"Not as Cain, who was of the evil one, and killed his brother. And wherefore did he kill him? Because his own works were wicked, and his brother's just" (I John 3:12).
The transgression of Cain, the first murderer, is of
remarkable significance in tracing the development of occult organizations in
history. The Hebrew word for Cain is Kajin, from Koon, to chant, and from which
we derive the slang terms for persons of mixed race, Kajuns and coons. From
Cain descended Tubal Cain, whose name is used as the secret password of
Freemasonry. Tubal Cain was the son of Lamech, and brother to Noah, but he was
born of a bigamous marriage. Tubal Cain became a blacksmith, and he later
became renowned as the father of witchcraft and sorcery. His father, Lamech,
was the son of Methuselah, of the line of Cain.
We might suppose that the two sons of Adam, Cain and Abel,
having the whole world before them, would have little cause for discord, but
Cain, being of the Evil One, sought a quarrel with his brother. The Bible
recounts that they made offerings to God, and that God accepted the offering
from Abel, but rejected the offering of Cain because he was unworthy, that is,
he was of the serpent. Cain, overcome by wrath and jealousy, then slew Abel.
The midrash gives a somewhat more extended version, that
Cain persuaded Abel that they should divide the world between them. Cain would
get all the land, and Abel would have all the chattels thereon.
Cain then informed Abel that he was standing on his land,
and that he should remove himself.
Abel retorted that Cain was wearing clothes of animal skins,
which belonged to Abel. They fought, and Cain slew Abel.
God then banished Cain "eastward of Eden," in
"the land of Nod." He wedded a woman of pre-Adamite stock, and thus
compounded his fault. Genesis 4:17 says, "Cain knew [that is, had
relations with] his wife." That Cain's wife was of forbidden or strange
flesh is borne out later, in Jude 11, in referring to the men of Sodom and
Gomorrah, "Woe unto them! for they have gone the way of Cain," that
is, seeking after strange flesh. The pre-Adamites were referred to by the
Hebrew word Nachash, to hiss, as a serpent-meaning Negro. The Arab word Chanas
comes from his Hebrew word, as well as Khanoos, or Ape, and the Arab word for
devil, Khanas. Thus the mixing of the races and the appearance of the devil in
history are conjoined in the misdeeds of Cain. Cain is also reputed to have
celebrated the first Black Mass, or Satanic Mass, on earth.
The name of Cain survives today in Freemasonry in two forms,
which are integral to the most crucial tenets of this association. First of
all, murder, the threat of murder, and the constant re-enactment of murder are
basic to the most important Masonic rituals, as Stephen King pointed out in his
book, "The Brotherhood," shortly before his untimely death. Thus a
direct link to the first murderer, Cain, is established by these rituals. The
importance of the Cain legend to Freemasonry is also revealed by the fact that
Cain slew his brother.
In Freemasonry, if you are asked to act against your own brother in behalf of a fellow-Mason, you must do so, under pain of death. There have been many instances where a man who was pursuing a lawsuit against a Mason was astounded to have his own brother, who would be a Mason, come into court and commit perjury against him to help his brother Mason. This custom also survives in other organizations (which may be related to Freemasonry). In La Cosa Nostra, leaders often request a member to murder a close relative upon whom the death sentence has been passed, as the ultimate test of his loyalty.
In Freemasonry, if you are asked to act against your own brother in behalf of a fellow-Mason, you must do so, under pain of death. There have been many instances where a man who was pursuing a lawsuit against a Mason was astounded to have his own brother, who would be a Mason, come into court and commit perjury against him to help his brother Mason. This custom also survives in other organizations (which may be related to Freemasonry). In La Cosa Nostra, leaders often request a member to murder a close relative upon whom the death sentence has been passed, as the ultimate test of his loyalty.
The name of Cain also survives in a second important element
of Freemasonry. The secret password of Freemasonry is "Tubal Cain"
(Heckethorn, "Secret Societies," p. 26). Tubal Cain, a descendant of
Cain, was the son of Lamech, the father of Noah, who had two wives, Adah and Zillah.
'Zillah bore Tubal Cain; he was the forger of all instruments of bronze and
iron. The sister of Tubal Cain was Naamah" (Genesis 4:22). Naamah's
revelries with her blood relative, Ham, resulted in the Curse of Canaan; she is
also recorded as the person who brought human sacrifice and cannibalism into
the world. Tubal Cain, grandson of Methuselah by Lamech, was of the line of
Cain, hence his name. He is known as the father of witchcraft and sorcery,
hence his importance to Freemasonry and their use of his name as their
Ham's descendant by the Negro Cush, Nimrod, son of Cush,
became the world's most demonic ruler, and the first ruler of the world. He
used his power to indulge in sex orgies and child sacrifices, until Shem
beheaded him for his offenses against God. Shem cut his body into pieces and
sent these gory relics to the priests as a warning to cease and desist their
vile practices of demonic worship. Instead, the priests hid the pieces,
revering them as objects of worship, concealing them in their
"groves" and "Shrines" as the first "Mysteries."
The secret of the relics, or Mystery, was made known to initiates only after a
long period of indoctrination, when they could be trusted not to betray the
worshippers of Baal. This was the true origin of the "Mysteries,"
from which, as Albert Pike notes in "Morals and Dogma," all Masonic
rites originate.
Satanic practices throughout the world can be traced in an
unbroken line directly back to Gnosticism, from gnosis, or knowing. Gnosis
refers to knowing the secrets of the Mysteries, that is, the place where the
relics are hidden ~ the pieces of Nimrod's body. The "G" which is
prominently featured in Masonic symbols indicates not only its origins in
Gnosticism, but also “Generation," that is, the fertility rites of the sex
cult of Baal and Ashtoreth. This "G" is also featured in the logo of
the Gannett chain, a group which is rapidly swallowing up newspapers and
television stations all over America, as well as publishing the newspaper
"USA Today," which loses over $100 million a year. This is considered
a small price to pay for controlling the minds of American people.
The fate of Nimrod also survives in the myth as Osiris and
his sister Isis. Osiris, another name for the Canaanite god Baal and his
consort Ashtoreth or Isis, whose rites the Canaanites brought into Egypt, was
worshipped as fertility gods. The Egyptian legend is that Osiris' brother Set
(or Shem) dissected him into fourteen pieces. Isis gathered up the pieces, but
the most important part, the phallus, was missing; the legend says that a crab
had eaten it. Isis made a substitute phallus out of wood, and thus restored her
Because of its origin in the temples of Baal, which were dedicated to both male and female prostitution, Freemasonry has been the unseen force behind the drive to make the United States into a bisexual nation.
Its philosophical director, Albert Pike, makes this plain in
his authoritative book, "Morals and Dogma," p. 849: "Reversing
the letters of the ineffable name, and dividing it, it becomes bisexual"
This is pure Kabbalism, and it refers us directly to the cult of Baal and
Ashtoreth. Pike makes the point clearer on page 741,
"Masonry is a search after Light. That search leads us directly back, as you see, to the Kabala. All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabala and return to it; everything grand in the religious dreams of the Illuminati, Jacob Boehm, Swedenborg, Saint-Martin, and others, is borrowed from the Kabala; all the Masonic associations owe to it their secrets and symbols."
This is the most definitive revelation of the true origins
and purposes of Freemasonry. Originating in the Kabbala, it accomplishes its
devious purposes through the even more secret organization of the Illuminati,
the inner circle which controls the six million Freemasons of the world.
ED Noor: Pike was also co-creator of the KKK.
ED Noor: Pike was also co-creator of the KKK.
From their inception, the "Mysteries" were always
bisexual; rather, they sought to indulge any passion in their dedication to
pleasure, which meant constantly seeking after new and perhaps more exciting
sensations. Our modern psychologists explain these diversions as "the
alternative lifestyle." The symbol of the obscene rites is the Delta, or
triangle (the large pornography collection at the Library of Congress is called
the Delta collection; each card in the catalogue listing I book in this
collection has the symbolic triangle in the upper left hand corner).
The Delta represents the triune circles of eternity, the
Hebrew Yod. The double Delta, or six pointed symbol of Judaism, represents the
male triangle supreme over the female triangle below, and penetrating her. The
inverted triangle in the Rite of Kadosch Freemasonry represents Lucifer as the
Grand Patriarch and Grand Emperor. This triangle comprises the Indivisible
Trinity to which the Kadosch takes his oath of blind obedience. The Delta is
also the symbol of the Chapter in Royal Arch Masonry. This triangle represents
the Indivisible Masonry.
The Delta, or Triad, now is featured as the new symbol of
Hundreds of American business organizations, perhaps as a notice to the elect
that this business is now part of the Masonic Empire. The present writer has many
pages which researchers have gathered showing the predominance of this symbol
in American business. The Triads are also the name of the ancient Chinese
underworld gangs, for whom murder is a customary method of doing business.
Throughout the world, the Triad has become the symbol of
international business conspiracies. When Kashoggi, the munitions dealer whose
arms dealings resulted in the 1980's Iran scandals, formed an American branch
of his operations, he called it Triad America. Also symbolically, it has now
gone into bankruptcy, after inveigling many Americans into multi-million dollar
deals in many areas.
Captain William Morgan, who was murdered for having written
of the Masonic rituals, and thereby gave rise to the Anti-Masonic Party in
America during the nineteenth-century, noted in his historic book, "Freemasonry Exposed," that when a
Fellow Craft Mason was asked in interrogatory (interrogatory has since become a
prime technique of lawyers In their manipulation of a bill of attainder
proceeding known us "Discovery") what was his work, he answered that
he worked at building King Solomon's Temple.
"What does a Master's Lodge represent? The Sanctum
Sanctorum, or holy of holies, King Solomon's Temple. “
Albert Mackey's "Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry" lists
under Orient, "The place where a Lodge is situated is sometimes called its
'Orient,' but more properly, its 'East.' The seat of a Grand Lodge has also
sometimes been called its 'Grand Orient,' but here 'Grand East' would, perhaps,
be better. The term 'Grand Orient' has been used to designate certain of the
Supreme Bodies on the Continent of Europe, and also in South America, as the
Grand Orient of France, the Grand Orient of Brazil, the Grand Orient of
Portugal, and the Grand Orient of New Grenada, etc. The title always has
reference to the East as the place of honor in Masonry."
The reverence for the East throughout Grand Orient
Freemasonry is revealed by their activities in Western civilization. They have
consistently worked to impose Oriental despotism on the citizens of Western
Republics through totalitarian government apparatus.
Oriental despotism has become especially predominant in all
of our legal proceedings, the "court" where the despot rules, the
symbolic bow, or standing when the despot comes into the room, and the refusal
of the despot to brook any questioning of his decision by a citizen, who can
approach the judge only through an anointed priesthood, the legal profession.
Some Americans optimistically decide to come into court
representing themselves, which the people of Shem provided for specifically in
their Constitution of the United States, but judges usually give such
"attorneys pro se" short shrift. In states such as Virginia, where
Masonic power rules the courts, judges have been known to boast that no
attorney pro se will ever get a favorable decision in their court.
A non-Mason who enters an American court today is placing
himself at the mercy of an Oriental despot, hence the tyrannical actions of
judges in sentencing to indeterminate prison sentences anyone who happens to
displease them, or whose property is coveted by a Mason. This Oriental type of
despotism can be traced back to Zoroaster in Persia, to Ishtar and Tammuz in
Babylon, to the graeco ~ Thracian Mysteries at Eleusis, the Mysteries of
Demeter, Persephone, and Dionysus; to Cybele and Altis in Phrygia; to Aphrodite
and Adonis in Syria; to Isis and Osiris in Egypt; and to Mithra in Persia.
These Mystery cults were formally combined into much of the
text of the Babylonian Talmud, a book of religious precepts which had been
formulated after the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar took this
people to Babylon as captives from 586 to 537 B.C., after which Cyrus of Persia
captured Babylon and authorized the return to Jerusalem.
During the Babylonian captivity, there was a free admixture
of the various Canaanite tribes; the Edomites intermarried with the Canaanite
branch of the Judahites and Chers. Edom means red; ever since the Captivity, red
has meant revolution and Canaanite massacre of the innocents.
The Rothschilds, when they backed the formation of the
Illuminati, changed their name from Bauer to Roth (red) child (shield). This
intermixture of various strains caused a great deal of confusion among the offspring
as to what their customs should be.
To resolve this difficulty, the captives began to compile a great book of religious teachings. Talmud means "teaching" in Hebrew. By the second century A.D., the Talmud had been completed as oral law, the Mishnah, or older part, and the Gemara, or commentary on the law.
It first appeared in print in 1520, when Daniel Bomberg
published it in Venice. Because of its origins in the demon-worshipping capital
of the world, Babylon, demonology plays an important part throughout the text
of the Talmud. It refers to the Demiurge, or Chief Demon, as the Creator of the
Universe, and it defames the various appearances of demons as (1) mazzikim; (2)
shedim; (3) ruhot (Avot. 5-6). Asmodeus is listed as the King of the Demons
(Pes. 1l0a-1l2b).
King of the demons, Asmodeus
The Mishnah taught in the second century B.C. that two
things should never be revealed to the public, or the uninitiated:
(1) the work of creation, and
(2) the work of the chariot (meaning esoteric operations, the "Divine Throne").These precepts later became further formalized in the secret rites of Freemasonry. In 1280 A.D., a further development of Talmudic thought, The Zohar, or Book of Splendour, appeared. This was known as the Cabal, or tradition. It was based on two things:
(1) generation, or the fertility rites, as the most sacred word in the new instructions (which, of course, also became the "G" featured in Masonic symbols), and(2) the precept that Israel alone is to possess the future world (Vayschleh folio 177b).
The Zohar derived from the Sefer Yetsirah, or Book of Creation,
which had appeared in the Babylon of the third century; the ten Sephiroth or
numbers, based on the belief that the universe derives from the ten numbers and
two letters of the Hebrew alphabet; this later was developed into the
twenty-two trumps of Tarot, or the twenty-two Paths which lead to Sephotorth.
In Cabala*, evil takes on
a mysterious existence of its own, which its precepts trace back to the physical
appearance of life on earth, or Adam. Cabala
claims that Adam throws the entire stream of life out of balance, and that the
Church, or Christianity, by formalizing the physical existence of the Adamite
people on earth, has become a problem which must be resolved. This is the essence
of the basic anti -life principle underlying all Cabala and its heir,
These precepts declare that Satanism will achieve its final
triumph over the Church and Christianity, thus ending the "dualism"
of this world, the struggle between good and evil. In short, the problem of
good and evil will be ended when evil triumphs and good is eliminated from the earth.
This program may sound somewhat simplistic, but it is the basic premise of the
Cabala and Freemasonry.
* Cabala appears in various spellings through
history, principally "Cabala." Also Kabbalah, Kabala, etc.
These anti -life precepts are now to be encountered, and
dealt with, in many of the developments of our civilization. The descendants of
the Canaanites instinctively hate and actively oppose such progress as
technology, urban life, industrialism, and the cultural achievements of
humanity. Their basic goal is to return the earth to the primitivism of its
pre-Adamic state, when a Neanderthal type of human roamed at will over an earth
which had no "civilized" aspects to remind him of his primitivism.
The end purpose is to "restore" pre-Adamic man, so that Adamite man, as a creation of God, no longer presents an obstacle to Satan and his rule over this world.
Thus cabbalistic Freemasonry aims for the extermination of
life as we know it, culminating in the final triumph of the Canaanite Curse on
this earth. In retrospect, this amazing observation offers an irrefutable
reason for the otherwise inexplicable massacres, wars, and human devastation
which have been regularly visited upon a long-suffering humanity by the
Canaanite conspirators.
The Encyclopaedia Judaica has an entry of some sixty-one
pages on the Kabbala alone, by far the largest single entry in this
encyclopaedia. This entry notes that "Christian Kabbalah," that is, the
central development of secular humanism, first appeared in the theosophical
systems of the Freemasons in the second half of the eighteenth century, that
is, during the period of "the Enlightenment."
It was this predominant element in secular humanism which
led to the revolutions of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and which
had previously led to the Reformation. These political results were the logical
outcome of the teachings of Zohar, which declares that En Soph (the Ultimate
Deity) brought the world into being in an indirect manner, in order to avoid
being contaminated by physical being, or life; this again expresses the basic anti-life
direction of this philosophical system. This deity's only manifestation on earth
is through the Ten Sephiroth, or Divine Emanations. The teachings of Zohar deny
any presence on earth of God or His Son Jesus Christ; it places all of its
emphasis on 'non-God or humanistic doctrines.
Orthodox Jews base their religious practices entirely on the
Cabala. They celebrate their coming triumph, the Feast of Tabernacles, which is
defined in the Zohar as the period when they triumph over all the peoples of
the world. "That is why during this feast we seize the loulab and carry it
as a trophy to show that we have conquered all the other people (the
populace)" (Toldoth Noah 63b).
In his definitive work, "The Magical Mason," W. Wynn Westcott, the founder of the
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in England, traces the origins of the
Freemasons back to the Essenes in Jerusalem; Pharisaic Jews, the practitioners
of the most strict Judaism; the ancient Mysteries of Egypt and Greece; the
Vehm-Gerichte of Westphalia in Germany; the trade guilds of the Middle Ages;
the Roman Collegia; the French Compagnons; and the Rosicrucians. Westcott points
out that the cornerstone of the Capitol of Rome has the keystone mark of
"the Overseers," a sacred group.
The Royal Arch has an altar of white stone in the form of a
double cube; it is engraved with "the Sacred Name." He says that the
Mysteries, from which all Masonic ritual is derived, were intended to end the
fear of death in the initiate, by re-enacting the descent into Hades, and thus
finding the great first cause of all things revealed to the initiate. Westcott
claims that the famous Black Stone in the Sacred Mosque at Mecca is also part
of this ritual. There is also the Sacred Stone placed beneath the Throne of
England, which is said to have been the Stone of Jacob in Biblical times.
From such ancient symbols of power came the Masonic motto,
"Per me reges regnant," "through me kings reign." By
controlling kings, the Masons exercised their power from behind the scenes. If
the kings were overthrown by revolutions (which were often of organized by the
Freemasons themselves), the kings might be beheaded, but the instigators behind
the throne would be forewarned and escape unscathed. They would then continue
to reign through the next chosen leader, usually designated by their inner
Although it is dedicated to the usurpation and maintenance
of absolute power through an Oriental despotism, Freemasonry has attained much
of its worldwide influence through its emphasis on and sponsorship of the power
of revolutions against the established order.
Their slogan became the motto of the French Revolution, "Liberte, egalite, fraternie." Liberty, equality, that is, equality for Masons only, with slavery as the fate of everyone else, and fraternity, that is the brotherhood of the Masonic Order of the Canaanites. This slogan appears throughout documents of Freemasonry, which also advertises itself as "The New Age" movement. Many of its publications, such as the magazine of the Washington Freemasons in our nation’s capital, feature the name, The New Age, and the symbolic triangle on the cover of its magazine, the triangle being emblazoned in its borders with the motto, "Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity."
Their slogan became the motto of the French Revolution, "Liberte, egalite, fraternie." Liberty, equality, that is, equality for Masons only, with slavery as the fate of everyone else, and fraternity, that is the brotherhood of the Masonic Order of the Canaanites. This slogan appears throughout documents of Freemasonry, which also advertises itself as "The New Age" movement. Many of its publications, such as the magazine of the Washington Freemasons in our nation’s capital, feature the name, The New Age, and the symbolic triangle on the cover of its magazine, the triangle being emblazoned in its borders with the motto, "Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity."
The New Age, or New Order, refers to the era which will be inaugurated after the final Armageddon, when the Canaanites exterminate the last survivors of the people of Shem.
In the Masonic world, Jerusalem has always been heralded as
the birthplace of Freemasonry. Another tradition has it that the earliest
Masonic lodges built the Temple of Solomon. King Solomon completed the Temple
in 1005 B.C. Solomon died at the age of sixty, after a reign of some forty
years, and was succeeded by his son Rehoboam. Mackey's "Encyclopaedia of Masonry"
says under the entry, "Oriental Chair of Solomon,"
"The seat of the Master in a Symbolic Lodge, and so called because the Master is supposed symbolically to fill the place over the Craft once occupied by King Salomon. For the same reason, the seat of the Grand Master in the Grand Lodge receives the same appellation. In England it is called the Throne."
Please enlarge thumb.
In Masonic symbolism, the Rainbow appears as the sacred depiction of Lucifer, the Light Bearer, and it indicates his Brightness. On Masonic diplomas is inscribed the verse, "And God said, Let there be Light, and there was Light." In fact, the use of God's name here is a typical subterfuge whose true meaning in known only to the higher degrees of Freemasonry, the occult degrees, and is an example of the internal deception by which the occult degrees rule the fellow crafts. Lucifer in the true name of the being whom they worship as a god, as their mentor, Albert Pike, made plain in his communications to Mazzini and other Masonic leaders.
The symbols of Freemasonry, to those unaware of their
Cabbalistic meaning, may seem innocuous enough, particularly to the great
majority of Masons, the members of the three degrees of the Blue Lodges. They
are never informed that the "All-Seeing Eye" of their symbolism
refers not to light, but to the genitals, the Eye of Hoor, which is the anus,
and which signifies the homosexual or bisexual commitment of our present ruling
class, the World Order of the Canaanites. "G" stands for both
Generation or the act of coitus and for Gnosticism. It also glorifies the Great
God Baal, and the missing part of his anatomy, the phallus, which according to
the legend of Set and Nimrod, had been removed.
The worship of the phallus appears in Masonic ceremonies in
the Master degrees Ma-ha-bone, signifying the hermaphroditic son of Loth. The
Master's Lodge represents the Uterus, the Middle Chamber. The acacia signifies
that all the Mysteries originated in India, or rather, that their initial
inspiration came from that area. In the Acacia Rite, the fellow crafts are
dressed in white, from the Greek signifying innocence, although it also
signifies the corruption of innocence in many religious rites.
The Acacia Mutual Life Insurance Company headquarters
occupies a prominent place in Washington near the halls of Congress. During his
lifetime, J. Edgar Hoover, longtime head of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, accepted only one business association. He was named a director
of Acacia Mutual, which was almost directly across the street from his
headquarters at the FBI. Because of this association, it proved impossible to
remove him from the FBI during his lifetime.
The Masonic points also derived from the ancient Mysteries;
the triple degrees of the system correspond to the mysteries of Serapis, Isis,
and Osiris. The entered apprentice is referred to the three lights, Osiris in
the East, Isis in the West, and Horus, who was master, or living lord in place
of Osiris, in the South.
The Hexapla, or Seal of Solomon, is a six-pointed star. In
the Cabala, six is esteemed as a male number, which has been assigned by the
Kabbalists to Microprospus, the Vau of the Hebrew alphabet, and the six middle
signs. The Cabala itself is the basis of Theosophy; in the Encyclopaedia
Judaica, under the entry "Theosophy," it merely says, see Kabbala.
The Kabbala took shape as a definite system, a secret Sophia or body of
knowledge, after the fall of Jerusalem. It
relied heavily on numerology and incantations.
The Hebrew gematria is a code which is based upon
numerology. Devious explanations and prophecies are worked out by laboriously
tracing various numerological values. For instance, through gematria it is
shown that Moses wrote the Farewell Song; the first six letters of the first
six sentences are the same as Moses name in Hebrew-345.
The Cabala claims that the sacred number offers the prospect
of knowledge. This number, 142857, is divided from the Eternal Number, One, or
one million, or God plus six symbols of endlessness; divided by 7, it always
comes out 142857. The primary numbers, 1 through 9, make up the triangle of the
ternary, the completed Image of the three worlds. 9 is also the number for
Mars; the secret name of god is number 9, and the period of gestation is 9
months; all of this information is to be found in the Cabala.
The chants and incantations from the Cabala include such
esoterica as the Key of Solomon, which gives the formula for summing up
Lucifer: "So come forth! Enter! Or I shall torture you endlessly by the
force of the powerful names of the Key: Alglon, Tetragram, Vaycheons, Stimulametion,
Ezphraes, Petregrammaton, Olzaran, Irion, Erython, Existron, Erzona, Onera, Orosyn,
Mozan, Messias, Soter, Emanu, Saboot."
A symbol which is to be found in every Masonic Lodge is the representation of a blazing star. Masons, apparently not knowing its true origin, claim it is the symbol of prudence. In fact, it represents the Dog Star, Sirius. The inundation of the Nile occurred in Egypt when the sun was under the stars of the Lion. To the Egyptians, it was known as the god Anubis; we know it by the name from the Hebrew, Sihor, which in Greek became Serios, and in Latin, Sirius.
A symbol which is to be found in every Masonic Lodge is the representation of a blazing star. Masons, apparently not knowing its true origin, claim it is the symbol of prudence. In fact, it represents the Dog Star, Sirius. The inundation of the Nile occurred in Egypt when the sun was under the stars of the Lion. To the Egyptians, it was known as the god Anubis; we know it by the name from the Hebrew, Sihor, which in Greek became Serios, and in Latin, Sirius.
Its appearance was the sign to the ancient Egyptians to
retire to higher ground, before the rising of the Nile, a tradition of prudence
unknown to the present-day Masons, who nevertheless ascribe to it the correct
interpretation of prudence. The character emblazoned on the Masonic apron is the
triple Tau, a compound of three T's, or, in Greek, Tau. It stands for the old
Egyptian Nilometer, which was used to ascertain the height of the Nile's
inundation, on which the life of the inhabitants depended. It thus became the
symbol of health and prosperity, having the power as an amulet to avoid evil.
A key Masonic ceremony is based on the tradition that the
three great secrets of the mystery school of Moses were known to no one man;
the three secrets, also called "the three words," were known by King
Solomon, King Hiram of Tyre, and Hiram Abiff of Tyre, who is called "the widow's
son" by Masons.
Tyre, of course, was one of the key Canaanite cities. Three
Masons of lower degree sought to force Hiram Abiff to tell them the word which
was in his keeping; he was murdered by them because he refused. The murder
ritual of Hiram Abiff is one of the key Masonic ceremonies, and it is intended
to impress upon them the importance of submitting to murder rather than to give
away any secret of the Masons. It also, as Stephen King points out, emphasizes
the importance of the element of murder in all of Freemasonry, perhaps the
single most constant factor which links all of their ceremonies.
The murder of Hiram Abiff is solemnly re-enacted at the reception of a Master Mason. The chamber is draped in black, with death's head painted on the walls. A body is displayed in a coffin, and the entire story is then re-enacted, culminating with the murder of Hiram Abiff by two apprentices. This impresses upon the members of the fellow craft that the blood-curdling oaths which they are required to take are no idle ceremonies, and that they must be faithful to the Masonic Canaanite rite, or their lives will be forfeit.
The murder of Hiram Abiff is solemnly re-enacted at the reception of a Master Mason. The chamber is draped in black, with death's head painted on the walls. A body is displayed in a coffin, and the entire story is then re-enacted, culminating with the murder of Hiram Abiff by two apprentices. This impresses upon the members of the fellow craft that the blood-curdling oaths which they are required to take are no idle ceremonies, and that they must be faithful to the Masonic Canaanite rite, or their lives will be forfeit.
In the Masonic ceremonies, a new name for God (whom they
always hated) was coined by the ritualists, because they dared not use the name
of their real God, Lucifer. They now called on the mystical Jah-Bul-On, a name
which they originated by combining the various deities of the Canaanite
devil-worshippers: Jah, from the original Jahweh; Bul, the Hebrew name for the Canaanite
god Baal; and On, representing the Egyptian God, Osiris.
Because of their Kabbalistic origins, the number 13 is of
great significance in Masonic rites.
A Council of Five, which is composed of the family leaders of the Rothschilds and their closest associates, governs the World Order of Canaanitic Freemasonry.Below it is the Council of 13, which also has great authority; after them comes the Council of 500. The council of 500 is made up of the leading politicians and business leaders of the world; if also includes the most prominent men from education and religion. The members of this Council are often present at the policy meetings of the Bilderberger Organization, with which it basically corresponds.
Key elements in the world program of Freemasonry are
frequently enacted on their special date, the thirteenth.
Thus, the Federal Reserve Act, a key point in the control of
the world's economic systems by the Canaanites, was enacted onto law on the
23rd of December, 1913.
The 16thAmendment to the Constitution of the United States, the income tax amendment, which was also a key element in the program, was adopted on May 31, 1913.This amendment gave the Canaanites control over every economic aspect of the captive population of the United States. From that day on, they had to report every penny of both income and assets, as had been laid down by Lenin in his program, "The Threatening Catastrophe," which he had published in 1917.
This program called for the confiscation of assets as
punishment for "concealing income"; it was adopted by the Internal
Revenue Service.
The Lenin program now is the official operating doctrine of the IRS.
The 17th amendment to the Constitution of the people of
Shem, the amendment changing the requirements for electing Senators to the
Congress, was adopted on May 21, 1913.
These three amendments effectively sabotaged the
Constitution, removing its historic protections of the people against a
tyrannical government.
Because income is actually property, the 16th amendment stripped citizens of the United States of all property rights, as did the later provisions for confiscation of all money and property.
The Senate election amendment stripped the state
legislatures of their historic right to elect Senators; it had been required to
maintain the balance between the less populous and the more populous states; it
now costs ten million dollars to elect a Senator.
This amendment left the inhabitants of the several states bare to the most vicious intrigues of the barbaric and devil-worshiping Canaanites.
This amendment left the inhabitants of the several states bare to the most vicious intrigues of the barbaric and devil-worshiping Canaanites.
In effect, the people of Shem lost a racial and religious
war, because of these three acts of 1913. The emphasis on the number 13 also
restates the resolve of the Freemasons to destroy their historic enemy, Christ,
and His Twelve Disciples.
When the Rockefellers set up their criminal control of the
state legislatures, the Council of State Governments, they symbolically
installed it at a building numbered 1313. In 1813, the Duke of Sussex, the
second son of King George III, became the Grand Master of English Freemasonry. Thirteen
small stars, the Seals of Solomon, were placed on United States currency, to
form a six point Mogen David (Shield of David).
.The various degrees of the Masonic ritual are of great hidden significance. The first three degrees, known as the Blue Lodge, are
(1) entered apprentice;(2) fellow craft;(3) Master Mason.
The initiates of the Blue Lodge are purposefully deceived
throughout their membership as to the true purposes of Freemasonry. Any Mason
of high degree who informs them of the behind-the-scenes occult program of the
Order is subject to the death penalty.
Consequently, the Blue Lodges, found in most American towns
and cities, seem little different from the organizations of other fraternal
orders, such as the Ruritans and the Lions. Superficially, all three groups
seem to be drawn from the same strata of society, earnest, family men, often
church-goers, representing the essential qualities of small town life, but the
resemblance is only superficial.
The Masonic Order usually draws its members from the leading
merchants, and from the professions, bankers, doctors, and lawyers. They come
to their meetings, they dabble in some charity work, and in general, they mark
time until that day when they are asked to perform some unusual task for a
fellow Mason, or for the national or world order. At that time, they finally
realize that the blood oath does have significance, but by that time it is
usually too late. They may be asked to support a Masonic candidate for political
office, to swing a business deal to a fellow Mason, or even to commit perjury
or some other illegal act for a brother Mason. Even then, they are never
offered any confidences; they are merely told what they must do, and they must
obey. The Lions and the Ruritans, on the other hand, have no such demands on
their members.
The first seven degrees of Freemasonry are the same novice crafts as the first seven degrees of the Great Mysteries of Osiris.
They are also the same seven degrees as the requirements for advancement in the Jesuit Order.
Heckethorn's "Secret Societies" notes that the apprentice
ceremonies are thought to be of Jesuitical origin; Weishaupt had had a Jesuit chair at the University of Ingolstadt when
he organized the Illuminati. Heckethorn says,
"He [theapprentice] is then deprived of all metal he has about him; his right knee, and sometimes his left side, are uncovered, and the heel of his left shoe is trodden down. These ceremonies are supposed by some writers to be of Jesuitical origin. The deprivation of metals is to typify the vow of poverty, the baring of the breast and knee is intended to prevent the admission of women, and the treading down the heel of the shoe to remind the candidate that Ignatius deLoyola, who had a bad foot, thus began his pilgrimage."
The Scottish Rite has twenty-nine higher degrees, such as
the 16th degree, Prince of Jerusalem; Grand Pontiff; the 20th degree, Knight;
the 26th degree, a Rite which calls for Luciferian worship, demanding in the
sacred name to cast out "obscurantism," a Masonic code term for the
teachings of Christ; the 30th degree, Kadosch, a Yiddish term meaning
"Noble," whose initiation rite contains the significant phrase,
"I, I alone, All mine, All for me, by any and every means.“
The important 32nd degree, Sublime Prince of the Royal
secret, means that he has now advanced sufficiently to be given information of
a high degree, that is, Gnosticism, the "knowing" of the secret,
which goes back to the dismemberment of Nimrod, when the sect went underground.
The Rite of the 32nd degree ritually denounces property, law, and religion as
“assassins of the Grand Master de Molay. Once Religion is dead, Law and
Property will fall to our mercy, and we shall be able to regenerate society by
cofounding on the corpses of the Assassins of man, Masonic Religion, Masonic
Law, and Masonic Property."
This Rite reveals the basic purpose of Freemasonry, to
overthrow the established institutions of society and to replace them with
Masonic institutions of society controlled by the Canaanites.
The Scottish Rite also has the Rite of Herod, the French
Rite, the Grand Orient Rite, Mizraim Rite, which Is a Rite of Ancient Egypt
named after the son of Ham. Of these degrees, the Rite of Herod memorializes
the most brutal king in history. Many Jews denounced Herod because of his
bloodlust. He ordered all newborn babies to be killed, so as to ensure killing
the newborn Christ.
It is the 33rd degree which is of the most importance in
learning about the real aims of Freemasonry. Known as "the revolutionary
degree," it confers the title of the Supreme Pontiff of Universal Masonry.
Only those who reach the 33rd degree are allowed to wield world power, hence the title "Universal."
Consequently, most heads of government, or persons of like
importance, are 33rd degree Masons. Of course they cannot be loyal to any
nation they head, because their loyalty has already been pledged, on penalty of
death, to Universal Masonry.

After he had served the Masonic Order well for a number of
years, the Order then nominated him for a judgeship, as is often done by the
Order in maintaining its iron control over the courts of the United States. His
subsequent political career was then assured.
To draw attention away from the Masonic sponsorship of his
career, a great deal was made of a passing association with the boss of the
Kansas City underworld, Boss Pendergast, as the man behind his meteoric rise.
In fact, Pendergast was also a Mason. After attaining the 33rd degree, Truman
secretly changed his name by adding the initial S., which stood for Solomon. He
frequently told journalists that "The S doesn't stand for anything."
As President, he was consistently loyal to the revolutionary
tradition of the 33rd degree. Hailing the blood-soaked dictator, Joseph Stalin as
“Good Old Joe," he initiated the Marshall Plan to continue the secret
shipment of supplies to the Soviet Union.
He publicly labeled the Alger Hiss treason case "a Red
Herring," and he authorized the State Department's George Kennan to draw
up the "containment policy," which guaranteed that Russia would
continue to occupy the Central European nations without any interference, after
they had conquered them by armed aggression.
In all of his revolutionary work, he was ably assisted by
his closest personal confidant, David Niles, or Neyhus, a Communist homosexual
who had one sister holding an important position in the Government of Israel,
and another sister who had a policymaking position in Moscow.
To protect him while he was on his nightly drunken cruising
sprees in the back alleys of Washington, Niles had J. Edgar Hoover assign two
FBI agents to follow him. They had to crouch behind garbage cans while he
engaged himself in his customary pursuits, and then saw to it that he returned
safely to the White House. This FBI tradition was continued for Walter Jenkins
during the Lyndon Johnson occupancy of the White House.
One of the most revolting personalities in the history of
the United States was the chief organizer of Freemasonry, Albert Pike. Born in
Boston, he went to Harvard University and later moved to Arkansas. He served as
a general in the Confederate Army during the Civil War, after which he devoted
the rest of his life to promoting Freemasonry. He is credited with having
brought the Scottish Rite into prominence in the United States.
Significantly, the Scottish Rite dates all of its official communications with the year of the Hebrew calendar.
Pike maintained worldwide ties with such noted Masonic
revolutionaries as Garibaldi and Mazzini. They cooperated in establishing four
Grand Central Directories for Freemasonry; the North American branch was
headquartered at Washington, D.C.; the South American branch was headquartered
at Montevideo; the European branch at Naples; and the Asia and Oceania branch
at Calcutta. He and Mazzini were succeeded as heads of world Freemasonry by
Adriano Lemmi. Pike and Lemmi had an extended disagreement over the name of the
God of Masons which they were to use in their rites; Pike was determined to
call him Lucifer, while Lemmi held out for Satan; they finally settled on
Lucifer. Pike subsequently used the term, Sublime Pontiff of Lucifer, to
describe himself.
Although he came from modest origins, Pike, during his years
in Arkansas, seemed to possess unlimited funds, for which no source has ever
been established. A gross, obese creature of the most perverted tastes, he
frequently organized expeditions of as many as three wagonloads of friends and
prostitutes. They rolled out into the countryside, laden with casks of brandy, every
available delicacy, and other refreshments. They then would gorge themselves
for days on end, indulging in wild orgies, and blind to the world.
After rising to control of American Freemasonry, Pike
forbade the mention of the name of Jesus Christ in a prayer in a Masonic Lodge.
He organized the Adonaicide Mass for the top officials of the New Palladian
Rite. It was based on the initiation rite of the 25th degree, in which the serpent
is portrayed as the true friend of man, and Christ, or Adonais as the real
enemy of mankind.
Actually, it was a somewhat conventional Black Mass, to
which Pike added some original touches of his own; the highlight of the
initiation of a nude prostitute, called Eve, into the rites of intercourse. A
fowl or animal was then immolated as a bloody sacrifice to Lucifer, to celebrate
the victory of the Synagogue of Satan over Christ; followed by the ritual
defiling of the Host. The blood was passed around to the celebrants to be
drunk, after which the flesh was ritually eaten. All those present then
abandoned themselves to a drunken orgy.
Despite his frequent dissipations, Pike was a tireless
organizer. He managed to produce the massive textbook, "Morals and
Dogma," which is the Bible of American Freemasonry to this day. First
published in Charleston (the Mother Lodge) in 1871, the book indicates from its
very first page the tyrannical intent of Freemasonry.
"The blind Force of the People is Force that must be economized, and also managed ~ It must be regulated by Intellect. ... The Force of the People .... cannot maintain and continue in action and existence a Free Government once created."
This is the bald resolve that Freemasonry cannot tolerate
the existence of a free government. Therefore, the American Republic and the
Constitution of the United States, written by and for the people of Shem, must
be eliminated.
Pike's book, by and large, is simply a formulation of the program
which the Canaanites had already been pursuing for three thousand years. It
gave a precise set of instructions by which the American people could be
brought under control and bent to the ends of Freemasonry.
Pike positively identifies the demonic origins of
Freemasonry on page 22: "Masonry, successor of the Mysteries, still
follows the ancient manner of teaching. Masonry is identical with the ancient
Mysteries." This also explains Freemasonry's close cooperation with the
leaders of secular humanism, which also stems directly from the Mystery cults.
Another meaningful statement is found on page 152: "Masonry is activism."
three words explain the furious involvement of Freemasons in every type of
activist movement in the United States, whether it is feminism, humanism,
racial integrations, or Communism. Pike had laid down the law ~ Masons must be
activists, and they have obeyed his dictum. As a result, much of the drive, as
well as the financing, for all types of activist agitation in the United States
comes directly from the Hidden Hand of the Masonic Order. Wherever you see a
group marching in this country, you will probably find that Masons are the
Pike explains Freemasonry's commitment to One World
Government, on page 220. He writes,
"The whole world is but one republic, of which each nation is a family and every individual a child."
This explains the Socialistic paternalism of the present
American Government, which seeks a Fabian, cradle-to-grave control over the
daily life of every citizen. The well-oiled machinery of the national Masonic
movement is able to implement such a humanistic program, which is devoid of
religious inspiration or values. "Children" cannot be trusted to
handle their own money; only a wise central government in Washington can decide
to send our earnings to other nations, who deserve our help, but as
individuals, we might not be generous enough to rob our children for the sake
of tyrants in other lands. Consequently, the agents of the IRS take our earnings
from us, and the federal government in Washington then puts it to
"better" use.
Pike, the final arbiter of all of American Freemasonry,
defines the occult origins of Freemasonry, as well as its determination to set
up a one-world tyranny. Such an anti-Christian doctrine could only come from
the smoking altars of Baal and his demon-worshipping disciples..
To stress the importance of his dogma, Pike writes that ('Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion, and its teachers are instructors in religion." Because of his previous statements, he is actually saying that every Masonic teacher is an instructor in the Kabbalah. This is reflected in the Master Mason's oath: "I will acknowledge and obey all due signs and summons sent to me from a master mason's lodge or given to me by a brother of that degree .... I will fly to his relief."
To stress the importance of his dogma, Pike writes that ('Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion, and its teachers are instructors in religion." Because of his previous statements, he is actually saying that every Masonic teacher is an instructor in the Kabbalah. This is reflected in the Master Mason's oath: "I will acknowledge and obey all due signs and summons sent to me from a master mason's lodge or given to me by a brother of that degree .... I will fly to his relief."
Failure to do", so meant "no lesser penalty than having my body severed in two, my bowels taken from hence and burned to ashes."
This oath, for greater impact, is taken while kneeling
blindfolded. This is the true revelation of a "fraternal lodge" which
is supposedly dedicated to charity and good works. Has anyone ever been
solicited for charity work with the admonition that if they refuse, they will
be severed in two and their bowels taken out and burned?
Albert Pike, who was born in 1809, died in 1891 in
Washington, D.C. His funeral was held in the Masonic Temple at midnight, with
the Rite of the Kadosch funeral. The room was draped entirely in black, lit
only by a few candles burning eerily, a true Witches Ceremony for a man who had
devoted his life to the cause of Lucifer.
From 1859 to 1871, Pike had worked on his master plan for
the World Order of Freemasonry .He formulated the program which included three
world wars; the first to overthrow the Czar and set up a Communist state; the
second world war which would build up the Communist empire, and the third world
war which would destroy Christian civilization for all time throughout the world.
On August 15, 1871, he wrote a letter to Mazzini, which is
now on exhibit at the British Museum, of his program for the Luciferian world
conquest, planned to unleash
"the Nihilists and the Atheists ... everywhere the citizens will receive the one pure Light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer ... which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."
It was Pike who formulated the secret technique whereby initiates
of the Blue Lodge would only pass through "the outward doors of their
philosophy"; the initiates must be deceived by false interpretations; true
interpretations were reserved for those of high degree, the Princes of Masonry,
who were forbidden to reveal the true interpretations to the lower initiates.
Because of the numerous Papal Bulls which had been issued
against Freemasonry, Pike and Nemmi resolved that the papacy must be destroyed.
The Bulletin of the Grand Orient of France, September 18, 1885, called for the destruction of the Catholic Church.
Monsignor Dillon was perhaps the first person to perceive
that the real power behind the Communist movement was that of Freemasonry. He
wrote in 1884 that the New Age actually is built on the desire for the coming
of a New Messiah, a false one; that the Temple of Solomon was destroyed in
fulfillment of the prophecy of Christ, and the Grand Orient and the Scottish Rite
Lodges were the source of modern revolutionary activity.
Pope Leo XIII denounced Masonry as Naturalism:
"The ultimate aim of Freemasonry is to uproot completely the whole religious and political order of the world which has been brought into existence by Christianity, and to replace it with another in harmony with their way of thinking. This will mean that the foundation and laws of the new structure will be drawn from pure Naturalism."
Abbe Lerudan had written in 1747 in Amsterdam:
"The real secret of Freemasonry is disbelief in the Divinity of Christ and replaced with Naturalism or the doctrine of Rationalism which was preached by Socinus in Poland."
Oliver Cromwell, the regicide of England, was a Socinian by belief;
he made it possible for Freemasonry to formally organize in England. Napoleon,
whose brother Joseph Bonaparte was Grand Master, was believed by the Masons to
be too powerful; Bernudotte, a Mason, persuaded him to launch his disastrous
campaign against Russia, which led to the destruction of his army.
In Italy, Lord Sackville of England had founded the Grand
Orient of Italy, which was directed by the highly secret Carbonari through the
Alta Vendita, its operating arm. The instructions to the members contained this
"Let each act of your life tend to discover the Philosopher's Stone. The alchemists of the Middle Ages lost their time and the Id of their dupes in the quest of this dream. That of the secret societies will be accomplished for the most simple of reasons, because it is based on the passions of man. Let us not be discouraged then by a check, a reserve, or a defeat. Let us prepare our arms in the silence of the lodges, dress our batteries. Flatter all passions the most evil and the most generous, and all lead us to think our plans will succeed one day above even our most improvident calculations."
Another instruction of the Alta Vendita read:
"We do not cease to recommend to you, to affiliate persons of every class and every manner of association, no matter what kind, only provided that mystery and secrecy shall be the dominant characteristic. Under a pretext most futile, but never political or religious, created by yourselves, or better yet, cause to be created by others, associations having in common music, the fine arts for object. Then infiltrate the poison into those chosen arts; infiltrate it in little doses.“A prince, who has not a kingdom to expect, is a good fortune for us. There are many of them in that plight. These poor princes will serve our ends, while thinking to labour only for their own. They form a magnificent signboard, and there are always fools enough to be found who are ready to compromise themselves in the service of a conspiracy, of which some prince or other seems to be the ringleader.“There is little morality even among the most moral of the world, and one goes fast in the way of that progress.“A good hatred, thoroughly cold, thoroughly calculated, is of more worth than all these artificial fires and all these declarations on the platform.“Presently, we shall have a printing establishment at Malta placed at our disposal. We shall then be able to act with impunity, with a sure stroke and under the British flag, to scatter from one end of Italy to the other, books, pamphlets, etc. which the Alta Vendita shall judge proper to put into circulation."
Nesta Webster, in "World Revolution," page 14,
discloses further threats' to potential betrayers:
“If you are only a traitor and perjurer, learn that all our brothers are called upon to arm themselves against you. Do not hope to escape or find a place of safety. Wherever you are, shame, remorse, and the rage of your brothers will pursue you and torment you to the innermost recesses of your entrails."
This was no idle threat; the Masons were known to poison whose
whom they suspected of having betrayed them, so that they died slow and
agonizing deaths, with terrible pains' 'in the innermost recesses of their
The manner of execution is often symbolic, intended to
convey a warning to other Masons or to outsiders who might know more than is
good for them. Such was the execution of Robert Calvi, a principal in the Banco
Ambrosiano scandal. Calvi was found hanging from Blackfriars Bridge in London,
the place having been chosen to signify that he had fallen from grace. A
warrant was recently issued by a judge in Milan for another principal in this
case, Archbishop Paul C.Marcinkus, a native of Chicago, who had been in charge
of the Vatican's finances.
The bank failure cost the Vatican $250 million, although its
liability at one time was estimated to be some$3 billion. Archbishop Marcinkus
was in charge of the Instituto per Ie Opere di Religione, the Vatican’s
Institute for Religious Works, which controlled its finances. The scandal was
not really about banking, but about Freemasonry.
Lord Sackville had established the first Masonic Lodge in
Italy in 1733; by 1861, Italy was beginning to organize as a world power. There
were then three Masonic groups in Italy, at Turin, Naples, and Palermo.
Garibaldi succeeded in uniting them in 1864 and thus became the most powerful
political leader in Italy; so great was his reputation that President Lincoln
asked him to become Commander-in-Chief of the United States Army during the
Civil War.
When Mussolini came to power after the First World War, he declared Freemasonry" a danger to the peace and quietude of the State."
The Lodges were proscribed by the Anti-Masonic Law of 1925, which
unleashed a furious worldwide propaganda campaign against Mussolini as a
"dictator." After World War II, some five hundred Lodges promptly
resurfaced in Italy. The Lodges were lavishly financed with all funds
thoughtfully provided by the taxpayers of the United States. Money was coming
in such amounts that a super-secret group was required to handle it. One Lido
Gelli had joined the Grand Oriente d'Italia in 1963; he now organized a new
lodge, which he called Propaganda Due, or P-2. It was named after Mazzini's
Lodge, Propaganda Uno, which he had founded to lead the Revolution of 1848.
Gelli assumed the Masonic title of "supremo regulatore dell
universo," Supreme Rugulator of the Universe. Within a short time, almost
every prominent official, banker, and editor of Italy was a member or! P-2.
P-2 became deeply involved in many underhanded banking
transactions, including control of Banco Ambrosiano. Another bank was set up,
Banco Privata, which seemed to be a vehicle for funds which had been hidden
since World War II, OSS millions which had been stashed in secret hiding
places. The principals of Banco Privata would indicate this; they included John"
McCaffery, the Italian representative of Hambros Bank (Charles Hambro has been
head of SOE, British Intelligence in London); he purchased 24.5070 of Banco
Privata for Hambros; Michael Sindona bought 51 %. Sindona later sold Banco
Privata to the lOR through Archbishop Marcinkus; the control was shifted to a
Sindona firm in Lichtenstein, Fasco A. G. Another holding company, La Centrale
Finanzaria, was set up by Sindona, which had Robert Calvi, Evelyn de
Rothschild, and Jocelyn Hambro on its board. Sindona was soon moving $49 billion
in Eurodollars through this and other bank holding companies which he operated.
He netted some $10 million in profits.
Banco Ambrosiano was at the vortex of all this activity; it went
bankrupt. Gelli withdrew $50 million and fled to Switzerland, where he was
arrested. Calvi was found hanging from the Blackfriars Bridge in London.
Sindona, who also was involved in the collapse of the Franklin National Bank in
New York, was arrested and sentenced to prison. He died in an American prison.
Before his death, he explained to an interviewer the complexities of the great
grain swindle, when the Soviet Union bought wheat from the United States in
July, 1972.
The Soviet Union was allowed to pay for its purchases in the
following manner: the central bank of Hungary, acting for the Soviet Union,
placed an order to sell the dollar short for$20 billion; Secretary of the
Treasury John Connally then devalued the dollar by 10%; the Soviet Union made
$4 billion on its short selling operation, and paid for the grain; they had $2 billion
profit from the short selling operation and $2 billion from the 10% devaluation
of the dollar.
Sindona observed,
"In its fathomless naiveté, the United States has provided the Soviets with $4 billion, money that has since doubtless been invested in the destruction of its benefactors; I began to see then that America was the consort of her own ruin. I tell you, in all of history, no power has so blindly armed and succored its enemies as she."
In fact, "America" is not encompassing its own
destruction; it is being destroyed by the Masonic Canaanites who have
infiltrated its highest offices, and who now employ their power to destroy the
people of Shem and the Republic which they established.
The Calvi murder brought some interesting names to the
surface, including one Francesco Pazienza, a Washington figure who was close to
former Secretary of State, General Haig; Flavio Carboni, a consultant to Banco
Ambrosiano who was also close to Armando Corona, head of the Grand Orient of
Italy; Ernesto Diotallevi and Danil Abbrudati, the heads of the Roman
underworld. Abbrudati was killed by bodyguards of Roberto Rosone, deputy
chairman of Banco Ambrosiano, when he tried to assassinate Rosone.
Carboni was in London with Calvi when Calvi was disposed of.
Carboni was registered at the Sheraton Hotel in London while Calvi was nearby
at Chelsea. Sindona later said that South American Freemasons had carried out the
murder of Calvi.
Carboni had previously received from Calvi $100,000 which was
paid to the Swiss bank account of his mistress, Laura Concas; Calvi had also
paid $530,000 to Ernesto Diotallevi. A London judge reversed the ruling that
Calvi had committed suicide and declared it to be death at the hands of persons
unknown. The investigation was halted.
The Masonic Order of Canaanites operates in the United
States in open defiance of the statutes against criminal syndicalism. 46 CJS 1
"Syndicalism is the doctrine which advocates abolishment of the existing political and social system by means of a general strike, peaceful demonstration, or revolutionary violence ....“It is within the powers of the legislature to punish the advocacy of propaganda which has for its purpose the destruction of government, or the rights of property which that government was founded to preserve, even before there is a present and imminent danger of the success of the plan advocated.“The initial and every other let knowingly committed for the accomplishment of that purpose may be forbidden and declared to be a crime. They may also prohibit and penalize the association with or membership in organizations advocating such doctrines or inviting others to join such organizations ....advocacy within one state, or advocacy of acts of violence against another state, or against the United States, may constitute criminal syndicalism."
Thus there are adequate statutes on the books to protect the
people of Shem from their planned extermination by the Masonic Canaanites.
Freemasonry also violates statutes prohibiting restraint of
trade, combinations entered into to injure other persons, and many other illegal
Continuous damage is done to the entire economy by the existence of a small, super-secret group which controls all advancement in business and the professions, which controls the issuance of bank loans, entering into a publishing business such as books, magazines, or newspapers, operating a radio and television station, chartering a bank, and many other avenues of trade.
Parents always want the best possible future for their children, making great
sacrifices to put them through school and to send them to college. They never
realize that without the "Open Sesame" of the Masonic Order, their
children are condemned to be hewers of wood and drawers of water that they can
never hope to earn any large sums or to make advancements in their field.
Everything is already pre-empted by the Canaanites for their
own kind. Only the children of the conspiratorial elite will be admitted to the
best schools, be offered the best jobs, and live the good life. For the rest of
America, the party is over.
"...the work of the chariot (meaning esoteric operations, the "Divine Throne")."
ReplyDeleteThat refers to the "Merkabah" - Throne Chariot mysticism which seeks to join to the secret occult power but not God, by a self willed ascension into heaven apart from the Messiah, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, Who descended from and ascended into heaven.
The Apostle St. Paul warned of it here:
Rom. 10:6 But
the justice which is of faith, speaketh thus: Say not in thy heart, Who shall
ascend into heaven? that is, to bring Christ down 7 Or
who shall descend into the deep? that is, to bring up Christ again from the
The uncorrupted Church knew not to have anything to do with Jewish (Babylonian) fables.
The Merkabah has everything to do with the false Messiah of the Rabbis, the Dajjal, the Antichrist, who will seek to change times and laws and will be guilty of human sacrifice in the rebuilt Temple of Remphan on the temple mount - the Haram al Sharif, the Noble Sanctuary.
The Ecumenists and Christian Zionists are doing everything to help bring about this abomination of desolation and will get their just punishment from God for their instigations.