Wednesday 5 October 2011


THE DAY OF THE LAST JUDGEMENT, (Le Jour Du Jugement Dernier)
By Jean- León Gérôme

Private collection
Date: 1861
Technique: Oil on canvas, 43.2 x 52.1 cm

This painting is a far cry from Gérôme's usual portrayals of Muslim life in the Middle East in the mid 1800's. The symbolism is fetching and thought provoking considering the era of this piece.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Noor,..Aah, Gérôme! 'Whirling Dervishes', 'Bathsheba bathing', 'Pygmalion And Galatea', when I first saw this as a young Soldier with artistic stars in my eyes, I swooned; what a beautiful yet somehow tragic(?) story. The two perspectives by the artist are intriguing also.

    Why would any tribe be so obsessed with money and material wealth, that they would connive to murder and deceit, when so much beauty is so freely available in this world?

    Great Post!



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