The history of the United
States properly begins with its "discovery" by Columbus in 1492,
if we ignore the numerous voyages which had been made to this land by
adventurers for some one thousand years.
King Henry VII granted Letters Patent to John Cabot (a Genoese named Giovanni Caboto) on March 5, 1646, and to his three sons, Lewis, Sebastian, and Santius. The Cabots were given the right to possess all Ruch "towns, cities, castles, and isles" which they might discover. Cabot landed at Labrador May 2, 1647. His descendants became important leaders in New England.
King Henry VII granted Letters Patent to John Cabot (a Genoese named Giovanni Caboto) on March 5, 1646, and to his three sons, Lewis, Sebastian, and Santius. The Cabots were given the right to possess all Ruch "towns, cities, castles, and isles" which they might discover. Cabot landed at Labrador May 2, 1647. His descendants became important leaders in New England.
The first body of laws for
the new land, The Mayflower Compact, had been signed by the passengers on
the Mayflower on November 11, 1620, as follows:
"In the Name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign, Lord King 'limes, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a Voyage to plant the first colony in the northern Parts of Virginia; Do by these Presents, solemnly and mutually in the Presence of God and one another, covenant and combine ourselves into a civil Body Politick, for our better Ordering and Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid; And by Virtue hereof do enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal, Acts, Ordinances, Acts, Constitution, and Offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general Good of the Colony; unto which we promise all due Submission and Obedience. In WITNESS whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Cape Cod the 11th of November, in the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King James of England, France, and Ireland, the eighteenth and of Scotland the fifty-fourth. Anno Domini 1620. Signed, William Mullins and others."
Thus, the first legal
agreement or constitution in the New World was followed in 1661 by a
Declaration of Liberties, dated June 10, 1661, in General Court, which
"2. The Governor & Company are, by the patent, a body politicke, in fact and name. 3. This body politicke is vested with power to make freemen .... "
This Declaration is an
important document in the history of this nation, because it announced that we
now possessed the power of sovereignty, that is, the right to make
freemen. On October 2, 1678, the colonists boldly announced that
"the laws of England are bounded within the four seas, and does not reach America."
Of the colonies, Virginia was
said by the scholar J. R. Pole to be the most like England. This
was probably because it was the most Masonic of the colonies. It was ruled
from London by the Lords of Trade, formerly known as the Board of Trade, by the
London Company and the Virginia Company, and the law by which they ruled was
Admiralty Law. (p. 59, "Royal Government in America," Leonard Woods
Labaree, Yale, 1930)
In 1723, LL Gov. Drysdale
of Virginia enacted a 40 shillings tax on each slave brought into the
province. A protest against this tax immediately arose from the principal
English slave dealers, The Royal Africa Company, consisting of "diverse
merchants trading in Africa," the South Nun Company, and the Liverpool
Corp. "the Mayor, Aldermen, and Merchants of the ancient and loyal
Corporation of Liverpoo1."English common law ruled in the courts; it
omitted all evidence from the record.
It was this free ranging spirit
of the colonists, many of them originating as Huguenot refugees from France,
which early on gave rise to fears in London that the New Land might not prove
to be a tractable province of the British power.
From the outset, many of the settlers in America considered themselves to be independent in reality, if not politically. London was a far-off presence, and in most cases, the settlers were left to their own devices.The people of Shem had now found their Promised Land, where they could build the type of civilization they required, and where they could raise their families, free at last from the dread Canaanites and their addiction to human sacrifice and cannibalism.
However, the Canaanites had
not lost sight of their prey, far off though they might be. They had the
formula for controlling any people, the subversive organization of the Masonic
Order of Canaanites. The Encyclopaedia Judaica notes that Moses M. Hays
was appointed inspector general of North American Masonry in 1768.
Benjamin Franklin had been
Grand Master in Philadelphia since 1731. Hays soon brought the Scottish Rite
into the United States, introducing it at the Newport Lodge in 1780. The
Franklin Masonic organization had been authorized by Lafayette, who later
backed Benito Juarez in the Mexican Revolution.
Until the onset of the
Scottish Rite, a rival organization set up by the Duc d'Orleans, the Swiss
bankers, and British Intelligence, Franklin had been the chief Masonic
organizer in the colonies.
By 1785, fifteen lodges of
the Illuminati had been set up in America. They were led by a group of New Yorkers,
who included Clinton Roosevelt, Charles Dana, Governor DeWitt Clinton, and
Horace Greeley. Roosevelt later wrote an influential book, "The Science of
Government as Founded on Natural Causes," which became the textbook for
the implementation of Illuminati programs in America.
The American Revolution differed substantially from the revolutions in France, Spain, and Russia. It was not a local uprising against oppressive masters.Rather, it was the takeover of property by those who had worked to develop it, and who felt they owed nothing to the absentee landlords, the British Crown.
The Revolution was largely
free from the mobs, Reigns of Terror, or the atrocities usually associated with
Canaanite Masonic controlled uprisings. Nevertheless, the same British master
of espionage, Lord Shelburne, who had run the French Revolution from London,
now contrived to place many of his agents in crucial positions among the American
These agents appeared on the
scene during critical times and were presented as able and daring patriots.
Just as the Swiss bankers had influenced the French Court by placing their
agent, the financier Necker, in a key position to precipitate an economic
depression, so Lord Shelburne maintained a decisive role in the manipulation of
the American forces during the Revolution.
The most famous of these was
Benedict Arnold, whose name remains synonymous with treason. Arnold was merely
the most visible officer in a much larger network which had been set in
place by the Mallet-Prevost family, the single most important name in Swiss
espionage. Augustine Prevost became Grand Steward of the Lodge of Perfection
which was setup in Albany in 1768. Solomon Bush became Masonic deputy inspector
general for Pennsylvania in 1781, and Abraham Forst of Philadelphia was
named deputy inspector general for Virginia in 1781.
On October 5, 1785, the
Masonic records note that "Brother Augustine Prevost, a Prince of the Royal Secret, was a
visitor." In retrospect, we find that Masonic agents moved freely back and
forth between the British zones and the areas controlled by the Americans
throughout the Revolution. During one battle, an English regiment lost its Masonic
valuables. These were promptly returned by General George Washington under a
flag of truce, and escorted by a guard of honour. After the battle of Yorktown
in 1781, a great banquet was given at which British, French, German, and
American Masons all sat down and celebrated together.
The Prevost family in Geneva,
Switzerland, was one of the most powerful members of the ruling Council of 200.
The aforementioned General Augustine Prevost, Prince of the Royal Secret,
commanded British forces in North America throughout the Revolution; his
brother, Mark Prevost, was his second in command. They wrote the orders
for Major Andre, who "ran" the Benedict Arnold treason operation.
Being caught in the act, Andre, the son of an influential Swiss merchant banker, could not be saved. He was hanged by the Americans who had captured him. America's most famous traitor, Benedict Arnold, went the postwar years comfortably in England. General Augustine Prevost's son, Sir George Prevost, was commander of the British forces in North America during the War of 1812.
Being caught in the act, Andre, the son of an influential Swiss merchant banker, could not be saved. He was hanged by the Americans who had captured him. America's most famous traitor, Benedict Arnold, went the postwar years comfortably in England. General Augustine Prevost's son, Sir George Prevost, was commander of the British forces in North America during the War of 1812.
At the conclusion of the Revolutionary War, most Americans believed that they had won their independence from Great Britain.They were now free to perfect an instrument of government which would guarantee them and their posterity independence in perpetuity.
The result of the convention of the people of Shem was the Constitution of the United States, a remarkably simple but incredibly comprehensive document.It guaranteed them their independence primarily because it deliberately excluded the Canaanites from participation in the government.
Titled, The Death of Liberty and the virtues of the Constitution in danger of violation from the great political libertine radical reform.
It was a genuinely racial document, written by and for the fair-skinned people of Shem. Its provisions were explicitly drawn to be applicable to no one else. Because it was written as a Shemitic document, which had been drafted to provide for the security of the Shemitic people, any future alteration or dilution of this "original intent" of the Constitution would be an anti-Shemitic act.
The primary purpose of the
Constitution of the United States was to protect the free citizens from any
intrusion by an arbitrary, tyrannical, Canaanite government agency.
The subsequent gradual erosion of these provisions of the Constitution and its subtle alteration to permit and encourage attacks on the free citizens of the United States by a demoniacal Canaanite centralized government, constitutes a most grievous racial and religious assault against the people of Shem.Thus, all subsequent alterations of this Constitution, which were enacted with this purpose in mind, form an unwarranted and flagrant attack inspired by the desire to commit racial and religious persecution, with the ultimate purpose of the total genocide of the people of Shem.
During the ensuing two
hundred years, all of the arguments for and against the Constitution,
as presented in our courts of law, and most particularly, in the Supreme
Court of the United States, have been worthless, because they have refused to
mention the explicit purpose of the Constitution, the protection of the people
of Shem from racial and religious persecution.
Many scholars freely admit
that the Constitution was written to limit the powers of government, and to
guarantee freedoms to the people, but because these discussions never mention
just who these "people" are, the discussions never approach reality.
Certainly the Constitution cites certain basic "rights," but
these rights apply only to the people of Shem.
It is impossible to cite the
Constitution in discussing the rights of Papuans or Slavs, because this
document was never intended for such applications.
What the Canaanites have succeeded in doing is to warp or stretch the Constitution of the United States until its original intent, which was explicitly expressed in its language, has now been expanded to encompass all the peoples of the world; our present-day Constitution is nothing more nor less than a Charter of the United Nations, and this is precisely how the American judges now "interpret" the Constitution.
Each such interpretation is not only an act of high treason, but
it is also an act of aggression against the people of Shem.
The state Constitutions were
also explicit in their dedication to the Christian religion of the people
of Shem. The Constitution of North Carolina, 1776, required,
"That no person who shall deny the Being of God or the truth of the Protestant religion ... shall be capable of holding any office or place of trust for profit." This provision remained in force until 1830. The Constitution of Delaware, 1776, required that "Every officeholder had to declare faith in Jesus Christ."
The ratification of the
Constitution of the United States was soon followed by the first in a long series
of attempts to subvert it. This was the Edwardean Conspiracy, headed by Timothy
Dwight, president of Yale. The conspirators were Calvinist clergymen and
professors, that is to say, Cromwellians, akin to those who had committed
regicide in England and beheaded King Charles I. They now proposed to make
short shrift of the new Republic. They were aided by venal politicians, whom
they easily controlled through bribery and blackmail.
This plot had as its goal the nullification of the First Amendment.

'The Edwardean Conspiracy was exposed by an Anglican clergyman, Rev. John Cosens Ogden, who published in Philadelphia in1799 the results of his findings, "A View of the New England Illuminati, who are indefatigably engaged in destroying the Religion and Government of the United States."
Although this book first
appeared in 1799, it could be republished today with virtually the same text.
It would only need to be updated by including the names of the current
conspirators. We know the name of Timothy Dwight as one of the three
organizers of the Russell Trust at Yale, also known as Skull and Bones, or the
Brotherhood of Death. The same small band of conspirators has figured in every
plot to destroy the American Republic.
The exposure of this
conspiracy did not deter the plotters, who soon followed it with another, the Essex Junto of 1804-1808. The
principal conspirators were born in or near Essex County, Massachusetts, hence
the name of the plot. They worked closely with agents of British Intelligence
in Boston to bring about the secession of the New England states from the United
These Judases were no
haggard, bomb-carrying revolutionaries; they were from the leading merchant and
banking families of New England. Their leader was Massachusetts Senator George
Cabot, a direct descendant of the Genoese Cabot who had been
commissioned by King Henry VII, and who had landed in Labrador almost two
centuries earlier; other conspirators were Judge John Lowell, ancestor of
the Bundy family of the Ford Foundation and other leading agencies; the Higginsons,
Pickerings, Parsons, and Judge Tapping Reeve, of Litchfield, Connecticut,
who happened to be Aaron Burr's brother-in-law.
The conspiracy had been fuelled
by the efforts of a leading British Intelligence operative, Sir John Robison, who
worked closely with the Aaron Burr network. After President Thomas Jefferson
was informed of the details of the Essex Junto, the malefactors reluctantly abandoned their dream of an
early breakup of the Union, and then dedicated themselves to a
longer-range strategy, which culminated in the Civil War.
The British Secret
Intelligence Service had been funded by Lord Shelburne to promote the interests
of the East India Company, the Bank of England, of which it became the primary
intelligence network, the banking families Hope and Baring, and their Swiss
allies, the bankers Prevost and de Neuflize. Their most able supporters in the
United States were John Jacob Astor and Aaron Burr. Astor was treasurer of
the Grand Lodge of New York from 1798-1800. In 1800, he was given free entry
into all ports of the world which the East India Company had brought under
their control. This gave him a tremendous financial advantage over his
competitors. In return for this favourable treatment, he provided the financial
backing for the plot to replace President Thomas Jefferson with Aaron Burr,
after Jefferson had exposed the plot of the Essex Junto.
Throughout the Revolutionary
War, Burr had worked as a double agent, reporting daily to British forces from
West Point. Burr later became attorney for the Astor interests, drawing up
their contracts and doing commercial work for the East India Company. He
routinely fixed elections in the New York area through his connections with the
Masonic lodges. He had founded the Society of St. Tammany in New York City in
1789. It was set up symbolically with thirteen tribes, each of whom had a Grand
Sachem at its head; the entire network was supervised by one Grand Sachem
at the headquarters. This became the famous ~ or infamous ~ Tammany Hall, which
controlled the political structure of New York City for many years, rife with
corruption and favouritism. It was never anything but a subsidiary of the
Masonic lodges, of whom it was organized in open imitation.
The head of the Masons in New
York in 1783 had been rand Master William Walter, a British Army general. With
the withdrawal of the British troops, he turned his leadership over to Robert
Livingston, whose family connections included the Lees of Virginia and the
Shippens of Philadelphia (who were prominent in the Benedict Arnold
scandal; Arnold had married Peggy Shippen). Robert Livingston was installed as
Grand Master of the New York Lodge in 1884; his brother Edward was Mayor
of New York.
With these powerful allies
supporting him from behind the scenes, Burr was able to conclude many
successful financial deals. He easily obtained a charter for the Manhattan
Company, with his registered purpose a plan to provide water for the city. No
mains were ever built. Instead, he used the charter to start a bank, the
Manhattan Company. This was later taken over by the investment firm of Kuhn,
Loeb, Co., New York representatives of the Rothschilds. Today, it is the Chase Manhattan Bank, flagship of the Rockefeller fortune.
Burr became Vice President in
1801, under Thomas Jefferson, who was President. Burr succeeded in
persuading President Jefferson to appoint the Swiss banker, Albert Gallatin as
Secretary of the Treasury. Gallatin's family were prominent members of the
Ruling Council of 200; his cousin was none other than the notorious Jacque
Necker, whose financial policies had precipitated the French Revolution.
Burr and Galatin now set about to implement policies which would wreck the
young Republic. They distributed bribes
of gold along the frontier to Indians and renegades, so that they would murder
the settlers; Gallatin then deliberately provoked the Whiskey Rebellion, the
first insurrection against the government.
On July 11, 1804, Burr shot
Andrew Hamilton at Weehawken, New Jersey. He then had to flee from New York.
John Jacob Astor gave him $40,000 to help him on his way, and later added
another $70,000; these were enormous sums at that time. Burr fled to
Philadelphia, where he conferred with Colonel Charles Williamson of British
Intelligence. Two towns in New York, Williamson and East Williamson, are named
after this British agent. This conference resulted in a letter from British
Ambassador Anthony Merry to the London office:
"I have just received an offer from Mr. Burr, the actual Vice President of the United States, to lend his assistance to His Majesty’s Government in any matter in which they may think fit to employ him, particularly in endeavouring to effect a separation of the western part of the United States from that which lies between the Atlantic and the mountains, in its whole extent. His proposition on this subject will be fully detailed to your lordship by Col. Williamson, who has been the bearer of them to me, and who will embark for England in a few days."
This amazing document was unearthed
many years later by the historian Henry Adams. It is one of the most startling
evidences of high treason by an elected official of the United States which has
ever surfaced in any record. It was written on August 4, one month after the
killing of Alexander Hamilton.
The British plan for setting
up a separate western nation in competition with the United States received a
fatal setback when Napoleon sold the Louisiana Territory to the United
States. Nevertheless, the plan was further pursued by Edward Livingston,
who had been given $21,000 by John Jacob Astor to go to Louisiana, where
he became Grand Master of the Louisiana Lodge.
Burr was later tried for
treason in Richmond, Virginia. His attorney was Edmund Randolph, former Grand
Master of Virginia; the case was heard by Chief Justice John Marshall, then Grand
Master of Virginia. Although overwhelming evidence of Burr's guilt was
presented, he was acquitted by Justice Marshall. It was a Masonic field day.
Burr then traveled to London,
where he informed customs officials,
"The reasons for my visit are known to Lord Melville [Henry Dundas, chief of special operations, British Intelligence Service] and Prime Minister Canning."
Burr then became an opium
addict, enjoying the pleasures of the pipe with such luminaries as Jeremy
Bentham and the Jardine family.
Burr's accomplice, Edward
Livingston, was later installed as Secretary of State by President Andrew
Jackson; soon afterward, Livingston was formally installed as Grand High Priest
of the Masons of the United States, which prompted ex-President John Quincy
Adams to address to him his famous "Letters on the subject of
Masonry." These Letters noted that
"Masonic oaths of secrecy made it impossible for anyone to hold an office of public trust.”
Lord Shelburne and the agents
of British Secret Intelligence service continued their plots against the
Republic of the United States, aided by those traitors most aptly described In
Disraeli's term,
“the determined men of Masonry," men whose sole loyalty was to the cause of restoring the Temple of Solomon, and the placing of the wealth of the entire world therein.
Their dedication to secrecy
received a considerable setback when one of their members, a Captain William
Morgan defected and published a book describing some of their secret rituals.
They immediately murdered him. The case caused a nationwide sensation.
An Anti-Masonic Party was formed,
which for some years was headed by a Congressman from Pennsylvania, Thaddeus Stevens,
who later played an important role as head of the Radical Republicans in
Congress after the Civil War.
At the national convention of
the Anti-Masonic Party in 1832, Stevens delivered the principal address.
He informed the assembled delegates that Masons held most of the
important political posts in the United States through intrigue.
He denounced the Masonic Order as "a secret, oath-bound murderous institution that endangers the continuance of Republican government."
Stevens later sponsored
legislation in the Pennsylvania legislature, a Resolution of Inquiry, to
investigate the desirability of making membership in the Order a cause for peremptory
challenge in court, when one and not both principals in a suit were Masons. He
would have excluded all Masons from the jury in criminal trials where the
defendant was a Mason, and would have made it unlawful for a judge belonging to
the Order to sit in a trial where a Mason was involved.
The resolution was barely
defeated. Stevens then sponsored a resolution demanding that Masonry be
suppressed, and secured a legal inquiry into the evils of the Order. He
spoke in Hagerstown, Maryland, on the proposition that
"Wherever the genius of liberty has set a people free, the first object of their solicitude should be the destruction of Freemasonry."
He succeeded in electing an
Anti-Masonic Governor of Pennsylvania, but after this victory, the vigour of
his Anti-Masonic crusade waned, and he gradually abandoned it.
The great problem of any
public opponent of Freemasonry, such as Thaddeus Stevens, was the great secrecy
of the Order, with death penalties invoked for any members who violated its
secret agenda or its international loyalties. From the year 1776, Freemasonry
has been an omnipresent international government operating treasonably from
within the United States, and it has exercised those powers ever since. Because
of its secrecy, an opponent has insuperable difficulties in presenting to the
people any detailed information about its conspiratorial activities.
Since the murder of Captain
William Morgan, no American Mason has dared to expose its stealthy operations.
The present writer had for some thirty years focused on the conspiratorial
activities of the leading international bankers, without realizing that governing
their every action was their primary involvement with and commitment to
Only the discovery of the Curse of Canaan, and the subsequent Will of Canaan, forced this writer to the reluctant conclusion that behind every financial conspiracy was the demonic attachment to a satanic cult, which manifested itself through the operations of Freemasonry.

The emblems of this cult are boldly emblazoned on the Great Seal of the United States and honour Federal Reserve notes (unpaid debts of the American people). The words "Annuit Coeptis" announce the birth of "Novus Ordo Seclorum," the New Order.
The Canaanites have even
appropriated the Great Pyramid of Gizeh, built by Shem, as their emblem.
However, to demonstrate that they have not yet put into operation the final
phases of their conspiracy, they show the top of the pyramid missing,
indicating that "the lost word" of Freemasonry is still absent.
The "eye"
represents the Great Architect of the Universe, a cabbalist concept; it is
enclosed in a triangle, which is the symbol of magic.
The thirteen steps refer to
Satan, Belial, and rebellion, which cabbalistic gematria assign to the thirteen
colonies, thirteen stripes, thirteen olive leaves, thirteen arrows on the seal,
and the thirteen letters of "E Pluribus Unum," all of which
emphasize the importance of the number thirteen in any enterprise which is
controlled by Freemasonry.
It reminds them of their war
against Christ and his Twelve Disciples.
The eagle is represented as
the symbol of Rome, the historic enemy of the Canaanites, whom they can
never forget, the adversary who razed their capital, Carthage, and who
sought to control their bestiality through the administration of laws (the
Consequently, all Freemasons
must be vigorously anti-Fascist, that is, they must place themselves against
the rule of law. The eagle has nine tail feathers, representing the Inner
Circle of Nine in the Illuminati, and also the number of degrees in the
York Rite; the thirteen stars represent the Seal of Solomon.
The Great Seal, which is
replete with these symbols of Freemasonry, was designed Benjamin Franklin,
Thomas Jefferson, Churchill, and Houston, all of whom were Freemasons. The eagle’s
right-wing has thirty-two feathers, the number of the ordinary degrees in the
Scottish Rite; the left wing has thirty-three, the additional feather
symbolizing the 33rd degree, which is conferred for outstanding service to Masonry.
To detail all of the Masonic
emblems with which the Great Seal is rife would require more space than we need
to give; these esoteric hidden meanings show that the combined number
of feathers in the two wings of the eagle is sixty-five; in gematria, this
is the value of the Hebrew phrase "yam yawchod," "together
in unity," which is cited in Psalm 133:1. "Behold, how good and
pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in unity!"
The five-pointed stars
represent the Masonic Blazing Star and the five points of fellowship. The All Seeing
Eye has a cabbalistic value of seventy plus three plus two hundred, the value
of the phrase "eben mosu habonim," "the stone which the builders
refused," which is familiar to all Royal Arch Masons; it also represents
the value of Hiram Abiff, the architect of King Solomon's Temple
thank you... these articles are so needed...
ReplyDeletefor further information on this "topic" see A - B - C -
Assassin - Babylon - Captivity {footnotes} in
freemasonry oozes from TALMUDIC JUDAISM...
curious how to be a "Jew" one must Hate Jesus who admonished to KNOW THE TRUTH...!
happy celestial events