Noor: Every controversial divisive deadly thing that Thatcher did is being
placed in soft focus, bathed in a rose-coloured light ~ a first draft of
history that is simply wrong. But then, the rewriting or revisionism of events
has been going on for thousands of years.
George Galloway and I may not see eye to eye on very many things any
more, but in the case of Margaret Thatcher, the Ice Queen, he is more than
qualified to speak of the true Maggie. ~ the grocer's daughter placed into power by the power brokers of the City of London ~ she was, like Reagan, placed at that time to destroy the working class of their countries and break their financial backbone through the unions. She did so ~ violently.
The people of Great Britain have been dancing in the streets at the news of her passing and the (appalled Jewish owned) media makes a great point that many are too young to have been around when she was in power.
HOWEVER, these young are not fools, they know exactly the legacies that were stolen from their parents and grandparents by this woman's policies and the effects those actions have made on their own young lives.
I have, as usual, taken it upon myself to include many images that show the world the true Maggie Thatcher. Then ask yourself, if this vicious creature is being elevated to the level of freedom fighter and a great achiever in the history books when the evidence otherwise is so blatantly obvious, is this not proof before our very eyes of how history is distorted by those who write it?
If these singers of praise of the old biddy really believe she was all that and a bag of chips, as yourself just what THEIR agenda is!

The people of Great Britain have been dancing in the streets at the news of her passing and the (appalled Jewish owned) media makes a great point that many are too young to have been around when she was in power.
HOWEVER, these young are not fools, they know exactly the legacies that were stolen from their parents and grandparents by this woman's policies and the effects those actions have made on their own young lives.
I have, as usual, taken it upon myself to include many images that show the world the true Maggie Thatcher. Then ask yourself, if this vicious creature is being elevated to the level of freedom fighter and a great achiever in the history books when the evidence otherwise is so blatantly obvious, is this not proof before our very eyes of how history is distorted by those who write it?
If these singers of praise of the old biddy really believe she was all that and a bag of chips, as yourself just what THEIR agenda is!

By George
Red Molucca
April 8, 2013
Red Molucca
April 8, 2013
old saw that one shouldn’t speak ill of the recently dead cannot possibly apply
to controversial figures in public life. It certainly didn’t apply to President
Hugo Chavez who predeceased Margaret Thatcher amidst a blizzard of abuse.
The main reason it must not preclude entering the lists amidst a wave of hagiographic sycophantic tosh of the kind that has engulfed Britain these last hours is that otherwise the hagiographers will have the field to themselves.
Every controversial divisive deadly thing that Thatcher did will be placed in soft focus, bathed in a rose-coloured light, and provide a first draft of history that will be, simply, wrong.
is now well-known, I refused to do that today on the demise of a wicked woman
who tore apart what remained good about my country, and set an agenda which has
been followed, more or less, by all of her successors. I certainly wasn’t
prepared to leave the obituaries to those who profited from her rule or those
who have aped her ever since.
here is my own memory of Thatcher and what she did in her time on this earth.

Thatcher, every primary school pupil received 1/3 of a pint of milk every
morning. For some it was the difference between breakfast and no breakfast. I
was sometimes one of those. I grew up in a brief period of social democracy in
Britain, being dosed by the state with free cod-liver oil, orange juice and
malt to build up my strength.
Having been born in a slum tenement into a
one-room attic in an Irish immigrant area, I needed all of that and more. And
like millions I got it, until Thatcher took it away.

was a new type of Tory leader, entirely lacking in anything resembling
“noblesse oblige”. She was nasty, brutish and short of the class previously
thought obligatory in Britain amongst leaders of the ruling elite. She was
vulgar, money-worshipping, and blasphemous.
She believed the important part of
the Biblical story of the “Good Samaritan” was not that he refused to pass by
the suffering on the other side of the road but that he had “loadsamoney”.
In the infamous sermon on the Mound in Edinburgh addressing the Church of Scotland she opined that there was “no such thing as society”…”only individuals”
ED Noor: Mass murderers at fun and play. Maggie and Ronnie, international threats place in power to decimate their countries financially and otherwise.
As the Labour leader Neil Kinnock, in one of his better efforts, retorted: “No such thing as society? Only individuals? No such thing as honouring other people’s parents? No such thing as cherishing other people’s children? No such thing as us and always? Just ME and NOW? ME and NOW?”
As the Labour leader Neil Kinnock, in one of his better efforts, retorted: “No such thing as society? Only individuals? No such thing as honouring other people’s parents? No such thing as cherishing other people’s children? No such thing as us and always? Just ME and NOW? ME and NOW?”
She was the living embodiment of Marx’s prediction that under capitalism “all that is solid will melt into air… all that is sacred will be profaned”

destroyed the coal industry, the steel, car, bus and motor-cycle manufacturing,
truck and bus-making, ship-building and print-industry, the railway
workshops… she destroyed more than a third of Britain’s manufacturing capacity,
significantly more than Hitler’s Luftwaffe ever achieved.
did this not just because she preferred the spivs and gamblers in the city they
were her kind of people. But because above all, she hated trades unionism, and
was determined to destroy it.
was a leading member of the Scottish Labour Party at the time she came into
office, and a full-time Labour organiser. Scotland was to become an industrial
wasteland in the first years of her rule.

for me, I was an honorary member of the National Union of Mineworkers too.
all of these capacities I was a front-line short-sword fighter in the rearguard
action against Thatcherism.
fought her at Bathgate, at Linwood, when she was sacking the automotive

fought every day of the Miners’ strike when she destroyed the Miners Union and
the communities they represented.
fought her at Timex in Dundee at Massey Ferguson in Kilmarnock, and at the
aluminium smelter in Invergordon.
fought against her poll tax – imposed first in Scotland – as a refusenik of the
most iniquitous tax in Britain since mediaeval times, the tax which ended in
flames – literally – whilst I was on the platform at Trafalgar Square. And
which finally produced her political demise.
Maggie and the pedophile perv Saville.
And I toured – as a political activist ~ the desolation in Britain’s post-industrial distressed areas which she left behind. The City of London – deregulated by her – boomed whilst the coalfields and steel areas sank into penury. I saw the rusted factories the flooded mines the idle shipyards and the devilish results of millions of newly and enforced idle hands.
faced her in parliament from 1987 as well, on these and other issues.
withdrawal of political status from Irish republican prisoners and her
brutal, securocratic, militarisation of the situation in the north led to
much additional suffering in Ireland.
collusion in the murder of Catholics became endemic during her rule. And ten
young men were starved to death for the restoration of political status, before
our eyes in her dungeons.
She finally died on the anniversary of their leader, Bobby Sands, being elected to parliament as he lay on his death-bed.

During the Falklands War, she sent hundreds of young Argentinian conscripts to a watery grave when she shot the Argentine warship the Belgrano in the back – as it was speeding away from the conflict. She mercilessly exploited the sacrifice of them, and our own soldiers, sailors, and airmen, to save her own political skin. A lot of brave men had to leave their guts on Goose Green to keep Thatcher in power.
pushed her alter ego – the semi-imbecilic US president Ronald Reagan – into
Cold War fanaticism and burgeoning expenditure on more and more terrifying
weapons – many of them stationed on our soil.
pushed his successor George Bush Senior into the first Iraq War.
was there, I saw her lips move, when she described Nelson Mandela as a “common
continued to recognise the genocidal and deposed Pol Pot regime in Cambodia –
insisting that Pol Pot was the real and recognised leader of the Cambodians,
even as they counted his victims in millions.
she was the author of the policy of military, political, diplomatic and media
support of the Afghan obscurantists who became the Taliban and Al Qaeda. She
even produced them on the platform of the Tory Party conference, hailing them
as “freedom-fighters”.
ED Noor: At the same time Reagan was entertaining the Taliban in the White House and saying they had the same freedom fighting spirit that made America great.
ED Noor: At the same time Reagan was entertaining the Taliban in the White House and saying they had the same freedom fighting spirit that made America great.

the eve of the triumph of these “freedom Fighters” I told Thatcher to her face;
“You have opened the gates for the barbarians….and a long dark night will now
descend upon the people of Afghanistan”. I never said a truer word.
hated Margaret Thatcher for what seems like all my life. I hated her more than
I hated anyone – until the mass murderer Tony Blair came along.
It would have been utter hypocrisy for me to have remained silent about her crimes today whilst the political class – including New Labour – poured honeyed words, lies actually, over her blood-spattered record.
In attendance at the funeral were Chaney and Kissinger. Two of the most evil men to walk the Earth. If anyone was in any doubt about how evil Thatcher just look at her "friends".
ReplyDeleteTypically, at the very time she was covering herself in the flag during the Falklands War she was lending the Argentine dictatorship the millions of pounds with which to buy weapons to kill British servicemen.
Her favourite economists were all Jewish: Friedman, Hayek et al. Now those guys taught her to loot national assets!