Saturday 25 November 2023


Good morning, mes amis. I have just put up the last image and now for a few words. I have closed the GiveSendGo account, I think (not too good with these things) and am waiting on their payout. Did the paperwork the other day, a full report to come.
Thanks everyone who has remained after blogger put me under wraps. I have no idea what you go through to get in but thank you for doing so. Even I have to give permission to get in to my own blog if that makes you feel any better. 
To the reader who asked about downsizing my material. I already cut most of it down considerably before posting it. Rarely anything over 1000 pixels is used. So I am sorry if you are having problems. 
Once again I turn your attention over to the blog roll on the right if you are looking for some good insightful reporting on events. There is always something new to read.
And on that note, good night. I might not do a blog on Tuesday, please stand forewarned that might be the case. Meanwhile, stay strong. We living in exciting times; privileged or damned, if we were born into this time, there is a reason for it. We have purpose. 

The Barbie Casket

Recent bill on Vancouver Island.

No terrorists. Fox News had to take their story back. No explosives. No passport. It's almost like they wanted it to be real.

Meanwhile Canada's journalism is being further weakened as we taxpayers give more to subsidized media.


There is a Jewish organization who, for a price, assures that a person can send a personalized bomb to Israel's enemies. This is not a new thing.

Ballerina legs

This about sums it up
A battle of wills. Chances are Fido will dominate.

Expanding cabin.

This woman looks so much like my Grandmere that it shocked me. But Mere did not have quite such a nose.

This is the second time the Taliban has accomplished this feat.

This man is not to be trusted.

Apparently rioting is now done by Far Right folk when they oppose the slaughter of their own by an invader.

Meanwhile in London

1956 Alien computer by an Italian company. That keyboard is fabulous looking. Those keys.

Can you imagine walking down to this kitchen at 3 am to fix yourself a PJB?

There is Wifi. I could live here.

It has been widely reported that, as these groups of people walk the roads to nowhere, they are fired upon randomly by the IDF.

I saw a film of an IDF soldier tiptoeing up to a mosque. You could hear the chants inside as the people prayed. He swiftly opened the door and tossed in a few smoke bang explosives and ran away laughing.

Typical Israeli mind manipulation/fabrication from BIBI

Can you unsee this?

This is so clown world.

Look at the size of those bushes!

It took her 34 years to get upset about being raped (allegedly) by a rock god of the period?

Dolly makes it work at 77. The body suit did the trick.

Actually this Papito is hilarious and very clever

Save this classic. It is difficult to find and so prophetic.


If you believe this, then you know the Israelis are stupid to be so shameless about the evil they do.

The Pink Nuns. A real religious group of nuns who believe in prayer and happiness.


  1. Noor.....Glad you are back online. I look forward to all your postings Wed and Sat....and the week is not the same without them. God bless you my dear...we are the same age!!! May you live to be 120!!!!

  2. Gracias siempre, Noor!

  3. Hi Noor, it's good to be back, and watch your blog.

    I had to verify my age, because you need to be over 18 to watch your blog.
    I've been online for over 25 years ffs.
    That's longer than most of those google idiots, that are restricting blogs like yours, are alive.
    I was designing 3D VRML worlds for online use, when they were still shitting their diapers. Assholes.

    I made this one better imo.

    Mr. J

  4. Btw Noor,

    "If your comment is not posted, it was deemed offensive."
    That is a false statement, most of my posts are offensive, and I'm proud of every single one of them :)

    Mr. J


If your comment is not posted, it was deemed offensive.