Tuesday 7 November 2023



Dear readers, My intentions were good. 408 images groomed and organized for you ~ all ready to go. Blogspot/Google has suddenly complicated matters with a different format that would only let me, with great difficulty, post the two above images. I had no idea what I was doing but they went up. 
In Google's usual baffling way, no information is given, instructions are incomplete, some information is just blank. There is no bulk posting available. Maybe tomorrow I will wake up and it will be a glitch that has righted itself. But for the moment, this is a blank tech wall that I cannot leap over.
Has any other blogspot user run across this problem? I post images directly from my computer but suddenly Google wants permission to enter? Why do I need to give them access to my computer contents? Is that what it is? 
Hopefully this will be resolved by the weekend.


  1. Good luck with the Google dictators, Noor!
    Have you decided to terminate your "ancient chariot replacement fund"?
    Your link has disappeared. Last time I saw it, you were still about $12,000 short of your target. I thought you should remind your readers of your continued need for some financial support. You well deserve it.
    Saludos from Valencia!

  2. Good idea to make sure your important stuff is backed up to an external medium.

  3. I just had to sign in because of "sensitive content." What are they trying to do now?

  4. As of 8:32 p.m. PST there is a "Sensitive Content Warning" acting as a gate to your site. One has to select "I understand and wish to proceed" tab to get through this blogspot gate and reach the site.

  5. now Google is making me login to see this content!!

  6. Time to switch to another blog publisher

  7. Tar & Feather The Bastards here Noor - Dropped a comment onto Saturdays post about there now being a "Sensitive Content - Do you wish to continue" page up when I tried to log on & see Wednesdays drop. That's a first with you. Just now when I tried looking for Wednesdays drop again (Thursday night 10.35pm in New Zealand) the Sensitive Content" page is now GONE. So God only knows what they are playing at. I can hazard a guess though . . . . covering up the images of IsraHells Child Genocide in Gaza. You can bet that word has come down . . . . . . "SHUT IT DOWN - The Goyem Know" Be prepared to have it all go 'Bye Bye' . . . . again.

    AnonyMouse from Valencia brought up the car Give Send Go. Did you get all you needed ?? Have another go - I'll chip in again.

    Cheers Girl

  8. I got the “sensitive content” warning and was required to log in with gooogol account and passwerd for age confirmation. I suppose you’ve posted content that doesn’t endorse the correct sentiments. They’ll likely add another level of difficulty for you to continue posting. Please don’t be deterred, I love what you do here.

    CO (Casual Observer)

  9. Back again Noor. I hadn't read your whole post earlier but did so just now. THEY WANT ACCESS TO YOUR 'PUTER ???!!?!! . . . . WTActualF !! There's multiple ways to look at this. Firstly, there's the the machinations I'm not smart enough to ascertain, so I'll leave that to the 'Big Brains'! Then there's the mundane - wanting to snoop around - see how much of a "Right wing, racist, Jew Hating, transphobe, blah, blah" you are. They may wish to 'plant' shit - kiddie porn, (be a bit hard to get a jury to go with that, but we are fast entering the "Jury? You don't get no stinkin jury" era) Canadian Govt overthrow, assassinate Castreau . . . . depends how serious they may wish to get/how much they don't like you. Or it could be as simple as getting you to the point where you throw ya hands in the air & go "I don't need this shit" & shut it down. That's the simplest explanation to my way of thinking. It would be a shame but I'm sure we could all understand it. Shit - 1.20am I'm off. Hang in there girl.
    Chris in Ch-Ch

  10. Hi Noor, always enjoy your great work to change our enemies into our laughing stock. Today, in Europe, I had to login and confirm my age after being warned for sensitive content, to view this site. Oh my!
    Best wishes! Laura

  11. Also, they now have a warning that this contains something like inappropriate material and you have to click that you want to see, then they make you log in. Wasn't sure if you were aware

  12. Noor, I look forward to your posts every Wednesday and Saturday. If you move to another platform please let me know. I love what you do and I support you!

  13. Google's Tyranny. They want to know who is visiting you i guess because blogger don't allow any visitor to see your posts without login blogger, or google account.

  14. Comment offensive and not posted because I didn't login in my google account.

  15. I am seeing for the first time ever when I go to your blog that Google has an alert that shows: “The information you will see is sensitive etc and press I Understand to continue to your blog site”

  16. Hola Noor,
    In the last week, the "sensitive content warning" page has also been popping up, though inconsistently, when I visit your website from here in Valencia. It's the same "warning" as when visiting another excellent Canadian site, xymphora, at http://xymphora.blogspot.com/.
    I concur with the recommendation to back up your work onto an offline storage, and start searching for a less "Big Brother is watching you" site.
    Also, please do restore your GiveSendGo link. I'd be happy to make another donation towards your "ancient chariot replacement fund", and I'm certain many of your appreciative readers will do the same.

  17. Dear Noor, same "sensitive content warning" in Germany ... go on with your brilliant work. I'm waiting for the swat-team in my wheelchair to put me in jail, because I'm addicted to stealing of memes. Kind regards from another grandma on motorbike

  18. Noor, I got the same message 'sensitive content warning'. The fascists are taking over the internet. We know who we are and what we know to be truth, and that they will never be able to take away from us.


If your comment is not posted, it was deemed offensive.