in Zionism
both an end to the ancient Jewish problem and a means of advancing the
interests of the British Empire."
ReplyDeleteInteresting links between the anti-semites and the Zionists.
I suspect that some of the anti-semite comments on my blog are written by secret Zionists.
Interesting that it was a Cecil who organised the Gunpowder Plot of 1605.
I may borrow from this.
- Aangirfan
You are always more than welcome to take whatever you want!