Wednesday 23 September 2009


You have not begun to appreciate the depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom of not merely the latest Great War, but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it. Who knows what great and glorious destiny might have been yours if we had left you alone. ~ Marcus Eli Ravage, Century Magazine, February 1926.


"We [the Zionists] have it all under such control that no one.
No one or no-body can [reach] people unless it is done through our media control. (Who has had control of the mass media in the 20th century? Chairman of ABC pp Leonard Goldenson, President of CBS; James H. Rosenfield, Chairman of RCS; David Sarnoff, Chief Executive of NBC; Fred Silverman, President of PBS; Lawrence Grossman, Chairman of Time; Arthur Heiskell, Editor of U.S. News & World Report; Marvin Stone, Chief Executive of Dow Jones; Warren H. Phillips, Editor of Newsweek; Lester Bernstein, President of TV Guide; Walter Annenberg, President of New York Times; Sulzberger family; TV program producer, Norman Lear. These and more all are Zionists!) We have it sewed up!” - Harold Wallace Rosenthal from the Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview 1976 .
Books, newspapers, music, movies, radio, & televison all controlled by JEWS!

Here is the proof behind the statement "The JEWS control the media." This document was compiled several years ago, at the end of the 1990's. Since then, the Jews have used their powers in the American Government to break down old laws that prevent media monopoly.

They have now consolidated even more awesome power over the entire American Media. Through their control of the media, they are able to easily control the social agenda, business markets, and even the Government itself by influencing voters' opinions. And, all this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The Jews have an octopus-like grip on the media by secretive corporate ownership through financial and securities companies; holding key positions, such as: Chairmanships, Chief Executive Officers, Chief Financial Officers, etc. In this way, they can promote their mutual JEWISH and Israeli interests, and censor stories and reporters that interfere with their never-ending agenda.

The JEWS control every word and image that enters people's mind and, in this way, manipulate their opinion on all subjects! Do you doubt this? Why don't you ask people around you what they think about Israel, terrorism, racism, rap music, etc. and see if their opinions differ from that which is taught by the TV. You will find that "their" opinion is just what they saw on the TV. It would seem to me that people simply "parrot" that which they see and hear in the media and that original thoughts and opinions are hard to find, out there among the masses!

The Walt Disney Company, a true media empire!

Zionist JEW, Michael Eisner. Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney empire. It includes several television production companies (Walt Disney Television, Touchstone Television, Buena Vista Television), its own cable network with 14 million subscribers, and two video production companies.

Disney also sells annually well over a billion dollars worth of consumer products: books, toys, and clothing.

In August 1995 Eisner acquired Capital Cities/ABC, Inc.
It owns the ABC Television Network, which in turn owns ten TV stations outright in such big markets as New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and Houston.
In addition, it has 225 affiliated stations in the United States and is part owner of several European TV companies.
Its holding company is Shamrock Holdings, whose principal office is located in Israel.

Michael Ovitz, Media Moghul, ex-president of Walt Disney Co. He is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

ESPN, ABC’s cable subsidiary, is headed by: Zionist JEW, Steven Bornstein, President and CEO of ESPN.

Zionist JEW, Stuart Bloomberg, ABC Head of Entertainment Division. The corporation lso has a controlling share of Lifetime Television and the Arts & Entertainment Network cable companies.

ABC Radio Network owns 11 AM and ten FM stations, again in major cities such as New York, Washington, and Los Angeles, and has over 3,400 affiliates.

Although primarily a telecommunications company, Capital Cities/ABC owns seven daily newspapers, Fairchild Publications (Women’s Wear Daily), Chilton Publications (automotive manuals), and the Diversified Publishing Group.ABC is part of Eisner’s Disney Company, and the executive producers of ABC’s news programs are all Jews: Victor S. Neufeld (20-20), Bob Reichbloom (Good Morning America), and Rick Kaplan (World News Tonight).
Zionist JEW, Victor S. Neufeld.
Zionist JEW, Rick Kaplan.
Zionist JEW, Bob Reichbloom,
Executive Producer, Good Morning America.
Zionist JEW, Charles A. Koppelman, Chairman and CEO of EMI Records Group. CBS was recently purchased by Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Nevertheless, the man appointed by Laurence Tisch, Eric Ober, remains president of CBS News, and Ober is a Jew. (No photo available)for Eric Ober, Zionist JEW.
Zionist JEW, Andrew Lack,.NBC News president
and so are executive producers Jeff Zucker (Today),
Zionist JEW, Jeff Zucker executive producer, NBC,
Zionist JEW, Jeff Gralnick (NBC Nightly News executive producer
Zionist JEW, Neal Shapiro (Dateline). 

As for feature films, the Walt Disney Picture Group, headed by Joe Roth (also a Jew), includes Touchstone Pictures, Hollywood Pictures, and Caravan Pictures.

Disney also owns Miramax Films, run by the Weinstein brothers.

Zionist JEWS,Weinstein Brothers,owners of Miramax Films. In addition to TV and movies, the corporation owns Disneyland, Disney World, Epcot Center, Tokyo Disneyland, and Euro Disney.

AOL Time Warner, Inc., is controlled by the chairman of the board and CEO, Gerald M. Levin.Time, has a weekly circulation of 4.1 million. Also CEO and Director of AOL, internet conglomerate. Levin, is another JEWISH media moghul!

Zionist JEW, Gerald M. Levin, chairman of the board and CEO,AOL Time Warner, Inc. Time
Warner’s subsidiary HBO is the country’s largest pay-TV cable network.
Time Warner’s subsidiary HBO is the country’s largest pay-TV cable network. Viacom, Inc., headed by Sumner Redstone (born Murray Rothstein), is the third largest megamedia corporation in the country, with revenues of over $10 billion a year.

Zionist JEW, Sumner Redstone(born Murray Rothstein), Time Warner’s subsidiary HBO is the country’s largest pay-TV cable network. 

Viacom, which produces and distributes TV programs for the three largest networks, owns 12 television stations and 12 radio stations. It produces feature films through Paramount Pictures, headed by Jewess Sherry Lansing.

Its publishing division includes Prentice Hall, Simon & Schuster, and Pocket Books. It distributes videos through over 4,000 Blockbuster stores. It is also involved in satellite broadcasting, theme parks, and video games. Viacom is the world’s largest provider of cable programming, through its Showtime, MTV, Nickelodeon, and other networks.
Since 1989, MTV and Nickelodeon have acquired larger and larger shares of the juvenile television audience. MTV broadcasts into 210 million homes in 71 countries.
Rupert Murdoch News Corporation, which owns Fox Television Network and 20th
Century Fox Films. Murdoch is a Jew. 
Peter Chernin, head of Murdoch’s film studio, also oversees his TV production, is a Jew.

Number five is the Japanese Sony Corporation, whose U.S. subsidiary, Sony Corporation of America, is run by:

Zionist JEW, Alan J. Levine, heads the Sony Pictures division. 

Peter Guber Columbia Pictures, also Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Mandalay Entertainment Group

Most of the television and movie production companies that are not owned by the largest corporations are also controlled by Jews. For example, New World Entertainment, proclaimed by one media analyst as "the premiere independent TV program producer in the United States," is owned by Ronald Perelman, a Jew who also owns Revlon cosmetics.

DreamWorks SKG, run by David Geffen, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Steven Spielberg, all three of whom are Zionist JEWS.

Zionist JEW, Stephen Spielberg. The company produces movies, animated films, television programs, and recorded music. All products approved by the JEWS that own and control yet another media company.

Edgar Bronfman Jr., Zionist JEW. MCA and Universal Pictures, are both owned by Seagram Company, Ltd. The president and CEO of Seagram, the liquor giant, is Edgar Bronfman, Jr. He is the head of Universal Studios. He is also president of the World Jewish Congress!
This Jewish media empire is owned and controlled by Samuel and Donald Newhouse.They own 26 daily newspapers.They also own the nation’s largest tradebook publishing conglomerate, Random House, with all its subsidiaries such as; Knopf, Crown, and Ballantine, among other imprints.Newhouse Broadcasting, consisting of 12 television broadcasting stations and 87 cable-TV systems, with many millions of subscribers. They own the Sunday supplement Parade, with a circulation of more than
22 million copies per week; plus some two dozen major magazines, including the New Yorker, Vogue, Mademoiselle,Glamour, Vanity Fair, Bride’s, Gentlemen’s Quarterly, Self, House & Garden, and all the other magazines in theConde Nast group.

The New York Times was founded in 1851 by two white, non-Jews, Henry J. Raymond and George Jones. After their deaths, it was purchased in 1896 from Jones’s estate by a wealthy JEWISH family. Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr., is the paper’s current publisher and CEO. The Sulzberger family also owns, through the New York Times Co.,
33 others newspapers, including the Boston Globe; twelve magazines, including McCall’s and Family Circle; seven radio and TV broadcasting stations; a cable-TV system; and three book publishing companies. The New York Times News Service transmits news stories, features, and photographs from the New York Times by wire to 506 other newspapers, news agencies, and magazines.

The Washington Post, like the New York Times, had a non-Jewish origin. However, in June 1933, at during the Great Depression (which was engineered by the JEWS that control the "Federal Reserve Bank),the newspaper was forced into bankruptcy.

It was purchased by Eugene Meyer, a JEWISH financier. It is now controlled by Katherine Meyer Graham, Eugene Meyer’s daughter. She is the principal stockholder and board chairman of the Washington Post Co. It is now run by her son Donald Graham, who is president and CEO of the Washington Post Co.

The Washington Post Co. has a number of other media holdings in newspapers, television, and magazines, most notably the nation’s number-two weekly newsmagazine, Newsweek. In a joint venture with the New York Times, the Post publishes the International Herald Tribune, the most widely distributed English language daily in the world.

Dow Jones & Company, Inc., publishes 24 daily newspapers including the weekly financial tabloid The Wall Street Journal, and Barron’s, among other things. They are the most influential financial and political newspapers in the world, with the largest daily readership.The chairman and CEAlan J. LevineO of Dow Jones is Peter R. Kann, who is a Jew. Kann also holds the posts of chairman and publisher of the Wall Street Journal.

The New York Daily News, was bought from the estate of the late Jewish media mogul Robert Maxwell (born vik Hoch) by Jewish real-estate developer Mortimer B. Zukerman. The Daily News is the sixth-largest paper in the country.

He also owns the Atlantic Monthly, and the U.S. News & World Report, with a circulation of 2.3 million. He has taken the position of editor-in-chief of the magazine for himself. He also currently serves as Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.

The Village Voice is the personal property of Leonard Stern, the billionaire Jewish owner of the Hartz Mountain pet supply firm. His son is Edward Julius Stern, who was implicated in fraud of a mutual fund

The New York Post. Peter Kalikow, owner and publisher. He is also a major Real estate developer. He is a board member of the Museum of Jewish Heritage ~ A Living Memorial to the Holocaust and chairman of the museum’s building committee.

Newsweek, as mentioned above, is published by the Washington Post Company, under the Jewess Katherine Meye Graham. Its weekly circulation is 3.2 million. Its editor is Jerry Adler. Here's a small sampling of the Jews that influence opinions at Newsweek:
(no picture available) Zionist JEW, Martin S. Davis, Paramount Comm. CEO.

General Electric: RCA and NBC were bought by G.E. in 1986 but Jewish management still exists.

Now consider books.
Among the giant publishing conglomerates, the situation is quite the same in regards to JEWISH ownership and control. All of the six largest book publishers in the United States, according to Publisher’s Weekly, are owned or controlled by Jews. 

Seven JEWS alone control the majority of media in America and beyond!
Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company
Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited

Those seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.
What are so many Jews in ownership and management positions in the media? Can it be a coincidence?


The JEWS control the British, European & Asian media, too!!

These are the JEWISH overlords that control the media and daily manipulate public opinions. This information was compiled in 1997, and since then, your Jewish Zionist masters have consolidated even more control and ownership of YOUR media!

Understanding this is our first step toward freeing ourselves from the evil grip of these slave-masters!

Jew, Alan Yentob, Director of Drama, Entertainment and CBBC, BBC's Creative Director. Alan is at the creative helm of the BBC and has overall responsibility for BBC drama, entertainment and all aspects of the BBC's children's output across all media. He has responsibility for a significant film division and is the focal point for talent management across the whole of the BBC. Jew Yentob is the most powerful man at the BBC!

Governors of the BBC:

Jew, Sir David Scholey, Jew, Sir Kenneth Bloomfield, & Jew, Janet Cohen.
Jew, Sarah Frank.Chief Executive of BBC Worldwide Americas.
Jew, Keith Samuel, Controller of Publicity & Public Relations.
Jew, David Aaronovitch, Managing Editor of the BBC's weekly programmes.
Jew, Anne Sloman, Deputy Head of BBC News Programmes.
Jew, Ruth Caleb, Head of Drama.
Jew, Louis Marks, Producer of Drama since 1976.
Jew, Tony Kay, Commercial Director at BBC Worldwide TV.
Jew, Adam Singer, International Director of US cable operator TCI & son of former BBC Director-General, Jew, Aubrey Singer.
Jon Plowman, Head of BBC Comedy Entertainment.
Jew, Ben Elton, "alternative comedian"
Jew, Rod Natkiel, Head of Network TV at BBC Midlands and East.
Jew, Roy Saatchi, Head of Local Programmes at BBC North.
Jew, Geoffrey Goodman, BBC Current Affairs and LBC/IRN.
Jew, Joshua Rosenberg, BBC TV's legal correspondent.
Jew, N. Goldman, Producer on Newsnight, & a member of the Jewish Socialist Group.
Jew, Lisa Jardine, BBC writer and broadcaster.

Channel 4

This massive company includes 300 cinemas, eight theatres, hotels, restaurants and record divisions. The endless diet of filth and perversion which Channel 4 feeds to the public has earned Jew, Michael Grade the reputation as Britain's "pornographer-in-chief".

The "Independent" Television Commission is the regulatory body which overseas the whole of the ITV network. Media group MAI owns two ITV franchises (Anglia and Meridian).

Chief Executive of MAI/ United News and Media giant is Jew, "Lord" Clive Hollick, a Labour peer with close links with Hambros Bank, of which he is a long-standing Director.
Jew, Jude Goffee, Senior Director of the ITV network.
Jew, Eve Salomon, Senior sponsorship and advertising officer.
Jew, Marcus Plantin, Network Director of ITV.
Jew, Claudia Rosencrantz, ITV ' s Controller of Entertainment.
Jew, David Puttnam, Senior director of MAI's Anglia TV subsidiary is film executive.
Jew, Graham Creelman, Anglia's Director of Programmes.
Jew, Stephen Grabiner, Chief Executive MAI's United News section.
Jew, Robert Elias, ITN's Editor of News at Ten.
Jew, Charles Golding, LBC´s Controller of Programmes.

Carlton Communications

Carlton is a major force in the ITN network, with assets in Central TV; Meridian TV and GMTV, and a 50 per cent stake in London News. It also has significant assets in the Asian sub-continent.

Jew, Michael Green, Chairman of Carlton Comm., also Director ofIndependent Television News, Central Independent Television and GMTV.

Jew, Richard Simons, Carlton's Head of Features.

Jew, Janet Goldsmith, Managing Director of Carlton Select. 

Granada Group

Granada was founded by Jews, Sidney and Cecil Bernstein. Alexander Bernstein was the long-standing Chairman until he went into semi-retirement in March 1996.

JEW, Charles Allen, Chief Executive of ITV.Chairman of Granada.Granada Group owns two ITV franchises: Granada TV and London Weekend Television. It also has part ownership in; ITN and Yorkshire Tyne Tees TV, London News Network, BSkyB, Granada Sky Broadcasting, Playboy Channel, & F2F.

Jew, Sacha Baron Cohen, Presenter on F2F.
Jew, Duncan Lewis, Chief Executive of the Granada Media Group; Chief Executive of Granada TV, and Chief Executive of London Weekend Television. Lewis was formerly marketing director at BT, where he initiated the nauseating Jewish grandmother adverts starring actress Jew, Maureen Lipman. She sponsors the Zionist-controlled front organization, the Anti-Nazi League.

Jew, Steve Morrison, Chief Operating Officer of GMG; Deputy Chief Executive of Granada TV, Managing Director of LWT and head of Granada's sales operation Laser.
Jew, Kate Stross, Commercial Director at LWT and GMTV.
Jew, Simon Shaps, Controller of regional programmes at LWT.
British Independent Television Enterprises (BRITE)
Jew, Nadine Nohr, The Managing Director of BRITE.
Jew, Kay Mellor, Granada's scriptwriter and producer.
Jew, Paul Marcus, Granada's Marlow Films owner.
"Christian Zionist", Melvyn Bragg, Controller of Arts at LWT.


FremantleMedia is the content business production arm of the RTL Group. RTL Group is 90% owned by Bertelsmann AG, an integrated media and entertainment company that commands leading positions in the world's major media markets. (From the website of RTL group): N°1 in TV and Radio Broadcasting in Europe 31 TV channels and 33 Radio stations in 10 countries ~ 260 programmes in over 40 countries. Global Leader in Content

(Production & Rights) ~ Over 9,000 hours of programming per year ~ reaching an audience of 250 million viewers worldwide every month. Largest Independent Distribution Company Outside US ~ Broadcasting rights for 19,000 programming hours in 150 countries worldwide RTL Group is one of the largest television producers outside Hollywood.

Jew, Tony Cohen, the CEO of FremantleMedia, Based in London, Cohen is responsible for all of FremantleMedia's production companies, which span the globe from Europe, North America, Latin America, Australasia and South Africa. 

Channel Five

Under this powerful Zionist JEW is a whole army of Zionist gatekeepers of the media!
Jew, David Berg, Controller of Planning and Organization.
Jew, Tim Gardam, Controller of news, current affairs and documentaries.
Jew, James Ackerman, Director of multichannel covetures.
Jew, Bruce Steinberg, head of Britain's second biggest satellite channel UK Gold also Chief Executive of the women's channel UK Living.
Jew, Julian Aston is Managing Director of Channel One.
Jew, Franklin Getchell, General Manager of Flextech TV's The Children's Channel (TCC)
Jew, Richard Wolfe, TCC's Chief Executive.
Jew, Mitchell Kriegman, Senior Series Producer.
Flextech owns the satellite channel Bravo, The Family Channel and manages TLC and The Discovery Channel.
Jew, Mark Deitch, Head of Programming at Bravo.

Viacom UK 

From Sumner M. Redstone is Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Viacom. Under his leadership, Viacom has become one of the world's largest entertainment and media companies, and a leader in the production, promotion and distribution of entertainment, news, sports, music and comedy.

Viacom's properties include CBS, MTV, Nickelodeon, VH1, BET, Paramount Pictures, Viacom Outdoor, Infinity Broadcasting,UPN, Spike TV, TV Land, CMT: Country Music Television, Comedy Central, Showtime,and Simon & Schuster. National Amusements, Inc., a closely held corporation which operates approximately 1,400 motion picture screens in the United States, the United Kingdom and South America, is the parent company of Viacom. 

Jew, Sumner Redstone, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Viacom.Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, National Amusements, Inc.
Jew, Danton Rissner Head of Paramount Pictures UK.
Jew, David Woodman, Managing Director of the Sci-Fi Channel.
Jew, Peter Einstein, President and Business Director of MTV Europe.
Jew, Gil Aronow, Senior Vice President.
Jew, Boris Katz. Senior Vice President.
Jew, Mark Rosenthal, Chief Operating Officer of MTV Europe. MTV pumps JEW propaganda into millions of homes in 71 countries. It also teaches and introduces the young for many unacceptable mindsets and morals most decent people would deny even exists. It teaches sex and violence for a siege mentality.

The Box-Music TV.
Jew, Liz Laskowski, Programme Director.
The UK satellite Warner Channel.
Jew, Jeffrey Schlesinger, President of Warner Bros International Television.
Jew, Raymond Jaffe is the Director of Publicity and Promotion at Sky TV.

Reuters TV
Jew, David Feingold, Executive Editor.
Jew, David Kogan Managing Director of Reuters.
Jew, Malcolm Switzer, head of news gathering at Sky News.

UK Radio

The single most powerful man in British radio is acting Manager of BBC Network Radio.

Jew, Michael Green.
Jew, Jenny Abramsky, Director of BBC Radio and Music. She is responsible for BBC Radios 1, 2, 3, 4, Five Live and the BBC's digital radio stations 1Xtra, 6 Music, BBC 7, Five Live Sports Extra and the Asian Network. Jenny is also responsible for the three BBC orchestras in England, the Proms, Television Classical Music and Radio Resources.She is a member of the BBC's Executive Board.
Jew, Caroline Raphael, Head of Drama at BBC Network Radio.
Jew, Daniel Snowman and Suzanne Levy, Senior BBC producers.
Jew, Peter Clark, owner of Media Ventures International, and controls Talk Radio UK.
Many of this station's presenters are Jewish, including Nancy Roberts, Garry Jacobs, Jonny Gould, Janet Gershlick and Vanessa Feltz.
Jew, Brian Eastman, majority shareholder of Carnival Films.
Jew, John Spearman, Chief Executive of radio group GWR and Classic FM.
Jew, Tim Schoonmaker, Chief Executive of EMAO Radio.
Jew, Roberta Aarons, Head of Production at SSVC.
Jew, Lynne Franks, founder of Radio Viv
Jew, Tony Stoller, Chief Executive of the Radio Authority.
Jew, Yvonne Kintoff, Managing Director of the Radio Advertising Clearing Centre. 

Cinema, Music & Entertainment
Jew, Sidney Samuelson, Head of the British Film Commission, & President of the Samuelson Group plc., the world's largest film, TV and audio-visual equipment organization.
Jew, James Ferman, Chief Executive and Director of the British Board of Film Classification.
Jew, David Puttnam, Chairman of the National Film and TV School.
Jew, Baron Joel Barnett, former Labour Cabinet minister who has been the Chairman of British Screen Finance Ltd since 1980, as well as having served as Vice Chairman of the BBC Board of Governors from 1986 to 1993.

Chrysalis Group

Jew, Michael Pilsworth, Chief Executive of Chrysalis Visual Entertainment.
Jew, David Puttnam, Chrysalis director. He is also Chairman of the Enigma film company& Chairman of International Television Enterprises Ltd. 


Jew, Alain Levy, President and Chief Executive of Polygram global entertainment group & former head of CBS France.
Jew, Michael Kuhn, heads Polygram Films.
Jew, David Hockman, Polygram International Music, which owns rap label Def Jam among many others. 

Rank Organisation plc.

Jew, Sir Leslie Fletcher, Chairman of the Rank Organization, with major assets in Odeon cinema chain, Mecca Leisure, the Hard Rock Cafe chain and Pinewood Studios
Jew, J. Cohen, Managing Director of Rank Amusements Ltd.
Jew. Steve Wolfe, Manager of MCA Records.
Jew, Meir Malinsky, Senior Executive of MCA Music Entertainment International.

RCA Records

Jew, Hugh Goldsmith, Managing Director of RCA.
Jew, David Joseph, Head of Artistic Development.
Jew, Nancy Farbman, International Director.

Sony Corporation

While Sony would no doubt be regarded by most people as a Japanese company, the truth is that Jews control the company.
Jew, Paul Burger, Chairman and Chief Executive of Sony Entertainment (UK). Chairman of "The Brit Awards".
Jew, Michael Gerrie, Producer of "The Brit Awards."
Jew, Jonathan Sternberg, Gerhard Blum and Sara Silver. Senior Vice Presidents and Executives at Sony UK. All Zionist JEWS.


Jew, Sir Graham Day and H. Einsmann, Directors of Thorn-EMI.
Jew, Charles Diamont, Senior Vice President of EMI Music Worldwide.
Jew, Michelle Burger, Managing Director.
Jew, Jeremy Silver, Vice President of EMl's International Media Division.

Warner Chappel Music Ltd.
Subsidiary of the Time-Warner Corporation. Jew, R. Godfrey-Kess, Managing Director.
Lesser known media companies:

One World Entertainment
Jew, Alan Bellman, Managing Director.

Vision Music Entertainment
Jew, Dan Reedman, Managing Director.

Entertainment UK
Jew, Richard Cowan, Managing Director.

President Entertainments

Jew, Robert Earl, founder of President Entertainments and owner of the movie-theme restaurant Planet Hollywood. For five years, Earl was President of Hard Rock Cafe International. 

Marshall's Communications Group

Jew, Mike Isaacson, Chairman of Marshalls & Executive Producer of its subsidiary company, Film Crest.
Mentorn Films

Jew, Tom Gutteridge, Head of Mentorn Films, and was appointed CEO, Fremantle Media North America (FMNA) in February 2004. 

Blue Heaven Productions

Jew, Neil Zeiger, Head of Blue Heaven Productions.


Jew, Alan Rich, Chairman and Chief Executive of TMB, The UK's largest privately-owned media buying concern. It has four Jewish directors.

M&G Records

Jew, Michael Levy, Head of M & G Records. Tony Blair's chief fundraiser.

Jews Who Control U.K. Advertising

The power of the purse is nowhere more apparent than in the field of advertising, whose

magnates not only decide what images are used to promote particular products and ideas, but also have a great deal of influence over where vast corporate advertising budgets are spent. Their ability to determine which channels, magazines and newspapers are used ~ or not used ~ for major advertising campaigns gives such individuals an immense amount of influence over the producers and editors of supposedly independent media operations.

Start paying attention to the advertising you see on a daily basis. See all those white women with those black and/or brown men?
See those white guys with those Asian or 'exotic' brown women?
Why do you think JEWS want us to see that everyday and everywhere?
Could it be they are trying to promote racial integration?
Why would they want that? Oh, that's right, I remember now! Hitler said the JEWS are a mongrel race.
"We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia or Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born. Our control commission will, in the interests of peace and wiping out inter-racial tensions, forbid the Whites to mate with Whites. The white women must co-habit with members of the dark races, the White man with black women. Thus, the White race will disappear, for mixing the dark with the white means the end of the White Man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judiaca, and OUR RACE will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples." ~ Rabbi Rabinovitch, 1952

So, if we become a race of mongrels too, then maybe we'll never object to being ruled by JEWS! Or maybe, if we breed with niggers, we'll be too stupid to understand what they´re up to. Nah, that can't be it! The JEWS control 100% of the media just because they enjoy that line of work. And, those rascally JEWS are really hard working, aren't they?


The world's largest advertising and marketing group, is based in London and headed by another Zionist multi-millionaire,

Megalomedia Group
Jew, Maurice Saatchi, Head of Megalomedia Group. Other shareholders include the boss's wife, Jew, Josephine Hart, his brother: Jew, Charles Saatchi andJew, Lord Jacob Rothschild, owner of RIT Capital Partners.

The Rothschild's are the "Kings of the Jews" Jew, Tony Kaye, worked for years at Saatchi & Saatchi (predecessor of Megalomedia), then went into movie production. Produced and directed "American History X" about neo-nazi skinheads.

Jewish Control of U.K. Publishing

Although the printed word is no longer as powerful as it once was, because of the influence of television, radio, and the internet, It is still a very powerful medium.

The national newspapers have long been termed the "Fourth Estate", but even this phrase under-estimates their power. It is in truth no exaggeration to say that whoever controls the press controls the political direction of the nation.

Associated Newspapers

As well as owning the Daily Mail and London Evening Standard, Associated Newspapers has large stock ownership and therefore, control over many other media formats in the UK.

Jew, Veronica Wadley, Current Standard Editor.
Jew, Guy Zitter, Managing Director of Daily Mail.
Jew, Lawrence Sear, Managing Editor of the Daily Mail.
Jew, Jonathan Holborrow, Editor of the Mail on Sunday.
Jews make up nearly a third of its journalists including: Paul Harris, Geoffrey Levy, Richard Kay, Jonathan Margolis, Sam Harris, Sarah Ebner and Gaby Hinsiff.
Jew, Anne Applebaum, Associate Editor of the London Evening Standard.
Jew, Matthew Norman, Evening Standard columnist.
Jew, Mark Honigsbaum, Evening Standard reporter.
Jew, Clive Wolman, founder and editor-in-chief of the weekly magazine London Financial News and formerly editor of the Mail on Sunday City edition.
Jew, Lawrence Lever, financial columnist at the Mail on Sunday.

News Group International

NGl's assets include the lion's share of BSkyB; Twentieth Century Fox, and major Britishnewspapers such as The Sun, News of the World; The Times; The Sunday Times, and the Times Literary and Educational Supplements.

Jew, Rupert Murdoch, Chief Executive. Murdoch is the world's top media mogul. He has established his influence on a truly global scale! Every paper that falls into his stable rapidly deteriorates in both quality of news, journalism and integrity and a new emphasis on Page 3 Beauties.
Jew, Sam Chisholm, Chief Executive of BSkyB.
Jew, Raymond Jaffe, Director of Publicity and Promotion at Sky TV.
Jew, A. A. Fischer, Managing Director of The Sun and News of the World.
Jew, William Newman, Managing Editor of The Sun.
Jew, Stuart Kuttner, Managing Editor of News of the World.
Jew, Wendy Henry, Editor of the News of the World, under Kuttner.
Jew, Melvyn Marckus, City Editor of the Times.

Telegraph Group

Major shares of The Telegraph plc is owned by the Hollinger Group.

Jew, war criminal, mass murderer, Henry Kissinger is it's Chairman. Hollinger also owns the Spectator and no fewer than 230 major magazines and newspapers in the United States.

Jew, Conrad Black, Chairman of The Telegraph plc. Also a Director of Jerusalem Post Publications Ltd., and a member of the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group.Bilderberg is the secretive capitalist club of elite(rich) JEWS that run the world! That's a fact!
Jew, Stephen Grabiner, Managing Director of Telegraph Newspapers.
Jew, Rupert Hambro, Director of the Telegraph.
Jew, Dominic Lawson, Editor of The Sunday Telegraph.
Jew, Damian Kelleher, Editor of The Young Telegraph, children's supplement.
Jew, Kitty Melrose, Deputy Editor, The Young Telegraph.

Mirror Group

Jew, Robert Maxwell (real name, Hoch), Prominent Zionist, was the owner of The Daily Mirror and Sunday Mirror before he finally met a well-deserved and watery end off the side of his personal yacht. The Mirror Group, which is also a major shareholder in the Independent, was sold off after his death, and is now in the hands of a shadowy business conglomerate. He was rumored have been killed either by his own sons or the Israeli Mossad. No one knows if his death was a murder, suicide, or an accident. My bet is on a murder!
Other Publications

The Observer Trust, this holding company has directorial links with Hambros merchant bank, whose own Directors include:

Jew, Lord Hollick, whose United News and Media Group owns 30 regional newspapers in South East England alone, as well as periodicals such as Exchange & Mart. Hollick also controls regional newspapers in Yorkshire and the North West.
The Sunday Business.

Jew, Michael Bloomberg, Billionaire controls The Sunday Business, the Bloomberg media empire, and he's been the mayor of New York City since November 6, 2001.

(The man who strongly participated in the embarrassing pro-Israeli demonstration in NYC last January 11, 2009)

Jew, Tony Rubython, Editor of The Sunday Business.

The Big Issue.

Jew, Anita Roddick, Founder of The BodyShop, controls The Big Issue.
Jew, Lucie Russell, Director of The Big Issue.
G.Q. Magazine.
Jew, James Bloom, Contributing Editor.
Jew, Peter Koenig, Contributing Editor.
Jew, David Cohen, Contributing Editor.
Jew, Chris Peachment, Contributing Editor.
Jew, Christopher Silvester, Contributing Editor.
Jew, Jo Levin, Fashion Director.
The Pearson Group owns not only the Financial Times Group and The Economist magazine, in partnership with N. M. Rothschild merchant bank.

Jew, Michael Lambert, Editor of The Financial Times.
Jew, Samuel Brittan, Assistant Editor of The Financial Times.
Pearson also owns major publishing companies Penguin and Longman.
Jew, Paula Kahn, The Chief Executive Chairman of The Longman Group.
Jew, Louis Baum, Editor of The Bookseller.
Jew, Geoffrey Goodman, Editor of The British Journalism Review.
Jew, Jenny Abramsky, Chairperson of the Editorial Board of The British Journalism Review. She is also a die-hard Feminist.
Jew, Paula Kahn, President of the Publishers' Association, and Chief Executive of the English Teaching Advisory Committee.

Zionist Jews take over Eastern European TV and media!
According to an article in the April 5, 1997 N.Y. Times, "TV Venture by Cosmetics Heir Raises Questions," Zionist mogul and former U.S. ambassador to Austria Ronald Lauder, has united with Vadim Rabinovich, a Ukrainian Zionist millionaire who spent nine years in prison for theft and has ties to the Jewish mafia in Ukraine, to build a media empire ~ Central European Media Enterprises ~ in the countries of the former Soviet Union.

The Jewish owned Central European Media controls television stations in seven East European countries in the region.

Ukrainian TV is controlled by its subsidiary, the Studio 11 Group, its local partner in Kiev. Rabinovich is linked to Grigory Loutchansky, a Russian-Jew, whose company, Nordex, is believed to be a front for the Russian-(Jewish) mafia.

The Times says, "Rabinovich was jailed from 1982 to 1990 for theft from the state. He said in an interview that he had been chief of a construction brigade and had sold goods to private customers. He said he had committed no real crime and had been persecuted for being Jewish. (YEAH RIGHT!)

"Central European Media sought to expand into Ukraine a year ago. At the outset, Fertig (its chief of operations) said, its representatives were referred to Rabinovich and his partners by a close adviser and assistant to President Leonid Kuchma of Ukraine, who praised the Ukraine group. And when questions arose about the legality of the broadcast license received by the joint venture, the same presidential adviser obtained a letter declaring that the license had been awarded properly.

"(C)oncerns about his business activities led the British government to bar Loutchansky from entering the country. An intelligence summary prepared by a Western government, and corroborated by senior U.S. diplomats, said Ostex, one of Rabinovich's companies, had been created as an arm of Nordex, a claim that Rabinovich disputed. "In the interview in his office in a modern building in Kiev, Rabinovich said he had worked with Nordex for about a year but had broken off the relationship two years ago because of bad publicity about Loutchansky. He said his companies, which are engaged in many businesses, had only legitimate interests."

"Lauder, whose mother founded Estee Lauder Cosmetics, created Central European Media in 1994. He predicted last year that the company would have annual revenues of $1 billion within five years, but it has run up steady losses to date. The company reported last month that it lost $30 million in 1996 compared with losses of $18.7 million in 1995 and $20.5 million in 1994.

"When the company sought to enter the Ukraine market a year ago, Fertig said, its executives were referred to Rabinovich and his partners in Studio 11 by Oleksandra Volkov, an assistant and close adviser to Kuchma. Western diplomats and businessmen said Volkov also owned a piece of Studio 11, but Fertig said he was unaware of that investment.

"Along with the recommendation from the presidential adviser, the company executives also were impressed by a photograph in Rabinovich's office that showed him with President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore, according to a person close to the company.

"The photograph was taken in late 1995 at a Democratic fund-raising party in Miami, Rabinovich said. He said he had not donated money to the Democrats but had been invited to the event by Bennett LeBow, an American businessman whose interests include Liggett Group, the big cigarette manufacturer. "Last summer Central European Media negotiated a partnership agreement with Studio 11 Group that gave the American company a 50 percent economic interest in the operation, which was broadcasting about five hours a day on Ukrainian television.

"Studio 11 received a license last fall to expand its broadcast time on Ukraine's commercial channel, UT 2, to nine hours a day, including prime time. The license, also sought by other companies, was issued despite a moratorium imposed by Parliament. "The Ukraine deal is important to Central European Media. In a stock offering last fall, which raised $132 million, the company said the Ukraine partnership had more than doubled its market reach.

"A cablegram from the embassy to the State Department in Washington in September raised questions about Rabinovich's background and said he was 'largely considered beyond the reach of the law in Ukraine,' according to a copy provided to The New York Times." (End quote).

Zionist Jewish power and media control in Eastern Europe:

How Jewish Zionists Rape Poland:
Here is further definitive proof in the history by Lucy S. Davidowicz, herself a Jewish historian, that Poland was undermined by Jewish Communism. All of these proofs are to be found in a book written with the help of Yeshiva University in New York State.The proof that Poland was raped by Jewry:

Lucy S. Dawidowicz THE WAR AGAINST THE JEWS 1933-1945 by Bantam Books Incorporated (#13084-6, 1979 ed).

Page 356 states: "In early 1942 the Polska Partia Robotnicza [PPR], the Communist party in a new guise made its appearance in the General governmental. The PPR is mentioned again on page 431 where we read: "The Soviet Union, for example, began in 1943 to back only such indigenous Communist resistance movements in the several East European countries as would provide it with postwar political footholds there.

The Soviet Union, for its part, through the PPR supported the People's Army with funds and materiel, on the calculation that it would establish the Communist presence in postwar Poland."

For further proof of Jewry's communistic ties turn to page 434 [bottom] and read the socialist and communist links : "The [Jewish Labor] Bundists were cut off from contact with Polish Socialists; the Jewish Communists were isolated from their parent PPR." [The PPR is mentioned above.]

The Jewish Judenrat leadership advised, starting on page 436: "One form of compromise between ghetto and the resistance movement was the option in Eastern areas for the Jewish youth to join the Soviet partisan movement. The first thing the partisan learned, if he lived long enough, was that in defense of the Soviet Union no human cost was too high."

[Who were these Jews loyal to?] Page 360 ~ "Early in 1941 the Bund's Central Committee in the Warsaw ghetto sent a report to its New York organization, describing its functions as it then perceived them. [Note: Communists have a New York operation.] the Bund's Central Committee adopted a policy statement setting forth their political hopes and expectations:

Poland is our homeland, where we are entitled to equal citizenship rights, where our future lies. Any other Solutions offered, under present conditions, by Zionist or other Jewish groups, are wrong and Utopian, as they always were.

Together with the Polish working masses struggling underground, the Jewish people of Poland see no other means of survival, but the defeat of Hitlerism and the reconstruction of a free, independent, and Socialist Poland."

[Jews want a Socialist Poland and they got it after WW II]

Page 361-2 ~ "On May 1, 1941, Dror issued a proclamation that avowed once more the movement's dual loyalty to Palestine and socialism and which held out the hope of the inevitable realization of a socialist Palestine:

The struggle with the Hitlerite conqueror has temporarily separated us from Eretz Israel, but just as there is no power in the world that can separate us from the struggle for a socialist world, thus nothing can separate us from the land of our ultimate hope. The building of Eretz Israel is undeniably connected with the collapse of capitalism; a socialist Eretz Israel will rise or fall with the success or failure of socialism."
[For the Jews to succeed, capitalism needed to collapse]

Page 362 ~ " At the end of December 1943, a representative of the Left Labor Zionists, taking part in a clandestine meeting of the underground Polish Communist front, Krajowa Rada Narodowa [People's Home Council] spoke of victory with the political certitude of her party:

In the struggle for a new world of labor and of social justice, we are not isolated. The working masses of the whole world, with the heroic Red Army in the van- guard, are with us. Our struggle is their struggle; their victory shall be our victory.

There can be no return to the past, no turning back to the past reactionary and fascist governments. The working masses, the invincible forces of progress and true democracy will prevail in this historic struggle.

Maintaining the traditions of the movement became a conspiratorial activity, yet served to uphold morale.

One day the Jews were enclosed within the ghetto. That day Bundist activists visited as many members as they could locate, reminding them of May Day, distributing little red- ribbon boutonnieres, and passing the word: "Hold on and hold out."

In January 1942, Dror proclaimed a fund-raising campaign in the Warsaw ghetto on behalf of the Jewish National Fund. "

Page 356 says of Dror: "The socialist Zionist youth movements included Dror, associated with Labor Zionists; Hashomer Hatzair, whose pro-Sovietism brought it ideologically close to the Left Labor Zionists.." n fact most countries that became Communist after WW II were those that were tolerant of the spread of Jewish Communism.

Once again we see the worldwide media monopoly extend its suzerainty thanks to their money power and the betrayal of the people by the Pres. of Ukraine and others willing to be corrupted. What are so many Jews in ownership and management positions in the media? Can it be a coincidence?



  1. You are an ignorant anti-semite - not only that but also a lousy journo.

    The copy is plagiarised and copied and pasted from other sites - originally written and posted over ten years ago.

    I have reported you for Hate Violations. Go and do something else with your time. You're useless.

  2. Looks like we have another graduate from clown college coming in and saying the laughable term "antisemite" again, Noor!

    These clowns dont get it... They have to be Semites to start with for them to accuse anyone of anti-semitism. These clowns are ashkenazi jews, or jew converts dating from the 8th century AD. The majority are Indo-Turkish Armenioid in origin, and have absolutely NO Semitic blood in them at all!

    Therefore, clown, we laugh at your ridiculous comment.

    And BTW... Where are you going to go with so called "Hate" violations, clown... What Noor has put up here is factual and true. It is not hate to take from other people's writings as long as they are credited with the original script, which Noor has done!

    Useless? Look at yourself in the mirror first before you make ridiculous statements. People are no longer going to listen to the rants of psychotic people such as yourself, Mr. "Steve Willis"....

    Pathetic indeed how these clowns come in and call names!

  3. Thank you for your input Mr. Willis. It is good of you to have taken the time to scrutinize this posting. You will find, however, that there is nothing new in the piece, it has all been said before, as you mentioned.

    The quotes, however, are. As for you, you can only call me names, not provide proof otherwise. These things have been proven over and over again, you can only respond to facts with insults and whines. Would you like a little cheese to go along with your whine?

  4. While I am honored to be on your list and a member of such a distinguished group, you are clearly out of your mind and a very troubled individual. Please seek professional help before you hurt yourself or someone else.

    1. Of course Rosenblum, we goy(cattle) are all delusional! There's nothing to see here just keep watching the football game! Should we all seek professional help? By professional help of course you mean jew created psychiatry, that which exists only to emotionally destroy the stupid Christian masses!

  5. Exactly what i read in Radio Islam , IHR and negationnist websites .......;
    I think you're palestinian and supporting islamists
    You're against the jews , that's your right
    Since jews are 0.4% of world population , moslems are more than 20%
    How many Nobel prizes for arabs ? AAAAH !
    You know , in France , we're facing a growing islamic invasion ....and we have to face it and fight to preserve our country from these invaders

  6. Mr. Rosenblaum, it is difficult to know if you are who you say you are because your link goes nowhere. But I do wish to thank you for your concern regarding my mental health. It warms my heart to know you care. However, you say one thing but offer nothing to support it. Such vagueness speaks volumes.

    As for Mr. Anony-mouse. I can assure you I am 11th generation Canadian and every drop of blood in my body is of European stock except for the Native women my first ancestors may have taken about 10 generations ago when they first arrived in Canada.

    No I am not a White pride person, my immediate family includes Filipinos, Malayalam and Trinidadians. So don't toss racist crap at me please. When I call my Trinidadian sister in law my sister, she is just that, my sister.

    The past few years the Nobel Prizes have been a sham. Peace to Begin? Gimme a break. or to Al Gore? coughs. Even the Nobel family has distanced themselves from the awards they have been so ashamed of where they have been going to and endorsing.

    I am just not crazy about the Zionists. Not at all. And I do differentiate between Jew and Zionists. Some of my most inspirational people are Jewish for goodness sakes. Medea Benjamin, Naomi Klein, Mordechai Vanunu.

    In the long run, I believe that we are ALL being used, Christian, Jew, Moslem. We are being pitched against each other to bring about the Armageddon a small group of elites are wishing for. Watch the film the Doomsday Code I just posted.

    We face a common enemy and our only chance of survival as "free" individuals is through unification. However, I also do not see that unification coming about any time soon. Chances are by then it will be too late.

    And thus history repeats itself once again. Only with much harsher consequences than previously.

  7. Dear Noor
    You can reference me at my website
    I did indeed build Channel 1 in London with Julian Aston, but I was never assistant Managing Director as you claim.

    As for your mental health, it is quite clear that you suffer from severe paranoid delusions.

    Please seek professional health before you hurt yourself or someone else.

  8. "Rosenblum"... ANYONE can come in here and claim that they are you, so give it a rest!

    The only individuals who should seek help are people such as yourself you want nothing more than control over your "Goyim" or "Gentiles"!

    You are either Hasbara, or sayanim... I cannot put my finger on it yet....

    If you want to question the facts presented, then go after the original authors of this material, clown...

    Never fear these people, Noor... They will try any despicable tactics to try to stop the truth from coming out!

  9. ""Rosenblum"... ANYONE can come in here and claim that they are you, so give it a rest!"

    Yes. People are ALWAYS impersonating me. Sure.

    Listen, Northerntruthseeker, take off the tin foil helmet. The Aliens are not coming yet. Stop listening to those voices and take your meds.

    Hoo boy.

    The nuts are out today.

  10. Yes the nuts are seriously falling from the trees.... I guess you fell off your limb some time ago.

    Tin foil hat? Doubt that... But my anti-zionist radar is up and running! BTW... Did you do your Kol Nidre pledge the other day? Oh thats right... Making a pledge to lie is an annual function, right?

    My meds are fine... How are yours? Why not go and join your other hasbara agents and find a different site to troll around in for a while?

  11. Rosenblum, Your creds on your site are rather impressive, if you are who you say you are. However, in this particular medium that is rather difficult to do.

    Meanwhile I am removing you from that esteemed group you were so pleased to be included with. Just so you go away with nothing more to complain about. Kvetching and whining has never appealed to me.

    If you feel offended, take it up with the original author of the piece. I do believe I have given the person credit there. And then go bother everyone else who has posted it over the years as well. Because if you go after one, you must go after 'em all.

    Enough time has been wasted on you and your insults. So go have a nice life .. annoying someone else. And note, despite the urge to do so, I restrain myself from asking you about your mental health.

  12. Jews are unbearable everywhere, they poison our air ! let us see the situation in France under crif (french Aipac) control !

  13. 14 Debates Done => the Liquid Lunch Studio Then Uploaded =>

    => Pierre Trudeau, Mass Immigration & the Rise of Hotel Canada

    => Quebec’s Cultural War on English Canada & the Rise and Success of the Reform Movement

    => Shawn Dalton talks Canadian Immigration

    => The Sellout of Corporate Canada

    => The Canadian Dream

    => Dalton Mc Guinty & the Road to Ontario’s Fiscal Bankruptcy

    => India’s Rape Crisis

    => The End of the Midnight Sun: Sweden’s Cultural Destruction

    =>The Death of Canadian Bilingualism PT1 & PT2

    => Canada’s Broken Mosaic: The Literary Critics of Multiculturalism PT 1 – PT 4

  14. Canada's Broken Mosaic
    Canada's Broken Mosaic PT 2
    Canada's Broken Mosaic PT 3
    Canada's Broken Mosaic PT 4


  15. The BIG QUESTION is "What do we do about it? Can we do anything or is it too late?" Answer: organize, get mad, and oppose Zionism. Do you have any self-respect or will you let the Jews continue to kick you in the head and force you to an early grave? Stand up for yourself, people, before it is too late.

  16. Im from Romania, Ronald Lauder's TV channels have always been criticized by the public for spreading violence on the news and for promoting bad values in general. I wasnt surprised at all to learn that behind it was a Jew. I bet its the same in every other country that his CME company owns. Disgusting


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