we have a great rant from Northerntruthseeker in which he asks proud Jews a few very pertinent questions that
just should not be missed. Please hasten over to his site and add to the list
if you have any contributions as I am sure you must. After all, we all do! Every photo below is of a proud Jew... some more recognizable than others. Just ask them the following questions... and any you might have to add to the mix.
September 23,
it is Sunday, and of course it is time for my weekly rant.
For this rant, I want to present a project that has been swimming in my head for quite some time, and I figured this was as best a time to show it to my readers. I call it "Are You Proud To Be Jewish Knowing .." and I am directing it to those few Jewish readers and my usual favorite fan club of Hasbara agentst that come to this site from time to time. Well, here it goes.
Are you proud to be Jewish knowing that your entire so called tribe is nothing but a fraud and has real history at all?
For this rant, I want to present a project that has been swimming in my head for quite some time, and I figured this was as best a time to show it to my readers. I call it "Are You Proud To Be Jewish Knowing .." and I am directing it to those few Jewish readers and my usual favorite fan club of Hasbara agentst that come to this site from time to time. Well, here it goes.
Are you proud to be Jewish knowing that your entire so called tribe is nothing but a fraud and has real history at all?
evidence clearly shows now that everything taught in the Torah is a complete
never was an Exodus, a Passover, or even a Solomon or David. All of these
were imaginary creations of scribes during the 7th-8th century BC to give some
credibility to their followers that actually originate from a wide spectrum of
different races and backgrounds.
Are you proud to be Jewish knowing that you may live in countries such as Canada, and the United States, but you have absolutely no allegiance to the nation of your residence?
you would sell your host country down the road in an instant if it was to
support your beloved criminal nation of Israel. And we are to stand by
and put up with this form of treason?
Are you proud to be Jewish knowing that your criminal system of Usury has destroyed entire nations' economies and has left the world on the brink of total global economic collapse?
Throughout all history, any nation that has adopted your criminal Usury debt
system eventually collapses. History is only repeating itself again, but
this time the entire world will be left destitute thanks to the sickness of the
Jewish Usury system.
Are you proud to be Jewish knowing that you have been raised from birth with the false sense that you are somehow superior over all other races?
is through that false teaching that you look upon the rest of humanity as
subhuman, or as cattle, to only be your slaves if and when you accomplish your
twisted goal of world domination.
Are you proud to be Jewish knowing that your hatred and refusal to intermingle with other races has left your so called "race" rife with a multitude of serious physical and mental disorders?
cannot even begin to list the serious diseases afflicting the Jewish people,
especially the Ashkenazis, due to their sick inbreeding and their twisted
thinking of keeping their "race" pure. One of the most
serious mental illnesses as a result of that constant inbreeding is Tay Sachs Syndrome
that causes serious mental imbalance.
Are you proud to be Jewish knowing that your beloved Israel is a massive fraud, and built upon no historical or biblical rights to the region of Palestine?
"tribe" is nothing more than invaders that have stolen that land from
the true heirs to the region, the Palestinian people themselves.
Are you proud to be Jewish knowing that your false nation of Israel is right now trying to get even more wars going in the region that could kill millions of innocent people?
is all for your sick dream of Greater Israel based upon your fraudulent
teachings of your Torah must be stopped!
Are you proud to be Jewish knowing that your control over governments around the world may soon have the world involved in a global World War that could see the deaths of billions of innocent people?
this is all for the sick dream of your Greater Israel.
Are you proud to be Jewish knowing that your leadership in Israel is clinically insane, and seems to be bent on a war against Iran that will see the deaths of millions of innocent Iranians and quite possibly the end of your cherished Israel itself?
what I see, a maniac like Benyamin Milikovsky (Netanyahu) is a serious
Tay-Sachs Syndrome sufferer!
Are you proud to be Jewish knowing that your criminal nation possesses some 300-400 nuclear weapons and has threatened to take at least 1/2 of the world down with them if they were ever threatened with destruction?
is the insane Samson Option of the state of Israel, and that scares the crap
out of a lot of people.
Are you proud to be Jewish knowing that your nation has imprisoned some 1.7 million innocent people in what is basically an open air prison called the Gaza Strip?
is even the fear that the criminally and mentally insane Israeli leadership
will shortly launch an all out war that will see the extermination of that
entire populace. Now we are talking about a real Holocaust!
Are you proud to be Jewish knowing that not only does your insane Torah talk about your superiority over all others, but your equally insane Talmud has even more disgusting teachings such as it being OK to have sex with children?
Jews are not even aware of the teachings of their own Talmud, and I have always
said for them to again take a good hard look at that book of evil. They
would be shocked to see what it contains!
Are you proud to be Jewish knowing that your criminal Mossad organization has been responsible for some of the most horrendous criminal terrorist attacks in the last 1/2 century alone?
includes of course many examples such as the Levon Affair, the attack on the
USS Liberty, and of course the worst terrorist attack ever; the Mossad led attack
on 9-11 that murdered some 3000 innocent people.
Are you proud to be Jewish knowing that your tribe has been kicked out of some 100+ nations and cities over the last 2000 years?
was not due to some hatred by the people against your tribe, but from the
actions of your tribe against the people! Parasitism has no place in the
human race.
Are you proud to be Jewish knowing that your tribal control over the media has brought corruption and ruination of our modern society?
tribe's total control over Hollywood and television, which I call
"Talmudvision" has poisoned peoples' minds with some of the worst
filth and corruption imaginable. That is also true with the Jewish
total control over the even more sickening pornographic industry.
Are you proud to be Jewish knowing that your control over government has caused distortions and lies about our very history?
is also through your criminal control over governments that some major parts of
our history over the last century, including your "Holocaust" are not
open to full research. Many should be asking themselves why you are so
scared to allow proper research to take place.
I therefore ask again to my Jewish readers... Are you truly proud to be Jewish?
it is time for you to join the human race and work with us to end the goals
that have been laid out in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
For the human race to survive, the archaic and sick belief that mankind must
live as slaves must end immediately. It is truly time for the Jews to
join the rest of the human race!
There are more parts to this list that I may have overlooked, and could have been added. I leave it up to my readers to put up their comments and give me their own thoughts on the list above, and what was missed.
I want to end this long rant with my usual closing tidbits. As I stated in previous rants, the upcoming US Presidential election is a sham. The only winner will be the criminal state of Israel itself, and with the absence of a third party candidate on the ballots themselves, people would be better off either spoiling their ballot, or just writing in "NONE OF THE ABOVE"...
There are more parts to this list that I may have overlooked, and could have been added. I leave it up to my readers to put up their comments and give me their own thoughts on the list above, and what was missed.
I want to end this long rant with my usual closing tidbits. As I stated in previous rants, the upcoming US Presidential election is a sham. The only winner will be the criminal state of Israel itself, and with the absence of a third party candidate on the ballots themselves, people would be better off either spoiling their ballot, or just writing in "NONE OF THE ABOVE"...
situation at Fukushima Japan with the failed nuclear reactors has not changed,
and the crippled cores are still spewing out horrendous amounts of radiation
into the atmosphere and the surrounding environment. Again, I need to ask
why the rush towards war, when this world threatening condition is still
Israelis are seriously up to something with their massive mobilization along
the Syrian border. I do suspect that they may launch an attack on Syria
very soon after they get their false flag attack against the United States
going. Yes, a false flag attack is coming that will of course be done by
Israel's hand. I do suspect that it will happen during the upcoming
Jewish holiday celebrating death and destruction called Yom Kippur.
wish that the Muslim people would quit being played as suckers and fools and
realize that the so called film that insults their prophet Muhammad was created
by the Israelis to create new instability in the region. The sooner they
realize that truth, the better.... I am still working with some fellow real
truth seekers on getting some shows and podcasts going. It has been hard
for me these last few weeks to get anything going due to family and personal
will keep everyone posted of course if and when we launch these projects....
There has not been much coming from NASA's fraudulent Curiosity rover on
"Mars" lately. But cheer up, everyone, for NASA will shortly
come up with some "earth shattering" announcement about their fake
Curiosity probe that will divert everyone's attention away from the failing
economies and the rush to new wars for Israel.
see the new season of Keeping up with the Kardashians is finally on the
Talmudvision. If you are looking for a prime example of Jewish corruption
of modern society through their control over Hollywood, look no further!
More to come
More to come
David Lee Roth, very proud (I dare say he is beyond downright arrogant) Jew. Remember this next time you listen to this creature. Personally, although I was a fan of the Van Halen MUSIC, this guy turned me right off the band way back in the day. I... just ... did... not... like... him. Now, I know why!

"Sorry that doesn't sound hippie. Sorry that doesn't sound like communal jubilant fun. Sorry I'm not a Pepper. Sorry I didn't pop out of a soda-pop ad, and life is just one big fucking cabaret, because a lot of what propelled Van Halen, what compels me and propels me is precisely this element. It's fury. If you approach me with anti-Semetic preconceptions, I'm not here to re-educate. I come from a whole different school of thought. If you don't get it on the first try, fuck you.
"I once heard somebody say to the Van Halens, "You guys play the music; the Jew sells it." Well, you're fucking right. And now that I'm gone, Van Halen stinks. Okay?
"Want to know why some of my contributions to Van Halen sound like they do? Didn't come from a smiling place in my soul. Not at all.
"Nobody ever said to Mick Jagger, "So, Mick, you're Episcopalian, aren't you?" Nobody ever took Jimi Hendrix aside and said, "So, Jimi, you're a Baptist, aren't you?" Much less start off the interview that way.
"Every step I took on that stage was smashing some Jew-hating, lousy punk ever deeper into the deck. Every step. I jumped higher 'cause I knew there was going to be more impact when I hit those boards. And if you were even vaguely anti-Semetic, you were under my wheels, motherfucker. That's where the lyrics came from, that's where the body language came from, that's where the humor came from, and where the fuck you came from. All equally as important. You want to know the ingredients? Don't ask if you don't want to know.
"What you get from repression and what you get from hatred is fury, and fury was one of the main trigger points for the great Van Halen. What you see now is a bunch of buffoons waddling around at the family barbecue, and their wives admonishing the children saying, "Don't worry, Daddy's just had a few too many Coors Lights and he's imitating what he used to do for a living when he played music, honey."
"What's missing is the testosterone. What's missing is the fury. What's missing is the passionate convicted commitment. And I got a lot of mine from my religious background. So y'all best stop imagining the way Dr. Zorba looked, or some defenseless Hasidic Jew with a little yarmulke on his head, 'cause that ain't here for you."
Noor.. I want to thank you for taking my weekly rant, and making it better!!!
ReplyDeleteThe pictures alone are worth a thousand words...
And I could not agree more with that sicko David Lee Roth... The guy is seriously suffering from mental disorders... But hey, that comes with the tribe!
"The modern Jew with his Yiddish culture and rapacious financial traditions should not be confused with the biblical Hebrews, who were mainly a pastoral people. The international Jew of modern times is indeed the bastardized product of a bastardized past. He does not truly worship the Bible, but the Talmud; he does not speak Hebrew, but Yiddish; he is not descended from Israel, but from the scum of the eastern Mediterranean."
ReplyDeletePalestine Cry: The Mighty Mileikowsky
From the Lithuanian sector of the Western Pale of Settlement of the Jews arises the mighty modern version of Nimrud or something. The Mighty Mileikowsky, slayer of Palestinian children with White Phosphorus etc. ad nauseum et Diabolicos.
They did not listen to Moses
Deuteronomy 31:16 And the Lord said to Moses: Behold thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, and this people rising up will go a fornicating after strange gods in the land, to which it goeth in to dwell: there will they forsake me, and will make void the covenant, which I have made with them, 17 And my wrath shall be kindled against them in that day: and I will forsake them, and will hide my face from them, and they shall be devoured: all evils and afflictions shall find them, so that they shall say in that day: In truth it is because God is not with me, that these evils have found me.
They did not listen to Jesus
John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he stood not in the truth; because truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof. 45 But if I say the truth, you believe me not.
Paul predicts their end
Thessalonians 2:3 ...the Jews, 15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and the prophets, and have persecuted us, and please not God, and are adversaries to all men; 16 Prohibiting us to speak to the Gentiles, that they may be saved, to fill up their sins always: for the wrath of God is come upon them to the end.
And Muhammad, Qur'an
Qur'an 2:79 "But woe to the Jews who fake the Scriptures and say, 'This is from God,' so that they might earn some profit thereby.' And woe to them for what their hands have written, and woe to them for what they earn from it.'"
Qur'an 2:61 "Humiliation and wretchedness were stamped on the Jews and they were visited with Allah's wrath."
Qur'an 5:41 "Or it be among the Jews, men who will listen to any lie. They change the context of the words from their (right) times and places.... For them there is disgrace in this world, and in the Hereafter a heavy punishment."
No wonder the boys couldn't stand being around him.
ReplyDeleteI have never read anything about his political leanings or claim of Jewishness. Brings him to a whole new light.
Totally racist nonsense. It's a pity you're so blinded by hate to see the lies in your rant. God bless you and my he open your eyes and heart.