Friday 31 July 2020


Mermaid or Beluga?

A victim found in the ruins of Pompeii. He died with a smile on his face apparently.

This photo begs for the right caption!

Can you find the car?

The Haj during Covid

Pluto and Australia

Push come to shove, he was still just another Democrat in the long run.

Meanwhile at the Temple of Hathor in the Valley of the Kings...

Meanwhile, confident in the magic of "blue", 3 500 French folk gathered to celebrate the Smurfs.

Would you climb these?


Apparently surfing is now racist. Tell that to the Hawaiians!

I first posted this over 2 years ago.

I, too, am currently banned from Twitter. But you can see how bad it is that Don Jr. merely mentioned the efficacy of Hydroxycholorquine and was banned. I still don't know why I was shut out this time. Probably some pissant leftie who did not appreciate my polite but unbending attitude.

A great man gone

Have a great week, friends. The summer days are fleeting.