Few listened to Henry Ford a hundred years ago.
And here we are today with a much larger problem.
By Kourosh Ziabari
January 14, 2012

Jonathan took part in an enlightening, explosive interview with me and expressed his viewpoints regarding the renewed war threats of Israel against Iran, Tehran's nuclear program, the new allegations of the White House against Iran, the true nature of Israel as a state and what he feels is the greatest threat facing our world today. An excerpt of this interview appeared in the Tehran Times, Iran's leading international daily.
ZIABARI: Israel possesses up to 200 nuclear warheads, but it has constantly threatened Iran with a military strike over its nuclear program, warning that Iran should be prevented from acquiring nuclear technology. How is it possible to justify this stance?
AZAZIAH: The nucleus of the Zionist mindset, the energy source that drives those who think in this manner to behave like the inhuman monsters that they are, is Jewish supremacism; the need to destroy all that it is not Jewish, the goyim, in order for "the Jewish people" to survive. The developer of the neutron bomb, Samuel T. Cohen, was a Zionist with a strong Talmudic-Jewish upbringing, as was Robert J. Oppenheimer, the creator of the atom bomb.
supremacist-need to destroy all non-Jewish peoples and cultures was close to
the blackened hearts of the early leaders of the usurping Zionist entity, hence
why Ben-Gurion, Dayan, Eshkol and Peres collectively came up with the
"Samson Option," the military plan to unleash 'Israeli' nukes upon
the world if any nation or every nation attempted to confront Zionist power.
polar opposite of this thuggish outlook on existence, is the Islamic
Revolutionary Republic of Iran, a nation whose Persian history is rooted in the
very essence of creation. The finest poets, artists, mathematicians, scientists
and theologians that the world has ever known originate from this great land.
The Zionist entity, in its twisted collective mind, must destroy Iran because the Islamic Republic represents everything that it is not: tolerant, beautiful, non-destructive, non-aggressive and most importantly, Godwary.
The Zionist entity, in its twisted collective mind, must destroy Iran because the Islamic Republic represents everything that it is not: tolerant, beautiful, non-destructive, non-aggressive and most importantly, Godwary.
does not bow down to the feet of the Zionists and their rabbinical overlords,
it only bows before Almighty God and for this, it has drawn the ire of the
Zionists and their imperial conduit puppets. From the geopolitical perspective,
the Zionist entity must not allow any Islamic nation to acquire nuclear weapons
because that would neutralize its domination of the region; the annihilation of
Iraq, the demolition of Libya and constant assault on nuclear-armed Pakistan
are prime examples of this.
The Zionist entity is something far crueler, and far
more insidious than the apartheid regime of
South Africa.
ZIABARI: Some political commentators believe that
Israel represents the features of an apartheid state. What's your idea? Do you
consider Israel an apartheid regime?
AZAZIAH: The term "apartheid" is an attempt to make international Zionism seem like it is more innocuous than it actually is or closely related with previous colonial endeavors when in reality, it is something far worse and far uglier.
AZAZIAH: The term "apartheid" is an attempt to make international Zionism seem like it is more innocuous than it actually is or closely related with previous colonial endeavors when in reality, it is something far worse and far uglier.
is simply one facet of the Zionist regime that it is criminally and
disgustingly occupying holy al-Quds and the rest of historic Palestine, as is
colonization, and most importantly, they are only temporary; they represent
symptoms, they do not represent the disease itself.
true goal of Zionism is to wipe out all non-Jewish peoples in vast parts of
Egypt, including most of its north, all of Sinai and Cairo, all of Jordan, all
of Kuwait, a gargantuan portion of Saudi Arabia, all of Lebanon, all of Syria,
all of Cyprus, an elephantine part of Turkey up to Lake Van and finally, part
of Iraq south of the Euphrates River.
expulsion and/or mass murder of these peoples would lead to the creation of the
Zionist dream known as Greater Israel.
branding this usurping dragon of an entity simply as an "apartheid
state" is not only incomplete, it is deceptive. And this disingenuous
injection of language into the vocabularies of Palestine's supporters is also
meant to deflect the attention from the root cause of this 63-year occupation:
the age-old Talmudic ideology that gave birth to Zionism, which is an
amalgamation of terrorism, racism, barbarism, supremacism, expansionism and
all of the massacres committed against our brothers and sisters, all of the
babies murdered, women raped, trees uprooted, mosques and churches destroyed,
resources confiscated and land usurped, the least we can do is label this
extremist enclave what it actually is: a fabricated entity that has no right to
Finally, all persons who represent this entity, all of its occupiers and squatters, must be thrown out immediately so the 8 million Palestinian refugees worldwide can finally return to their homes.
Finally, all persons who represent this entity, all of its occupiers and squatters, must be thrown out immediately so the 8 million Palestinian refugees worldwide can finally return to their homes.
Its sayanim across the Western world must be prosecuted for treason.We will not make peace with this usurping Jewish supremacist beast.We will never recognize this filthy entity.We will not share our lands with thieves and thugs, killers and degenerates.There will not be 'equal rights' for oppressed and oppressed.
will only be equal rights for Palestinians, the true owners of the land, and
whoever that they decide will live with them, chiefly those who respect their
dignity and who have fought alongside them from Nakba to Naksa to now, not
those who killed them and maimed them; they will be delivered into the clutches
of justice for a century of inhumanity and malevolence.
It must also be noted that Apartheid South Africa did not own and control global mass media; Zionism does.
Apartheid South Africa did not control global commerce; international Jewry does.Apartheid South Africa didn’t have a worldwide Afrikaner lobby network that dominated governments into submission; the Zionist entity does.And Apartheid South Africa didn’t have a foreign intelligence directorate committing false flag attacks all over the world in order to further its geopolitical objectives; ‘Israel’ does, with its Mossad.
Zionism is strangling the world because its agents think that their
“chosen-ness” gives them a free pass to do so. Al-haqq (the truth) is our best
weapon against these persons; an awakened globe, armed with information
exposing the beast, is what will take the beast down. The past fight against
the apartheid of South Africa and the current fight against international
Jewish supremacism are two different creatures; just as a matter of
intellectual honesty, the two should not, and must not be confused.
ZIABARI: What will be the consequences of a possible
Israeli attack against Iran? Will the Muslim and Arab nations unite to support
AZAZIAH: Unfortunately, while the peoples of the Islamic world will indeed stand with the Islamic Revolution if the Zionist regime and its puppets attempt to assault it, the leaders of the Islamic world will not because let us be honest, they represent Islam as much as the idols destroyed by the Holy Prophet (SAWW) during the beginning days of his advent represented Islam.
AZAZIAH: Unfortunately, while the peoples of the Islamic world will indeed stand with the Islamic Revolution if the Zionist regime and its puppets attempt to assault it, the leaders of the Islamic world will not because let us be honest, they represent Islam as much as the idols destroyed by the Holy Prophet (SAWW) during the beginning days of his advent represented Islam.
monarchies of the Arab world are the worst kinds of hypocrites and the GCC, led
by the morally-bankrupt and Zionist House of Saud and Al-Thani family, are now
serving as the willing and able agents of the Zionist entity and its Anglo
allies in America and Europe and if they are ordered to do so, they will
participate in the planned onslaught against Iran.
true face of the House of Saud and Qatar can be seen in their participation in
the ravaging of Libya and ongoing shadow operations inside Syria.
must be said though is that the Zionists and their marionettes are not ready
for a full-brunt military confrontation with the Islamic Revolution, hence why
they have chosen to use underhanded methods of subversion, through Mossad, CIA
and Israeli-funded terror proxies like the MEK and Jundallah, to conduct a
covert war against Iran for three decades. And as multiple authentic ahadith
confirm, if the forces of Dajjal enter the lands of Persia, it is there, where
they will be buried by the righteous. Insha'ALLAH.
The Zionist regime and its marionettes are trying to
provoke the Islamic Republic of Iran into war
ZIABARI: International pressure on Iran is mounting
these days. From one hand, we have the accusations of the U.S. and its cronies
against Iran with regards to the human rights issue. From the other hand, we
have the Saudi envoy assassination plot allegation, and as the third phase of
the project, we have the IAEA's controversial report on the country's nuclear
program. How do you assess this trilateral attack?
AZAZIAH: The ludicrous, ridiculous "Saudi assassination plot" has already been debunked as another Mossad false flag and I must say, it was one of the most pathetic that the Zionist regime had concocted in quite some time.
AZAZIAH: The ludicrous, ridiculous "Saudi assassination plot" has already been debunked as another Mossad false flag and I must say, it was one of the most pathetic that the Zionist regime had concocted in quite some time.
allegations of "human rights violations" in the Islamic Republic are
nothing but atrocious attempts by the Zionist-occupied United States government
to generate international sympathy for the "poor, suffering Iranian
people" so subsequently, there will be a global outcry and support for
regime change.
We know
this to be massively farcical. The people of the Islamic Revolution
wholeheartedly and overwhelmingly support the government of President
Ahmadinejad and would sacrifice their lives for Ayatollah Sayyed Khamenei.
Additionally, there is no larger violator and destroyer of human rights than
the United States, which under Zionist direction, has initiated one war after
another in the last 100 years and murdered tens of millions of innocents in the
How dare these hooligans and monsters criticize Iran for "human rights abuses" after their fire bombing of Tokyo, their nuking of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, their decimation of Dresden, Frankfurt and Hamburg, their concentration camps set up after WW2 that murdered over 1 million innocent Germans, their strafing of Korea, their rape of Vietnam and Cambodia for the expansion of Jewish mob boss Meyer Lansky's criminal narcotics syndicate, their eradication of Iraq over the last 20 years, their crushing of Afghanistan, their ruining of Libya and their incessant drone bombing of Pakistan, Yemen and occupied Somalia, along with their assistance in the ongoing six-decade-long brutalization of Palestine and Hindutvadi-Zionist-occupied Kashmir.
hypocrisy is legendary and sickening. And the IAEA report is such a joke, such
a steaming mound of rubbish that it is not even worth analyzing. It is clear
that the reason for this 'trilateral attack' that you speak of is desperation.
Iranian leadership is cool, calculated and undeterred. They have not taken the
Zionist bait in responding to the multiple transgressions that the occupier of
Palestine has committed against them and this display of sabr (patience) has
infuriated the monsters greatly.
The Zionist-engineered sanctions against Iran are
taking a terrible toll on the Iranian people
ZIABARI: What do you think about the increased
sanctions of the U.S., EU and the UNSC against Iran? Are these sanctions going
to disrupt Iran's economy? Will these sanctions bring Iran to its knees and
force it into surrendering its nuclear rights?
AZAZIAH: I do not believe for a second that the sanctions will bring the Islamic Revolution to its knees; not even a single second. The Persian people, first and foremost, kneel only before ALLAH (SWT) and this was proven by their triumph over the Shah and the CIA-Mossad-run counter-revolution in 1979.
AZAZIAH: I do not believe for a second that the sanctions will bring the Islamic Revolution to its knees; not even a single second. The Persian people, first and foremost, kneel only before ALLAH (SWT) and this was proven by their triumph over the Shah and the CIA-Mossad-run counter-revolution in 1979.
would-be-invaders and 'arrogant powers' that Ayatollah Sayyed Khamenei
constantly refers to know that the only way Iran will break is through all-out
aggression and as described already, they are not ready for this kind of war at
this juncture.
This is
why we see increased cooperation between the GCC countries, America and the
Zionist entity, mainly the excessively large weapons deals between the House of
Saud, America and Germany as well as the increased 'defense' relations between
the House of Khalifa in Bahrain and the Zionist-occupied US government.
Zionism loves nothing more than Muslims killing Muslims and nothing would
satisfy its bloodlust quite like a 'Sunni-Shi'a, Persian-Arab' war, in which
its Israeli occupation forces would not have to lift a single weapon; the goyim would do all the work for them,
eliminating the usurping Jewish supremacist state's greatest enemy.
The Zionists and the real power behind them, their racist genocidal rabbis, according to their satanic Talmud, view the Arab and Persian peoples as "Ishmaelites" and "Amalekites" who must be destroyed in order to erect a "Jewish Utopia" on earth, in which Jews rule over non-Jews in a sort of supremacist paradise.
The Zionists and the real power behind them, their racist genocidal rabbis, according to their satanic Talmud, view the Arab and Persian peoples as "Ishmaelites" and "Amalekites" who must be destroyed in order to erect a "Jewish Utopia" on earth, in which Jews rule over non-Jews in a sort of supremacist paradise.
It is a
religious duty for Zionists to murder us, steal our lands and desecrate what it
is holy to us and they have the authority in their Talmud to use any and all
means to do it, including using our own people against us. Therefore, the
sanctions are only a precursor to what the globe holders really have in store
for Iran.
I think
it is an undeniable fact that unfortunately, the sanctions have indeed had a
negative effect on the Iranian economy and more importantly, the Iranian
people, specifically in the Aero sector, which as you have revealed in some of
your previous works brother, has seen thousands of innocents die in airplane
crashes since 1996.
The United States and the Zionist entity: world’s
greatest terrorists
ZIABARI: The U.S. has repeatedly accused Iran of
violating human rights and sponsoring terrorism. Don't you think that the U.S.
is itself a sponsor of terrorism as it has supported and financed Saddam
Hussein in an 8-year war with Iran and has been unconditionally supporting the
reactionary regimes of Hosni Mubarak, Al Khalifa, Al Saud and Ali Abdullah
Saleh who kill their innocent people ruthlessly?
AZAZIAH: There is no doubt that the United States, the 'golem' of the international Zionist Power Configuration and Jewish banking interests, is the world leader in terrorism. The US is in no moral position to condemn any government or group in the world until it fesses up to its own blood-soaked history.
AZAZIAH: There is no doubt that the United States, the 'golem' of the international Zionist Power Configuration and Jewish banking interests, is the world leader in terrorism. The US is in no moral position to condemn any government or group in the world until it fesses up to its own blood-soaked history.
million Native Americans exterminated. 150 million Africans, many of them
Muslims, murdered in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, which was dominated by
Spanish Jews like Aaron Lopez who had an entire fleet of slave ships and
financing from the Rothschild family; these Jews, who were of the extremist and
now dominant Talmudic-Kabbalistic school of thought, also introduced the Curse
of Ham to their Gentile slave-trading brothers, a horrific, racist story
concocted and developed by the rabbis in their Talmud which lowered the rank of
our brothers and sisters of beautiful black skin to animals.
Talmudic drivel was used to justify the dehumanization of millions of others
and in the greater geopolitical sense; it is now being exercised to justify
more Zionist aggression on the African continent.
These two historical atrocities alone show the true face of America, and its support of brutish dictators and monarchical maniacs across the globe is well-known. And while Iran's millennial history is one of peace and diplomacy with its neighbors, the US has launched hundreds of wars, covert and overt over its short two-century history.
These two historical atrocities alone show the true face of America, and its support of brutish dictators and monarchical maniacs across the globe is well-known. And while Iran's millennial history is one of peace and diplomacy with its neighbors, the US has launched hundreds of wars, covert and overt over its short two-century history.
is an old Kufan saying that my uncle once shared with me, which has been around
since Al-Mukhtar (RA) launched his rebellion against the Umayyads to defend the
martyrdom of Imam Hussein (AS) more than 1,300 years ago, that perfectly sums
up the United States' glorious fraudulence. Loosely translated from Arabic, it
cannot think of truer words that have been spoken.
The IAEA is nothing but an instrument of international
Zionist propaganda and psychological warfare
ZIABARI: Israel is the sole possessor of nuclear
weapons in the Middle East. It is not a NPT signatory and no IAEA inspector has
ever investigated its atomic arsenal. How is it possible to justify IAEA's
double standards with regards to Israel's nuclear program?
AZAZIAH: First and foremost, the IAEA is not an independent outfit like its public relations stooges would like the world to believe. The IAEA reports directly to the UN General Assembly and the UN Security Council and coordinates all of its actions with these two institutions of Zionist power.
AZAZIAH: First and foremost, the IAEA is not an independent outfit like its public relations stooges would like the world to believe. The IAEA reports directly to the UN General Assembly and the UN Security Council and coordinates all of its actions with these two institutions of Zionist power.
without question, it can be said that the IAEA is nothing but a tool of the UN.
The same UN that hasn't done a damn thing to stop Zionist tyranny in Palestine, scripting hundreds of resolutions against this racist usurping entity but enforcing none of them.The same UN that has done nothing to stop Hindutvadi tyranny in Kashmir, which is intimately aided by the Zionist entity with arms and intelligence, scripting dozens of other resolutions and enforcing none of them.The same UN that introduced Resolution 661 to Iraq, the treacherous 'sanctions resolution,' which crippled Iraq, prepared it for the Zionist invasion of 2003 and murdered over 2 million people by starvation including 800,000 Iraqi children.The same UN that paved the way for the mutilation of Libya, in which at least 100,000 have been mass murdered by NATO and its Israeli-advised rebel thugs.
The same UN that now seeks to turn Syria into another Iraq or Libya 2.0.
And besides, what is the UN really? As is the case with all matters of history
and the revisionism that follows, we must return to the beginning; the origins.
origins of the UN can be found in the financing of the same Zionist banking
families, the Rothschilds, Schiffs, Warbugs, Lazards and Oppenheimers, who have
financed strife on this earth for centuries.
The UN
was created to justify the existence of the Zionist entity as a legitimate
nation-state, to put a shroud on its hideous supremacist character; this rings
true with the fact that the Security Council never even ratified the resolution
which proposed the legitimacy of a Jewish ‘state’ in Palestine. Despite this,
and despite the illegal Jewish colonization of Palestine financed by the
Rothschild family since the 1880s and the horrible Zionist atrocities of the
Nakba in 1948, still the UN recognized this fabricated regime, still gave it a
name and a seat.
its godfathers, the Zionist bankers, wanted it that way.
The UN
is a tool of international Zionist power and by extension, so is the IAEA.
And if the evidence isn't clear enough, one simply needs to look at the previous IAEA head, Mohamed ElBaradei, who is hailed as a great humanitarian and even a hero, when he is nothing more than a wolf in sheep's clothing, a snake in the grass, a two-faced Zionist hypocrite who has condemned the Islamic Resistance of illegally besieged Gaza, who supports the insane 'right to exist' of the Zionist entity and who shakes hands with Israeli war criminals.
And if the evidence isn't clear enough, one simply needs to look at the previous IAEA head, Mohamed ElBaradei, who is hailed as a great humanitarian and even a hero, when he is nothing more than a wolf in sheep's clothing, a snake in the grass, a two-faced Zionist hypocrite who has condemned the Islamic Resistance of illegally besieged Gaza, who supports the insane 'right to exist' of the Zionist entity and who shakes hands with Israeli war criminals.
ElBaradei ran the IAEA, he sat on the board of the International Crisis Group,
a highly-influential international Zionist think tank, right next to none other
than Shimon Peres, George Soros and Morton Abramowitz, three of the most
powerful Zionists on this planet. While ElBaradei ran the IAEA, he did nothing
to stop the American-British invasion of Iraq, which was launched under a false
"WMDs" pretext engineered by Jewish-Zionist extremists in
the Bush administration's Office of Special Plans. He knew the
"intelligence" against Iraq was sheer Zionist falsehood but he
watched as Iraq was skewered.
is your 'IAEA independence,' yet another Zionist fraud.
In 2000 and 2006, Hezbollah, the
righteous Lebanese Resistance led by Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, defeated the
Zionist entity; the same result awaits the usurping regime if it dares to
engage with Iran.
ZIABARI: Will Iran succeed in
withstanding the international pressures? Should it give up its nuclear program
and get freed from the sanctions and military strike threats? What's your idea?
AZAZIAH: For 22 years, South Lebanon was savagely occupied by the monstrous Zionist entity. The righteous Islamic Resistance of Lebanon, Hezbollah, liberated its land, conquering the fourth (some say third) mightiest military in the world and rightfully humiliating it.
AZAZIAH: For 22 years, South Lebanon was savagely occupied by the monstrous Zionist entity. The righteous Islamic Resistance of Lebanon, Hezbollah, liberated its land, conquering the fourth (some say third) mightiest military in the world and rightfully humiliating it.
In 2006, the Zionist entity launched a criminal war against
Lebanon to avenge its defeat 6 years earlier. Unleashing cluster bombs, white
phosphorus and depleted uranium on the dignified and innocent Lebanese people,
the usurping regime murdered nearly 1,500 Lebanese and the unexploded
cluster bombs continue killing to this very moment.
Defiantly, and inspired by the steadfastness of the Lebanese people, Hezbollah defeated the Jewish supremacist entity again, crushing its plots to reoccupy Lebanon and upholding their Resistance to global Zionism.
Defiantly, and inspired by the steadfastness of the Lebanese people, Hezbollah defeated the Jewish supremacist entity again, crushing its plots to reoccupy Lebanon and upholding their Resistance to global Zionism.
How was this small fighting force able to best such a monolithic
military power?
Because the faith of a people cannot be pierced with bullets or
devastated by bombs.
Because the dignity of a people cannot be occupied or colonized.
The Zionists have no faith; they are godless, satanic
supremacists. The Zionists have no dignity, they are the swindlers of humanity.
Comparatively, the Palestinian people have been occupied for 63 years. Still, the Zionists have not been able to expel them to exalt their 'Greater Israel' dream.
Comparatively, the Palestinian people have been occupied for 63 years. Still, the Zionists have not been able to expel them to exalt their 'Greater Israel' dream.
The Kashmiri people have been occupied for 64 years. Still, the
Hindutvadis have not been able to crush them to initiate their first phase of
'Greater Hindutva.'
Because like Hezbollah and the exceptional Lebanese people, the
Palestinians' and Kashmiris' faith and dignity are weapons that cannot be
defeated by their occupiers.
And the revolutionary Islamic Republic of Iran, is like
Hezbollah, the Palestinians and Kashmiris on a greater scale, with more
weaponry at its disposal.
It will not give up its nuclear program nor will it bow before
hollow military threats because it doesn't take orders from Zionism; Iran does
not recognize Zionism or the Jewish supremacists that govern it as legitimate
Iran only takes orders from Al-Hakam (SWT), the supreme Judge of
this universe. For us, Allah (SWT) is Al-Mu'izz, because He has honored us with
Resistance and martyrdom if we die in our path of Resistance, giving hope to
our brothers and sisters still struggling because as the Holy Qur'an says, we
are alive though we are not seen.
For the monsters, the enemies and the 'arrogant powers' though,
Allah (SWT) is Al-Moumit, and the day of the Zionists' doom at His hands is
much nearer than they think. Iran and all those who support it will be
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