Tuesday 10 January 2012


By Jean-Paul Cassone'    
January 09, 2011

The sponsorship of this blog-site (Seeking Alpha) is supposed to be dedicated to "all things financial and investments oriented". However, each time I approach this site lately, America's current times become so increasingly entangled in illicit, powerful corruption, leveraged beyond limits and with a continuing saga to write its new history, completely absent of oversight and enforcement of the 1% and a general unraveling of all things prudent and sustainable, not to mention operating without any clear, sound planning or truly viable solutions for a return to a prospering, economic nation!

When American's are "being arrested for being American", how can I just sit here and wait for that smoke to clear! "Things are no longer the norm in America"!

The only audience of its Lame-stream media is now itself!

Insisting a continuation of "operating from a business-as-usual" standpoint in these blatantly obvious, tumultuous, corrupt and recklessly perilous times, "is cheap, cheating the citizenry, an attempt at propaganda and an assault on our Founding Father's freedoms!

The people no longer buy the fact that things will ever return to even a faint resemblance to the times it once was.

Hell, they're still waiting for you to tell them the answer to the September 10, 2001 mystery when Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld announced that there was $2.3 trillion dollars "missing" from the Pentagon coffers, that has "to this day", never been discovered!

They're still waiting for you to tell them "how" and "why" Dov Zakheim who likely stole those funds, was permitted to "murder-in-cold-blood", more than 3,000 defenseless Americans in a 9-11 atrocity and remain "prosecutionless" and Scott-free!

They're still waiting for you to serve arrest warrants for Hank Paulson, Lloyd Blankenfein, Larry Summers, Mayor Bloomberg, Chris Dodd, John Corzine, Tim Geithner and about 50 others!

Don't insult their intelligence by shoving Wolf Blitzer in their faces instigating them to "hate,hate,hate Iran, hate all Arabs and ignore Ron Paul"!

They know better than that; what so now you want to just "lock-up half the nation in jail"?

It's ludicrous, it's idiotic and it won't work!

No I'm sorry but not in 200 years has America ever been "a nation that over-throws governments, instigates terrorism, creates false flags against its own people and then commits fraud against them while recklessly trying to declare war on every non-Zionist race on Earth the world over"!

No, this is NOT the true America!

And you can bet that when the majority of its governing body attempts to "threaten its own people with seizure, torture and even death" for trying to raise their citizen's rights to show or demonstrate even a concern for any of these shenanigans, it means how can I just sit here and write, in a business-as-usual fashion, when all signs are most clearly and loudly pointing to an

"America Under Siege!!”

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