Thursday 6 October 2011


It was brought to my attention recently that many people seem to believe that the image above is really me.

Oh I should be so fortunate as to have that flawless skin and youthful beauty! 
(Well, I had the flawless skin, but the years have had their way with it.)

In truth this is French actress Eva Green from the movie Kingdom of Heaven.

Me? I am just your typical Caucasian Canadian woman of French descent (with a hefty dollop of Irish thrown in) with nothing more exotic about me than my thoughts and dreams.

I chose this image because I just loved her expression. Insightful. Clever. Compassionate. Spiritually strong. Knowledgeable. Fearless. Mayhap dangerous. But always a woman of allure. The image matched the nom de plume I chose which roughly translates from the Arabic as "shines the light".

The beautifully rendered pencil sketch that I had tinted and painted by a friend for my use is by Deviant Artist: pbozproduction

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