Friday 3 November 2023


Apparently this is a real woman?

Quite a few of today's cartoons come from Iranian sites. I lucked out. Remember this when you get to the Israel/Gaza section.

You knew I would post it, didn't you, Mr. J?

Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien with the usual scoundrels

Bob has problems...

That Mercedes belonged to Pierre 'the sorta Daddy' Trudeau and is an extremely environmentally unfriendly car in terms of efficiency.
He is the same with Zelensky. When he tried it with Khan of London he was soundly rebuffed.

I never watched the programme but this photo completely cracked me up. Bubbles is just perfect. So Canadian. Maybe some day I will watch it.

I think small. Lose weight.

Home sweet home


Drone down

I don't know what this is supposed to prove but... here it is anyhow.

Cauliflower Pizza crust. GROSS.

Wild Parakeets

I do not support any form of terrorism. To sink so low as the terrorists themselves is to lose the battle.

Watching the IDF in action

A poster from Brazil in downtown Oslo.

Send aid. Israel likes targeting that stuff.

Just when you think you have heard it all......

The professor is a transgender wannabe type.

Now that could have been a handy skill during the covid time.


  1. Gracias siempre, Noor!

  2. The August 2017 cover of Rolling Stone magazine said, "Trudeau, why can't he be our president?" It was an anti-Trump article that hasn't aged well and I wonder if many people still agree with the idea

  3. Dear Noor, thank you again for all your work. Maybe it is interesting for your audience to hear an old speech, with still a lot of actuality: Gerald Kaufman speech. Kind regards - and let us smoke a cigarette together in a garage near our bikes, if or if not a gentleman would light our fire - another grandma

  4. Hahahaha.
    If it wasn't better, you wouldn't have posted it my dear :)

    Mr. J

  5. Tar & Feather The Bastards Here Noor. Just opened up my S&S bookmark for Wednesdays drop & I got the 'Gargoyle' "Warning - Sensitive Content - Do You Wish To Continue". I'll admit I've been expecting that or something similar for a time, but it still shocked me. Is everyone out there seeing this as well ?? Or is it only certain countries.
    BTW, there was no Wednesday drop (should refresh perhaps) but I'm NOT complaining - you do a lot of work to get these images corralled & posted . . . if ya can't be bothered occasionally, then sweet as ;-)
    Cheers, Chris in Ch-Ch

  6. Long time lurker I just Google Snippets and snappets and click the link today there was a warning posted by Google not sure if you're aware of this basically saying that you're fake news

  7. Now isn't this a load of crap. Google changed some shit, and now I get an 18+ content warning when I try to load a new page of snippits.
    When I click continue, the next page says I have to be over 18 wtf...
    Date of birth in my google account is 1972, so I'm clearly over 18.

    Mr. J

  8. But Israel did bomb the hospital.

    Mark Levine? A bloodthirsty madman.


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