Remember the Georgia Guidestones.
Happily for the Synagogue of Satan behind the abomination of GMOs, their joint operation with Walmart, provides them with optimum opportunity to cash in on the resulting deformities and illnesses as well as tap into their common pain as the poison does its work on ensuing generations until, of course, fertility is reduced to zip.
This is, of course, part of the Rockefeller/Rothschild NWO agenda to reduce population and increase profits whilst literally making a killing. Meanwhile Russia challenges this horrendous technology while America shoves it down the throat of its populace.
Ask yourself why. When you have found that answer ask yourself what does this tell you about values and priorities of these respective governments?
August 21, 2012
America’s largest bio-agriculture company and
the biggest retailer in the country are joining forces, but a happy ending
isn’t necessarily in sight. Walmart will soon be stocking their shelves with
GMO corn made by Monsanto.
Millions of Americans shop at Walmart, but
that doesn’t mean that they all know what they’re getting as they check out in
shopping centers across the country. The retail giant says they won't advertise
which of their products are made with genetically modified organisms, or GMOs,
which could become a big problem very soon.
Zack Kaldveer explains in an editorial
published by the California Progress Report this month that Walmart will soon
sell a special factory-made corn manufactured by Monsanto, which while it will
allow most of Americans more easy access to affordable food, will also fill
them with unknown insecticides: the very GMO crop Walmart will be selling has
been genetically engineered to include chemicals right inside the corn.
Voters in California will decide later this
year if retailers on the West Coast will be legally bound to correctly label
all foodstuffs sold in shopping centers that are made from lab-alerted,
genetically modified foods.
Notwithstanding that ruling, one of the
largest retailers in the world says that they won’t worry about advertising
their GMO foods as the product of scientists in the meantime because, simply,
they don’t see enough of a reason to do as such.
"After closely looking at both sides of the debate and collaborating with a number of respected food safety experts, we see no scientifically validated safety reasons to implement restrictions on this product," company representative Dianna Gee tells the Chicago Tribune.
Critics of that stance say that the
explanation is flawed, though.
With GMOs still being a relatively new science
and industry, the true safety of foods made in labs has not been thoroughly
tested because the long-lasting effects have yet to be analyzed. That’s why
people in California are rallying to pass Proposition 37, a legislation that
will require that products sold in the state are labeled as GMOs if they fit
the description.
"How would you ever know if there are adverse health effects?" Michael Hansen, a senior scientist at Consumers Union, the policy arm of Consumer Reports, adds to the Tribune."There has been a doubling of food allergies in this country since 1996. Is it connected to genetically engineered foods? Who knows, when you have no labeling? That is a problem."
Monsanto, one of the biggest biotech companies
in the world, isn’t that okay with efforts to pass the bill, though. They have
so far donated hundreds of millions of dollars towards a campaign established
to stop the bill, No on 37. But in the latest incident to unfold in the saga,
Monsanto isn’t exactly offering suggestions to come to a compromise either.
According to the New York Times, Monsantor
Director of Corporate Communications Phil Angel said,
should not have to vouch
for the safety of biotech food.
interest is in selling as much of it as possible.
its safety is the FDA's job.''
The FDA, on the other hand, disagrees.
California Progress Report reveals that, on the record, the Food and Drug
Administration insists,
“Ultimately, it is the food producer
who is responsible for assuring safety.”

Opponents of the effort to label foods insist
that passing Prop 37 will leave America’s agriculture and food shopping economy
in shambles because it will scare consumers, though.
ED: Ludicrous argument considering that labeling is
required in many nations with no adverse effects to any but the producers of
these poisons.
"Prop. 37 leaves consumers with the incorrect impression that there is something wrong with GE crops, when that is not true,” No on 37 spokesperson Kathy Fairbanks tells the Associated Press.
Walmart agrees, and now plans on letting all
GMOs go onto their shelves unlabeled at the 4,000 or so stores across this
country. With Walmart growing from having 6 percent to a full quarter of
nationwide grocery sales in just a decade and a half, though, a win for them
can eventually mean a loss for anyone in America who is concerned with what’s
going into their bodies.
“It’s an epic food
fight between the pesticide companies and consumers who want to know what’s in
their food,” Yes on
37 media director Stacy Malkan tells the Associated Press,
For those you looking to help spread the word on GMO foods, we made this easy to understand, 2 minute video.
ReplyDeleteIt only scratches the surface of this complicated issue but it's a good start to create some awareness and hopefully get the conversation going.
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