Tuesday 31 July 2018


It may seem trivial, but Kim went one of the most liberal late night talk shows around and held her ground against host and audience. Respect. Wow! Did I really say "respect" to a Kardashian?

Silly twit.

Trump fans have interesting "daddy issues" and like to celebrate America.

Artist note: CONTEST. This cartoon is about Trump's Tweet comparing his poll numbers to Abraham Lincoln's. The caption can be either Trump speaking, Lincoln speaking, or both. The caption can be Conservative, Liberal, whatever you want. Winner announced on Sunday.

This woman looks as if she is challenging people not to notice. Nothing wrong with nursing in public but most women are more discreet and respectful also of their child's privacy. Nursing is supposed to be an intimate exchange of sorts, nothing of that nature on this mom's face.

Many people consider "settling for the ordinary" to be a great privilege. Some people just want to be normal and lead an ordinary life. It is the little things they include in that day to day life that makes it extraordinary.

We have a PM who is almost purposefully selling Canada out to raise his own brownie points by trying to make Trump look bad.

Only Canadian-born should be ruling. This does not mean "white"; it means Canadian BORN.

GAP Canada selling us on multiculturalism. Where are the White kids?

The artist did this very same cartoon about Trump shortly after he assumed the Presidency.

Torontonians on the Danforth a few days after the shooting.

I think I could gain 10 pounds just dreaming of that golden egg....

As usual, sprinkled throughout today's offerings, Pearls from Perloff.

TWENTY FOUR assistants and she complains?

Just FOUR assistants and she makes her mark.

Thank you, Jumo, for sending this.

The sainted look on that old lab's face...

Welsh countryside

"Love is love"

Seriously? Yeah, seriously. Found this at a Liberal site. Sad. They really cannot meme.

Heck, it is offensive to women WITH vaginas.

"SMEAR campaign" because we protect our children? Because we are disgusted by such deviancy? 

The above comments were about a transgender teacher arrested sexual assault charges against students.


  1. I like the one about the Kurds coming to terms with Mr. Assad after having realized that they were being cynically used as a proxy by the Zioamericans. Full marks for including that one. Seven cartoons higher up, a really delicious-looking pizza! My compliments.

  2. I love your comment about the Vagina Monologues!

  3. For picture # 27 regarding the American criminals least concerned about justice:
    I have just finished a book on "LA MAFIA JUIVE" by Hervé Ryssen, a French author and historian specialized in the international Jewish question for more than three thousand years.

    In his book "LA MAFIA JUIVE" several chapters concern only the USA, we learn that the vast majority of the American mafia between 1915 and 1950 was 100% Jewish. They have strangely known only very few prosecutions for their misdeeds.

    Cocaine trafficking between colobia and the USA where the ancient Jews of the mossad worked as much for the Colombian government as in the care of Pablo Escobar, as in the US Department of Drug Control ....

    Ditto for the so-called Russian Mafia, the majority were Jews from Russia.
    Same for prostitution, alcohol trafficking during prohibition, illegal gambling, organ transplants, financial trafficking etc.

    With the detailed list by ethnicity and religion, we realize at a glance that Jews represent only 3% of the American population but are very often at the top, the head of more than 70% of trafficking.
    (I do not mean small dealers in the street or small illegal gambling dens, but the top of the crime industry)

    It is a fact all that is most documented, and this observation applies to very many countries, especially in Russia where for two centuries the Jews were at the head of all the traffics (including the illegal sale of public goods during perestroika)

    At the moment, George Soros, whose real name is Grégory Schwartz, is at the top of the smuggling of illegal immigrants between Africa and Europe, financing, smugglers, prostitution of women crossing the border etc ...

    I still wonder, how and why Donald Trump has not yet killed this junk George Soros, the day George Soros is killed I send a bottle of the best French champagne at the White House.
    (If the American services do not want to do the work they can deliver me George Soros at home, I will make sure that his last days are the most horrible possible, much more horrible than any imagination so far ...)

    PS: I accept the whole family Soros, George, his wife, his children, his nephews and nieces. Good job guaranteed.


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