Ah, that ugly old Talmudic meme about gentiles being no more
than animals to a Jew raises its ugly head yet again. Once more, proof
positive, that where there is smoke, there is assuredly a forest fire and that Sephardi Rabbi Ovadia Josef was speaking for more than just himself when he said:
By Ami Kaufman
September 21, 2012
The first time I “met” Ayala Ben-Naftali was just before I
was about to interview Hagai Amir.
She posted the following picture on Amir’s wall, apparently a blessing she
received before or after a certain celebration ~ I think it might have been her
Note reads: “Dear Ayala and Yigal, from Yigal and Larisa
Amir. Wishing you love and happiness”
Yigal Amir, Yitzhak Rabin’s assassin, and his wife Larisa.
In the caption, Ayala writes: We received a blessing from a righteous man!
(smiley face) With God’s help, next year you’ll come back home!”
But yesterday, I met up with Ayala again on Facebook. It was
after she posted a four-picture photo album titled “Late night tour of the Tel Aviv
Safari,” mainly pictures of Africans. One picture in
particular caught a lot of attention, due to the caption she wrote.

“There are no signs forbidding taking pictures
with the animals. There were no signs that forbid feeding, but we passed on
that. With Abunga Dabunga the 3rd, Abuba Buba Sabuba and Zanbura Boka Kaluga
Chaka.. Enlarge thumb. (photo: screenshot of Ayala Ben-Naftali’s Faceboof page)
I was pleasantly surprised to see a large majority of the
comments condemning her remarks. I expected to see the usual racists slurs
supporting this kind of venom. Especially on the wall of a woman who has shown
support for the racist movement Lehava.
I presume that once racist Knesset Member Michael Ben-Ari
(National Union) turns on his computer after Shabbat is out, he’ll give her
some “well-deserved” backup.
How "Jewish" is too much ?
See also WHITE NATIONALIST link on JEWISH piss sacks...
and appropriate comments fom Morris
moving on over to Les Visible the chorus continues...with an Encore forevermore....
no one on Earth HAS to be a "Jewish"....it's true !
changing the Dynamics consists of an unrelenting assault of truth on the redoubt of "Jewishness" and the KHAZAR hostages {PROSELYTES} in the stool sculpture deity cult compound called the Zionist State in Occupied Palestine...and "JEW" York city....
"Truth is a wall that you can't blow down and it won't be laughed away"...Harry Chapin
take that stinky, blinky, and Finky