Wednesday 29 November 2023


Forgive me folks, but I need a short break. My soul is weary from the events of the world and I simply need a short time just being "normal" to refresh my juices which are, at the moment, running very low.  As I am learning new very unpleasant truths about the international political scene. A lot of reassessment going on here as I listen to Max Egan and Mark Glenn discussing the state of the world. (And Trump.) Not exactly light fare but necessary. BTW. If you have not figured it out, Trump is not good news for the world either.

Even so I find myself weeping for the world. This uptick in World War 3 as it prepares for WW4, already well on the way, is something I have known was coming for decades. And here we are. It is now upon us. All that time and energy spent trying to open eyes ~ not wasted but insufficient. I finally ceased warning folks during the covid hoax that still lingers and threatens. One can only be Kassandra of Troy for so long without it catching up to you, I suppose. 

What I do here in this little blog feels terribly frivolous at this time. I find it almost impossible to do anything without thinking of the situation in Palestine and how this is going to change the entire world. Bibi is very specific in his intentions if you know how to read into his Coda Nostra style threats. Sometimes one can be a little too black pilled!

As well, the blogger 'sensitive content' warning has cut my readership in half and that has me bothered. That warning has had its intended effect I suppose. Time to make some changes and I HATE change. It entails work and brainpower and concentration and, worst of all, learning new specifications. Grumble grumble.

Please be patient. I am not going anywhere, just need a short time off. And I will be just fine! It does take a great deal of time collecting, sorting, preparing each post. Two full days per post actually. Then there is the filing and storing. No complaints at all, just there is work involved that I love doing. But sometimes we need to take time for ourselves and I do hate being depressed about everything. 

What I will be doing, however, is going back over some of my old material and bringing it to the fore considering its pertinence to what is going on in Palestine today.  And perhaps the popular series "Merry Christmas, Off With Your Heads" while I am at it. Anyhow, I just need some time away from the PC for a little bit.

Love you all. Truly. Saying I will be back soon is both a fond threat and promise. And I keep my promises. 


  1. Tar & Feathers here Noor. I have some insight to how you feel. Actually - that doesn't do it justice - the world is hurtling towards multiple conflagrations & it all seems to be getting secretly cheered on. Took a long time just to wake my wife up to some of the stuff going on in the world. The Covid Hoax & all it's associated machinations HAS awakened a lot of people to the complicity & lying of the media, the medical profession, the total untrustworthiness of Govts & institutions & their intertwining in order to keep us all in the dark, divided & ignorant. The biggest disappointments I've encountered in the last 6 - 7 weeks, is mainly on Twitter. The Conservative/Right Leaning/Right Thinking/WIDE Awake On Covid types who I've conversed with since rejoining TwiXter are nearly to a man & women, TOTALLY pro IsraHELL, anti KHamass, think the Palestinians are evil & have no problem with thousands being bombed back to the to the Stone Age & killed. Bibi's "They're all just animals" has not been pushed back against to any degree - in fact it seems to have been embraced. I've gone through a lifetime of political change. From a believe nearly everything I read & saw to wannabe hippy in 71 to motorcycles (let u fill in the blanks) I've been a lefty to a what now would be considered 'Far Right' though I'm just a bloke whose got conservative as he's got old like most of us (except Commies !!) But from about the late 80's, early 90's I became aware of the REAL Israel reality & considered myself very Pro Palestinian since. Ditto the Jevvish question 'awareness' We've had some BIG protests in NZ but this time it's been embarrassing I've lost quite a few followers & dropped some too trying to wise some up. It does seem like a losing battle but that's not true. I AM sorry you've lost viewers . . . . OR HAVE YOU really ?? Gargoyle is not beyond number & stats fuckery. They all do it - maybe they'll think you'll give up if they subtly screw with your head enough ????

    Take a few 'mental health' weeks off girl. Probably too cold to get into the garden - not a problem we've got - no doubt ya'll get some swimming in or time with the grandkids.

    See ya soon Noor, (with luck)
    Chris in Ch-Ch.

    PS Excuse the rather disjointed rave ;-)

  2. Hola Noor,
    Gracias siempre!
    Please take ALL the time you need to organize your thoughts and soul.
    We (your critical thinking readers) also need that time, for the same reasons as yours. You are definitely not alone. We're with you. We feel the same pains and sorrows, for the same absurdities and injustices that you so clearly see and feel. One of the many reasons why we regularly flock back to reading you Tuesdays and Saturdays... you reflect fully what we see and feel, and you compile and present your thoughts and angst in such brilliant fashion that it seems we are reading about our own thoughts and emotions. Please, never stop. Never let the bastards wear you down.
    You represent the voice of the truly moral majority, of justice and truth. If you stop, the world will be much less. So, please, don't stop. Gracias!

  3. As someone who became aware of most of this since 1976, and as a (non-denominational) Christian, it's a hard balance at times as to when not read about things. I like to be aware, but so much of "news" is meant to paralyze with fear and so need to turn it off from time to time.

    In spite of the negativity of current events I know the final outcome, and must remember to focus on the Hope. Light dispels darkness.

  4. I am so sorry about how you are feeling, Noor. Yes, you need to take time for yourself. I am one of your biggest fans. I look forward to Saturdays and Wednesdays just to see your posts. Your posts are farther reaching than you realize. I post them on my social media and my friends repost them.

    I hope you're feeling much better soon. Take some time for yourself and we will all be patiently waiting :)

  5. I totally understand burnout Noor. Please don’t take 10 years as I did LOL

  6. OOOPS! I meant we love to read you on WEDNESDAYS and Saturdays!

  7. I wouldn't change a thing. You rock. I love you!!!

  8. Hello my friend…..really enjoy all your hard work….like a pebble in a pound, the ripples touch many people….thank you

  9. Dear Noor: I think many are feeling the same way you do and have felt that way for a while. Please take the time you need to get back 100%.... if that is at all possible!

  10. Hello Noor| Kisses and Hugs from Portugal.
    We are with you and we will wait for you to recover and we will not leave you. It's a promise too!
    Do you know how many times the statement "Do not be afraid" appears in the Bible?
    Do you understand what I mean?
    Trust in God, He will not leave his people helpless and after all, despite all the tribulation that his people will go through, we already know the end of the story. Who wins and who loses. We even know the fate of the 2 groups.

    In Portugal the situation is bad, the government has fallen by corruption, most political parties are nuts from the left, poverty is increasing, morals are degrading, even Miss Portugal has testicles!

    But we shouldn't belong to the world, nor should we be scared by what the world says (the madness of Covid proved this)

    Hugs and kisses and get up on your feets, that is an order! ;)

  11. Noor don't let Satan get you down. You Rock.

  12. Thank you for all you continue to do. I can empathize with you on this one. Because of my job, I learned about things that impact our world today; for the longest time, I tried to share that information. Eventually, I stopped talking to people because nobody to whom I spoke wanted to know.

    I'm with the others here: I appreciate your work and please, take all the time you need to be healthy in body, mind and spirit.

  13. Enjoy some well deserved time off. I will miss you. You are part of my weekly regimen.

  14. Hola Noor!
    Hope that you've recharged your batteries fully and cleared all the cobwebs that were holding you down!
    Looking forward to reading you again soon!
    Hugs from Valencia!

  15. Hola Noor!
    If you can, please post a short update on how you're doing. Just a few words to let us know. We care about you and deeply hope you're getting well.
    Gracias and hugs!


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