Saturday 8 October 2011


Poster of the Taureg Tribe supporting Quaddafi
(If you can translate the Arabic for me I would be most grateful)

"Bani Walid, Sirte, Warshfana and Nawhi, those four tribes are very well armed and they will never be defeated; those honourable people can't be enslaved. All the people in Libya, all true Libyans will never surrender to the invaders and the colonizers.

We will fight for our freedom and we are willing to sacrifice more. The traitors and colonizers and NATO will be destroyed soon. They already no longer trust each other and they don't trust their leaders; the traitors are unable to continue because they are divided and their basis is weak.

The NTC has no legitimacy because it hasn't been nominated or appointed by the people. 

How did it get its legitimacy? 

Did the Libyan people elect them? 

Did the Libyan people appoint them?

If only the power of (NATO) fleets give legitimacy, then let the rulers in the Third World be ready for a (NATO) invasion too. 

To those who recognize the National Transitional Council: be ready for the creation of transitional councils imposed by the power of (NATO) fleets to replace you one by one from now on.

I call on all Libyan people to go out and march in their millions in every square, in every city, in every village, in every. 

Go peacefully and go with pride.

Be courageous, rise up, go forth! Forward!

 Go to the streets and raise our Green Flag to the skies.

Even if there comes a time when you don't hear my voice anymore, don't stop fighting. 

Don't panic. 

Don't give up. 

Keep fighting for your freedom till victory arrives!"


  1. Noor,

    I am "Colonel Mosby." You have a beautiful website. I, too, wish to be in solidarity with the Jamahiria. Thank you for posting the short speech from the Father of the Revolution, Colonel Quaddafi. How I wish I could be in Libya and fight with the Jamahiria against NATO. NATO are scum. They are pirates! Cutthroats!

  2. Thanks for your kind words Colonel. And ty for dropping by.

    All we can do since we cannot be there is as much as we can to open eyes to the truth. Perhaps by repetition people will learn... although sometimes one feels as if one is just banging the old noggin into a brick wall!

    But it is amazing how such abused noggins become inured to the wall and the exercise results in a deeper resolve to keep on with shouting and showing the world... the reality of things.


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