Monday, 17 September 2012


The deceased Rebbe, Chabad Lubavitch's Rabbi Schneerson, gentile hater extraordinaire, considered by many Lubavitchers to have been the Moshiach.

Below, just one of his views towards non Jews.


OK People, tell me what you think about THIS call for international peace from the group who are pushing for world destruction through its relentless drive for the eradication of Iran.  Fellow blogger Le Gall from France sent me this link, so I am gathering that event is not so publicized in North America.

Just a few days before the recitations of Kol Nidre....

Timing is everything.... 

How about peace in Palestine?  Are we naive enough to consider that is on the menu here?


  1. "Just a few days before Purim and the recitations of Kol Nidre...."
    Timing? You are right.
    Lying to Gentiles is such a hereditary, intrinsic trait of the Jewish race, that it is also codified into their 'religion'. It is extremely difficult for Europeans to digest the reality of this Jewish pathology, much to our detriment.
    So called 'Anti-Semitism' is codeword for the Truth.

  2. Thanks to beoadcast this ! We call this an EGREGORE in french, an occult amgical ritual... We all know that Shalom , peace, means WAR for goyim !
    Merci beaucoup !


    Thanks Snips!

    US Army Veteran
    Marc C. Daniele
    Hercy, Mo.

  4. Le Gall I got this article linked to a major busy site so I think we will get this word out. People here do not necessarily buy into the satanic ritualistic aspect of these things but we can only do our best to waken them up. The ritualistic aspect cannot be over looked.

  5. Hey Marc, get out there and snuff some bear.

  6. I think you mean its just a few days before Yom Kippur(25)which is the holiest day for jews not purim which has already passed.

  7. Does Odigo send out the peace prayer?

    If everyone's "satanic", and they serve jews, then are the jews not demons from hell, who worship Hesham Tillawi, co-founder of TuT?


  8. How sad it is for me to read such comments and to see that even in a peaceful initiative jews are still brought down and misunderstood besides being mocked thank God we will not destroy the world just because you made fun of Us...

    Should Jewish people go bomb themselves, crash civilans planes, destroy national landmarks, stab babies in their sleep to deserve respect?

    You all here should be ashamed, but do not worry the "End" is on its way for you all shall see and receive what you looked for.

  9. Nothing is as it seems, Anonymous. And yes this seems to be a peaceful peace initiative, agreed. However, the timing is suspect as are most of the participants.

    Most of the crimes you describe, Jews already do in Palestine on a daily basis.

    When and if these people come out and acknowledge Palestine ... and Israel acknowledges its participation in so many Middle Eastern and international crimes ~ the only trusted Jew will be one who announces and denounces the activities of the Talmudics.


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