Wednesday 31 March 2010


Very funny little film. SOOOOOO true. Good for a giggle.


The Pharisees and Herodians conspire against Jesus using the best techniques according to Talmudic rule so that the blame for His death not rest on the shoulders of the Jews. ~ by Tissot

This is a short video that might serve as a refresher of what the Palestinian people, both Christian and Muslim, are faced with. Indeed, since their problem is OUR problem, what we are all dealing with. This is rather what is planned for us all should they have their way.

Tuesday 30 March 2010


As Palestinians, we Christians live with Muslims, and we suffer with Muslims. We did not suffer from them. Hamas defends Christians as well as Muslims. We are not talking about a fanatical institution.
Palestine's "turbulent priest"
delivers a blistering Easter message

By Stuart Littlewood
31 March 2010

Stuart Littlewood views the Easter message of Gaza’s courageous Fr Manuel Musallam in which he delivered a blistering attack on Israel’s occupation and its rape of the holy sites, and a damning indictment of the silence of the cowards in the West.

Most people equate Palestine as being Muslim, forgetting that Palestine is the land Jesus walked and the first Christians lived. They never left but lived with their neighbours, the Jews as well as the Muslims. The Siege of Gaza by Zionist or Jewish Israel does not differentiate between the two. They hate the Muslims for one reason and the Christians for another ~ for worshiping Jesus whom they hated with a passion. When the Zionists massacred small towns in the early days, they did not differentiate between these religions in their inhuman slaughters.

Fr Manuel Musallam recently retired at the age of 71 after serving as the parish priest of the Holy Family Church in Gaza for 14 years. For most of that time the Israelis would not allow him to visit his family and friends in the West Bank. So, in spite of failing health, he soldiered on through the devastating siege and the murderous blitzkrieg.

Christian Palestinians gather for prayer at the Holy Family Church in Gaza.

I was privileged to meet him a couple of years ago and I just love the way this man speaks out. He doesn't mince words. He tells it the way it is, with truth and style.

Retirement hasn’t silenced him
or dimmed his perceptions.

This Easter he's concerned, as always, about the occupation and how it robs those in the Holy Land of Easter's message of hope and joy:

We Christians of Palestine have been under occupation for many long years.

We’ve been suffering with bitterness at being kept away from the Holy Sites.

We’ve been denied our right to worship in Jerusalem. Many Christian generations have never been able to reach Jerusalem to visit its holy places.

The occupation has been continuously imposing unlawful obstacles. This year, we are confronted by the Israeli Apartheid Separation Wall, checkpoints and roadblocks guarded by Israeli soldiers denying us movement and access to Jerusalem.

All these measures not only suffocate the Palestinian people, but also asphyxiate peace in Israel and Palestine.

Fr Manuel explains how Palestinians are denied the freedom to worship as and where they please, even at Easter. In particular, they are prevented from going into Jerusalem.

Roman Catholic clerics celebrate Easter mass at the Anointing Stone, unseen, where according to tradition the body of Jesus was washed after it was taken down from the cross, in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem's Old City, Sunday March 23, 2008. (AP Photo/Peter Dejong)This is no longer possible.

The Zionist claim that Palestine was “a land without a people for a people without a land” has had a disastrous impact on the Palestinians. "It does not mean that Jerusalem is without a people, but rather it should be evacuated to be handed over to another people. David Ben Gurion himself articulated the plan in 1937 when he declared: 'We must expel Arabs and take their places.'"

"Every stone built in the Apartheid Wall, every axe strike digging under the Al-Aqsa Mosque and every house destroyed by Israel will increase the intensity of resistance and resentfulness. However, cooperation with Palestinians will give Israel the hope for a future, dominated by serenity and peacefulness."

“We lament Jerusalem...”

He warns of the relentless Zionist programme to completely Judaise Jerusalem, alter its features, expel its people, destroy its houses, seize its land and build numerous settlements.

We lament Jerusalem, and miss its beautiful ceremonies.

This year thousands of tourists will weep with us.

They will not be able to march the “Way of the Cross” with Palestinians.

There will be no national Palestinian folklore to discover or Arab religious crafts to take with them as gifts, and no local prayers, hymns and music to experience in the warm faith of believers in Palestine.

They will be shocked entering the Holy Sepulchre to find Israeli police inside.

Easter symbolizes liberation from sin and slavery but hopes of national liberation are evaporating. The slavery and humiliation of occupation are felt more keenly than ever by Palestinian Christians.

We do not foresee any political settlement, or an end to occupation, or hope for the return of Palestinian refugees, or the forming of our state with Jerusalem as its capital, or the right to self-determination, or the liberation of thousands of prisoners, free access and movement, an end to Gaza siege, and the dismantling of the Apartheid Wall around Jerusalem.

We are appalled by the continuous threats of more war. And we are distressed by the daily humiliation, hunger, thirst, unemployment and the absence of sustainable development in our country.

The world's silence is perplexing, he says, and the international community seems unable to implement the resolutions it used to create the State of Israel. Recent events only to lead closer to the abyss.

He reminds us that Palestinians have been building and enhancing Jerusalem for 5,000 years and never stopped ~ except during the occupation, which has practically destroyed everything they had accomplished. Unable to find any traces of their own heritage, he observes, the occupiers have annexed some of the Palestinians’ holy places

Jerusalem was the city of God, peace and prayer, but has been converted into a city of man, war and hatred. Instead of becoming the key to the doors of heaven, it has become a key to war and blood."

Jerusalem, the holiest place on earth, is now the focus of sin and crime, he says, because one man is killing another, insulting him and trampling his dignity and his right to live.

Jerusalem is ours. It is not a disputed land. We are not soliciting to share the legacy and heritage of Jerusalem with Israel or with anyone else.

We do not accept the speech of Israeli leaders that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and that building in it is no different from building in Tel Aviv.

Occupation is a sin and a form of terrorism, and when relying on the texts of the Torah to kill people or expel and remove them from their land it rises to the level of a crime against humanity.

All perpetrators should be judged by the International Criminal Court before being judged by the just court of God.

Supporters of Netanyahu's remarks, and those who fail to condemn them, simply give Israel more time and excuses to intensify its crimes against the Palestinian people. Hence they become accomplices in a “sin against the nations”.

In his appeal to the world this Easter, what seems to worry Fr Manuel most is how the dwindling numbers that are now allowed to reach the holy sites might cause them to be turned into historic monuments or even destroyed.

In the eyes of Israeli leaders, these places are “pagan sites” and whoever destroys them is brought closer to God.

"A long time ago," he says, The Zionist Jewish leader Theodore Herzl said: “If one day we recover Jerusalem and I am still able to do anything when we do so, my first action will be to cleanse it thoroughly. I will remove everything that is not holy and burn the monuments that are centuries old.”

Israel has devastated and tortured us in their many wars. We ask you to see the wounds of innocent Palestinian people and to be compassionate towards the Palestinian holocaust that you witness with your own eyes and touch with your own hands, and to know those who perpetrated this crime against our children.

Search with us for justice that is the mother of peace.

Protect us and safeguard our Holy Sites.

I recall that in 2008 Fr Manuel was with his Christian community during their darkest hour when Israel, with a nod from America and the EU, unleashed a deadly onslaught intended to finally crush the half-starved Gazans.

At the height of the killing spree, Fr Manuel sent this message from the smoking ruins to anyone who would listen:

Our people in Gaza are treated like animals in a zoo.

They eat but remain hungry;

they cry, but no one wipes their tears.

There is no water,

no electricity,

no food,

only fear, terror and blockade...

Our children are living in a state of trauma and fear.

They are sick from it

and for other reasons

such as malnutrition, poverty and the cold.

The hospitals did not have basic first aid

before the war and now thousands

of wounded and sick are pouring in;

They are performing operations in the corridors.

The situation is frightening and sad.

In exasperation he added: “May Christ's compassion revive our love for God even though it is currently in 'intensive care'."

Was anyone listening?

Wimpish churchmen and politicians in the West would wet their pants at the very thought of speaking plainly against Zionist lawlessness and cruelty the way Fr Manuel does, which is why the Holy Land is such an unholy mess.

Their inaction ensures that nothing changes for the better.

Indeed, the situation gets progressively worse.

Some will no doubt be muttering, “Will nobody rid us of the turbulent priest?” as did King Henry II in 1170, referring to Thomas Becket who rebelled against his unjust reforms.

But we need many more good and turbulent priests. They inspire. They might even succeed in goading the cowardly international community to action. Meanwhile, it seems God still has work for Fr Manuel, even in retirement.

I found these words of Fr. Musallam:

After a Zionist attack on the Gazan Convent of the Sisters the Rosary in 2007, Father Musallam described the relationship shared between the Christian and Muslim communities.

Our relations with the Muslims are not only good, they are excellent. I don’t think what happened came from a direct order from Hamas or Fatah. In the past when the Church had difficulties, they came to our defence ~ for example, when there were demonstrations against the Muhammad cartoons or after the Pope’s speech in Regensburg.”

Just this morning at least a hundred people, both Christian and Muslim, came to see me. Even Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas phoned me from Ramallah to express friendship and his strong condemnation.

The whole Gaza community is close to us. Two Hamas minister came to visit the convent and the school run by the sisters and promised to repair all the damage. Some religious sheikhs also came today. Whoever did it was armed. The doors of the convent were knocked open with mortars. It shows how barbaric they and their attempt to make troubles between Christians and Muslims are.

As Christians our presence in Gaza is discreet. Please pray for us. We need your spiritual support but also an answer to the difficulties people face: hunger, joblessness, tension. We are tired. The pressures under which we suffer every day are above all a burden on the heart, on families. Then we have the violence outside. To build peace, we need to heal and give peace to the heart.

Palestinians have suffered too much. We need a stable situation. We have lived under occupation, with difficulties and pressures and all this causes violence. We are in a spiral of violence that is out of control, growing day after day, because this nation does not have peace. We have had it with war, murderers and occupation, with the humiliation of our people!

Stuart Littlewood is author of the book Radio Free Palestine, which tells the plight of the Palestinians under occupation. For further information please visit


“...this tough, hilarious, right-on mix of scholar and street.” ~ KPFA-Pacifica, 1994

“My point is that it's incorrect to say that the Iraq policy isn't working. It is working. It is doing what they want. They have got control of the oil and they are exporting it, and they have stripped a government that was 90% state owned and they are privatizing it. ... They have taken a country that was self defining and self developing and is now an impoverished prostrate devastated country where people will line up to work for slave wages or become members of the police or army because it's the only job they can get and serve as adjuncts to U.S. imperialism.”
~ Michael Parenti

“Here at home and throughout the world people are fighting back against the forces of wealth, privilege, and militarism ~ some because they have no choice, others because they would choose no other course but the one that leads to peace and justice.” ~ Michael Parenti

A prolific author, a charismatic speaker, and a regular guest on radio and television talk shows, Parenti communicates his message in an accessible, provocative, and historically informed style that is unrivaled among fellow progressive activists and thinkers.”

“The guiding principle of ruling elites was ~ and still is: When change threatens to rule, then the rules are changed.”





Monday 29 March 2010


This is the third mysterious letter I have come across. Time to start numbering them! It said that this letter was found on an old, long gone financial site called Barclays. But that is all I know. If nothing else, this will tickle remind you of a few basic truths we are dealing with today. The insidious wording makes an impact.

Mr. Rothschild Says:

“An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception. Those who will see it will be thought of as insane. We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us. We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive.

Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur.

Totalitarian tip toe anyone?

“We will always stand above the relative field of their experience for we know the secrets of the absolute. We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and secrecy. Death will come to he who speaks.

The absolute? Hmmmm he must be referring the the secrets of the Mystery Schools that have been in place since at least Atlantis and adapted eventually Egyptian society. This would, of course, tie in with deceit, mind control and mass hypnosis as well as worship of their black god.

“We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite. We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening.

Calling Big Pharma, Calling Big Pharma!

We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air. They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn. The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison.
Mass long slow genocide. Aspartame. MSG. Chemotherapy. Mercury. Fluoride. Soo many to choose from each with its own hidden charm for their systems. Removal of the natural healing arts ~ allopathic over homeopathic. And of course there are the whites ~ sugar, flour, rice from whom all natural goodness is removed.

The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouths, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems. From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information. The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear.

DU is certainly pushing the plan at optimum level for these folks. This war crime within a war crime is no accident but planned genocide. Do not forget the chem trails.....

We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far. We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones. Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons.

That Ronald McDonald was the work of a genius!

“They will see our products being used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effect. When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them its for their help. We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things.

When their teeth decay we will fill them with metals that will kill their mind and steal their future. When their ability to learn has been affected, we will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other diseases for which we will create yet more medicine. We will render them docile and weak before us by our power. They will grow depressed, slow and obese, and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poison.
“We will focus their attention toward money and material goods so they many never connect with their inner self. We will distract them with fornication, external pleasures and games so they may never be one with the oneness of it all. Their minds will belong to us and they will do as we say.

Don't forget cell phones and all those other ways to be in contact with everyone, never truly alone with oneself to fall into spirit or true thought. And get brain cancer at the same time! What a bargain. Video games and game boys will distract them from childhood so that they do not notice the healing aspects of the wilds and at the same time psychologically turns them towards death and war.

If they refuse we shall find ways to implement mind-altering technology into their lives. We will use fear as our weapon. We will establish their governments and establish opposites within.

We will own both sides.

We will always hide our objective but carry out our plan. They will perform the labor for us and we shall prosper from their toil.

“Our families will never mix with theirs. Our blood must be pure always, for it is the way."

We will make them kill each other when it suits us. We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and religion. We will control all aspects of their lives and tell them what to think and how.
Movies and television are especially fine tools for these purposes.

We will guide them kindly and gently letting them think they are guiding themselves. We will foment animosity between them through our factions. When a light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule, or death, whichever suits us best.

If guidance includes bankruptcy and homelessness, so much for gentleness. Very little kindness and gentleness gets out into the world these days.

We will make them rip each other’s hearts apart and kill their own children. We will accomplish this by using hate as our ally, anger as our friend. The hate will blind them totally, and never shall they see that from their conflicts we emerge as their rulers.

People are finally beginning to see this pattern but not enough in numbers to bring around the change needed to alter the course we are on. Yet.

They will be busy killing each other. They will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbors for as long as we see fit.

Think of the relatively new "clash of civilizations" to divide Christian from Muslim in order that they kill each other off. Throw in Judaism and what a mess, but that is what the fanatics of all three aim for. And if it comes to be, those who create these messes, can say, we did not do it! THAT is purely Talmudic in theory. As when the Saduccees gave Jesus to Pilate after rousing the Romans to such a high, that they did the murder so the Jews could say, "The Romans did it" when actually, they loaded the gun and placed it in the hands of the riled Romans.

“We will benefit greatly from this, for they will not see us, for they cannot see us. We will continue to prosper from their wars and their deaths.

Does the term "Endless War" that Bush tossed out make more sense now?

We shall repeat this over and over until our ultimate goal is accomplished.

They began at least in Atlantis when they destroyed the world then. They have attempted numberless times since then although Babylon is probably the best known, and perhaps Rome. They play with history so badly few are able to tie up loose ends and see the pattern repeat itself again and again. Those who see it are freely discounted. They forget not their lessons but make sure we never even know there are lessons to be had.

We will continue to make them live in fear and anger though images and sounds. We will use all the tools we have to accomplish this. The tools will be provided by their labor. We will make them hate themselves and their neighbors.

“We will always hide the divine truth from them, that we are all one. This they must never know!
They must never know that color is an illusion, they must always think they are not equal. Drop by drop, drop by drop we will advance our goal. We will take over their land, resources and wealth to exercise total control over them.

See first letter of the Anonymous series, "Globalist to the Sheeple" for details.

We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little freedom they will have. We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever, keeping them and their children in debt.

“When they shall ban together, we shall accuse them of crimes and present a different story to the world for we shall own all the media.

We will use our media to control the flow of information and their sentiment in our favor. When they shall rise up against us we will crush them like insects, for they are less than that. They will be helpless to do anything for they will have no weapons.

Ahhh, gun control!

“We will recruit some of their own to carry out our plans, we will promise them eternal life, but eternal life they will never have for they are not of us. The recruits will be called “initiates” and will be indoctrinated to believe false rites of passage to higher realms. 

Members of these groups will think they are one with us never knowing the truth.

They must never learn this truth for they will turn against us.

For their work they will be rewarded with earthly things and great titles, but never will they become immortal and join us, never will they receive the light and travel the stars. They will never reach the higher realms, for the killing of their own kind will prevent passage to the realm of enlightenment.

This they will never know. The truth will be hidden in their face, so close they will not be able to focus on it until its too late. Oh yes, so grand the illusion of freedom will be, that they will never know they are our slaves.

“When all is in place, the reality we will have created for them will own them. This reality will be their prison. They will live in self-delusion. When our goal is accomplished a new era of domination will begin. Their minds will be bound by their beliefs, the beliefs we have established from time immemorial.
“But if they ever find out they are our equal, we shall perish then. THIS THEY MUST NEVER KNOW.

If they ever find out that
together they can vanquish us,
they will take action.

They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen. Our actions will have revealed who we are and they will hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter.

“This is the secret covenant by which we shall live the rest of our present and future lives, for this reality will transcend many generations and life spans.

This covenant is sealed by blood, our blood. We, the ones who from heaven to earth came.”

“This covenant must NEVER, EVER be known to exist.

It must NEVER, EVER be written or spoken of for if it is, the consciousness it will spawn will release the fury of the PRIME CREATOR upon us and we shall be cast to the depths from whence we came and remain there until the end time of infinity itself.”

And here it is on the Internet. Gosh, who knows anything these days?

Sunday 28 March 2010


A science committee of the British House of Lords has found that nanomaterials are already appearing in numerous products, among them salad dressings and sauces. Jaydee Hanson, policy analyst for the Center for Food Safety, says that they’re also being added to ice cream to make it “look richer and better textured.” Getty Images

Hundreds of peer-reviewed studies have shown that nanoparticles pose potential risks to human health ~ more specifically, that when ingested can cause DNA damage that can prefigure cancer and heart and brain disease.

At the end there is an extensive list of links to learn more about this topic.



AOL News

Mar 24, 2010

by Andrew Schneider

For centuries, it was the cook and the heat of the fire that cajoled taste, texture, flavor and aroma from the pot. Today, that culinary voodoo is being crafted by white-coated scientists toiling in pristine labs, rearranging atoms into chemical particles never before seen.

At last year’s Institute of Food Technologists international conference, nanotechnology was the topic that generated the most buzz among the 14,000 food-scientists, chefs and manufacturers crammed into an Anaheim, Calif., hall.

Though it’s a word that has probably never been printed on any menu, and probably never will, there was so much interest in the potential uses of nanotechnology for food that a separate daylong session focused just on that subject was packed to overflowing.

In one corner of the convention center, a chemist, a flavorist and two food-marketing specialists clustered around a large chart of the Periodic Table of Elements (think back to high school science class). The food chemist, from China, ran her hands over the chart, pausing at different chemicals just long enough to say how a nano-ized version of each would improve existing flavors or create new ones.

One of the marketing guys questioned what would happen if the consumer found out.

The flavorist asked whether the Food and Drug Administration would even allow nanoingredients.

Posed a variation of the latter question, Dr. Jesse Goodman, the agency’s chief scientist and deputy commissioner for science and public health, gave a revealing answer. He said he wasn’t involved enough with how the FDA was handling nanomaterials in food to discuss that issue. And the agency wouldn’t provide anyone else to talk about it.

This despite the fact that

hundreds of peer-reviewed studies

have shown that nanoparticles

pose potential risks to human health ~

and, more specifically, that when ingested

can cause DNA damage that can

prefigure cancer and heart and brain disease.

Nestles uses nanomaterials in their products.

Despite Denials, Nano-Food Is Here

Officially, the FDA says there aren’t any nano-containing food products currently sold in the U.S. Nestles uses nanomaterials in their products.

Not true, say some of the agency’s own safety experts, pointing to scientific studies published in food science journals, reports from foreign safety agencies and discussions in gatherings like the Institute of Food Technologists conference.

In fact, the arrival of nanomaterial onto the food scene is already causing some big-chain safety managers to demand greater scrutiny of what they’re being offered, especially with imported food and beverages.

At a conference in Seattle last year hosted by leading food safety attorney Bill Marler, presenters raised the issue of how hard it is for large supermarket companies to know precisely what they are purchasing, especially with nanomaterials, because of the volume and variety they deal in.

Craig Wilson, assistant vice president for safety for Costco, says his chain does not test for nanomaterial in the food products it is offered by manufacturers. But, he adds, Costco is looking

“far more carefully at everything we buy. … We have to rely on the accuracy of the labels and the integrity of our vendors. Our buyers know that if they find nanomaterial or anything else they might consider unsafe, the vendors either remove it, or we don’t buy it.”

Another government scientist says nanoparticles can be found today in produce sections in some large grocery chains and vegetable wholesalers. This scientist, a researcher with the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service, was part of a group that examined Central and South American farms and packers that ship fruits and vegetables into the U.S. and Canada.

A sprayed on edible nanomaterial skin will protect the color and flavor of the fruit longer.

According to the USDA researcher ~ who asked that his name not be used because he’s not authorized to speak for the agency ~ apples, pears, peppers, cucumbers and other fruit and vegetables are being coated with a thin, wax-like nanocoating to extend shelf-life. The edible nanomaterial skin will also protect the color and flavor of the fruit longer.

“We found no indication that the nanocoating, which is manufactured in Asia, has ever been tested for health effects,” said the researcher.

Some foreign governments, apparently more worried about the influx of nano-related products to their grocery shelves, are gathering their own research. In January, a science committee of the British House of Lords issued a lengthy study on nanotechnology and food.

Scores of scientific groups and consumer activists and even several international food manufactures told the committee investigators that engineered particles were already being sold in salad dressings; sauces; diet beverages; and boxed cake, muffin and pancakes mixes, to which they’re added to ensure easy pouring.

Other researchers responding to the committee’s request for information talked about hundreds more items that could be in stores by year’s end.

For example, a team in Munich has used nano-nonstick coatings to end the worldwide frustration of having to endlessly shake an upturned mustard or ketchup bottle to get at the last bit clinging to the bottom.

Another person told the investigators that Nestlé and Unilever have about completed developing a nano-emulsion-based ice cream that has a lower fat content but retains its texture and flavor.

Women on average eat 4-7 pounds of lipstick over a lifetime. This is nanolipstick.

The Ultimate Secret Ingredient

Nearly 20 of the world’s largest food manufacturers ~ among them Nestlé, as well as Hershey, Cargill, Campbell Soup, Sara Lee, and H.J. Heinz ~ have their own in-house nano-labs, or have contracted with major universities to do nano-related food product development. But they are not eager to broadcast those efforts.

Kraft was the first major food company to hoist the banner of nanotechnology. Spokesman Richard Buino, however, now says that while “we have sponsored nanotech research at various universities and research institutions in the past,” Kraft has no labs focusing on it today.

The stance is in stark contrast to the one Kraft struck in late 2000, when it loudly and repeatedly proclaimed that it had formed the Nanotek Consortium with engineers, molecular chemists and physicists from 15 universities in the U.S. and abroad. The mission of the team was to show how nanotechnology would completely revolutionize the food manufacturing industry, or so said its then-director, Kraft research chemist Manuel Marquez.

But by the end of 2004, the much-touted operation seemed to vanish. All mentions of Nanotek Consortium disappeared from Kraft’s news releases and corporate reports.

“We have not nor are we currently using nanotechnology in our products or packaging,” Buino added in another e-mail.

Industry Tactics Thwart Risk Awareness

The British government investigation into nanofood strongly criticized the U.K.’s food industry for “failing to be transparent about its research into the uses of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials.” On this side of the Atlantic, corporate secrecy isn’t a problem, as some FDA officials tell it.

Investigators on Capitol Hill say the FDA’s congressional liaisons have repeatedly assured them ~ from George W. Bush’s administration through President Barack Obama’s first year ~ that the big U.S. food companies have been upfront and open about their plans and progress in using nanomaterial in food.

But FDA and USDA food safety specialists interviewed over the past three months stressed that based on past performance, industry cannot be relied on to voluntarily advance safety efforts.

These government scientists, who are actively attempting to evaluate the risk of introducing nanotechnology to food, say that only a handful of corporations are candid about what they’re doing and collaborating with the FDA and USDA to help develop regulations that will both protect the public and permit their products to reach market.

Most companies, the government scientists add, submit little or no information unless forced. Even then, much of the information crucial to evaluating hazards ~ such as the chemicals used and results of company health studies ~ is withheld, with corporate lawyers claiming it constitutes confidential business information.

Both regulators and some industry consultants say the evasiveness from food manufacturers could blow up in their faces. As precedent, they point to what happened in the mid-’90s with genetically modified food, the last major scientific innovation that was, in many cases, force-fed to consumers.

“There was a lack of transparency on what companies were doing. So promoting genetically modified foods was perceived by some of the public as being just profit-driven,” says Professor Rickey Yada of the Department of Food Science at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada.

“In retrospect, food manufacturers should have highlighted the benefits that the technology could bring as well as discussing the potential concerns.”

Bread makers are spraying nanomaterials on their loaves “to make them shinier and help them keep microbe-free longer.”

Eating Nanomaterials Could Increase Underlying Risks

The House of Lords’ study identified “severe shortfalls” in research into the dangers of nanotechnology in food. Its authors called for funding studies that address the behavior of nanomaterials within the digestive system. Similar recommendations are being made in the U.S., where the majority of research on nanomaterial focuses on it entering the body via inhalation and absorption.

The food industry is very competitive, with thin profit margins. And safety evaluations are very expensive, notes Bernadene Magnuson, senior scientific and regulatory consultant with risk-assessment firm Cantox Health Sciences International. “You need to be pretty sure you’ve got something that’s likely to benefit you and your product in some way before you’re going to start launching into safety evaluations,” she explains. Magnuson believes that additional studies must be done on chronic exposure to and ingestion of nanomaterials.

One of the few ingestion studies recently completed was a two-year-long examination of nano-titanium dioxide at UCLA, which showed that the compound caused DNA and chromosome damage after lab animals drank large quantities of the particles in their water.

It is widely known that nano-titanium dioxide is used as filler in hundreds of medicines and cosmetics and as a blocking agent in sunscreens. But Jaydee Hanson, policy analyst for the Center for Food Safety, worries that the danger is greater “when the nano-titanium dioxide is used in food.”

Ice cream companies, Hanson says, are using nanomaterials to make their products “look richer and better textured.” Bread makers are spraying nanomaterials on their loaves “to make them shinier and help them keep microbe-free longer.”

While AOL News was unable to identify a company pursuing the latter practice, it did find Sono-Tek of Milton, N.Y., which uses nanotechnology in its industrial sprayers. “One new application for us is spraying nanomaterial suspensions onto biodegradable plastic food wrapping materials to preserve the freshness of food products,” says Christopher Coccio, chairman and CEO. He said the development of this nano-wrap was partially funded by New York State’s Energy Research and Development Authority.

“This is happening,” Hanson says. He calls on the FDA to “immediately seek a ban on any products that contain these nanoparticles, especially those in products that are likely to be ingested by children.”

“The UCLA study means we need to research the health effects of these products before people get sick, not after,” Hanson says.

There is nothing to mandate that such safety research take place.

The FDA’s Blind Spot

The FDA includes titanium dioxide among the food additives it classifies under the designation “generally recognized as safe,” or GRAS. New additives with that label can bypass extensive and costly health testing that is otherwise required of items bound for grocery shelves.

A report issued last month by the Government Accountability Office denounced the enormous loophole that the FDA has permitted through the GRAS classification. And the GAO investigators also echoed the concerns of consumer and food safety activists who argue that giving nanomaterials the GRAS free pass is perilous.

Food safety agencies in Canada and the European Union require all ingredients that incorporate engineered nanomaterials to be submitted to regulators before they can be put on the market, the GAO noted. No so with the FDA.

“Because GRAS notification is voluntary and companies are not required to identify nanomaterials in their GRAS substances, FDA has no way of knowing the full extent to which engineered nanomaterials have entered the U.S. food supply,” the GAO told Congress.

Amid that uncertainty, calls for safety analysis are growing.

“Testing must always be done,” says food regulatory consultant George Burdock, a toxicologist and the head of the Burdock Group. “Because if it’s nanosized, its chemical properties will most assuredly be different and so might the biological impact.”

Will Consumers Swallow What Science Serves Up Next?

Interviews with more than a dozen food scientists revealed strikingly similar predictions on how the food industry will employ nanoscale technology. They say firms are creating nanostructures to enhance flavor, shelf life and appearance. They even foresee using encapsulated or engineered nanoscale particles to create foods from scratch.

Experts agreed that the first widespread use of nanotechnology to hit the U.S. food market would be nanoscale packing materials and nanosensors for food safety, bacteria detection and traceability.

While acknowledging that many more nano-related food products are on the way, Magnuson, the industry risk consultant, says the greatest degree of research right now is directed at food safety and quality. “Using nanotechnology to improve the sensitivity and speed of detection of food-borne pathogens in the food itself or in the supply chain or in the processing equipment could be lifesaving,” she says.

For example, researchers at Clemson University, according to USDA, have used nanoparticles to identify campylobacter, a sometimes-lethal food-borne pathogen, in poultry intestinal tracts prior to processing.

At the University of Massachusetts Amherst, food scientist Julian McClements and his colleagues have developed time-release nanolaminated coatings to add bioactive components to food to enhance delivery of ingredients to help prevent diseases such as cancer, osteoporosis, heart disease and hypertension.

But if the medical benefits of such an application are something to cheer, the prospect of eating them in the first place isn’t viewed as enthusiastically.

Advertising and marketing consultants for food and beverage makers are still apprehensive about a study done two years ago by the German Federal Institute of Risk Assessment, which commissioned pollsters to measure public acceptance of nanomaterials in food. The study showed that only 20 percent of respondents would buy nanotechnology-enhanced food products.

THE ANGRY TOXICOLOGIST ~ This fellow does have a few caustic comments on the topic of nanofoods. A few quotes:

"One is a nanofilm that has anti-microbial properties. Of course, it may also leach into your food. Yum! (Okay, it probably wouldn't taste any different but untested films don't sit that well with me.)"

"As supreme prognosticator, here's what I say is going to happen. Industry will run a small test or two to make sure it's not violently, acutely toxic (I mean, if it kills someone, they can't be a repeat customer!). Then they'll use it, assuming that the regs are sufficiently vague that they can make a good case in court that they didn't have to do anything else. Then, since it's not acutely toxic and it's already on the market, it will stay. As everybody knows, it's easier to ask forgiveness than to ask permission, but it's even better if you never have to do either."


- News Articles

- Reports & Articles

- Radio Shows

- Videos

- Other Resources

- The role of nanotechnology, biotechnology and synthetic biology roles in future food supply explored
21 February 2010 - Nanowerk News

- Controversy surrounds nanotech food supply experiments
21 January 2010 -

- Supermarkets urged to lead debate on nanotechnology in food
20 January 2010 - Nanowerk News

- Food industry 'too secretive' over nanotechnology
8 January 2010 - BBC News

- Hi-tech food may alienate public, warns watchdog
8 January 2010 - The Independent

- Scholars Ask: "Will the Public Swallow Nanofood?"
7 December 2009 - Meridian Institute

- Using Nanotechnology for Dieting Purposes
4 December 2009 - AzoNano

- Nanoceuticals: Tiny Size, Big Potential
1 December 2009 - Natural Products Insider

- US organic standards board to ban nanotechnology from organic food
October 2009 - The Organic & Non-GMO Report

- Strong growth forecast for nanotechnology food packaging
25 July 2009 - NanoWerk, USA

- Nanotechnology: The new asbestos?
17 June 2009 - Food Navigator, USA

- Friends of the Earth Australia gives evidence to UK Nanofood Inquiry
2 June 2009 - Friends of the Earth, Australia

- Appropriate risk governance strategies for nanotechnology applications in food and cosmetics
2 June 2009 - SafeNano, UK

- UK Inquiry hears expert evidence that nanofood risks remain largely unknown
1 June 2009 - Friends of the Earth, Australia

- Experts Present Evidence to Committee on Nanotechnology in Food
6 May 2009 - SafeNano, UK

- Submission to House of Lords Science and Technology Committee on nanotechnologies and food
30 March 2009 - Royal Society, UK

- Novel foods, MEPs set new rules
25 March 2009 - European Parliament News, EU

- EFSA publishes opinion on the potential risks arising from nanotechnologies on food and feed safety
5 March 2009 - EFSA, EU

- Starting to explore nanotechnology's impact on major food crops
5 March 2009 - NanoWerk, USA


- A listing of nano-related food and beverage is provided by the NanotechProject in its Nanotechnology Consumer Products Inventory.

- Submission to House of Lords Science and Technology Committee on nanotechnologies and food - The Royal Society, UK, March 2009

- A Hard Pill To Swallow: Barriers to Effective FDA Regulation of Nanotechnology-Based Dietary Supplements - Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies, USA, January 2009

- Risk Governance of Nanotechnology Applications in Food and Cosmetics - International Risk Governance Council, September 2008

- Nanomaterials and safe production - the Austrian Ministry of Health, Family and Youth, Austria, September 2008

- Assuring the Safety of Nanomaterials in Food Packaging - Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies, USA, June 2008

The report was a result of an effort by experts from government, industry and the public interest community to examine the path of a number of hypothetical nanotechnology food packaging applications through the current regulatory system. This first-of-its-kind analysis provides a better understanding of the potential regulatory issues on the horizon for nanotechnology-enabled packaging.

- Out of the laboratory and on to our plates: Nanotechnology in food and agriculture - Friends of the Earth, March 2008

Untested nanotechnology is being used in more than 100 food products, food packaging and contact materials currently on the shelf, without warning or new FDA testing, according to a report released today by Friends of the Earth. The report found nanomaterials in popular products and packaging including Miller Light beer, Cadbury Chocolate packaging and ToddlerHealth, a nutritional drink powder for infants sold extensively at health food stores including WholeFoods.

- Health impact of nanotechnologies in food production - RIKILT / RIVM, Netherlands, September 2007
An inventory study on the current use of nanotechnology in food products, and suggestions for prioritizing the research that is needed.

- Nanotechnology – the new threat to food - Friends of the Earth, Australia, May 2007

Nanotechnology is the high technology, atomically processed antithesis to organic agriculture, which values the natural health-giving properties of fresh, unprocessed wholefoods. It further transforms the farm into an automated extension of the high technology factory production line, using patented products that will inevitably concentrate corporate control. It also introduces serious new risks for human health and the environment.

Yet in the absence of public debate, or oversight from regulators, unlabelled foods manufactured using nanotechnology have begun to appear on our supermarket shelves.

- Tiny, invisible ingredients - Food Processing, 2006

"Every major food corporation has a program in nanotechnology or is looking to develop one,” according to Jozef Kokini, director of the Center for Advanced Food Technology at Rutgers University. In fact, nanotechnology ingredients already are appearing in food.

- Consumers Union testimony on nanoengineered ingredients in food - Presented to the FDA on October 10, 2006

- Nanotechnology in Agriculture and Food - the Woodrow Wilson Center and the University of Minnesota’s Center for Science, Technology, and Public Policy, September 2006

- CTA Legal Petition on FDA's Failure to Regulate Health Threats from Nanomaterials - CTA, May 2006

- Nanotechnology in Agriculture and Food- Nanoforum, the European Nanotechnology Gateway, April 2006

The prediction is that nanotechnology will transform the entire food industry, changing the way food is produced, processed, packaged, transported, and consumed. This short report reviews the key aspects of these transformations, highlighting current research in the agrifood industry and what future impacts these may have.

- Down on the Farm: The Impact of Nano-scale Technologies on Food and Agriculture - ETC Group, 2004

How society will be affected and who will benefit are critical concerns. Because nanotech involves all matter, nano patents can have profound impacts on the entire food system and all sectors of the economy. The merger of nanotech and biotech has unknown consequences for health, biodiversity and the environment. Governments and opinion-makers are running 8-10 years behind
society’s need for information, public debate and policies.

- Nanofoods
20 October 2008 - BBC Radio 4, UK

Does the British consumer want foods created using nanotechnology, and are they safe to eat?

The European Food Safety Authority is now bracing itself for 'nano' foods, and has just released their report for public consultation on the potential risks involved.

- Nanotech Nervousness
18 June 2007 - Great Lakes Radio Consortium, USA

Researchers are studying whether nano-sized material could purge bacteria from the digestive tracts of poultry. The bacteria doesn't harm chickens and turkeys, but it can make people sick.

- Clemson researchers develop nanoparticle chicken feed
21 February 2008 - Clemson University, USA

- NanoFood
2 June 2005 - ScienCentralNews, USA

- 2007 Joint Symposium on Food Safety and Nutrition is Nanotechnology in Foods and Cosmetics

- References on Nanotechnology in Food-related Applications - Food Research Institute, University of Wisconsin–Madison, May 2007

- Institute of Food Technologists website

- 2007 IFT International Food Nanoscience Conference

- Draft Resolution on nanotechnology, Call for public debate - The International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers Associations (IUF), March 2007

- An issues landscape for nanotechnology standards: Report of a Workshop - Institute for Food and Agricultural Standards, Michigan State University, March 2007

- Food Nanotechnology - Institute of Food Technologists, Volume 60, No. 11, November 2006

- Nanotechnology: A Brief Literature Review - Food Research Institute, University of Wisconsin–Madison, June 2006

- Nanofood Conference 2005/2006


- A missed opportunity to educate about “nanofoods”
26 February 2009 - Environmental Health News, USA

- The pros and cons of nanofoods
19 February 2009 - Cordis, EU

- Nanosilver used in food storage materials found to interfere with DNA replication
19 February 2009 - NanoWerk, USA

- Designer food or disaster - what nanotechnology might bring to the food sector
16 February 2009 - NanoWerk, USA

- Can food nanotechnology make junk food healthy?
14 February 2009 - NanoWerk, USA

- UK to investigate nanotechnology and food
4 February 2009 - FoodBev, UK

- The Irresponsibility of nanoproduct releases
1 February 2009 - Agrarian Grrl's Journal, USA

- Legislation urged for nano based materials
23 January 2009 - Food Production Daily, EU

- Governing the risk of nanotechnology in food and cosmetics
20 January 2009 - NanoWerk, USA

- Getting Your Daily Dose of Nano? Report highlights FDA’s regulatory challenges posed by nanomaterials
14 January 2009 - Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies, USA

- Nano sensors offer rapid detection of Salmonella, claims ARS
6 January 2009 - NutraIngredients, EU

- Investigating potential nanotechnology risks at the bottom of the food chain
5 January 2009 - Nanowerk, USA


- EFSA questions nano silver safety in supplements
19 December 2008 - Food Production Daily, EU

- Newest Ingredient In Your Food? Nanotechnology
19 December 2008 - Investors, USA

- Use of TiN nanoparticles in PET bottles not toxic, says EFSA
18 December 2008 - Food Production Daily, EU

- Food safety implications of nanotechnology on agenda of World Health Organization and FAO
28 November 2008 - NanoWerk, USA

- We need to talk about nanofoods, says UK group
17 November 2008 - NutraIngredients, EU

- Nanotechnology – the new threat to food
30 October 2008 - Global Research, USA

- 96% Australians want safety testing, 92% support labelling nanofoods and food packaging
22 October 2008 - Friends of the Earth, Australia

- Shaking up the nano-food debate
20 October 2008 -, USA

- What’s meant by “food nanotechnology”?
10 October 2008 - Soft Machines, USA

- Nanotechnology could kill small farmers
8 October 2008 - Philippine Information Agency, Philippines

- EFSA outlines future food safety risks
6 October 2008 - FoodProductionDaily, EU

- Get Ready For Nanotech Food
6 October 2008 - Chemical & Engineering News, USA

- Safety authority urges research into nanotechnology's use in food sector
22 September 2008 - The Irish Times, Ireland

- New film could inhibit bacterial growth on conveyor belts
20 August 2008 - FoodProductionDaily, EU

- Nanotechnology: Safe and Green Cuisine
19 August 2008 - Business Week, USA

- Nano-foods: The next consumer scare?
30 July 2008 - Reuters, USA

- Future challenges in the nano food and packaging sector
28 July 2008 - Nanotechnology Now, USA

- Green tea catechins go nano: study
28 July 2008 - NutraIngredients, EU

- New Health Drink? Chemist Goes Nano With CoQ10
27 July 2008 - Science Daily, USA

- A closer look at future foods
24 July 2008 - CNET, USA

- Nano-modified Food: How Much Are Consumers Willing To Accept The Associated Risks?
22 July 2008 - Science Daily, USA

- Part of this nutritious nano-breakfast
21 July 2008 - The angry toxicologist, USA

- Nanomaterials can move up the food chain

21 July 2008 - Environmental Expert, EU

- Bottoms Up! What's in your glass?
16 July 2008 - Environmental Communication Options, Canada

- Use of Nanomaterials in Food Packaging Poses Regulatory Challenges
25 June 2008 - Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies, USA

- Size really does matter
19 June 2008 - The Ecologist, UK

- Nanoparticles Have Negative Impact On Mussels
10 June 2008 - Science Daily, USA

- Nanotechnology In The Food Chain? Nanomaterials Tested Not Concentrating In Higher Level Organisms
30 May 2008 - Science Daily, USA

- BFA sets new standard for nanotechnology control in the organic sector
29 May 2008 - Biological Farmers of Australia Australia

- Pumpkin plants pick-up particles
29 May 2008 - Chemical Biology, USA

- Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Policy calls for mandatory labeling of nanomaterials in common products
21 May 2008 - Huff Strategy, Canada

- Groups demand EPA stop sale of 200+ potentually dangerous nano-silver products
1 May 2008 - NanoAction, USA

- New proposals on novel foods
28 April 2008 - Food Standard Agency, UK

- Swiss food retailers demand information on nanotech
23 April 2008 - NutraIngredients, UE

- Food nanotechnology - how the industry is blowing it
16 April 2008 - NanoWerk, USA

- Call for research into effects of consuming nano-sized food
7 April 2008 - Food Manufacture, UK

- Once bitten ...
26 March 2008 - the Guardian, UK

- A nanotechnology biosensor for Salmonella detection
17 March 2008 - NanoWerk, USA

- Milk cartons that glow when the milk goes sour?
14 March 2008 - Business Intelligence, Middle East

- More people likely to accept nano than GM, say researchers
14 March 2008 - FoodNavigator, EU

- Nanotech Exposed in Grocery Store Aisles: Report finds Miller Light, Cadbury and other brands have toxic risks
11 March 2008 - Friends of the Earth, USA

- Sweating the small stuff
11 March 2008 - The age, Australia

- Nanotechnology chicken feed
21 February 2008 - NanoWerk, USA

- Nanostructures tested as beta-carotene carriers in beverages
31 January 2008 - France, EU

- Call for Scientific Data on Applications of Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials used in Food and Feed
23 January 2008 - European Food Safety Authority, EU

- Soil Association first organisation in the world to ban nanoparticles
15 January 2008 - Soil Association, UK

- Nanotechnology Impacts Food and Food Processing
11 January 2008 - Madison Commons, USA

- Micro and Nanotechnologies for Food - a healthy and safe option?

8 January 2008 - NanoWerk, USA

- Alert over the march of the 'grey goo' in nanotechnology Frankenfoods
1 January 2008 - Daily Mail, UK


- The majority of consumers are against nanoparticles in food
18 December 2007 - Newsfood, Italy

- Think big, think nano, the new area of the food industry
18 December 2007 - Food Navigator, USA

Strong Increase In Nanofood, Molecular Food And Energy From Food Markets In 2007 Worldwide
12 December 2007 - Nanotechnology Now, USA

- 'India aims for household food security'
29 November 2007 - New Mind Press, India

- Nanotechnology a 'bigger concern' than GM foods
29 November 2007 - ABC, Australia

- Nanotech projects for food sector
26 November 2007 - FoodProductionDaily, EU

- EFSA opens the floor on nanotechnology
26 November 2007 - FoodNavigator, USA

- Nanotechnology use in food applications: a scientific and regulatory challenge
14 November 2007 - Reuters, USA

- EU food industry urged to be open about nanotechnology
5 November 2007 - Food Chemical News

- Nanotechnology and Food: Healthier and Tastier Food or a Health Risk?
18 October 2007 - Tech Talk, USA

- EFSA assessing nanoparticles and cloned meat
12 October 2007 - NutraIngredients, EU

- Reliably detecting foodborne pathogens with nanotechnology and encoding/decoding techniques
28 September - NanoWerk, USA

- Taking the NanoPulse -- What's for dinner? Nanotechnology, of course
12 September 2007 - NanoWerk, USA

- New nanowire combats E-coli pathogens, says study
3 September - Food Navigator

- Next-generation preservatives with nanotechnology
16 August 2007 - Food Navigator

- Agriculture and Food Workers Challenge Nanotechnologies
9 August 2007 - Scitizen

- Developing Nanotechnology To Test Food Quality
26 July 2007 - Science Daily, USA

- Polymer opal films shed light on spoiled foods
24 July 2007 - Food Profuction Daily, UE

- Developing Nanotechnology To Test Food Quality
22 July 2007 - Science Daily, USA

- Nanotechnology used in additive to keep PLA clear
19 July 2007 - Food Navigator, USA

- EU Parliament votes for tougher additives regulation
12 July 2007 - Food Navigator, USA

- Nanotech Packaging Hailed and Assailed
June - Food & Beverage Packaging

- Grocery Manufacturers Association to study nanotechnology in food packaging
7 June 2007 - NanoWerk, USA

- Agriculture and food workers question nanotechnology
4 June 2007 - NanoWerk, USA

- Nanotechnology – the new threat to food
May 2007 - Clean Food Organic, Australia

- Food and nano ... perceptions of benefits are still what matters most
12 May 2007 - NanoPublic, USA

- Food nanotechnology and public acceptance
8 May 2007 - NanoWerk, USA

- The promises of food nanotechnology
27 April 2007 - NanoWerk, USA

- Former FDA Official Calls for Increased FDA Nanotech Authority
24 April 2007 - Nanotechnology Law Report, USA

- New Worlds: Non-fat Foods Get Nano Punch
11 April 2007 - The Jerusalem Post, Israel

- Old food meets new technologies, leaves food for thought
2 March 2007 - MSU Today, USA

- Ozone nano-bubbles harnessed to sterilise water
28 February 2007 - FoodProductionDaily, USA

- Nano scale coating process developed for baking sector
28 February 2007 - FoodProductionDaily, USA

- Natural Milk Protein Could Lead to Super Nutritious Foods
27 February 2007 - Nanotech Now, USA

- In Denmark, nanotechnology risk research is part of food science
16 February 2007 - NanoWerk, USA

- Micro-Merlots, Pico-Pinotages, Nano-Nebbiolos
13 February 2007 -, South Africa

- Are you ready for your nanotechnology engineered wine?
12 February 2007 - NanoWerk, USA

- Future foods: friend or foe?
6 February 2007 - BBC News, UK

- Nanotechnology food coming to a fridge near you

30 January 2007 - NanoWerk, USA

- Book 'Em, Nano
24 January 2007 - Washington Post, USA

- Intelligent food wrappers with nanotechnology
18 January 2007 - NanoWerk, USA


- Welcome to the world of nano foods
December 2006 - The Observer’s Food Monthly, UK

- Encapsulation innovation highlights
21 December 2006 - Food Navigator, UE

- Red nano milk?
3 December 2006 - NanoPublic Blog, USA

- Can Nanotechnology Cut Deep-Fried Foods Grease?
19 November 2006 - CBS 5, USA

- Nanotech research holds promise for food industry, say scientists
17 November 2006 - Food Production Daily, France & USA

- Smart ink nanotechnology keeps food safe
14 November 2006 - NanoWerk, USA

- Nanotech food under discussion in Amsterdam
24 October 2006 - Food Production Daily, UE

- Food fight on a tiny scale
21 October 2006 - Time on line, UK

- Nanotech-based synthetic food colorings, frying oil preservatives and packaging coated with antimicrobial agents have quietly entered the market
11 October 2006 - Information Liberation, USA

- Food at Level of Molecules
10 October 2006 - New York Times, USA

- Open Letter to the FDA to Stop Corporations from Lacing Foods, Body Care Products, & Supplements with Dangerous Nanoparticles
23 September 2006 - Organic Consumers Association, USA

- Scientists Worry About Potential Risks of Nanotechnology in Food
7 September 2006 -, USA

- Experts and consumers convene on nano risks
23 August 2006 - Foodproductiondaily, France

- NanoFood: The Choice is Yours
31 July 2006 - Innovation Watch, Canada

- Lack of nanotech safety research 'serious'
24 July 2006 - Chicago Tribune, USA

- Flavor firm uses nanotechnology for new ingredient solutions
10 July 2006 - Foodproductiondaily, USA

- Scientists urge transparency in nanotech safety testing
12 May - Foodproductiondaily, France

- Report calls for nanotechnology law
19 January 2006 - Foodproductiondaily, France


- Food in the 21st century
August 2005 - Environmental Health Journal

- Safer And Guilt-Free Nano Foods
10 August 2005 - Forbes

- Are You Ready For Nanofood?
20 June 2005 - Roland Piquepaille's Technology Trends

- Companies in the food industry that are using nanotechnology
5 April 2005 - Google Answers


- Hungry for nano: the fruits of nanotechnology could transform the food industry
25 September 2004 - Science News

- Are scientists putting you off your dinner?

16 May 2004 - The Observer, UK


- FOOD: Edible Nano is the New Frontier
5 September 2004 - ThomasNet, Industrial Market Trends

More on NSEC Website

Nanotechnology and Ethics

- News Articles
- Reports & Articles
- Websites
- Videos
- Radio Shows

- Innovation for whom? Innovation for what? The Impact of Ableism
14 December 2009 - Gregor Wolbring, Guest blog on 2020 Science

- Hooked on tech--ten alternative perspectives on technology innovation
10 December 2009 - Andrew Maynard, 2020 Science

- Ethical Debates Regarding New Developments in Nanotechnology Often too Speculative and Imaginative
27 May 2009 - AzoNano, Australia

- Ethical Evaluations of Nanotechnology
27 January 2009 - Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies, USA

- Water for Poor
31 July 2008 - Nanotechnology Now, USA

5 June 2008 - NanoWerk, USA

- Nanotechnology, transhumanism and the bionic man
28 May 2008 - NanoWerk, USA

- Neither Gods Nor Goo
1 March 2008 - Reason Magazine, USA

- Nano-Morals
29 February 2008 - Los Angeles Times, USA

Nanotech: Yay or nay?
29 February 2008 - Los Angeles Times, USA

- Putin warns of new worldwide arms race
8 February 2008 - NanoWerk, UK

- Nanotechnology and the God of Small Things
12 January 2008 - Andrew Maynard for SafeNano, UK

- Ethical aspects of nanotechnology in medicine
9 January 2008 - NanoWerk, USA


Nanotechnology: The Social and Ethical Issues - Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies, USA, January 2009

The report emphasizes ways in which social and ethical issues intersect with governmental functions and responsibilities, including science and technology policy, as well as research funding, regulation and work on public engagement.

Understanding the Ethical Implications of Nanotechnology: Highlights of a Limited Inquiry By the President's Council on Bioethics - Council on Bioethics, 2008
How do—and how will—nanotechnologies affect human health and the natural environment? How is nanotechnology in general similar to and different from other types of technology? And as nanotechnologies develop, do they endanger human dignity, and if so, how?

Small is beautiful? Nanotechnology solutions for development problems - The Broker Online, February 2008
Nanotechnology promises revolutionary solutions for all kinds of problems. At this early stage it is possible to outline the applications of nanotech that could contribute to development and poverty reduction, and the dilemmas that might emerge. Whether developing countries will really benefit will depend on science and research policies in both the South and the North.

The Role of Nanotechnologies in Development and Poverty Alleviation: A Matter of Controversy - N.Invernizzi, G.Foladori and D.Maclurcan, November 2007
How can new technologies be leveraged to reduce poverty and inequity in a world that is driven by lucrative interests?

Principles for Nanotech Oversight - ICTA, AFL-CIO, FoE, IUF, ETC Group, Third World Network, Loka Institute, ... July 2007
The adverse impacts of granting patents for fundamental nanomaterials, which may amount to privatizing the building blocks of the natural world, must be considered and addressed. Moreover, the production of nanodevices for manufacturing, military or medical use – including enhancement of human performance –can be expected to pose complex risks as well as social and ethical challenges. Some laboratories are already engineering viruses, yeasts, and bacteria to make nanomaterials.

Gaining a competitive edge: Materials technology can enhance sporting performance, audience enjoyment, and increase athletes’ safety. But is it always fair? - January-February 2007 - Materials Today, USA

Nanotechnologies and the Precautionary Principle - Natural Resource Defense Council, 2006
NGO’s support a precautionary policy for nanomaterials:

1. Prohibit the untested or unsafe use of nanomaterials

2. Conduct full life-cycle EHS impact assessments as a prerequisite to commercialization; assess nanomaterials as new substances, since unique physical properties impart unique hazard profiles

3. Facilitate full and meaningful participation by public and workers in nanotechnologies development and control; assess the social and ethical impacts of nanotechnologies

4. Act on early warnings to protect communities and workers.

Nanotechnologies and Ethics: COMEST Policy Recommendations - UNESCO, 2007

What health and environmental issues arise with the use of new materials produced by nanoscale technologies?

How might nanoscale devices be controlled, and what concerns attend military and biomedical applications of nanotechnologies?

What opportunities might these bring for international cooperation addressing the most pressing needs of developing countries?

Ethics and nanotechnology: a basis for action - Commission de l’éthique de la science et de la technologie, Québec, April 2007

The report consists of three chapters devoted to the scientific, legal and ethical implications of nanotechnology. In its ethical assessment of nanotechnology, the Commission is upholding the protection of health and the environment, as well as respect for many values such as dignity, liberty, the integrity of the person, respect for the person, quality of life, respect for privacy, justice and equity, transparency and democracy.

Ethical issues raised by nanosciences, nanotechnologies and health - Comité Consultatif National d’Ethique pour les Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé, France, February 2007

The recommendations follow the precautionary principle, which implies more [the need for] fundamental research on risks before diffusing nano-applications. It also implies more transparency on nanotechnologies researches that is not currently effective because of the requirements for confidentiality related to industrial applications

The Ethics and Politics of Nanotechnology - UNESCO, 2006

The Brochure describes the science of nanotechnology and presents some of the ethical, legal and political issues that face the international community in the near future.

Big Picture on NanoScience - Wellcome Trust, June 2006

A good introduction on nanotechnology and its related issues. For example: Will nanotechnologies lead to a nano-divide between rich and poor?
Certainly, early examples of nanoproducts have been driven by a rich-world agenda: suncreams, tennis balls, tennis racquets, laptop computers and so on. And millions of pounds are being spent on sensor-laden ‘smartsuits’ for 21st-century infantry.

NanoEthicsBank - Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions, Illinois Institute of Technology

The NanoEthicsBank is a database conceived as a resource for people who are interested in the social and ethical implications of nanotechnology.

NanoBioRaise - Nanobiotechnology: Responsible Action on Issues in Society and Ethics - Delft University of Technology

NanoBio-RAISE combines ethics research in nanobiotechnology with science communication.

This interdisciplinary project brings together nanobiotechnologists, ethicists and communication specialists with the aims to anticipate the societal and ethical issues likely to arise as nanobiotechnologies develop and to use the lessons from the GM debate to respond to the probable public concerns. NanoBio-RAISE is a 6th Framework Programme Science & Society Co-ordination Action funded by the European Commission.

Nanotechnology Challenges, Risks and Ethics - HowStuffWorks
Nanotechnology may allow us to create more powerful weapons, both lethal and non-lethal. If nanotechnology in medicine makes it possible for us to enhance ourselves physically, is that ethical? In theory, medical nanotechnology could make us smarter, stronger and give us other abilities ranging from rapid healing to night vision.

Should we pursue such goals?

Could we continue to call ourselves human, or would we become transhuman?

If molecular manufacturing becomes a reality, how will that impact the world's economy?

Assuming we can build anything we need with the click of a button, what happens to all the manufacturing jobs?

If you can create anything using a replicator, what happens to currency?

Would we move to a completely electronic economy?

Would we even need money?

- The Power of Small - Fred Friendly Seminars, 2008

- PRIVACY: Watching You Watching Me, Safer societies or no more secrets?

- HEALTH: Forever Young, Longer lives? But who decides?

- Ethical Issues - NanoExpo, France

The prospect of manipulating matter on a molecular scale and interacting with the living world raises ethical concerns as well as great hopes.

The convergence of nanotechnologies with biology and information technology (NBIC), suggests we may be able to take over from natural evolution as anticipated by transhumanism. This approach raises problems of a cultural and philosophical nature. Might the nanostructures we manufacture escape our control? Are we safe from "misuse" of these techniques, ranging from invasion of privacy to the production of new, more efficient weapons? These ethical issues must be taken into consideration by society as a whole.

- Watching me, watching you - how we link nanotech to privacy and security
5 May 2008 - Earth & Sky Radio Series, USA

- Whose bodies benefit in a nano-enabled future?
April 2008 - Earth & Sky Radio Series, USA

- Nanotechnology, surveillance and your privacy
14 June 2007 - Earth & Sky, USA


- Nanotechnology medicine: will it be affordable?
17 December 2007 - NanoDot, USA

- Ending drunk-driving deaths is in sight, experts say
10 December 2007 - National Post, Canada

- Will nanotechnology and other ambient technologies make privacy protection obsolete?
8 December 2007 - NanoWerk, USA

- Small is not always beautiful
7 December 2007 - The Economic Times, India

- Nanotechnology, security and privacy
21 November 2007 - Cordis, UE

- Nano-scale teaching issues, macro-scale ethical questions
18 November 2007 - Thoreau for Unqualified Offerings, USA

- New products: Nanotechnology’s impact will be enormous
18 November 2007 - The Charleston Gazette, USA

- Russia to design nanotechnology weapons – commander
13 November 2007 - ItarTass, Russia

- Nanotechnology at war
9 November 2007 - NanoWerk, USA

- Will nanotechnology help the developing world?
5 November 2007 - Blog@NanoVic, Australia

- Devil and the Deep Blue Sea? - Scientists instinctively love nanotechnology, which is why they shouldn't be in charge of it
1 November 2007 - The Scientist, USA

- NGOs come together in Europe to develop a nano strategy
30 October 2007 - Jennifer Sass's Blog, USA

- Nanoethics Group to Discuss Human Enhancement
28 October 2007 - Nanotechnology Now, USA

- Nanotechnology Conference: What was not said
16 October 2007 - The Sunday Times, Sri Lanka

- EU project develops nano-ethics education through summer schools
20 September 2007 - Cordis, EU

- Not enough talk about ethics and nanosciences
18 September 2007 - Science Business, UK

- Beyond Toxicology: Nanotechnology, Ethics, and Known Unknowns
26 June 2007 - The World's fair, USA

Nanoethics -- The watchdog of a new technology?
21 June 2007 - EurekAlert (Press Release), USA

- The potential and the pitfalls of nanomedicine
7 May 2007 - NanoWerk, USA

- Nanotechnology - For All to Use, or Only for the Free (read Wealthy)?
23 February 2007

- Experts tell EU to prop up ethics in nanomedicine
26 January 2007 - Euractiv, EU


- CNRS ethics committee publishes nanotechnology recommendations
18 October 2006 - CORDIS (Press Release), UE

- Ethics and Nanomedicine – Analysis Of The Issues and Principles To Be Faced By The Medical Application of Nanotechnology
23 August 2006 - AZoNano, Australia

- UNESCO on nanotechnology ethics & politics
21 July 2006 - Foresight Nanotech Institute, USA

- Nanotechnology: A small but important dimension to corporate responsibility
12 June 2006 - Ethical Corporation, USA