They just don’t make military commanders like they
used to.

in an interview with CBS’ 60 Minutes, Gen. Allen disavowed the 2014 Lisbon
Conference date for ending the war, saying “we’re actually going to be here for a long time” and that the troop levels beyond 2014 were yet to
be decided.
who replaced Gen. Petraeus as commander of the Afghan War and became the fourth
commander since President Obama took office in 2009, did not offer the usual
collection of “foolproof” strategy changes designed to turn the tides in the
endless conflict.
plan is to win,” was all Allen would offer.
This either speaks to a lack of confidence in the latest strategy shift, or perhaps more likely a lack of any strategy whatsoever as the war has a momentum of its own and, with the war planned to extend through 2024, the general likely realizes there will be a dozen or more commanders that will come after him and that what he does won’t matter all that much.
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