Sunday 9 October 2011


 BUTTERFLY PASSION by Akiane Kramarik, aged 10

This young prodigy painted the above and wrote the following description and accompanying poem when she was only then years old.

Please visit her website and be awed by her amazingly spiritual interpretations of the world about her.

And please enlarge these thumbs for greater detail.

Whether in his dream or for real, a horse is running after his love downstream, while the love butterflies surround him. The bubbles represent womb and beginning. 

I painted this scene to express the search for love and its meaning...

Marching across the straining view, saddles are on their own.
The pounding hooves like crushed bells start suddenly to moan.

When I hold the armed love, controlling the courage in oak boats,
spoiled and regenerated sunbeams cross the country raspberry roads.

Glittering landscape by the shores is a newborn faith beaten by the countless waves.
Everything tempts me to love you...
Everywhere I run, love rains...

The revelation of the butterfly passion in front and back throbs the same.
What a fresh smell of your eyelashes I braid them along with my mane!

In midsummer we are like two young angels, inhaling love one motion at a time.
Your legs walk on mine, stepping on love, and right away I sense the meaning of life.

To be born together, yet years apart, we both rush out of the womb...
My eyes are blurry, yours are so clear, when I carry the river to you.

Your tears are free, but mine are armed from above.
Let me hold our courage, so the courage could arm our love!

The artist, age 8, on the Oprah Show.

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