The Canaanites, or
Phoenicians, employed their command of various monopolies to gain control of
the commerce of the entire Mediterranean area. Having established their bases
along the shores of the Mediterranean, they found that the most centrally
located headquarters for all of their operations was located on the
Adriatic Sea.
Here they founded the City of Venice (Phoenicia) in 466 A.D. Because of its unique location, and the dedication of the Canaanites to the pursuit of money and power, it soon became the command post of the commercial world.
ED Noor: The Venetian doge above, Loredan, bears an amazing resemblence to Michael Chertoff!
The 1152 census shows some 1300 Jews in Venice; they paid a tax of five per cent on their money lending operations. They were also active as brokers in commodities. In 1366, they obtained the right to reside in Venice itself; prior to that date, they had been forbidden to ('aside in the city, and were confined to living on the mainland lit Mestre.
They customarily charged from ten per cent to twenty per cent on loans. Because of Venice's great commercial possibilities, they flocked in from many parts of the world. In 1492, after their expulsion from Spain, many Jews and Marranos settled in Venice. The colony was then divided into three groups; the Germans, known as tudeschi; the levantini, from the Levant; and the ponantini, or westerners.
The 1152 census shows some 1300 Jews in Venice; they paid a tax of five per cent on their money lending operations. They were also active as brokers in commodities. In 1366, they obtained the right to reside in Venice itself; prior to that date, they had been forbidden to ('aside in the city, and were confined to living on the mainland lit Mestre.
They customarily charged from ten per cent to twenty per cent on loans. Because of Venice's great commercial possibilities, they flocked in from many parts of the world. In 1492, after their expulsion from Spain, many Jews and Marranos settled in Venice. The colony was then divided into three groups; the Germans, known as tudeschi; the levantini, from the Levant; and the ponantini, or westerners.
In 1797, the French
occupation opened the gates of the Ghetto. Napoleon then gained power and
established his Italian kingdom, from1805 to 1814, which gave them further
rights. During the Revolution of 1848, Kastein reports in his "History of
the Jews” that revolutionary Venice was ruled by Daniel Manini and two other
The Venetians were always
known as masters of intrigue; they aided the Turks in the conquest of
Constantinople in 1453, which ended the twelve hundred-year reign of the
Emperors of Byzantium. The Turks were shocked at the rapacity of the
Venetians, who carried off much of the city's legendary art treasures,
gold, and jewellery.
After they had returned home
with their loot, the Venetians actively disputed control of the Mediterranean
with the Turks, fighting them continually from 1453 to 1718. Venice had now
become the headquarters of a ruthless, social-climbing band of entrepreneurs
who purchased titles for themselves, or created them out of thin air, built
splendid mansions, and collected the art treasures of Europe. They financed
their new lifestyle with the enormous sums which they garnered from trade,
piracy, and money lending.
From the year 1171, this group became known throughout Europe as "the black nobility," because they were of Canaanite origin, as contrasted to the fair skinned nobility of the people of Shem. The black nobility gradually infiltrated the noble families of Europe; today, they constitute most of the surviving European royalty.
Because of their
ruthlessness, the Venetians attained a worldwide reputation as international
arbiters of intrigue, revolution, poisoning, and other forms of assassination.
They often conspired to bankrupt any opponent, and were known to cruelly rape
the daughters of anyone in the oligarchy who dared to oppose them. From Venice,
they rapidly spread northward like some new form of plague, setting up
businesses and banking establishments in the northern cities of Italy.
They bought more titles and intermarried with impoverished families of the old nobility.
They bought more titles and intermarried with impoverished families of the old nobility.
In Florence, the preeminent family was the de Medicis, who used their wealth to establish an Accademica which foisted humanism on the world. The de Medici established Florence as the European center of the black nobility, or Guelphs, as they were now called.
The black nobility also
established close ties with the ruling families of England, through the Savoy
and Este families. The Savoys ruled Italy from 1146 to 1945. The Este family ruled
Ferrara from the twelfth century until Italy was united in 1860.
Peter, the ninth Count of Savoy,
married his niece, Eleanor, to King Henry III of England, and thereby became
his privy councillor. King Henry granted him large estates, with the title of
Earl of Richmond. Peter brought in other members of the black nobility to
marry English noblemen, who included Richard de Burgh and the Earl of Lincoln.
Peter's younger brother, Boniface, was appointed Archbishop of Canterbury.
Peter died in 1268.
The founders of the European
dynasties which lasted into the twentieth century were Rupert, Count of Nassau,
who died in 1124, and Christian, Count of Oldenbourg, who died in 1167.
From Rupert came the
Hesse-Darmstadt line, the Hesse-Cassel line, the Dukes of Luxembourg, the
Battenborgs, the Prince of Orange and Nassau, and the Kings of the Netherlands.
From Christian came the Kings
of Denmark and Norway, the Schleswig-Holstein line, and the Hanovers, who
became Kings of Great Britain from 1717 to the present time. Also of the
black nobility were the Dukes of Normandy, the Angevins and the
Plantagenets, who became the Tudor and Stuart kings of England, the
Saxe-Coburgs, and the Wittelsbachs.
The Hanover line was always
deeply involved with Freemasonry. The Hanovers became Kings of England in 1717.
That same year, the first Grand Lodge was established in England. The Masons
Company had been established in England in 1376 in London and had obtained a grant
of arms from King Henry VIII in 1472; it was incorporated by King Charles n in
1677. But this was guild masonry, the builders, which was taken over in 1717 by
"speculative Masonry," which opened the groups to members of other
A poem appeared in London in
1723, "The Freemasons; a Hudibrastic Poem," which rhymed:
"If history be not ancient fable,Free Masons came from the Tower of Babel"
A tradition was established
that a member of the royal family, or someone with close ties to Buckingham
Palace, would be named Grand Master of the English Lodges. From 1782, the Duke
of Cumberland, the Prince of Wales, and the Duke of Sussex were grand masters. The
Duke of Sussex was King George II's second son; he married Louise, daughter of
the King of Prussia. He later had two children by his mistress. They took
the family name of Este. Queen Victoria was always proud of her connection with
the House of Este, which had begun as the House of Azoll.
The House of Windsor is the
world's pre-eminent family of reigning monarchs today. They represent the final
triumph of the Guelph faction, or black nobility, the culmination of the
Canaanite drive for power. Their rise had been continuous since the 13th
century, when they defeated their most powerful opponents, the Teutonic
Hohenstaufen dynasty, who were known as the Ghibelline faction.
They had been named after one of the Hohenstaufen strongholds, Weiblingen. Frederick I, Barbarossa, as head of the Hohenstaufens, had extended his rule into northern Italy, where he was surprised by the unexpectedly strong challenge from the Guelph faction.
They had been named after one of the Hohenstaufen strongholds, Weiblingen. Frederick I, Barbarossa, as head of the Hohenstaufens, had extended his rule into northern Italy, where he was surprised by the unexpectedly strong challenge from the Guelph faction.
The struggle, which lasted
for more than a century, was won by the lower nobility faction of the Guelphs
because of their strength among the rising merchant class; the Ghibellines, or
high nobility, continued to be the knights on horseback, refusing to sully
their hands with trade.
The Ghibellines ruled the
northern cities of Siena, Milano, and Pisa, while the strength of the Guelphs
was centered in Florence and Farrara. Otto IV of Guelph carried on the fight
against Philip of Swabia, a Hohenstaufen, but the Hohenstaufens found themselves
outnumbered by the forces of the League of Rhenish Towns, a merchant alliance
which was able to raise large sums to outfit the condottieri. By the end of the
fifteenth century, the Guelphs had triumphed.
Alfonso I of Este
Lucrezia Borgia was daughter of the Pope of Rome, raised in the libertine papal household.
Alfonso I of Este married Lucrezia Borgia. His sister, Mary of Modena, married James II of England, bringing the Este line into the English ruling family.
The Ghibellines favoured a
strong central rule and imperial power, while the Guelphs agitated
for decentralized power and the "Rights of Man," a motto which
later became their rallying cry for their drive to power.
In the twentieth century, the surviving heirs of the Guelph and Ghibelline factions were arrayed against each other in two world wars.
Germany had become a world
power through the military instincts and drive of the Prussian Ghibellines. In
1866, Bismarck, to further his goal of unifying Germany, had dispossessed a
number of German princes from their estates.
The Duke of Nassau and the
Elector of Hesse formally renounced their claims; only the princes of Hanover, who
were the heirs to the throne of Brunswick, refused to relinquish their
holdings. For decades afterwards, the Hanovers considered themselves to be at
war with Prussia.
Indeed, two world wars did take place, due in part to the continued resentment of the ruling family of England against the rules of Germany.
It is an interesting point
that the victorious Hanovers saw to it that a defeated Germany was split into
two, small, militarily occupied countries after World War II, the final revenge
of the victors.
John Calvin formerly John Cohen.
Calvinism, a strong influence in England during the sixteenth century, capitalized on the growing power of the mercantile fleet and the black nobility, whose main interest was money.
Unlike previous religious institutions, which had placed great emphasis on austerity and vows of poverty, this new religious doctrine stressed that the charging of interest in loans and the amassing of wealth was the new way of doing the work of the Lord.
It was a welcome revelation
to the growing merchant class that God really wanted us to become wealthy.
"Enricchez vous!" became the new battle cry which swept across
Europe as the Canaanites built great commercial empires. The prophet of this
new divine revelation was one Jean Cauin of Noyons, France. He was educated at
the College du Montagu, where Loyola, founder of the Jesuit sect, had studied.
Cauin later moved to Paris,
where he continued his studies with the Humanists from 1531-32.During his stay
in Paris, he was known as Cauin. He then moved to Geneva, where he formulated
the philosophy now known as Calvinism.
At first known in Geneva as Cohen (the usual pronunciation of Cauin), he Anglicized his name to John Calvin.
This religious movement was
based on a literal Jewish interpretation of the Ten Commandments, Old Testament
philosophy, and the prohibition of graven images.
The early disciples of Calvinism were known as "Christian Hebraists." The advent of Calvinism made possible the great expansion of Jews into further avenues of European commerce besides money-lending. For this achievement, the Encyclopaedia honours Calvin with the statement, "Calvin blessed the Jews."
In retrospect, Calvin is in
can be seen as but one more of the Canaanite movements which
have periodically swept across Europe, creating revolutionary plots which
were then exported to other countries.
It is no accident that with the advent of Calvin, Switzerland became the private banking center of the world, or that the successive revolutionary plots have been both hatched and financed from Switzerland.
Even Lenin found a haven in
Switzerland during the years of toiling over the techniques which would
allow him to seize Russia from the Romanov family, which had ruled that nation
for one thousand years.
Calvinism's welcome exhortation
to amass more money was counter-balanced from the outset by the fact that it
was inaugurated as a brutal, tyrannical system which functioned on a basis of
Oriental despotism, again revealing its Canaanite origins.
The people of Shem never believe in forcing anyone to do anything; this is a basis of their law; they believe that as a matter of natural instinct, people will always do the right thing.
The Canaanites, on the other hand, always aware of the Curse on their people, and God’s command to the children of Israel to exterminate them, realize that their survival depends on employing the most brutal measures. Calvinism ran true to form.
In November, 1541, Calvin
issued his Ecclesiastical Ordinances, a body of instructions which imposed
absolute discipline on all citizens. Calvin's ordinances imposed the death penalty
against any opponent; his leading critic, Jacques Gruet, was beheaded for
blasphemy; another religious opponent, Michael Servetus, was burned at the
stake. Other critics were tortured and beheaded. Calvin encouraged the
burning of witches and ruthlessly enforced his ordinances, creating the most
tyrannical and autocratic theocracy in Europe.
The importation of Calvinism into England was calculated to drive a wedge between the Church and State.
The traditional Church of
England had as its titular head the King. Calvinism’s divisive propaganda led
to the triumph of Cromwell and the replacement of the Kings of the Stuart line
by the House of Orange-Nassau.
The first victim of this
purge was King Charles I, who was beheaded by the conspirators. Details of the
plot were published centuries later in Lord Alfred Douglas' publication
"Plain English," September 3, 1921: "L. D. Van Valckert came
into possession of the missing volumes of the records of the Synagogue of
Mulheim, lost since the Napoleonic Wars, which were written in German.
These records have the entry, June 6, 1647, from O. C. to Ebenezer Pratt,
'In return for financial support will advocate admission of Jews to England; this, however, impossible while Charles living. Charles cannot be executed without trial, adequate grounds for which at present do not exist. Therefore, advise that Charles be assassinated, but will have nothing to do with procuring an assassin, though willing to help in his escape.'
The reply came from Pratt
July 12, 1647,
'Will grant financial aid as soon as Charles removed, and Jews admitted. Assassination too dangerous, Charles should be given an opportunity to escape. His recapture will then make trial and execution possible. The support will be liberal, but useless to discuss terms until trial commences.'
"Lord Alfred Douglas was
subsequently imprisoned on a charge of having libelled Winston Churchill in his
paper, a feat which most reasonable men would consider impossible.
The plot proceeded as
outlined by Pratt. On November 12, 1647, King Charles "escaped." He
was recaptured, and at his subsequent trial the House sat all night, December
5, 1648, finally agreeing that Charles would negotiate a settlement on terms
laid down by them. This resulted in the famous Pryde's Purge.
Cromwell, infuriated that the
House had not passed sentence of execution, dismissed all the members who
had favoured a settlement with Charles. The fifty members who remained were
known as the "Rump Parliament." They had usurped absolute power.
They then proclaimed a High Court of Justice on January 9, 1649. It was
composed of Levellers from Cromwell's Army. Manasseh ben Israel's Agent in
England, Isaac Dorislaus, drew up the indictment against King Charles.
Manasseh ben Israel, who
transmitted the funds from Amsterdam for Cromwell's revolution, is dubbed
"Cromwell's English Intelligencer" by the Encyclopaedia Judaica. On
January 30, 1657, King Charles was beheaded at Whitehall. Cromwell did not live
long to enjoy his triumph. He died in 1661, making it possible for King Charles
II to regain the throne.
Many of Cromwell's most dedicated revolutionaries emigrated to the American colonies, where they have exercised a pernicious influence ever since.The Cromwellians were the guiding inspiration of the abolitionist movement which precipitated the Civil War; they have been behind-the-scenes figures in many other disasters in the United States.
Because Charles II was now on
the throne of England, the Amsterdam bankers instituted a great financial
depression in England in 1674. The unrest caused by this development paved the way
for the House of Nassau to seize the throne of England. England made peace with
its nemesis, Holland, in 1677.
As part of the deal, William
of Orange married Mary, daughter of the Duke of York, who became King
James II when Charles II died in 1685. James now became the only obstacle to
William's taking over the throne of England. The Amsterdam bankers now launched
a frenetic campaign of bribing King James II's leading aristocratic supporters.
The first to succumb was the
Duke of Marlborough, John Churchill, ancestor of Winston Churchill. As head of
the army, Marlborough's support was crucial. He accepted bribes of some 350,000
pounds from de Medina and Machado.
Next was Lord Shrewsbury
(Charles Talbot) who had occupied high office during the reign of both Charles
II and James II. Seeing that the tide was now turning, such luminaries as
Sidney Godolphin, the Duke of Sunderland, and the Duchess of Portsmouth
secretly went over to those who favoured the accession of William of Orange.
Meanwhile, James II seemed
unaware of the treachery which surrounded him. Marlborough even signed a
renewed oath of fidelity to James on November 10, 1688. On November 24,
he joined the forces of William of Orange.
Sailing with William's
invasion force was Lord Polwarth, whose descendant, the present Lord Polwarth,
is prominent in American and English banking and industry; Hans Bentinck, a
Dutchman who had nursed William through a bout of smallpox; he named his son
William after the King. The Earl of Devonshire was in secret
correspondence with William at The Hague; Devonshire agreed to deliver the
entire Midlands area to William, after signing a historic letter inviting
him to take the throne of England.
In the 1930's, his
descendant, the Duke of Devonshire, briefly worked for J. P. Morgan in New
York; Morgan often referred to him as “Lord Useless." The heir to the
Devonshire estates married Kathleen Kennedy, daughter of Joseph P.
Kennedy. He was killed in action during the war. The Devonshires now faced
the bothersome prospect of a Kennedy claim to their estates. The problem
was solved when Kathleen Kennedy was killed in an airplane accident while flying
to France for a champagne tryst with her lover.
Now King of England, William
III named Bentinck the first Earl of Portland. The second duke married into the
Cavendish fortune; the third duke became Governor General of India and made the
history books when he abolished .the practice of suttee in 1829.
Those who had aided William’s
invasion were well-rewarded; they have been the wealthiest families in England
ever since. The first order of business was to charter the Bank of England
in 1694, the mission for which William had been backed by the bankers of
Amsterdam. This made the Canaanite cause a true world power.
William's accession placed
the throne of England firmly in the line of the black nobility, where it
has remained ever since. Lord Shrewsbury became one of the first stockholders
in the Bank of England, investing ten thousand pounds. He
enthusiastically predicted that the Bank of England would not only finance
trade, it would also carry the burden of her wars, a prediction which proved
Because no revolutionary operation could obtain any financing after the Bank of England gained control of the money of England, there has never been another civil war or revolution in England. The Cavendish-Bentinck line, like others who supported William, has always prospered. The present Duke married a Mrs. Quigley of Kentucky and is a director of the Rothschild firm, Rio Tinto. During World War II, he was chairman of the Joint Chiefs Id' Staff (Intelligence).
Because no revolutionary operation could obtain any financing after the Bank of England gained control of the money of England, there has never been another civil war or revolution in England. The Cavendish-Bentinck line, like others who supported William, has always prospered. The present Duke married a Mrs. Quigley of Kentucky and is a director of the Rothschild firm, Rio Tinto. During World War II, he was chairman of the Joint Chiefs Id' Staff (Intelligence).
The Scottish lords to a man
had been loyal to James II; among the first to bend the knee to William was one
Patrick Lyon. He became Earl of Strathmore. The daughter of the fourteenth Earl,
Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, is now the Queen Mother of England.
William III soon had a
beautiful mistress, Elizabeth Villiers; he also conducted lengthy love affair
with a handsome young nobleman, Arnold van Keppel, whom he named Earl
of Albemarle. When William III died, two persons were specifically named
in his will; the Earl of Portland, and the Earl of Albemarle. Both received
bequests of land and jewels.
The Canaanites make sure to reward those who serve them well.
Typical was the career of John
Buchan, who married Susan Grosvenor. The Grosvenors (Duke of Westminster) are the
wealthiest family in England, owning some six hundred acres of prime London
real estate. For three years, Buchan was private secretary to Lord Alfred
Milner during Milner's promotion of the Boer War. Milner also founded the
Round Tables (the present Council on Foreign Relations).Buchan became a widely published
novelist and was named Governor General of Canada. He was given the title Lord
Tweedsmuir. In his autobiography, "Pilgrim's Way," Buchan mentions en
"the veiled prophets who are behind the scenes in a crisis."
He offers no
further identification. He also writes,
"I dreamed of a worldwide brotherhood with the background of a common race and creed, consecrated to the cause of peace."
In this seemingly innocuous
fantasy, he was really citing his dedication to the worldwide Canaanite
conspiracy, with its pseudo-program of "the Rights of Man,"
World Brotherhood, and world peace, all this, in reality, the screen for a
universal tyranny imposed by the Canaanite despots.
The Bank of England was
chartered as the result of regicide and an international conspiracy which
successfully seized the throne of England. Yet John Buchan wrote in his
autobiography, "I had long shared Lord Rosebery's view of him [Oliver
Cromwell] as the greatest of Englishmen. “Lord Rosebery had been the first of
the English aristocrats to marry into the Rothschild family. It was to be
expected that he would revere the memory of England's only regicide.
The Rothschilds had used the European network of the Illuminati as their transmission belt for their rapid takeover of the continent's financial structure.
They used a number of
stratagems, a few of which were revealed by Guy de Rothschild in his book,
"Whims of Fortune": the Rothschilds correspondence was always written
in Hebrew; it was never signed, so that any signature purporting to be from one
of the five brothers would be seen to be a forgery. He reports,
"Just after World War 1, the French government needed to borrow dollars. They contacted the House of Morgan, who preferred, however, to deal with the Rothschilds rather than with a government.
“This was a bit of gloating
on the part of Rothschild; he knew that the vaunted House of Morgan had never
been more than an appendage of the Rothschild network; it was instructed to deal
with the House of Rothschild. He also notes, "My family had always been
one of the major shareholders in the British Rio Tinto .... Traditionally
half the capital was French."
In the nineteenth century,
Baron Rothschild began to give considerable sums to General Booth in London,
always through an unidentified representative. One day, he came in and revealed
that he was the mysterious benefactor. He stated that he would continue his
donations, but he would like to make one suggestion.
The Salvation Army could attract more attention if perhaps it could adopt some distinctive logo."What would you suggest?" asked General Booth."I suppose a red shield would be effective, don't you?" said Baron Rothschild.The Salvation Army carried the red shield all over the world.
One of the principal agencies
of the Canaanite network has been the Rhodes Trust, which has trained young men
in the principles of the Canaanite program for world power for almost a century.
Cecil Rhodes was the agent for the Rothschild’s when he secured their control
over the vast diamond and gold reserves of South Africa. They still exercise
control through DeBeers (diamonds) and the Ango-American Corporation (gold).
Rhodes had considerable holdings
himself; when he died, Lord Nathan Rothschild emerged in 1891 as his sole
trustee. This control was later expanded to include other members of the
Society of the Elect, R. H. Brand of Lazard Frères, Sir Alfred Beit, another of
the Rand millionaires, the Earl of Rosebery, and Sir Alfred Milner. This group
not only set up the Rhodes Trust; it later financed the Royal Institute
of International Affairs and Its American subsidiary, the Council on
Foreign Relations.
After gaining control in England, the Canaanites reverted to their traditional practices as demon-worshippers. England was soon rife with cults embodying witchcraft, Black Masses, and blood rituals.
The Earl of Pembroke had been
an early supporter of William of Orange, and a charter subscriber to the
Bank of England. The Countess of Pembroke became a leader of the new “mystery
cults," with her brother, Sir Philip Sidney, who brought mysticism into English
literature with the publication of his "Faerie Queene" which he had
dedicated to his sister.
Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester,
also played an important role in the mystery cults. He was descended from black
nobility, being descended from both of the bastard sons of the Duke of Normandy,
Richard the Fearless. The Gloucesters followed William the Conqueror to England
Mysticism became a dominant
theme in English literature of this period. Sir Philip Sidney was greatly
influenced by Hubert Languet, a French intellectual who openly espoused the
"Rights of Man" and what is now known as the "liberation
doctrine." He frequently spoke on the right of people to armed
insurrection and the legitimacy of resistance. Sir Philip's father, Sir Henry,
had been a protégé of the powerful Cecil family; he later was named
president of Ireland.
The work of Shakespeare contains many mystical influences, Prospero's revels, etc. One of England's greatest dramatists, whose work is largely ignored, is Christopher Marlowe. He wrote three great plays, all of them devoted to exposing the mystery cult: Tamburlaine, The Jew of Malta, and Dr. Faustus.
After completing Dr. Faustus, he died somewhat mysteriously, being stabbed in what was called a quarrel.

Sir Francis Bacon introduced
"the new philosophy" into England. It was based on the induction
theory and "the pyramid of knowledge," both of which were mystical
concepts. They were the principles of humanism, as' stated in a more
"scientific" or plausible form.
From 1350 to 1425, the medieval guilds had died out by government decree, due to the aristocracy's fear of demands for higher wages.
Bacon began the secret
revival of these guilds, first through the Rosicrucian movement, which he is
said to have founded, and later through the Free and Accepted (Speculative)
Masons. The Rosicrucians, or Knights of the Rose Croix, flaunted the symbol of a
rosy cross. The upright was the symbol of life; the crossbar the symbol of
death. The rose symbol was said to mean, first of all, secrecy in all things;
and second, the blooming of woman’s genitals. The cult was known in Bohemia as
early as 1615, where an alchemist, Dr. John Dee, organized its followers.
Francis Yates' important
work, "The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age," traces some
of Bacon's work to the Rosicrucian Manifesto.
Yates notes that Marlowe's plays, with their merciless examination of the forces behind mysticism, may have been purposely overshadowed by the more mystical works of Shakespeare.
The Jew of Malta touched upon
some of the most sensitive court secrets of the Elizabethan Age; Tamburlaine is
a play which exposes a Saturnian tyrant whose color was black (Canaanite), and
a fulmination against dictatorial power. It may be his greatest work, but it
has been shunted aside in favour of Dr. Faustus. This play openly portrays
the process by which the demon-worshipping Canaanites, as agents of Satan, pledge
themselves to the Devil in return for earthly riches and power.
Marlowe's play takes up the power of incantations and chants, magical formulae, and shows Dr. Faustus' study, which is decked out with the planets and the signs of the zodiac. On the other hand, Shakespeare shows that he had been heavily influenced by cabbalistic works, such as Georgio's De Harmonica Mundi. His Merchant of Venice, although frequently denounced for its supposed anti-Semitism, actually is a powerful plea for racial tolerance.
Marlowe's play takes up the power of incantations and chants, magical formulae, and shows Dr. Faustus' study, which is decked out with the planets and the signs of the zodiac. On the other hand, Shakespeare shows that he had been heavily influenced by cabbalistic works, such as Georgio's De Harmonica Mundi. His Merchant of Venice, although frequently denounced for its supposed anti-Semitism, actually is a powerful plea for racial tolerance.
In more recent works, English
scholars go to great pains to deny that Sir Francis Bacon ever had any
connection with either the Rosicrucian movement or the Freemasons. Because
these were highly secret organizations, it seems odd that these scholars could
be so positive in their denials. Bacon, who had been given the title, Viscount
of St. Albans, became the Lord Chancellor of England. He was later removed
from this office because of court intrigues led by Lord Buckingham. The Royal
Society of London was founded thirty-four years after Bacon's death; in 1660,
the Bishop of Rochester and the other founders paid official tribute to Bacon's
works as the basis of their Society.
The Oxford English Dictionary
offers some notes on the cabbalists during this period: "Scott Monast. ...
I used to doubt the existence of cabalists and Rosicrusians' thought the
SubPrior.""1891, Rosie Cross. 'It is commonly held .... That there is
a close connection ... between the Alchemysts and the Rosicrucians." W.
Taylor, Monthly Mag. VIII 797,
"The disciples ... have formed in churches an esoteric gnostic or illuminated order, rather than congregations."
This quote is important because it shows that the Illuminati were penetrating the established churches.
The 9th edition of the
Encyclopaedia Britannica identifies the missing link between these groups as
Ignatius Loyola, who founded the Jesuit Order on the Feast of the Assumption on
April 15, 1541 near Rome; this date is given by some authorities as 1534. He
had formerly been a student at Salamanca; from 1520 on he was a member of
an Illuminati sect in Salamanca called Alombrados; in 1527 he was tried by an
ecclesiastical commission because of his membership in this sect; he was
acquitted. In the Society of Jesus, he set up six degrees for advancement,
which are the same as in Freemasonry; its doctrines are similar to those of the
Jewish Mishnah.
Four Lodges met at the Goose
and Gridiron alehouse in London on June 24, 1717, to form the first Grand Lodge
of England. Jacob Katz, in his book, "Jews and Freemasonry in
Europe," says that the initial members included Mendez, de Medina,
Alvarez, and Baruch, most of whom were Marranos.
During Elizabeth's reign, the
Rosicrucians had organized themselves as Masons, perhaps under Bacon's
guidance. The Encyclopaedia Judaica says that the coat of arms of English
Freemasonry was designed by Jacob Judah Leon Templo. 1717 was the year that the
Hanovers ascended the throne of England. Under the leadership of George Ill's
son, the Duke of Sussex, the rival lodges of "Ancient" and
"Modern" were now joined.
The Royal Society’s members,
who had paid homage to Bacon, joined the Masons through Rev. John Desaguliers, England's
second Grand Master. Elia Ashmole was an important figure in the growth of
English Freemasonry. Not only was he an important intellectual figure; he also
organized the various mystery cults into the functioning system of Freemasonry.
Together, Lord Acton and Ashmole controlled William Pitt's foreign policy, as
well as the Royal Society of London, the precursor of the Royal Institute
of International Affairs. Ashmole's name survives today as the prestigious Ashmolean
Museum at Oxford.
The growth of Freemasonry in
Germany illustrates the power of the Canaanite force which brought the
Hanoverian Kings to power in England. Its success focused on the career of Adam
Weishaupt, born in 1748. At the age of twenty-two, he was elected to the chair
of common law at Ingolstadt University; the post had been held by Jesuits
continuously since 1750. He founded the
Order of the Illuminati on May 1, 1776. The other founders were the Duke of
Brunswick; Grand Duke Ernest of Gotha and the Elector of Hesse (whose
transaction with King George III to provide Hessian mercenaries to defeat the
American revolutionaries was the foundation of the Rothschild fortune).
On July 16, 1782, Weishaupt
formally combined the Order of the Illuminati with the Freemasons at the
Congress of Wilhelmsbad. The combined groups now had over three million members,
including some of the most powerful men in Europe. Weishaupt was the ideal
frontman for this organization, because of his ability to formulate ideas and
his organizational ability. He wrote,
"The Free Masons should control all men of every class, nation, and religion, dominating them without obvious compulsion; uniting them through a strong bond; inspiring them with enthusiasm to spread common ideas; and with utmost secrecy and energy, direct them towards this singular objective throughout the world. It is through the intimacy of secret societies that these opinions will be formed." (Munich, 1765, cited by Barruel.)
Far from being a starry eyed
idealist or fantasizing intellectual, Weishaupt was backed in his plan for
world power by many of the leading Canaanite bankers of Europe; Moses Mendelssohn
of Germany, Daniel Itzig of Vienna; Friedlander, Mayer, Meyer Cerfbeer, Moses
Mocatta, and the Goldsmid brothers of London, Benjamin and Abraham. Remaining behind the scenes
of Weishaupt's operations, while liberally funding the growth of his
movement, they secretly functioned as the Sovereign Patriarchal Council of
Hamburg, the Supreme Jewish Lodge.
Jacob Katz, "Jews and
Freemasonry in Europe," Harvard Press, 1970, states that the German
Freemasons originated in the Order of the Asiatica, of which the wealthy banker
Daniel Itzig was head. Itzig was also the backer of Weishaupt. In 1811, the
Frankfurt lodge of Free Masons was formed by Sigismund Geisenheimer
(Geisenheimer was the head clerk of the House of Rothschild) and Rabbi Zvi
Hirsch, chief Rabbi of Frankfurt.
Hirsch later led in the Reform
Judaism movement which formulated the political Zionist program. The Frankfurt
lodge listed among its members all of the leading bankers of Frankfurt, the
Rothschilds, the Adlers, theSpeyers, the Hanuers, and the Goldschmidts; they
later held joint meetings with the Sanhedrin of Paris. Duke Carl von Hessen of
Schleswig then became the head of the German masons. As Landgrave, he
administered the province of Schleswig for its absentee owners, the Danish
monarchy. His principal emissary was a mysterious "Johnston,"
variously said to be a Jew named Leicht, Leucht, or Becker. He was arrested
while on a mission for the masonic movement, and he died while held prisoner in
the Castle of Wartburg.
Frederick the Great, while
still crown prince, was initiated into Freemasonry in Brunswick in1738. In
1761, he was named head of the Scottish Rite. As a young man, he had seen his
father behead his lover in an attempt to force him to abandon his
homosexual practices.
The leaders of Freemasonry-Illuminati
were known as the Ordre of the Stricte Observance; they were Prince Charles of
Hesse (Eques a Leoni Resurgente) and von Haugwitz, "rederick's cabinet minister,
known as "Eques a Monte dancti.” Behind him were still another group,
known as "the Invisibles," or the Unknown Superiors, who have been
previously identified as the Sovereign Patriarchal Council.
Daycare, an essential component of the Freemason program.
(1) Abolition of all ordered government;(2) Abolition of private property;(3) Abolition of inheritance;(4) Abolition of patriotism(5) Abolition of all religions;(6) Abolition of family, morality, and control of education of children;(7) creation of a world government.
This program may seem
familiar to the reader; it has been
encountered as the working instructions for every revolutionary movement in the
world since 1782; Communism, liberation movements, resistance fighters, all
obtain their program from this basic plan.
It also states the goals of secular humanism in its attack on the family and the plan to control the education of children.Because messages were constantly being carried to and fro from the various chapters of the Illuminati, these instructions were seized from captured couriers and became known to European governments.
Even then, no action was
taken, possibly because of accomplices in high places. Also, there was an
important stumbling block to convincing the threatened populations of the
menace of the Illuminati revolutionists. This was the dominant presence
of many of the world's most powerful bankers at the heart of the
- It was too much to ask the average official, or even a member of the public, to believe that the world's most prominent aristocrats, landholders, and bankers would be backing a program of this type.
- Surely bankers would not advocate the seizure of private property.
- Surely aristocrats would not abolish the right of inheritance.\Surely landholders with vast acreage would not advocate the nationalization of all land.
- The problem was that no one understood that this was the program of the Canaanites, which was intended solely to rob and enslave the people of Shem.
Of course, the
Canaanite bankers did not intend to seize their own property. Of course
the black nobility did not intend to nationalize their own inheritances. The
Illuminati program nowhere states that this is the plan designed to overcome
the Curse of Canaan; that the Illuminati plan merely formalizes the Will of
Canaan as a working set of instructions.
The admonition of Canaan to his heirs to "love robbery-hate your masters" was now the program of a worldwide group of conspirators.
The people of Shem
remain convinced that bankers do not finance Communism, and that
wealthy people will not give up their holdings. The Illuminati-Communist
plan continues the battle of the Canaanites against the people of Shem.
Until they realize this, the
people of Shem remain doomed to destruction.
From the Illuminati headquarters at Frankfurt came the twin Canaanite evils which have since plagued the world, Zionism and Communism.
The first Communist
International was composedof Lionel de Rothschild’s, Heinrich Heine, and Karl
Marx. Weishaupt had died in 1830, at the age of 82; he was succeeded as head of
the Illuminati by Guiseppe Mazzini, the Italian revolutionary leader. Under
Mazzini's leadership, the Illuminati moved rapidly toward a policy of more
direct action, of revolutionary outbreaks and open attempts to seize and
overthrow governments. The Communist International was the first step in this
program of activism. At first it was
simply known as The League of the Just, a branch of the Illuminati.
This group commissioned Karl
Marx to write the Communist Manifesto in 1847; it was published in 1848 and was
immediately given worldwide circulation by the international offices of Freemasonry.
In 1864, Marx organized the International Workingmen's Party in London; in1872, he moved it to New York, where it was merged with the Socialist Party. Marx received regular stipend from American newspapers as a columnist, employment which had been arranged for him by the Freemasons.Throughout his long political career, Marx was known to work actively with both the Jesuits and the Freemasons.
Mazzini appointed General Albert
Pike head of American Freemasonry in 1860; Pike had only joined the Masons
ten years earlier. On January 22, 1870, Mazzini wrote to Pike of his plan to
establish a supreme governing council of secret Masons of high degree, who
would govern all of Freemasonry; however, no federation of Masons would
ever be allowed to know about the Supreme Council, a precept which remains in
force today.
Most Masons will emphatically
deny that such a council exists anywhere in their organizational structure.
Known as the New and Reformed Palladian Rite, it consisted of three Supreme
Councils, with headquarters In Charleston, Rome, and Berlin. The chiefs of
these three councils communicated daily by their Arcula Mystica Magic Box,
which was actually an early development of radio. At that time, there were only
seven such boxes in existence throughout the world.
The other arm of the worldwide revolutionary movement was Zionism, which aimed to enlist the international force of the Jews in a campaign to establish a State of Israel as the world’s supreme ruling power.
Since this was also the,
vowed purpose of Freemasonry, to rebuild the Temple of Solomon, and to fi1l it
with all of the wealth of the world, Zionism's initial appearance came through
Freemasonry. It was first known as ','Reform Judaism." Graetz' History of
the Jews, v. 5, p. 674, States that: "the first Jewish Freemason Lodge, at
Frankfurt-on-main, was the heart of the Jewish Reform Movement." In 1842,
the Society of Friends of Reform (Judaism) at Frankfurt issued its
(1) the denial of the legal authority of the Babylonian Talmud, substituting for it instead the Old Testament;(2) the denial that the Messiah would lead them back to Jerusalem;(3) temple service was to be conducted in the vernacular;(4) women could now be allowed to sit beside men in the synagogue, instead of being segregated, as had always been required by Orthodox Judaism.
Reform Judaism launched a
number of programs besides Zionism; ecumenism, that is, active cooperation with
leaders and congregations of other faiths; feminism, equality of the sexes; but
their most important concept, that the Messiah would never appear on earth to
lead them back to Jerusalem, opened the door for the seeking of this goal
by political activism, that is, Zionism.
The initial program
of Political Zionism was first broached by Rabbi Hirsch Kalisher, a close
associate of Mayer Amschel Rothschild in Frankfurt. Sir Moses Montefiore
and Adolphe Cremieux, founder of the Alliance Israelite Universelle, gave added
impetus to the new movement. Its goals were greatly publicized by the work
of Moses Hess, a close friend of Karl Marx.
This is ironic, in view of the fact that the present Soviet Government professes to be ideologically opposed to Zionism.
Moses Hess became known as
"the father of Zionism." A journalist who was greatly
influenced by his writings, Theodor Herzl, was converted to activism, and
he is now known as "the founder of the Zionist State." The
Encyclopaedia Judaica says that Moses Hess was a Jewish Socialist and
nationalist who led the Reform Movement, calling for the colonization of
Palestine. His principal work, "Rome and Jerusalem," which
received wide circulation, was the book which had great impact on Theodor
In 1860, Rabbi Kalisher
hosted a secret meeting at his home in Thoru to recap the lessons which had
been learned from the Revolution of 1848.
It succeeded in only a few isolated
instances, such as Venice, where Daniel Manini set up a Communist government.
From the Thoru meeting came Kalisher's book, "Drishal Zion," in 1861,
and later, Moses Hess' "Rome and Jerusalem." These two works were
largely responsible for converting the Jews of Europe to the Zionist program,
the political goal of restoring Palestine to the Jewish people.
This revolution had been intended to topple all the governments of Europe and replace them with Communist governments.
One of the conspirators
present at this 1860 meeting leaked the record of the proceedings to a writer
named Maurice Joly. The culprit is reputed to have been one E. Laharane, a
confidant of Adolphe Cremieux, head of the influential Alliance lsraelite
Universelle. A power in French politics, Cremieux had obtained for
Laharane the post of private secretary to Napoleon III.
Joly later published the proceedings under the title, "Dialogue aux Enfers entre Machiavelli et Montesquieu," the earliest version of the book now circulated under the title, "Protocols of Zion."
The material paralleled much
of the text of Kallisher's book, "Drishal Zion," and with the Rabbi’s
Speech delivered by Goedsche in 1868. It also coincided with the proceedings of
the Jewish Synod of Leipzig of 1869. The Kattowitz Conference of Hoveve Zion
1884 also coincides with the first set of documents which appeared as the
Protocols of Zion; the Kattowitz papers had been extracted from the
Mizraim Lodge of Paris by one Joseph Schorst-Shapiro. He sold them to a Mlle.
Justine de Glinka, who forwarded them to the Russian Ministry of the Interior,
where they were received by a Gen. Orgewsky.
Shortly afterward, Schorst-Shapiro was murdered in Egypt. The Odessa Conference of Hoveve Zion and B'Nai Moshe, led by Ashed Ginsberg (Ahad Ha-am), and his subsequent stay in Paris In 1894, were followed by the appearance of the Protocols as they are now known; they were published by Philip Stepwoff in Moscow.
Shortly afterward, Schorst-Shapiro was murdered in Egypt. The Odessa Conference of Hoveve Zion and B'Nai Moshe, led by Ashed Ginsberg (Ahad Ha-am), and his subsequent stay in Paris In 1894, were followed by the appearance of the Protocols as they are now known; they were published by Philip Stepwoff in Moscow.
This essentially was the same
set of documents later published by Sergei Nilus in 1905. Extracts of lectures
read at B'Nai B'Rith lodges in New York at secret meetings were also extracted
and put in the hands of the Russian Consul General in New York. These extracts
coincided on all points with the 1895 version of the Protocols and those
extracted from the First Basle Congress in 1897. They were also published by B.
Butmi in 1901.
It was because of these well-established antecedents that the Protocols were denounced as "forgeries,” that is, as unauthorized copies.
Because of its
well-advertised revolutionary program, Freemasonry has been repeatedly
banned by European governments - but never in the United States, where it
has exercised political power since 1776. It has been repeatedly denounced
by the papacy. Holland banned Freemasonry in 1735; Germany in 1738; Zurich in
1740; Berne in 1745. Russia first banned Freemasonry in 1792, again in 1822,
and by the Soviet Government in 1922. On Apri128, 1738, Pope Clement VII issued
"In eminenti," which condemned Masonry for its naturalism and its
demand for oaths.
Benedict XIV condemned
Masonry in his "Providas" edict, May 18, 1751; Pius VII
in"Ecc1esiam," September 13, 1821; Leo XIII, "Quo
graviora," March 13, 1825; Gregory XVI,"Mirari," August 15,
1832; Pius IX in six separate edicts dating from 1846-1873; Leo XIII, five
edicts condemning Freemasonry from 1882-1902. Gen. Pike responded by terming
the papacy” a deadly, treacherous enemy" in his letter to the Italian
Grand Master Timoteo Riboli.
"The Papacy has been for a thousand years the torturer and curse of Humanity, the most shameless imposture, in its pretence to spiritual power of all ages."
Despite these edicts, the
Catholic Duke of Norfolk became Grand Master of English Masons in 1730; the
Catholic Viscount Montagu, the ninth Lord Petre, who was the head of English
Catholics, was also the Grand Master of England from 1772-77. On March 19,
1902, in the fifth of his edicts condemning Freemasonry, Pope Leo XIII said,
"Freemasonry is the personification of the Revolution .... whose aim is to exercise an occult over-lordship upon society and whose sole raison d'etre consists in waging war against God and His Church."
What a pity that Pope Leo
XIII did not know about the Curse of Canaan, or that Freemasonry was simply Satan’s
rebellion against God, which was being carried on in the twentieth century by
his descendants, the Canaanites.
The heads of English Masonry
during the nineteenth century were:
- the Duke of Sussex, younger son of King George II, 1813-43;
- the Earl of Zetland, 1843-70;
- the Marquess of Ripon, 1870;
- the Earl of Limerick, 1871;
- the Prince of Wales,
- later King Edward VII, 1874;
- Hugh David Sandeman, of the prominent wine importing family, 1895;
- Lord Ampthill, 1908; the Duke of Connaught, to 1938.
These were all leading
aristocrats; the Earl of Zetland married the daughter of the Earl of
Scarborough, later appointed Viceroy of Ireland 1889-92; he was the brother-in-law
of the Duke of Westminster, the wealthiest man in England; the second Marquess
of Zetland, Lawrence Dundas, bore the Sword of State at the coronation of
King George VI; he was also Governor of the National Bank of Scotland, chairman
of the National Trust, Governor of Bengal; he headed the Round Table
Conferences of 1930-32, was Secretary of State for India1935-40, was admitted
to the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, and he wrote the biographies
of England's two leading figures, Lord Cromer, head of Baring Brothers
banking house, and Lord Curzon, Governor-General of India.
The Marquess of Ripon, George
Frederick Samuel, was born at 10 Downing Street while his father was Prime
Minister; he became Secretary of War and Secretary for India under LordPalmerston,
and was appointed First Lord of the Admiralty under Gladstone. He was Colonial
Secretary 1892-95, Lord Privy Seal in the House of Lords, and leader of the
Liberal Party, 1905-08. His name is memorialized in the United States by the
Ripon Society, a group of "liberal” Republicans who have exercised
considerable influence from behind the scenes on the policies of the Republican
The present Earl of Limerick,
Patrick Pery, is deputy chairman of the international banking house, Kleinwort Benson.
The second Marquess of Ripon
resigned as Grand Master in 1894 and joined the Catholic Church; he was
treasurer of Queen Alexandra's household (wife of King Edward VII) 1901-1923;
he was brother-in-law to the Earl of Pembroke, and he married the widow of the fourth
Earl of Lonsdale.
Lord Ampthill's father, Odo
W. Russell, served in Lord Palmerston's office from 1850-52; he served with the
Florence legation from 1957 ~ 70 and was regarded as an unofficial
ambassador to the Vatican during those years; he was then sent as Special
Envoy to the German Army Headquarters in Versailles during the Franco-Prussian
War. He later served as British Ambassador to Vienna and Berlin. The second
Baron Ampthill was Grand Master of English Masons from 1908 to his death in
This is the same Russell
family which holds the title of the Dukes of Bedford, including Bertrand
Russell, the most famous humanist of the twentieth century. The second Baron
was born in Rome while his father was serving there; he became president
of the Oxford Union; he married the daughter of the Earl of Beauchamp (her
father held the title of Lord of the Cinque Ports); his wife was
Lady-in-Waiting to Queen Mary; he was also a brother-in-law of the Duke of
Westminster; joined the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, and served as Grand
Master of the lodge which had been formed at the Bank of England, Lodge No.263.
He wrote the' 'History of the Bank of England Lodge" and was appointed
head of the Masons of Madras, India, before becoming Grand Master of England;
he served as private secretary to Hon. J. Chamberlain, Governor of Madras and
Viceroy of India.
The backgrounds of these
Grand Masters prove that English Freemasonry has always had access to the
highest circles of government; Disraeli, a Freemason, became Prime Minister; he
referred to "determined men of Masonry," meaning those Masons who
were assigned to carry out the crucial tasks of assassination.
One of the Canaanites who
became renowned as a leading English economist, and still enjoys wide influence
in the United States, was David Ricardo (1772-1823), the third son of Abraham
Israel, who was a substantial member of the Jewish community in Amsterdam.
Israel emigrated to London with William III and later became one of the
wealthiest members of the London Stock Exchange, where he worked closely with
his fellow émigrés. His son, David, became an intimate friend of Lord Nathan
Mayer Rothschild, speculating heavily in government securities on advice of
Rothschild. Together, they profited enormously from the financial coup resulting
from early news about the outcome of the Battle of Waterloo.
David Israel, now known as David
Ricardo, began to write economic dicta intended to become the final word on how
much the working class should be paid.
He developed a formula which became known as "the subsistence wage," dictating that the worker should never receive more than the bare minimum needed for his subsistence. If his wages were to be increased, the government was charged to take care of it by promptly increasing his taxes (does this sound familiar to any Americans?).
The Canaanites in America
developed a new twist with the withholding tax, which insured that the
worker would never receive his wages in the first place; he would only
receive a mutilated portion, from which the Canaanites had already deducted
"their" portion.
Ricardo's dictum, which also became known as "the iron law of wages," iron meaning that under no circumstances would the worker ever be the beneficiary of any outburst of generosity and be allowed even a small increase,When Rita Ricardo-Campbell, wife of the director of the Hoover Institution, and a direct descendant of David Ricardo, came to Washington as a key member of Reagan's staff, the Reagan anti-Communist, humanitarian Revolution. She became Reagan's advisor on Social Security payments and pensions. Ricardo's economic theories on wages and labour had also been enthusiastically received by Karl Marx, who adopted them as the guidelines by which the slave workers of Soviet Russia are ruled today.
Stephen Knight's book,
"The Brotherhood," reveals many interesting details about English
Freemasonry. He points out that the Unlawful Societies Act of 1799 required
that Freemasons could hold meetings only if the names of the members were
submitted to the local Clerks of the Peace; this requirement has never been
complied with. Knight says that Queen
Elizabeth is the present Grand Patroness of English Freemasonry. One
of his most startling revelations is the information that from fifty to seventy
per cent of all English judges are Freemasons. Lawyers find that they must join
the Freemasons if they expect to get any clients.
"The Law Society is one of the most masonic institutions in the world," notes King.
Ninety per cent of its members
are Masons. This creates great inequities, because the Law Society is the final
judge as to who will receive legal aid and who will be denied it. A non-Mason
has no chance of receiving legal aid in a suit against a Mason. This is,
typical of the Will of Canaan; the secret conspiracy against all who are not
members of the tribe.
The Masonic conspiracy which
casts a pall over legal procedures in England is but one manifestation of its
sinister influence. During the Elizabethan Age, the fascination with the occult
appeared in many underground organizations; it now surfaced in the Victorian Age.
Witchcraft became widespread, even in the highest circles of society, with its rituals
emphasizing mind-altering drugs, plants, and satanic jewellery. Orgies and
blood sacrifices were discreetly carried out in the heart of the London slums,
and on remote ancestral estates.
One of the more
publicized of these groups was the Hermetic Society of the Golden Dawn, founded
in 1887 by three members of the Rosicrucian Society. All three were masons of
high degree, and well known as cabbalists - Rev. A. F. A. Woodford, Dr. Wynn
Westcott, a London coroner, and a Scot named Sam Liddell Mathers. The group was
soon joined by William Butler Yeats, the poet, and Aleister Crowley, who was to
become known worldwide for his practice of black magic. The purpose of the
Hermetic Society was to worship the Ten Sephiroth, that is the Kabbalah, so
that they could then be endowed with magic powers, and could call on
supernatural forces as their allies. The members set up Degrees as follows:
Neophyte, four degrees; Under Order, four degrees; and the Third Order,
four degrees.
Yeats, the leading Irish
poet, later claimed that he had joined the group in order to counter
the black magic of Crowley with his own white magic. Crowley is famed as
the most dedicated Satanist of the twentieth century. He once baptized a toad
with the name of Jesus Christ, and then slowly crucified it, revelling in its
agonies. He is said to have taken part in 150 ritual murders, most of whom were
children. The victims were usually killed with a silver knife.
In his “Confessions," he
writes, "In Mexico I was known by the name of Beast 666. I had an
introduction to an old man named Don Jesus Medina, a descendant of the great
Duke of Armada fame, and one of the highest chiefs of Scottish-Rite
Freemasonry. My Quabalistic knowledge being already profound by current
standards, he thought me worthy of the highest initiation in his power to
confer; special powers were obtained in view of my limited sojourn, and I was
rushed rapidly through and admitted to the 33rd and last degree before I left
the country." Thus the leading Satanist of this century was confirmed as a
33rd degree Mason!
Madame Blavatsky became
famous as the organizer of Theosophy. She developed the society after a sojourn
in India; the Indian chapters later came under a cloud because of the arrest of
its members for the practice of homosexuality. She then moved to Great Britain,
where she founded the Theosophical Society there, the precursor of the American
group of that name. She also founded the Hermetic Society.
Her chief assistant in the
Theosophical Society, a cabbalistic organization, was Mrs. Annie Besant, who is
also well known as one of the founders of the Fabian Society in 1884. The co-
founders of the Fabian Society were all Freemasons; they were George Bernard
Shaw, Lord Haldane, Ramsay MacDonald, and Sidney and Beatrice Webb. The group
took its name from the Roman General Fabius, who was celebrated for his
deliberate and long-range strategy.
The Fabian plan was to wait, as Fabius Cunctator had waited to attack Hannibal, to wait for the right moment. In England, the Fabians proposed to use the Roman general’s strategy to gradually impose a tyrannical Socialist government upon the people of England through devious long-range planning.This conspiratorial approach won for the Fabians the nickname, "the Jesuits of Socialism." As part of their strategy, in 1890, Annie Besant became the chief agitator in the English textile industry, which was centered in Lancashire.
During the 1930s, the Fabians
organized a strike force called PEP, the initials of Political and Economic
Planning. It was headed by Israel Moses Sieff, the multi-millionaire head of
the giant retail empire, Marks and Spencer. In 1931, Sieff distributed a
document to leading members of PEP, which was labeled "Strictly
The program outlined included such items as
The program outlined included such items as
“Whether we like it or not, the individualist farmer will be forced by events to submit to far-reaching changes of outlook and methods. He will receive instructions as to the quantity and quality of his produce. [This was implemented soon afterward as the Pig Marketing Board. Ed.] He will be less free to make marketing and arbitrary decisions as-to his own business ....Planned economy must clearly-involve drastic increases in inroads upon the right of ownership of land. What is required ... .is transfer of ownership of large blocks of land."
This program of PEP was
later presented as a textbook drawn up by G. D. H. Cole, "Principles of Economic
Planning," in 1935. The book featured the compass and the square of
Freemasonry prominently emblazoned on the cover, although nothing in the book
identified the role of Freemasons in the program.
The wealthy directors of PEP
did not intend to transfer ownership of their own large blocks of land, or
of the business empires which they controlled. They merely wished to take over
large blocks of lands from their competitors, to force ruinous regulations
upon their rivals, in short to rob and ruin everyone but their own small
coterie of Canaanites.
The most active leaders of
PEP were such luminaries as Viscount Astor, Sir Herbert Samuel(Governor of
Palestine), Sir Herbert Simon, Sir C. M. Joad, Professor Gilbert Murray, and the
Master of Balliol. All of them were Freemasons and members of the Royal
Institute of International Affairs, as well. They were closely allied with
a group called the World Fellowship of Faiths.
The Second International
Congress of this group, which met in London in 1936, included among the
speakers Canon Barry, Chaplain to King Edward VIII, and ex- Bishop Montgomery
Brown. Brown told the audience, "The USSR is just the fore-runner of the
International Communist State which will gradually absorb all capitalist
If any Government, Church, or Institution opposes or stands in the way of the Communist State, they must be ruthlessly overthrown and destroyed.
If World Unity is to be
attained, it must be through International Communism, which can only be arrived
at by the slogan, 'Banish the Gods from the Skies and the capitalist from the
Earth.' Then, and only then, will there exist a complete World Fellowship of
Faiths." This is a concise statement of the ambitions of the international
Canaanite conspiracy. Banish the Gods; Satan's rebellion against God-the Curse
of Canaan had not altered its slogans in three thousand years of recorded
Rabbi Ben Mozeg told the
World Fellowship,
"What is certain is that Masonic theology is only theosophy at bottom, and corresponds to that of the Kabbalah .... Those who will take the trouble to examine with care the connection between Judaism and philosophic Freemasonry, Theosophy, and the Mysteries in general will cease to smile at the suggestion that the Kabbalistic theology may have a role to play in the religious transformation of the future. It contains the key to the modern religious problem."
Here again, we are offered
the solution to all problems by the Canaanites;
Return to the worship of
brought up to date in the
twentieth century,
and we enter a religious
This is the cup of hemlock
which the Fundamentalists offer to us
which the Fundamentalists offer to us
and it is written
ReplyDelete"seek and ye shall find"...
everyone can adjudicate their own self
....curious though how some are so delusional
WOW Noor. You did it again! Thank you. Gracias. BRAVO lady. VIVA CHAVEZ!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for uploading this book! But how do we get to Chapter One? The beginning of the book! Is it in its entirety available here?
ReplyDeleteThanks again!